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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Idea based on Storyteller
« on: April 10, 2016, 04:45:21 am »
See also this thread.

I agree that the Diadem effect is too niche, but there are definitely more things to try out here.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: German translation
« on: March 19, 2016, 05:25:42 am »
Yes, that was me, but Donald kind of convinced me here:
The whole idea that "a baker can be male or female, we just depicted one that happened to be female" is not how people actually respond to the cards. When Baker is female, players feel like all 10 Bakers are female. The fact that a baker can be male doesn't matter; these ones are all female.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Marco Polo, a game-ending Traveller
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:57:49 am »
Back to the actual topic, if you still don't get, despite countless repetitions, that the last step of the traveller line is Tournament on steroids (you need to have 2 Provinces or a Province and a Duchy or a Duchy and 3 Estates in your hand) I cannot help you.
The conditions is harder than that of Tournament so even with mirror play and greening that happens at roughly the same time at the end card draw decides whether you will have the VP cards with a cumulated cost of 10 or not. And the reward, 10 VPs plus end game trigger, is extremely good.

Agreed, the condition is harder than Tournament's. But I think this means it is less luck dependent. You will need multiple VP cards in your deck if you want to trigger it, you can't just draw it luckily with a Province.
Also: If you fail with Tournament, you get nothing. If you fail On the Silk Road, you get a super boost.

Reading the thread title, i thought the last card would be a Reserve saying: "At the start of your turn, you may call this, to end the game." Which i think sounds at least interesting.
That is I good idea that I haven't thought of. Probably we could just change the Khan to this.
Maybe this with a condition could be a way to shorten the Traveller chain, like Accatitippi wished. I will think about it.

On testing: Sorry, I don't play that much. Although I'm quite excited about this one. Maybe I will make card mockups next week or so, but that is always taking so much time...  :(

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Marco Polo, a game-ending Traveller
« on: March 10, 2016, 11:12:44 am »
Again, here is what I think of the randomness factor of On the Silk Road.

On the Silk Road (Action-Traveller) Cost:
+1 Action. Discard any number of Victory cards and add up their total cost in . If they cost...
to : +1 Card, +.
to : +3 Cards.
More than : Exchange this for Visit the Khan.

Here is the biggest random factor. Not only is the randomizer effect bigger than with typical Tournement (which I find absolutely dreadful, even if I win the race), this is just the Province race to the luxe.
This. Basically Tournament on steroids.
I don't think so. In a card game, when you have to bring together multiple cards from a bigger group, it should be less luck dependent than matching up 2 single cards. (Same as with rolling dice - the more dice you use, the more likely you are to hit the expectation value). Sure there are still freak values, but they are rare.
It is very very unlikely to draw On the Silk Road with a lucky early Province + 2 Estates if you didn't prepare for it somehow.

Please use your knowledge of statistics constructively and correct me if those thoughts are wrong. ;)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Marco Polo, a game-ending Traveller
« on: March 08, 2016, 12:18:27 pm »
Okay, I think this is a seperate card idea. It sounds interesting, especially because you can end the game without any Victory cards. Also the "pyramid" structure and the question when to call your cards is interesting. You could add some flavour and then open a new topic for it.  :)
For Marco Polo, I wanted to keep the cards as elegant (simple and thematic) as possible while having the upgrading tricky but not too hard.

Marco Polo (Action-Traveller) Cost:
You may put this on top of your deck. If you do, +.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for Board a Ship.
Two of these with the +card and +action tokens on the pike give you infinite money. Add the +buy token and you can just pick up the entire Supply.
Theoretical considerations of virtually impossible edge cases are fun but practical relevance is the only thing the matters for actual games:

Ignoring Teacher this is conditional on both Events being in the supply. If you play with only 2 Events, as it is recommended, it is not possible to actually get the +buy token. But even if you play with 2 Events the chance to get precisely these 3 Events is 3/20 * 2/19 * 1/18 = 1/1140.

So you either need to play Teacher 3 times or you need to have the 5, 6 and 8 to trigger 3 Events. If you have achieved any of these you can more or less gain a shitload of Provinces or Colonies with any deck.
Interesting point. If you play only non-random sets, this could be an issue. Although tristan is right that it is quite hard to pull off with currently available cards.
Maybe Marco Polo could be a Treasure? But then you wouldn't have a guaranteed terminal for Board a Ship.
Or we could dump it and start with Board a Ship directly, maybe adding another step on the way.

On the Silk Road (Action-Traveller) Cost:
+1 Action. Discard any number of Victory cards and add up their total cost in . If they cost...
to : +1 Card, +.
to : +3 Cards.
More than : Exchange this for Visit the Khan.

Here is the biggest random factor. Not only is the randomizer effect bigger than with typical Tournement (which I find absolutely dreadful, even if I win the race), this is just the Province race to the luxe.
This. Basically Tournament on steroids.
I don't think so. In a card game, when you have to bring together multiple cards from a bigger group, it should be less luck dependent than matching up 2 single cards. (Same as with rolling dice - the more dice you use, the more likely you are to hit the expectation value). Sure there are still freak values, but they are rare.
It is very very unlikely to draw On the Silk Road with a lucky early Province + 2 Estates if you didn't prepare for it somehow.

But by buying into this chain, you'll be slower to Provinces unless you've had a good plan all along.  Also, if you actually think about the effects, they aren't that amazing.

0-2 = Peddler.  You don't have to discard for this so it's always available.

3-10 = Double Lab.  That sounds amazing until you remember that you had to discard cards for it.  You draw 3 cards, but you're also discarding at least 2 cards!  This makes it barely better than Cellar.  Possibly worse, actually, since you can't discard Copper to it.
Hum, I intended it to be strong if you don't exchange it. You could also discard just one more expensive card to get the double Lab. Should it be stronger?
Maybe: less than 10 = draw twice the number of cards you discarded?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Marco Polo, a game-ending Traveller
« on: March 07, 2016, 02:46:15 pm »
Maybe the Khan should only give 5 ? Or just no VP at all?
This would make it much trickier for the leading player.
Note that if you don't manage to exchange On the Silk Road, you will get a pretty good boost for your current turn.
Khan costs 10 so 5VPs could very well be too few. You cannot balance this card. Either it provides too few or too much VPs. The game ending trigger is its crux.
Sorry, I don't see your point. Please explain why the game ending trigger makes it unbalancable. I think it is a nice effect to try out.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Marco Polo, a game-ending Traveller
« on: March 07, 2016, 02:28:23 pm »
Maybe the Khan should only give 5 ? Or just no VP at all?
This would make it much trickier for the leading player.
Note that if you don't manage to exchange On the Silk Road, you will get a pretty good boost for your current turn.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Marco Polo, a game-ending Traveller
« on: March 07, 2016, 01:04:00 pm »
I'm not sure if the Duration works as intended (and I'm not 100% sure what is intended). "Pay an Action" is ambiguous in meaning.

"Board a Ship" is intended to work like a Princed Ruined Village (which is Princed until once you use up all Actions in your turn).

Fist I wanted to have some parenthetical text for "Pay an Action" but anything sounded blurry somehow. Maybe "Pay an Action (like -1 Action)" or "Pay an Action (like when playing an Action card)"?

Visiting Bagdad is easy to change when there is any kind of village (or throne roomed cantrip). But if that's not possible; it's a dud.
You could always board a second ship!

But no, I don't like things with a high amount of randomness, and this feels as something that belongs into that category.
I did not test it. Just an idea. If it turns out to be too random, we could always lower the points for visiting the Khan.

Variants and Fan Cards / Marco Polo, a game-ending Traveller
« on: March 07, 2016, 12:26:26 pm »
Hi there!
I haven't been that much active here the last months, but I've appreciated some of the ideas here.
So now I'd like to share another traveller concept. This traveller shall feel like making a race. Once the player has got the final upgrade, the game ends. (Inspired by the "Alternate win conditions" thread, although I prefer an alternative game end condition.)

Marco Polo (Action-Traveller) Cost:
You may put this on top of your deck. If you do, +.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for Board a Ship.

Board a Ship (Action-Duration-Traveller) Cost:
+1 Action
If you end your Action phase with at least 1 unused Action, play this again at the start of your next turn.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for Visiting Bagdad.

Visiting Bagdad (Action-Traveller) Cost:
Gain a Gold. Pay an Action. If you don't, put this into your hand.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for On the Silk Road.

On the Silk Road (Action-Traveller) Cost:
+1 Action. Discard any number of Victory cards and add up their total cost in . If they cost...
to : +1 Card, +.
to : +3 Cards.
More than : Exchange this for Visit the Khan.

Visit the Khan (Action-Victory) Cost:
The game ends after this turn.

Worth 10 if you played this.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: German translation
« on: February 06, 2016, 10:47:38 am »
Sorry that I dont check the forums too often.

i personally never heard of a german rulebook (for a game not exclusively aimed at girls) that did this.

The Swiss game "Anno Domini" has female gender pronouns in its rulebook. But that's the only example I know, and maybe this kind of thing is handled differently in Switzerland.
Also Andrea Meyer's "Bewitched Spiele" have female gendered rules (e.g. "Frigiti"). Although it is just her self-publishing company, she has a pretty good reputation in the German boardgaming world.

What's wrong with "Spieler(in)"?  And then use "er/sie" throughout the text.
Rulebooks are not fun to read for people anyway. This would make it even harder to read.

I totally think this is a serious question! Thanks Jabo for opening this discussion. In the poll in the German forum I implied to ask the question neutrally, just recapping the most important arguments for both sides (pictured gender = name's gender // irrelevance of gender for a job). Both arguments are viable from my point of view. When we had to make a decision, I rather tended to the generic masculine solution. I think having a male name and then a female picture would be better because it would underline that gender is not important for these cards.

But after Donald's comment, I rather tend to the female names solution for the new cards:

The whole idea that "a baker can be male or female, we just depicted one that happened to be female" is not how people actually respond to the cards. When Baker is female, players feel like all 10 Bakers are female. The fact that a baker can be male doesn't matter; these ones are all female.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Empires Announced!
« on: February 01, 2016, 08:39:02 am »
For the German translation. Please make sure they use the female grammatical form when there are "female" people in the art.
So far they've only done it with witches and very few other cards like duchess. But they used "Bäcker" instead of "Bäckerin" for baker, "Wildhüter" instead of "Wildhüterin"  for ranger, "Geschichtenerzähler" instead of "Geschichtenerzählerin" for storyteller etc.
I really appreciate that Donald made sure there are more women in the art. But the (wrong) translation spoils it.
For me personally, this is just beyond the scope. Feel free to contact the German publisher and complain yourself... or the Hungarian publisher or Polish publisher or whoever.
Well, I'll try contacting Altenburger about the proper genders in card titles, since I think it's safe to assume there are female characters again in the new expansion. I don't know how much that will accomplish since they will still need to get a little bit more information than only getting the transcripts of the card names and effects and I don't know how the relationships between publishers and their internal structures work to allow that. I hope that they handle the translations themselves and don't outsource it to another company at least.

That is controversial. I was part of the fan team that helped proofreading the German translations for the Adventures cards (with others from the forum). We had lots of discussion about exactly that question.
My personal point of view is, if there were female card names, it would sound like all bakers, rangers and storytellers were female in that time. This is a way of artificial gendering that I don't like. I see the image only as an example. The art is there to stimulate the players' fantasy and immersion, not as an exact "this is what you get". Making the gender of the art different to the gender in the title is the most elegant solution in my opinion, even if people get confused about it. I think it might cause more confusion if there were female card names.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: 2015/2016 Card Design Contest?
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:37:59 am »
Also, I liked the idea to ask for a Unique Mechanic.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Wording Challenge 3: Artifact
« on: November 01, 2015, 11:11:10 am »
How about something like Herbalist?

When you discard this from play, gain a copy of the last card you discarded from play during this Cleanup, if it is not a Painting.
Cost: $5

I don't think this is "barely better than a junk-tier card". You can compare it to Treasure Trove. It produces 1$ less, but gives you many more options, and doesn't junk you with a Copper. The weak point is that it is not as good at the start of the game because you need a couple of good cards to copy first. In mid-game, this should be pretty good. Edit: It also compares favorably to Horn of Plenty (as engine part gainer, not as alt-strategy).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Wording Challenge: Penny
« on: October 24, 2015, 07:50:16 am »
My intention is that you set aside all copies of Penny that you wish to set aside at once, along with one card from the top of your deck per Penny.
If you want to reveal all Pennys at the same time, it should be something like:


Once at the start of your turn, you may reveal any number of Pennys from your hand. Reveal the same number of cards from the top of your deck. Put the same number of cards into your hand. Discard the rest.
Cost: $2
Treasure - Reaction

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: October 05, 2015, 08:39:52 am »
Asper, could you please share your Event template? Or is it already somewhere out here? The images are pretty cool.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: October 04, 2015, 09:04:29 am »
Let's Cooperate!
Action - Prize 0*
Each other player reveals their hand. If he reveals a Tournament, he passes his cards to you. Otherwise, he gains a Tournament, discards his hand and draws a new hand of 5 cards. Take any number of extra turns.

Feedback / Re: Chrome Extension for f.ds!
« on: September 28, 2015, 03:23:43 am »
+1 for Firefox!!  :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Alternate win conditions
« on: September 21, 2015, 06:25:43 am »
Interesting thread.
The problem is that a totally new winning condition makes VPs obsolete. It's hard to design it so that they are still interesting.
E.g. I really much prefer Horn of Plenty to all the "play every card to win" suggestions. The Psychotic Witch idea might work (the second one has no point though because the curses don't harm you at all), but it doesn't sound like fun and it's really counterintuitive to win with curses.

I'd rather do an alternate game end condition, like this:

Jeweller (Action) $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 VP
If you have at least 25 VP (tokens), the game ends after this turn.

This might create a bit more tension.
But still I'll think about an instant win card.

Hireling is going to be interesting to track, even so.
Got me.

So Fragasnap's wording it is. But whith +1 Buy I guess.

I had the anti Duration wording as well but then I realized that tracking is not that huge of an issue.
The card is still in front of you at least until the start of the next turn; if people durations by tapping the card or by putting them into another row, they could do this on the Tavern mat as well. It wouldn't work with my other-than-"at the start of your next turn" Durations, but with the original ones it should work well.

The Attack problem sounds important. I guess it allows the player to go completely destructive. If he buys nothing than Accolading a Witch every turn, it feels like Saboteur - he doesn't do any good for his own deck at all, just harming the other players.
So maaybe it would be better to give it +1 Buy for $3? So you are able to buy a regular card as well?

Accolade (Event) $3
+1 Buy. Choose an Action that you have in play. Put it on your Tavern mat.
(You may play non-Reserve Action cards in your Tavern Mat as if they were in your hand.)

Variants and Fan Cards / Accolade - Event that turns Actions into Reserves
« on: September 12, 2015, 08:26:35 am »

this Event card idea is rather old (see here), but I really like it. Now I simplified it to make it more pleasing. Maybe someone can make a card image for it?

ACCOLADE (Event) $2
Choose an Action that you have in play. Put it on your Tavern mat.
(When a non-Reserve Action card is on your Tavern mat, you may pay an Action during your Action phase to play it.)

The problem is that it takes up a Buy. I tried to compare it to Expedition which gives you +2 cards the next turn; this gives you +1 card anytime you need it. Maybe it should cost more because the +1 card you placed on the mat is better than 2 random cards from the deck...? What do you think?

Dominion General Discussion / Summon: Promo Event card
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:08:31 pm »
Hi, it looks like there will be a Promo Event card for the release of Adventures in Germany.

(Exclusively for preorders on this page:

All I can see is that is called "Einladung" (Invitation) and costs $5 (and it has one coin symbol in its 2-line-text).

(Edit: Changed the thread's name as the discussion is still going on)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominions: Harmony and Discord
« on: July 08, 2015, 07:38:00 am »
I like Smudged Familiy Tree, or at least I find it very interesting.

Smudged Family Tree | Action | $7
Choose one: set aside an Action from your hand to your Family Tree mat (if adding a third, trash the first); or play this card as if it had the cards on the mat's concatenated descriptions (you may not invoke the effects of Smudged Family Tree), in order of their addition, until it leaves play.

Even if there was room, I wouldn't want to forbid Fortress by name, but restricting the concatenation to on-play effects only would make Durations half-worthless.

Durations are triggered on play, they just resolve later.

So I guess it would work like that, although on play effects wouldn't work anymore as well:

Smudged Family Tree | Action | $7
Choose one: set aside an Action from your hand to your Family Tree mat (if adding a third, trash the first); or play the cards on your Family Tree mat in order of their addition (they stay set aside).

The price of SFT might be a problem. You need multiples of these to make them really profitable. And $7 is a tough price point, although not too cheap considering the strength of the card. Maybe a potion cost? But wait, then it compares to Golem...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A mad Traveller chain
« on: May 26, 2015, 05:20:24 am »
Draft is too strong, but I think making it "exactly $1 more" might fix it. That eliminates the possibility to trash a Province and gain 2 Provinces. Trashing a $7 would still be very powerful, but it would be pretty rare.
I still prefer "no Victory cards". It shouldn't be a potential $0 thinner like Develop is.
You could convince me for "one exactly $1 more, one up to $1 more". But that is not as elegant.

Flying Machine is probably weak as a one-shot; given how long it will take you to play one. Probably too strong just without the one-shot part though, so how about something in between?

FLYING MACHINE (Action - Duration - Traveller) - $6*
At the start of your next turn, draw your deck and discard pile.
(This is not in the supply.)

So this does a couple thing to weaken it instead of making it a one-shot. The turn you play it, it's really bad. It also delays the effect even more, like Teacher does. And finally, as a Duration, you can't play it every turn. If you wanted to make it just slightly stronger than that, make it a reserve just like Teacher. Though like with Teacher, I think it will be extremely rare that you don't call it the turn after you play it every time.

I really like that! I guess it wouldn't be fun to trash Flying Machine when you draw it having quite a lot of cards in hand already. So as Duration it should be much more fun.
And being able to make a Flight every other turn sounds okay to me. (Although I liked thematically that the Flying Machine gets broken...)

Construction wants to ensure that you don't simply play BM into Flying machine with some Buys on hand. Maybe it should even be a bit harsher, like "reveal your hand, trash all Treasures from your hand" instead of only one.

I dont see this as a thing that needs to be punished. It's not a very great strategy, because it's hard to lock your opponent out of the game with that kind of megaturn. Sometimes it will be best, but is that really a problem?

But one problem I see is that Flying Machine is probably best on decks that lack trashing or drawing - and two of the cards in the chain provide trashing. So this may end up a self-counter in a way. I think you might want some other effects there, preferably some that go well with big hands, because I think Flying Machine could use a little self-combo. Maybe keep Draft because it's fun, but I would switch construction by something else.
Well, Draft provides Trashing but increases the number of your cards (2 for 1). And as I said, Construction is the anti-BM-thing. If you have other ideas for punishing BM, feel free to share. I guess it could be something like Poor House?
Invention itself is the ultimate card for Flying Machine, as it gives you additional Actions and Buys without drawing.

Yeah, well, but if I turn my Estate into two Villages, I still got a lot closer to drawing my deck. And again, BM doesn't need to be punished. If Flying Machine doesn't work for classical engines, and it doesn't work with BM, which decks should it work with?

So maybe I would change Construction to a discard for benefit like Plaza. This is obviously strong in the Megaturn (as you can keep redrawing the same card).

CONSTRUCTION (Action - Traveller) - $4*
+1 Action
You may discard a Treasure. If you do, +$3 +1 Buy. Otherwise, put this on top of your deck.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Test Flight.
(This is not in the supply.)

I'm not sure about the bonus though.

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