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Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: September 26, 2014, 03:28:47 pm »
I'm seeing the leaderboard OK, and it looks like it has refreshed recently, but the log search shows no recorded games for over 20 hours.  Related issue or something different?

i also see it, and it says it refreshed recently, but it has not. it doesn't change your rating.

Ahh...I haven't played a pro game today so didn't notice that the leaderboard wasn't updating.  Odd that it shows a more recently recorded game than the log screen though.

I finally caved and spent $4 for Prince, so have been playing unrated Prince games the last day to get a feel for it.  Very interesting...a different thread though ; )

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:54:16 pm »
I'm seeing the leaderboard OK, and it looks like it has refreshed recently, but the log search shows no recorded games for over 20 hours.  Related issue or something different?

Thanks for publishing Qvist!!  Good to see this list finally emerge.

Interesting to see the difference in opinions on Harem, Nobles, and Hunting Ground.

I didn't rate Altar quite that high, so I'll have to consider whether it is another lesson to be learned.  I like the card, but often find it to be very slow.  Sure it's nice to trash and get something of value, but by the time I can afford $6, there are often competing cards, and frequently there are cheaper trashers in the kingdom which will start trashing much sooner.

I'm inclined to think Harem is a little underrated.  Maybe it doesn't do anything for big engines, but it sure has helped my economy a few times while banking a couple extra VP's that are sometimes the deciding factor.  I had it above Forge...will have to think about it.  Forge can be very cool, but it is just so expensive, and hard to line up exactly the cards you want to trash in the same hand.

It looks like I also value Nobles more than some.  They definitely are a little slow because of the cost, but I just remember too many games which lacked villages, and Nobles enabled an engine that would not have existed otherwise.  And if the game is not too fast, 4 or 5 Nobles can often be critical engine components in their own right.  To me they are in about the right place.

I'll have to think about Hunting Grounds (seems a little low)...but then even though I like the +4 cards, I don't frequently buy the card, so perhaps the cost itself is a detrimental factor in the rating.  I'd rather have a cheaper Smithy on the board.

P.S.  I had put Goons at #1 because it has just been so dominating in many of my games, while KC occasionally stutters without sufficient density of action cards.  But having watched a few videos (particularly SheCantSayNo's teaching Jerni - thank you!!) I have changed my mind.  The ability to create Village like +actions out of cantrips to make an engine run is something I had not fully appreciated.  Always good to learn ; )

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards Lists 2014 Edition
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:04:50 pm »
Sorry, I try to post the $6, Potion and Prizes lists soon.
As silverspawn noted, I did forget to mention the Knights list as well.

oops...I see that the 2014 Knights list has already been published in the Forum.  But what I see now is that the 2014 Knights list did not make it onto the website, as it still shows the 2013 ratings.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards Lists 2014 Edition
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:57:29 pm »
Sorry, I try to post the $6, Potion and Prizes lists soon.

That's great Qvist - looking forward to them!  As silverspawn noted, I did forget to mention the Knights list as well.

I cannot say enough how much the ratings and comments by the experienced players have helped me to understand the game better.  As a relatively newer player, it really highlighted for me cards which I was underutilizing and underrating - especially the strategies for some of the Dark Ages cards which were not immediately obvious to me when I first saw them.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards Lists 2014 Edition
« on: September 09, 2014, 05:38:28 pm »
Maybe time to post the remaining 2014 Rating Lists??
- $6 Cards
- Potion Cards
- Prizes

I don't expect many (if any) changes in these groups, but am still interested in seeing if anything did change in player's perceptions.

Maybe next year it might be possible to think about an overall rating list for all cards regardless of price?  It would be really nice to see people's thoughts on the relative value of cards regardless of cost.  Particularly useful thinking for Potion cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: So... Prince on BGG, when?
« on: July 24, 2014, 04:20:02 pm »
Just received my stack of Prince cards from BGG (along with Walled Village).  Both cards actually look a little better in person than they do online.  Which is odd since many of the earlier cards (especially from the Base set look much better online than in person because the real cards were printed too dark).

Note that Prince is the first Promo card I have received from BGG which did NOT include a printout of the Official FAQ for the card (Walled Village Official FAQ was included).  Perhaps because the FAQ's for Prince were pretty long?...or maybe they just forgot to include mine?  I just noted that none of the BGG FAQ's seem to include Other Rules Clarifications.

Looking forward to playing Prince IRL.  I'm guessing that keeping track of a Prince'd card may occasionally be a little tricky since you have to make very sure it would actually be discarded so that it could be set aside again for the next turn.  We often play 4 person games with friends, and I'm expecting a little initial confusion on the rules for Prince.  And of course...just how bold people feel to spend 8 on Prince and bypass a Province.

For IOS, Dominion Deck Builder is terrible for all the reasons you mentioned at the start...and more.  I hate the way it displays FAQ's in white on black screen for one more annoyance.  I thought I would try it again, but I'm deleting it from my iPhone for the 2nd time.

I have used Dominion Vault for some time and was happy with it even though it did not specify Black Market cards, or when to include Colonies and Shelters.  But now I see the full version has been removed from the App Store, and only the Lite version is left, so I would skip it.

I downloaded Randominion to try it, and it actually is pretty good now.  I accommodates bane cards.  It DOES fully accommodate Black Market and allows you to specify how many Black Market cards to include, and then produces a list of random cards from the sets you are using.  The display at the end of the randomized list is not immediately intuitive, but it allows you to change the number of players; displays the exact number of Victory and Treasure cards and their cost (implying when Colonies and Platinums are included); and it also shows you when you would have Shelters in the game.  You still need to know when to include other cards like Prizes, Ruins, Madman, Mercenary, etc...  Randominion does have one huge glaring flaw though - it does NOT include the FAQ's for each card.  Having the FAQ's on your phone can be a good quick reference if you are away from home and don't have every rule book with you.  But even with that big hole, overall it would now be my choice for an IOS randomizer, and I will keep Dominion Vault around for the FAQ's if I need them.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: So... Prince on BGG, when?
« on: July 18, 2014, 05:56:52 pm »
It's here!

Thanks Adam H.!!  I've ordered it, and also took the opportunity to order Walled Village which was not available when I ordered the other Promo cards.

...This is my exact story.  When did you get the other Promos?

I bought Governor, Black Market, Stash, and Envoy from BoardGameGeek back in May 2013.  Governor then was $5, but the other 3 were only $2.50, and Walled Village was not available then.  I looked for Walled Village for at least a couple months, but it was never there, so I gave up and forgot about it.  A few months after that BGG lost all records of my account and my orders, so I had to re-register with them in a new account.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: So... Prince on BGG, when?
« on: July 17, 2014, 07:18:29 pm »
It's here!

Thanks Adam H.!!  I've ordered it, and also took the opportunity to order Walled Village which was not available when I ordered the other Promo cards.

Now I just need to find a few more people willing to play the more advanced cards IRL and give me a reason to purchase the physical sets I don't own like Hinterlands and Dark Ages.  I'm having a harder time rounding folks up to play Dominion IRL if they don't play on Goko Dominion online because they haven't had enough experience with the large variety of cards and complexity.  Still looking forward to it...if only to see glazed-over eyes when we play Prince the first time.

Either SCSN or Holger could start a thread (if it hasn't already been done) discussing what is going into their simulator, the kind of choices they make, how it chooses a strategy, etc.

I agree.  A separate thread for the topic of simulators would be a good idea.  We are starting to lose the core of this thread and discussing the actual cards themselves - which to me was a huge part of the value of publishing the Dominion Cards Lists.

I posted the following P.S. at Makingfun site:

P.S.  Regarding #5 - in the meantime, going to the Dominion Strategy Forum (, I see that at least LuciferousPeridot is a true user, and also that they have been having issues with the Isotropish Leaderboard counts, so it may be just an issue with the Isotropish Leaderboard at this time.  I would probably hold on investigating #5 until the folks who maintain the Isotropish Leaderboard have had a chance to look at their system.

So I see now that LuciferousPeridot is a user in this forum.  I have just never noticed that ID having over 50,000 games before and being up there with the number of games from the bots.  Is this all still just issues with the programming for the Isotropish list?

I've been having a number of problems with online games the last few days.  I just posted the following in a Tech Support thread at the Making Fun site where I described the issues.  Note my last concern #5 as it relates directly to the Isotropish Leaderboard.  It just seems out of line that 3 new user id's would pop up at the top of the list of number of games in the last few days, and that all 3 of them would have over 50,000 games, and that Banker Bot would have shot up so much in games.  If the numbers are correct, then either a) Goko/Makingfun is using these ID's to test the system; b) Someone is gaming the Goko/Makingfun system with automated bot programs and that could be why the servers have been slow; or c) Someone is gaming the Isotropish leaderboard.  If there is another possible answer, I can't think of it at the moment...  I don't usually expand the full Iso list, but I have in the past, and these names did not roll to the top of # of games list, so I do not think it is just because they have not played for a while.  2 of the new id's show in the partial list, but elhobb only shows in the full list.  It is also odd that the numbers for the Goko Bots have changed with Banker Bot shooting up so significantly, and if my memory is correct, Conqueror Bot dropping down in # of games, as Conqueror Bot always had notably the most games.

********  Copy of my post on Makingfun site

Lots of problems with games last couple days
The last couple days I have had lot of problems with games:

1) Very slow response time, with frequent long lags.

2) Games not starting sometimes after hitting the play button. They just never start and I have to hit the Create button to start a new game.

3) One time where the game started but the whole screen was displayed with dark gray overlay so that I had to hit refresh to go back to home screen.

4) One game where it hung up during the game and never came back. I checked the game log, and it was logged as a Quit against a Bot, but it was not counted as a loss on my loss record. While it doesn't seem quite fair to get a loss when the system hangs up, I think it is important for any game logged as a quit to count as a loss. Otherwise the door is still open for people to game the system and simply quit anytime they are behind to preserve their record without a loss. Especially if this can be done against bots without a quit counting as a loss it will cause the potential for players to be fixing even the pro ratings by just playing bots and quitting any time they are behind to achieve a perfect record.

5) Finally, I noticed in the Isotropish rankings taken from Goko games ( that if you sort them by number of games played there has been some radical changes at the top. I could usually sort by # of games to quickly see all the Bots at the top and see what their respective ISO ratings were. Now I see that Banker Bot has gone up by at least 20,000 or 30,000 games in the last week or so. I also see 3 new user names which have never been at the top (frankdom, LuciferousPeridot, and elhobb) - all 3 of these users suddenly show as having over 50,000 games. Now I understand this is a 3rd party site not maintained by Goko/Makingfun, but if the numbers are true, it might indicate that the servers are slow because they are being swamped by some sort of automated programmed bots (who perhaps have been playing Banker Bot?). Perhaps these are Makingfun tests?? Something you probably want to look at.

Dominion Articles / Re: Combo: Hermit/Madman + Market Square
« on: April 18, 2014, 04:53:25 am »
I've been meaning to post a response to thank you for documenting this combo.

I read it a couple months ago when I frankly was getting a little bored with Dominion both online and IRL.  This combo interested me so I tried it out a couple times.  Even though I slipped up first time I tried it against a bot, it still performed amazingly, and only took a couple extra turns to finish the game.  Mostly though, this combo just had me grinning from ear to ear.  It is such an elegant and powerful combination.  I don't think I have played a combo which is so much fun.  It restored my interest in the game, and gave me hope there were other combos and strategies I was still unaware of which could bring back the fun factor.


Reflections and lessons learned on $4 cards.

(see my comments on the $1-$2 cards for my process of analyzing my rankings versus the new 2014 consensus rankings)

The $4 cards for me were a real eye-opener in how different my rankings were than the new 2014 rankings.  I had more deviation in the $4 cards than I did in the $1-$2 or $3, or even the $5 cards as of today.  I’m still trying to digest this, but I’m thinking it may indicate I have a bit to learn on priorities of buys for early to mid game cards.  In some cases though I think I just had a hard time ranking the $4 cards appropriately.

My top 3 most overrated cards were:
Taxman - I had it in the middle of the pack.  On further consideration it belongs lower, but I think it is better than #45.
Death Cart - Yeah…I probably overrated it, and those ruins are bad, but sometimes the quick $5 spend is just so helpful…
Walled Village - Again I probably overrated it a few spots, but I still see all of the villages as enablers which are critical to making the engines work since a terminal draw without a village is an engine stopper.

My top 3 most underrated cards were:
Monument - A real surprise to me as I like the card, and use it a lot as an opener on a 4/3 draw.  I just felt there were some other stronger cards in mid to late game.  I would probably change my ranking on this if I were to do it again.
Ironworks - Another card I buy a lot…just a matter of how I ranked them.
Quarry - I have played a lot of Prosperity since it is one of the 4 sets I own IRL.  I certainly have used it a lot, but just didn’t consider it quite as much of a game changer as some of the other cards, but perhaps I need to reconsider.

After review, I decided my most underutilized $4 cards were:
Wandering Minstrel - Wow have I changed my mind on that!!  So much so that I just adopted it for my profile picture (more appropriate to my ID I think ; )  I simply had not explored its potential enough after a couple games where it bypassed golds or platinums.  Now I think of it as one of the real powerhouse engine cards.  I would definitely rank it a lot higher now.
Scavenger - I’ve certainly used it, but probably not as often as I should have.
Procession - I still need to explore this card more.  Just so hard to find a situation where I want to trash/upgrade an action card…or more likely I just need to get better at spotting the opportunities.

Where I still differ:
Sea Hag - A powerful card, but I just don’t see it at #1.  I had it at #4 personally.  Without an ability to trash or remodel it later, it too often becomes a dead card.
Young Witch - Likewise, a good card, but too often foiled by bane cards, and having to discard 2 cards is a pretty big penalty unless you are looking to do some sifting.  Was not in my top 10.
Tournament - I love this card.  Cornucopia is one of the IRL sets I own, and I have played a lot of it in 2, 3, and 4 person games.  The prizes are just so much fun, and so powerful that they are often game changers.  But…if you don’t quickly get to the first couple prizes, and your opponents get a few Provinces, they are often dead action cards.  I may be biased from 4 player games where that happens a lot more often, but I don’t see Tournament at #2.
Jack of All Trades - This was my #1.  I can see it might not deserve #1 since it can fade in later game, but it is just such a strong all-around opener and after-the-fact counter to attacks.  Just a lot of fun to play, so it got my fun vote!
Caravan and Militia - probably deserve to be a few spots higher in my humble opinion.  Oh…and Trader as well for both the silver generation when that is valuable, and for the reaction to turn curses into silvers.

Reflections and lessons learned on $3 cards.

(see my comments on the $1-$2 cards for my process of analyzing my rankings versus the new 2014 consensus rankings)

I did not have as many exact ranking matches as with the $1-$2 cards…I only had 4 exact matches out of the 34 cards.

My most overrated cards were near the bottom.  I ranked both Great Hall and Woodcutter 5 and 6 spots higher respectively.  I don’t think either of them are great cards, but there are other cards I have just never been fond of which I ranked a little lower.  Some of those I have changed my mind on after reading the comments, so both of these would be a little lower if I rated them now.

My most underrated card was Lookout followed by Masterpiece.  I have never been much of a Lookout fan due to using it in situations where I was forced to trash a good card (probably my own mistake for playing too late in the game).  I will remember to consider it if no other trashers are available (and obviously for Sea Hag games).  Masterpiece I have completely rethought thanks to the comments, and I would definitely rank it quite a bit higher now.

Other than Lookout and Masterpiece, my biggest lesson learned had to be Hermit/Madman.  I had just not played that card/combo enough, but after playing the Hermit/Market Square combo a couple times, my eyes are now open to its possibilities!

Where I still differ…not too much in the $3 cards.  I’m still not sure about Masquerade in the #1 spot (I had Ambassador there), but am using it a lot more now.  I probably still think Watchtower, Scheme and Tunnel should be a bit higher.  But again…you all have me thinking…

Reflections and lessons learned from new 2014 rankings…$1-$2 cards

I have been busy, but watching the rollout of the card rankings and comments when I have time.  Had a little more time the last couple days to think about what it all means to me so thought I would post some of my reflections and lessons learned from the new rankings.  I’ll start with the $2 cards, and work my way through the lists until I catch up with the $5 card ratings that are currently being rolled out.  As I am a relatively newer player, I was really looking for opportunities to learn and improve my own play.

It took me a little time to figure out how to consider all the rankings and comments.  I finally decided to approach it like this:

1)  First I made a spreadsheet and my rankings of the cards in order.

2)  Next I entered the new consensus ranking next to it which allowed me to see how different my individual rankings were.

3)  At this point I paused to consider what I was looking for.  What I really wanted to see were cards for which my own ranking differed significantly from the consensus ranking.  I rather arbitrarily decided to highlight cards for which my ranking deviated by more than 10% of the total number of cards for the cost.  Seemed like a good starting point.  So for the $2 cards where there was a total of 22 cards, I just wanted to focus on cards where my rank was 3 or more different.  I might still not agree with the consensus, but at least it would give me a few cards to focus on.

4)  So using that, I highlighted cards which I either significantly overrated or significantly underrated.  I also assume that I will probably have more to learn by focusing on cards which I underrate, although I might be buying too many of cards I overrate, so worth noting those as well.

5)  Finally, I looked over the shorter list of overrated and underrated cards, and tried to identify and cards which I felt I was was underutilizing.  To me it seems like my biggest opportunity will probably be to find cards which I both underrate and underutilize.

So here is my short lessons learned on the $2 cards:

Overall I was pretty close on most of the cards.  Fully a third of my rankings exactly matched the consensus.

My most overrated $2 card was Beggar.  Not that I rated it highly (only 4 higher), but there have just been a few times when the ability to function as a late gold or the reaction to gain silvers in response to an attack was helpful.  Not a big lesson learned.

Squire, Embargo, and Poor House all tied for my most underrated cards.  I do use Squire frequently, but not so much with Embargo and Poor House, so perhaps something to be learned about using them more often.

My biggest lesson learned was definitely Fools Gold.  I underrated it by several spots, and I think it is my most underutilized card of the top cards.  I did not expect it to be #2, as I still had Hamlet in that spot.  I will definitely keep my eyes open to the payload potential of Fools Gold.

Where I still differ:  I still think Hamlet is useful in a lot more situations than Courtyard or Fools Gold…but…at least you all have me keeping my mind open. ; )

Thanks again to Qvist for coordinating this, and to all the great input in the comments from the more experienced players.

Just noticed that the Isotropish Leaderboard has not recorded any new games now for over 4 hours, so it probably needs some attention.

Just curious - when this happens, will the games that finished during this period will eventually be posted to the leaderboard, or is some of the data lost?

Also - Is there somewhere else where I should report issues like this rather than on this forum topic?  I don't have a GitHub ID, but I could certainly get one if that is the better place to report issues with the non-Goko software.


I noticed that as of today, the Isotropish Leaderboard only displays the top 100 ranked players.  It only displays the top 100 now regardless of whether you select partial or full displays.  As a newer player, I have enjoyed being able to reference the Isotropish Leaderboard to review my stats as I try to work my way up the leaderboard, but I'm still down around the 400 rank or so, and now I can no longer see my stats or those of my other family and friends who are also not in the top 100.  Anybody know if this is a known issue, or if there is someplace else I should report it.  I don't really do any coding myself, so do not have a sign-on on Github.  Thanks.

Whoops.  Sorry about that.  It's back to normal now.

Thanks for letting me know. response!  Thanks much!!...I rarely got that fast of service even when I was an IT manager. ; )

I noticed that as of today, the Isotropish Leaderboard only displays the top 100 ranked players.  It only displays the top 100 now regardless of whether you select partial or full displays.  As a newer player, I have enjoyed being able to reference the Isotropish Leaderboard to review my stats as I try to work my way up the leaderboard, but I'm still down around the 400 rank or so, and now I can no longer see my stats or those of my other family and friends who are also not in the top 100.  Anybody know if this is a known issue, or if there is someplace else I should report it.  I don't really do any coding myself, so do not have a sign-on on Github.  Thanks.

Really interesting dialog on these $3 cards!  Can't wait to see how it goes with the next couple lists.  This time I only had a single card with the exact same ranking (Wishing Well at #24).  All my others were different, and I had 2 cards in the bottom 11 which didn't show up on this list...

I do think Woodcutter deserves a little better than #33.  As someone said - it is a buy.  To me, the hardest thing to find is an extra buy, and there are so many games without it.  Woodcutter certainly is not strong, and of course I would rather have a Forager or better card, but if there are no other buys in the game Woodcutter at $3 often helps.  Especially if you have to catch up near the end of the game and need extra buys in an engine.

I agree with most of the comments on Sage, but I do think it can sometimes be very strong early in the game...especially to find key attack cards like any of the witches or cursers.  To me, early in the game, Sage can zero in on those essential cards like a Hunting Party.  Obviously not great as the game progresses and greening starts, but fast deck cycling early in the game, and ability to increase the frequency of playing cursers seems to me to warrant a little more respect.  I had it at #22...

And all your comments will have me taking a 2nd look at Develop and Masterpiece...neither of which I often buy.  I also had Lookout in this bottom group.  I'm probably underrating it, but I can't seem to get beyond the memory of having too many times when 3 good cards are on the top of my deck and I had to decide whether to trash (for example) a Gold, a Province, or a Grand Market ; )

Keep up the good me the dialog is the important learning part of this process, and often more important than the actual new rankings themselves.

Certainly Fools Gold can sometimes be very powerful, but as Qvist says, you really need to play a pretty dedicated FG game and forego buying other valuable cards.

I don't think he's saying this, and it certainly isn't true. You can definitely build an engine and then pick up a few FG to be a payload. Indeed, in terms of straight cash production, it's probably the BEST payload, though of course there are many other cards that do more than cash production.

OK - thanks WW.  I may have interpreted more into what he said than he meant.  In my experience if I didn't buy at least 3 or 4 FG's, early on they rarely ended up in the same play together...but I hear what you say that it also works well later in the game after building an engine.  One more card I may have underutilized... ; )

Great to see the rest of the $2 card rankings published!!  Thanks Qvist!  I had Chapel, Hamlet, and Pawn in the same spots, but my other ranks were a little inverted...overall pretty pleased with the rankings.

My biggest surprise was seeing Hamlet slip to 4th.  I still had it at #2.  Certainly Fools Gold can sometimes be very powerful, but as Qvist says, you really need to play a pretty dedicated FG game and forego buying other valuable cards.  There seems to me too many games where this does not work well, whereas I almost always find Hamlet useful for either the +2 actions, the extra buy, or even just the discard ability (Tunnel etc.).  Hamlet just seems to me to be a far more versatile card than Fools Gold.  Same applies to Stonemason - I rated it a couple places higher at #6, but my perception of its weakness in mid-game makes me pause on rating it in the top 3-5 cards...  But Stonemason is still relatively new to me, and it took me a few games before I fully realized the power it has, so perhaps with more play...

Glad to see Candlestick Maker rated fairly high!  One of my very favorite $2 cards, but I feared I was being overly influenced by how much I enjoy playing it when I ranked it #8...turns out lot of others like it as much or more...

But what I love most about this whole exercise is that the lists and the comments from the more experienced players really make me think and reconsider how I use the cards!  When a card gets a higher rank than I expect, I will be more likely to buy more of them and try it out in future games.

Great comments everyone!

Reserved new ratings revealed today  :(

You really know how to build suspense Qvist! that why its says "Torturer" next to your user name?...Chinese water torture the specialty?  drip....drip....drip....

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