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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: July 07, 2019, 05:13:30 pm »
2) In games without trashing, this would play a little weaker than a Witch.

+$1 instead of +2 Cards is more than just a little weaker...
It would kind of depend on the rest of the board and your money density. If you have villages, witches can keep the chain going, but without them, you risk drawing other witches dead.

Regardless of how much weaker it is, it has to be weaker than a witch (absent trashing) or it would not be fairly priced compared to witch. Giving it a weakness absent trashing and a strength with trashing is good.

If you have any ideas of what could be a more appropriate benefit then +$1, feel free to post them.

I think +$2 would actually be fine.  It might be a little stronger than Witch, but not by much, and I think it would be worse than Mountebank.  It gives out less junk initially, even if it can actually empty the Curses.  +$ fits well with it being a payload card.

Dominion League / Re: Season 35 - Signups
« on: July 05, 2019, 06:32:03 pm »
New player.

Discord username: @mathematics#4724 math
Timezone: America/Denver

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: June 30, 2019, 12:50:32 pm »

At any time, you may take 1 debt to look at as many cards as you like without changing their positions.

(In real life, mechanically, I suspect that would be an utter nightmare that slowed the game down monstrously. It might actually work out OK online, though.)

If you made it only look through the cards in your deck it would probably work out IRL, although that's a much less powerful effect.

Other Games / Re: Baba Is You
« on: June 29, 2019, 01:25:16 pm »
I started this yesterday, and I'm having fun with it so far.  I'm stuck on at least 15 different puzzles right now, so I'm doing a mix of exploring new ground and reattempting old ones.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: June 28, 2019, 12:32:14 am »

Action - $6
Trash any number of cards from your hand. Gain a non-Victory card costing up to $5 minus $1 per card you trashed (but not less than $0).

Here's my card. Good for trashing and gaining. If you only trash one card, it's strictly worse than Altar, but Sanctuary can trash a lot more and can be used once you're out of trash fodder.

Version 2: Updated the wording and made it non-Victory gaining to prevent easy double duchies in the endgame.

Maybe it's the mathematician in me being too pedantic, but I think this new wording doesn't work.

I would simply first, i,e if I trashed 6 cards, I would read this as "Gain a non-Victory card costing up to -$1 (but not less than $0)" and think I couldn't gain a card since I can't gain anything that both costs up to -$1 and not less than $0.

Maybe use Poor House's wording: "(You can't go below $0.)"? Still doesn't work exactly, but it's better.

Like I said, probably too pedantic.

I think the wording is fine; even if you want to be pedantic, you could easily read the "not less than $0" part as a modifier on the cost, not a prohibition on gaining cards costing less than $0.  That reading puts mental parentheses around "costing up to ($5 minus $1 per card you trashed (but not less than $0))", which is both an acceptably pedantic way to read it and the normal, non-pedantic way that it was intended.

Mentioning "going below $0" would be more confusing for me, since the card doesn't give you money or take away any money, and that wording would seem to be saying something about your coin total rather than the cost of the gained card.

Ultimately all these would just be clarified in the FAQ, and most people would assume the correct play and not need to check the rulebook.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: June 27, 2019, 03:53:58 am »

Behold, a card that out-Golems Golem! Plays 3 Action cards instead of just 2... at the cost of first discarding everything. Well, at least you won't have to worry about the Djinns becoming useless if you've drawn your deck...

Djinns can play Golems and Golems can play Djinns, which creates very chaotic situations. This is also broken with draw-to-X .

I don't think it is a problem for a card to be broken with draw-to-X (see Black Market and Villa).  Also, if you hit two different draw-to-X cards one is probably wasted, and if you hit none you'd better hope you have some other draw among the three cards.

The alternating Golems and Djinns are definitely chaotic, but that's a two-card combo that will rarely come up, and other than being mandatory it isn't really more complicated than Golem into King's Court playing another Golem into another King's Court.

Rules Questions / Re: Lying Treasurer
« on: June 17, 2019, 04:29:53 pm »
I had wondered about that as well.  I noticed that on ShuffleiT there is an option to "do nothing" even if you don't already have the Key and there are Treasures both in the trash and your hand.  That seemed to be a minor mistake if each of the options is treated as mandatory once you've chosen it.

A quick test doesn't show the problem (opponent has key, Copper is in trash and I have some in hand; there is no "Do nothing" button).

Of course, it could be some special situation where it happens, but until then I'd consider misremembering the most plausible cause. A possible explanation would be that some Treasure that was once in the trash has been removed from it (Treasurer itself or some other card). Since the trash is usually not visible, it's easy to 'misremember' that there should be some Treasure in the trash.

As always, if anyone becomes aware of a problem during a game, it would be good to note down  the game id and post it here or on the Shuffle iT forums or the discord, with (at least) a minimal description what the problem is.  I and others will then most probably look at the game and find out what happened (may be a bug, or a rules misunderstanding or an interface problem).

Thank you for checking.  Yes, misremembering seems to be the most likely explanation.  I'm glad it works properly.

Rules Questions / Re: Lying Treasurer
« on: June 17, 2019, 01:43:05 pm »
I had wondered about that as well.  I noticed that on ShuffleiT there is an option to "do nothing" even if you don't already have the Key and there are Treasures both in the trash and your hand.  That seemed to be a minor mistake if each of the options is treated as mandatory once you've chosen it.

Really? That's very odd; the card wording is quite clear that "do nothing" is not an option that you have. And accountability isn't even an issue online; if you choose "trash a treasure from your hand" then the game can force you to actually do it.

I don't have the card myself, so I can't go back and check my memory, but from what I recall the interface shows all the treasures in the trash, highlights all the treasures in your hand, and has options for "Take the Key" and "Do Nothing" on the right.  If you already have the key then the "Take the Key" option is missing.  If you click on your hand it will trash that Treasure, and if you click on one in the trash it will gain it; you never explicitly choose one of the three options, so it's not clear which option you are passing up if you click Do Nothing.

Rules Questions / Re: Lying Treasurer
« on: June 17, 2019, 01:18:59 pm »
I had wondered about that as well.  I noticed that on ShuffleiT there is an option to "do nothing" even if you don't already have the Key and there are Treasures both in the trash and your hand.  That seemed to be a minor mistake if each of the options is treated as mandatory once you've chosen it.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: June 13, 2019, 02:11:43 pm »
I think another good comparison is Royal Carriage; both let you replay a card, and they both have uses even when you don't draw them with good cards to play.  This is a Royal Carriage that can't be called on your cards in the same turn, but that can be called on your opponent's cards and can hit Treasure/Night cards.  The fact that this card is essentially a Duration is the only downside compared to Throne Room. (As a side note, it should probably have the Duration type since it stays out until your next turn no matter when you play it; compare with Caravan Guard, which also gets better if you can use it on your opponent's turns.)

Given that being able to double Treasures was enough to make Crown cost $5, even though you almost always use it for actions, Copy should probably cost $5 as well.  It would probably be weaker than Crown or Royal Carriage at $5, but Scepter is a Throne variant that's severely limited but still has uses, and I think this card would be similar.

Governor+Chariot Race.  Normally the Gold and Remodel options on Governor are stronger than the draw, but if your first Chariot Race whiffs because of something expensive on the opponent's deck, drawing with Governor lets you try to hit a cheaper card.

The draw is usually very good

I agree, but Governor is so good overall that I find myself using the non-terminal Remodel option when I'm building, and the Gold gain/Remodel as payload, with mostly other things for draw.  It's possible I'm playing it wrong.

Governor+Chariot Race.  Normally the Gold and Remodel options on Governor are stronger than the draw, but if your first Chariot Race whiffs because of something expensive on the opponent's deck, drawing with Governor lets you try to hit a cheaper card.

Dominion League / Re: Season 16 - Results
« on: August 15, 2016, 05:21:28 pm »
I've got a busy semester coming up, so I won't be returning for season 17.  I'll probably be back at some point in the future, though.  Thank you for all the fun games!

General Discussion / Re: Maths thread.
« on: August 12, 2016, 08:11:38 pm »
00=1. I vaguely understand the arguments for why, but can someone try and clarify it?

If my understanding is correct, 00 is an indeterminate form.  x0=1 for all x not equal to zero, and 0x=0 for all x not equal to zero.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Plot: A $5 gainer event
« on: August 11, 2016, 07:19:09 pm »
I agree with removing the "Kingdom" part, since Kingdom cards are cards that are in the Supply, and this is about gaining cards that aren't in the Supply.  It could also use some clarification on where the other two revealed cards go and where you add the card to.  I really like the idea, though; if there aren't any really good $5 piles in the Kingdom, it could be pretty powerful.

Someone just added Donate/Delve as a combo on the wiki.  I don't see how this is any more powerful than any other Donate strategy, and honestly think Donate/Market Square is a combo, if anything.  Thoughts?  Should I delete the article?

How about a Feodum/Donate opening? Lets you pay off Donate in Turn 3.

Or how about a Feodum/Feodum opening and Donate on your next turn? You can pay off debt and have spending money left over.

How do you open Feodum/Feodum, barring Baker or Borrow shenanigans?  Donating on turn 2 instead of turn 4 or 5 seems like a much better option.

Dominion League / Re: Season 16 - Results
« on: August 05, 2016, 12:39:59 am »

joey12  5 - 1  2.71828.....

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: August 04, 2016, 06:44:10 pm »
Unexpected pop quiz!

These questions are not particularly tricky, so I am consolidating them into one post. Okay, the last one requires some thought. Think of it as extra credit.

1. I gained 2 cards with different costs via Stonemason overpay. What was one of those cards?

2. What handsizes are possible at the end of your turn (after clean-up)? Assume an arbitrary Kingdom and an infinite Supply.

3. I played a Tribute, and the player to my left revealed 2 differently-named cards. I got no bonus from the Tribute plays. My deck was not empty. What cards were revealed?

4. In a hypothetical game you are not allowed to buy any card-shaped things except Castles. What is the highest-cost Castle you can get?

Answers (no peeking until you try to solve!)

1. Mandarin

2. Any non-negative integer

3. Curse and Hovel

4. King's Castle

I got the third and fourth ones.  For the second one, I figured out how to get anywhere from 2 to 6, but I didn't think of Expedition or having 0 or 1 cards in your deck.  For the first one, I couldn't figure it out for a while even after reading the solution, but then I remembered   Quarry  .

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Let's discuss Guilds Cards: Journeyman
« on: August 02, 2016, 08:15:39 pm »
I find Journeyman to be a fairly good but uninteresting draw card.  I buy it in engines.  Honestly, there's not much more to say about it, other than "be sure not to name the same card for your last Journeyman as you did for all your others".

Dominion League / Re: Season 16 - Results
« on: July 29, 2016, 11:50:52 pm »
joey12 4 - 2 The Do-Operator

2016 DominionStrategy Championships / Signouts
« on: July 29, 2016, 10:44:06 pm »
Tentatively /in
MF username: joey12

Edit:  I actually need to /out, I have a big homework load this semester and won't have time to participate.

Types: Landmark
When you buy a card costing at least $5, you may take it's price in debt. If you do, +3 VP.

I just realized that this Landmark provides the first possible way to get Potion-Debt (by buying Possession).

Types: Landmark
When scoring, 1/3/6/10/15 VP if you have 1/2/3/4/5 copies of a particular Ruins.

Setup: Put a Ruins face-up sideways on each Kingdom pile. When a player gains the first card from a Kingdom pile, they also gain the Ruins on top of it.

This seems like a lot of work for too little VP payoff; I'd be likely to trash the Ruins anyway.  The most they can be worth is 3 VP per copy, and you don't want free Duchies in your deck at the start of the game.  It does have a second-player-advantage effect like Tax, but I think this is too large a penalty, especially when it only affects Kingdom piles.

Burial Grounds
Types: Landmark
When scoring, -3 VP for each differently named card in your deck which has a copy in the trash.

Burial Mounds
Types: Landmark
When scoring, 3 VP per differently named card in the trash that you have a copy of.

Were these two submitted by the same person, or by two people collaborating?  If not, that's a weird coincidence that they have extremely similar names and exactly opposite effects.  It's an interesting effect, but Burial Grounds is a little too close to Wolf Den for my liking, and its effect would be minimal - you want to trash all your Copper and Estates anyways.  Burial Mounds affects the game more in terms of strategy; that last Copper is also worth 3 points now, so you might not want to trash it.

Types: Landmark
During Clean-up, you may place one card you discard from play or your hand face down underneath this.

When scoring, 1 VP per differently named card underneath this that you have a copy of.

Clarification: You may place one card underneath Cenotaph every turn.

This is interesting, but I'm not a fan of "global rules change" effects on Landmarks, and this seems more like that than a VP boost.  The VP on this card will have almost no effect in most games; you'll just use it for the free trashing.

Types: Landmark
When scoring, 1 VP per card in your deck which no other player has a copy of.

This is an outtake (see the Secret History for Museum).  Also, it doesn't seem to have much of an effect unless you get an entire pile.

Deep Mine
Types: Landmark
Whenever a player plays their second action in a single turn, move 1 VP from the Province pile to here.
Whenever a player ends their turn without having played any action cards, take the VP from here.

Setup: Put 8 VP on the Province pile, plus 2 VP per player.

Interesting idea.  This is essentially a boost to non-engine strategies, but it's a small one; most engines would be happy to give their opponents 1 VP per turn.  In an engine mirror, this would get interesting; when there is 5-6 VP on the pile, you start considering doing nothing on your turn to take it.  I don't like the fact that the VP on the Province pile has nothing to do with Provinces, but that's just a thematic issue. 

Golden Isles
Types: Landmark
During each player's buy phase, they may return 1 VP token for +$1. This may only be done once per turn.
When scoring, 4 VP if you have no VP tokens, and 2 VP if you have fewer than 2 VP tokens.

Setup:  Each player receives 13 VP tokens at start of game.

This could antisynergize with other Empires cards that give VP, since it gives you points for not having VP tokens.  On the other hand, if the game lasts long enough, you could use those other VP tokens for money - but by then you'll probably want the VP more, and it's only once per turn.

Middle Class
Types: Landmark
When scoring, 1 VP per non-Treasure card costing exactly $3 in your deck.

This feels too much like Obelisk for $3 actions.

New World
Types: Landmark
When scoring, if there are 2 or fewer empty Supply piles, -4 VP for each Victory card costing $6 or more in your deck.

I really like this one.  It seems a bit game-warping, but that's normal for Landmarks (see Fountain, Keep, and Wall).  If you have Provinces, you want a 3-pile ending, but if you are buying a bunch of Action cards you can't buy Provinces.

Types: Landmark
When scoring, the most common card in the trash is worth +1 VP. (If it's a tie, all tied cards are.)

Setup: Trash a Duchy.

This doesn't need the setup rule; cards get trashed in most games.  Also, the VP bonus is much too small.  You don't want to keep your Copper even if it's worth 1 VP.

Types: Landmark
Whenever you gain a Victory card, move 2 VP from its pile to this. When you gain a Province, take the VP from this.

Setup: Put 4 VP on each non-Gathering, non-Province Victory card Supply pile per player.

This seems a bit quirky.  It could easily break Duchy dances in Big Money, and it makes Duchies worth 5VP in an engine.  It's a cool idea.

Types: Landmark
Once during an opponents turn, when all of your opponent's cards are either in play or in their hand, take 1 VP from here.

Setup: Put 6 VP here per player.

Most engines would be happy to give 1VP per turn to a non-engine player, and you can get around this by not drawing the last card or two.  It would need rules clarification - if I play Warehouse and draw the last three cards, can you take 1VP before I discard?  What if you forget?  The wording is also unclear; the way it's worded could mean that this only works once per game.

Sacrificial Cenote
Types: Landmark
Whenever you resolve an attack which ends up doing nothing to other players, or otherwise resolve a card that is prevented from having its printed effect, +1 VP.

This would need way too many rules clarifications.  What if I play a Great Hall (or any draw card) when I have no cards left in my deck?  What if I play Hunting Party, draw a card, and then have a copy in my hand of each unique card in my deck?  What if I play a Miser, choose to put a Copper onto my mat, and don't have any Coppers in my hand?  What if I play Sage and don't find a card costing $3 or more?  What if I play a Minion and get +$2, doing nothing to the other players?  What if I play a Fortune Teller and the top card of my opponent's deck is an Estate?  What if I play a Band of Misfits and there are no Action cards left costing $4 or less?  What if I play a King's Court with no Action cards in my hand?  What if I play a Ruined Library with my -1 Card token on my deck?  What if I play an Ironworks and then reveal a Trader to gain a Silver instead?  What if I trash a Squire and there are no Attack cards in the Supply?  It's way too complicated to work.

Types: Landmark
At the start of your Buy phase, if you have no cards in your deck and at least one card in your discard pile, take 2 VP from here.

Setup: Put 6 VP here per player.

This could be interesting.  Deck-draw engines would need a way to discard cards from hand, but those are fairly common.  Big Money strategies would have a harder time, but buying cantrips could help.

Types: Landmark
At the end of your turn, if you played 5 or more treasures that turn, take 2 VP from here.

Setup: Put 6 VP here per player.

I like this one.  Empires has a Prosperity-type theme, and this rewards decks that can play multiple Treasures per turn.  It actually helps engines almost as much as Big Money, although terminal draw BM will like it.

Types: Landmark
When you buy a card costing at least $5, you may take it's price in debt. If you do, +3 VP.

I like this one.  I would like it better with a limit to the number of VP you can get from it, but it's great as it is.

Types: Landmark
When scoring, 1 VP per Victory card you have.

Meh, a bit boring.

Types: Landmark
Once per game, at any time during the Action phase, +1 Action.
At the end of the game, if you did not use that Action, +5 VP.

This is weird.  How can you track whether or not you've used it?  Why can't you just take the VP at the end of the turn?  Other than that, I like it.

Turtle Sanctuary
Types: Landmark
When you reshuffle, -1 VP.
At the end of your turn, if you did not reshuffle this turn, +1 VP

Clarification: -1 VP means you return one of your VP tokens to the supply. If you do not have any VP tokens, do nothing.

In an engine, this antisynergizes with many other Empires cards, since you will have to return the VP they give you.  Donald mentioned that problem in the last Empires landmark outtake.

Dominion League / Re: Season 16 - Results
« on: July 26, 2016, 10:22:51 pm »
I got destroyed.
C1:  funkdoc 5.5 - joey12 0.5

Also: Mission/Baths.

Keep in mind that Baths only works if you didn't gain a card on your turn, which negates most other Mission tricks.

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