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Introductions / Hello, hello
« on: May 31, 2017, 08:23:27 am »
Hello, hello

Although I have posted a few times, I just noticed this section of the forum.
I not a 'gamer' for the most part and mostly just 52 deck card games.  I did discover Dominion about 3 years ago through my brother.  I really enjoy the variety of the game.  Over the years I have collected a ton of questions about the game, and will post them.  I do request that if the topic has already been posted that someone redirect my post to the old thread.  Hopefully I can avoid the 'terminology specific' issues that I have already encountered in some of the posts.


Update.  Wow this was a very challenging game to play.  Trying to remember which Ruin and 'Traveller' I still had was a challenge. 
The Knights pile just basically wiped out my 'Differently Named' cards.  The Point Total - Opponent = 130 Me = 100.
Differently Named totals - Opponent = 25 Me = 37.  I will play it again just to see if I can fix my errors (I failed to get a Marauder early enough, and I opted for Castles instead of Knights).

Rules Questions / Re: Calling a summoned reserve card
« on: May 26, 2017, 01:33:49 pm »
Then would I remiss if I did not add this to the Wiki Rules Clarification?

I have a clarification on this 'Calling a summoned reserved card'

The original question was 'immediately call it at the beginning of my next turn'
But I am not clear about the non 'At the beginning...' reserve cards (Coin of the Realm, Duplicate, Royal Carriage, Gain)
Could any of these cards be played immediately after being placed on the Tavern Mat, or at any time during the course of that players current turn?

1. Play a Village (draw 1 card)
2. Play an Duplicate (placing it on the tavern mat)
3. Play a Workshop (gaining a 4 cost card)
4. Call the Duplicate (that I just placed on the Tavern mat on step 2)
5. Gain another copy of the 4 cost card I gained in step 3)

Again if there is a relevant thread or rule, please point me to it.

Place a Duplicate on the mat

Yes, absolutely. When a card can be called is defined and limited by text on the cards that say "when [something], you can call this, to [something]." That's the only limitation. So Duplicate can be called "When you gain a card costing up to ". Doesn't matter how long it has been on the mat.

Rules Questions / Re: At start of turn' rules clarification
« on: May 26, 2017, 01:29:08 pm »
Caught by semantics again... I should have requested a clarification of that all the 'At the start... ' resolutions are required (if the player unless there is a 'may' clause) to be completed before a player begins 'play' of any (if any) cards, or buy or clean-up phase'

You are correct on the first point. If you have multiple "at the start of your turn" effects, you choose the order. These include (currently) Duration cards, Reserve cards, and Prince.

However, you are wrong on the second point. A player's turn starts whenever the previous player's turn ends (assuming the game hasn't ended at that point). You don't have to play any cards ever on your turn. So by the time you are calling cards or resolving Durations, your turn has begun; it is your turn.

The rule is given in the Seaside rulebook, where Durations were first introduced:

If multiple cards resolve at the same time on your turn (for
example, Duration cards that do something “at the start of your
next turn”), you choose what order to resolve them.

Rules Questions / Re: Calling a summoned reserve card
« on: May 26, 2017, 01:16:37 pm »
I have a clarification on this 'Calling a summoned reserved card'

The original question was 'immediately call it at the beginning of my next turn'
But I am not clear about the non 'At the beginning...' reserve cards (Coin of the Realm, Duplicate, Royal Carriage, Gain)
Could any of these cards be played immediately after being placed on the Tavern Mat, or at any time during the course of that players current turn?

1. Play a Village (draw 1 card)
2. Play an Duplicate (placing it on the tavern mat)
3. Play a Workshop (gaining a 4 cost card)
4. Call the Duplicate (that I just placed on the Tavern mat on step 2)
5. Gain another copy of the 4 cost card I gained in step 3)

Again if there is a relevant thread or rule, please point me to it.

Place a Duplicate on the mat

Rules Questions / At start of turn' rules clarification
« on: May 26, 2017, 12:59:25 pm »
Hello, hello

My current understanding is the player can choose the order in which to 'resolve' ANY of the cards, that have the 'At the start of...' clauses (including Duration and Reserve cards).

And just to also clarify a player's turn is when the first card is 'played' and calling a card and acting on a duration card has not started a player's turn.

Again for each one can you direct me to the 'relevant' rule?


Dominion General Discussion / Re: Taking Notes - Against the Rules?
« on: May 26, 2017, 12:01:21 pm »
Well a few points
1. Should (or can) this thread be moved to the "Rules' section of the Forum?
2. Taking notes is not allowed (otherwise the game is a variant)
3. Gaming usually has a 'mental memory' component, that for the most part is allowed, but may be a 'banishable' offensive in some settings
4. Noobs posts can bring up old threads, so be warned this noob has lots of questions and points, so hopefully I can find a suitable thread to add to instead of making new posts.

Dominion General Discussion / Taking Notes - Against the Rules?
« on: May 26, 2017, 10:49:05 am »

I have a few players who are not the best at remembering things while playing.  It does not bother me they 'take notes', as it make them a better player/opponent for me.  Is there an 'unwritten' gamer's rule, that 'note taking' is probably not allowed or not.   How does the Dominion community handle this?


I fixed the subject to reflect the correct total of 'cards', since events/landmarks are not cards.
But if you include the one landmark and one event and even the one 'trash' card as a 'card-like', then
the total # of card 'piles' (yes I know a stack of 1 card is not a pile), the total gets back up to 64.
I will be playing this Kingdom this weekend and will see how things 'play out'.

Hello, hello

Dominion has given me the change to build a community of family and friends, and we all play the game with 'positive intent'.

However there are times when a player is going through the course of their turn they 'forget' to 'follow the rules'.
Example: Player plays a 'Bandit Camp' card as the First Action, then Draws a Card, then 'forgets' to "Gain a Spoils".  Continues to play their next Action card.  At this point they have 'cheated', or forgotten to follow the rules.  In this case the 'mistake' would could be 'corrected' during the turn, but the 'mistake' could be 'remembered' after the player has ended their turn.

Currently we have an 'informal' guideline in place, that the next player (in turn) can decide if the previous player should be 'allowed' to correct the error or not.  But sometimes the error is not corrected because the subsequent action would not have taken place.

And yes some players can intentionally 'forget' to follow all of the required steps in a turn, so that they would benefit.

How do other players handle this situation?


How can we '...  if we replace Vineyard with Fairgrounds, we can still get 60 (corrected to 63 now because of my math error) differently named cards...' ?
We still need Vineyards so that Potion can be used.  If we use Fairgrounds we lose one card.

Can you clarify the '...question has come up as puzzles in the past...' comment?  If my original quest was a previous 'puzzle', I would be curious to understand that quest.

Update with I think all the corrections:

5 Base card piles
  4 - All Base Victory Card piles - Estates, Duchy, Providence, Colony
  4 - All Treasure Card piles - Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum
  1 - Curse card
  1 - Potion card pile (see Vineyard)
  3 - Shelters (Hovel, Necropolis, Overgrown Estate)
Total = 13 differently named cards

10 Supply card piles (with their associated setup card piles)
  1  10 - Knight's pile (Sirs Bailey, Destry, Martin, Michael, Vander, Dames Anna, Josephine, Molly, Natalie, Sylvia)
  2    8 - Castle pile (Humble, Crumbling, Small, Haunted, Opulent, Sprawling, Grand, King's Castles)
  3    6 - Tournament and Prize pile (Bag of Gold, Diadem, Followers, Princess, Trusty Steed)
  4    5 - Page Series piles - (Treasure Hunter, Warrior, Hero, Champion),
  5    5 - Peasant series (Soldier, Fugitive, Disciple, Teacher)
  6    3 - Young Witch/Urchin (and Mercenary) as bane card
  7    7 - Marauder and Spoils and Ruins piles (Survivors, Abandoned Mine, Ruined Library, Ruined Market, Ruined Village)
  8    2 - Catapult/Rocks pile
  9    1 - Vineyard pile (required to add Potion Treasure card pile) (rules say only put out Potion card if 1 supply card has a Potion in cost)
  10  1 - Trade Route (required to add Colony and Platinum card piles)
Total = 48 differently named cards

Extra card piles 
     1 - Landmark card (per recommended 2 maximum per Kingdom setup) (Aqueduct)
     1 - Event card (per recommended 2 maximum per Kingdom setup) (Advance)
Total = 2 differently named cards

Grand Total = 63 Differently Named Cards Kingdom setup.

61 actual "cards"... so Museum can be worth up to 30 points.

Since this basic question has come up as puzzles in the past, if we replace Vineyard with Fairgrounds, we can still get 60 differently named cards... so Fairgrounds can be worth 24 points each. (Without Black Market, of course.)

Another great catch.  This will bring it to 63.
What about the ruins? You seem to be counting all 5 of them as one card. So that's why I said I think it should be 63.

Oops - Good call.  It was not originally clear why my count was off.  Now I see the error.  So this bring the total down to 59.

I thought the 'rule' was that Potions can only be available if there is at least one pile from Alchemy, thus the reason why I added the Vineyards card.  Or was this recommendation on the Potion/Vineyards to keep count @ 59 by replacing Potion/Vineyards with a different 'split' pile.  Yes there were a few other '2 card' combos that could have been listed.


The Potion is only counted once (I did not count it when I listed the Vineyard card that would allow the Potion card to be available in the the Kingdom.

Great catch on not counting the Page and Peasant cards themselves.  Thus adding 2 more to the total card (like) piles.

There are only four treasure card piles, not 5, unless you mean potion, in which case that's being double-counted. However, you aren't counting page/peasant themselves yet it seems, and you're also not counting the five ruins as separate. So I'm now counting 63 differently named cards.

But you list 5 treasure piles, and then you list potion...  in the base card setup, before the kingdom.

You can also replace Vineyards with any split pile, keeping the count the same.

The Potion is only counted once (I did not count it when I listed the Vineyard card that would allow the Potion card to be available in the the Kingdom.

Great catch on not counting the Page and Peasant cards themselves.  Thus adding 2 more to the total card (like) piles.

There are only four treasure card piles, not 5, unless you mean potion, in which case that's being double-counted. However, you aren't counting page/peasant themselves yet it seems, and you're also not counting the five ruins as separate. So I'm now counting 63 differently named cards.

True.  So I will have to clarify my intent as being the total number of card and card-shaped things.  I will attempt the final game once I get the final results from this forum.
Landmarks and Events are not cards. They are, officially, "card-shaped things" according to designer Donald X.

I wonder what the largest possible kingdom would be in terms of square inches of table space required? (Mats! Mats everywhere!)

Museum is Perfect.  I figured there would be an event that would work.  I was too lazy to look at them all.
If you want the kingdom to care about unique cards, you can make Museum the landmark.  No need to add Fairgrounds.

I guess this was more of a 'semantics' debate then.   I was reading that as '... and/or ...' as 2 of each was the 'at most', thus a total of 4 at most.

Thanks for the rules clarification.

Note: I could not find the 'rule' that GendoIkari mentioned about the '... Landmarks recommendation is actually at most 2 combined Events+Landmarks, not 2 of each...'

It's in the Empires rulebook under the "Preparation" section:

"For normal play we recommend using at most two Events and/or Landmarks per game; skip any further ones."

Rulebook on RGG site:

Update on my current 'largest Kingdom' setup, based on previous post clarifications from Gendo. 

Note: Correct, I am going for the the Most Differently Named cards (not the most actual cards)

Kingdom Setup card piles

5 Base card piles
  4 - All Base Victory Card piles - Estates, Duchy, Providence, Colony
  5 - All Treasure Card piles - Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum
  1 - Curse card
  1 - Potion card pile (see Vineyard)
  3 - Shelters (Hovel, Necropolis, Overgrown Estate)
Total = 14 differently named cards

10 Supply card piles (with their associated setup card piles)
  1  10 - Knight's pile (Sirs Bailey, Destry, Martin, Michael, Vander, Dames Anna, Josephine, Molly, Natalie, Sylvia)
  2    8 - Castle pile (Humble, Crumbling, Small, Haunted, Opulent, Sprawling, Grand, King's Castles)
  3    6 - Tournament and Prize pile (Bag of Gold, Diadem, Followers, Princess, Trusty Steed)
  4    4 - Page Series piles - (Treasure Hunter, Warrior, Hero, Champion),
  5    4 - Peasant series (Soldier, Fugitive, Disciple, Teacher)
  6    3 - Young Witch/Urchin (and Mercenary) as bane card
  7    3 - Marauder and Spoils and Ruins piles (Survivors, Abandoned Mine, Ruined Library, Ruined Market, Ruined Village)
  8    2 - Catapult/Rocks pile
  9    1 - Vineyard pile (required to add Potion Treasure card pile) (rules say only put out Potion card if 1 supply card has a Potion in cost)
  10  1 - Trade Route (required to add Colony and Platinum card piles)
Total = 42 differently named cards

Extra card piles 
     1 - Landmark card (per recommended 2 maximum per Kingdom setup) (Aqueduct)
     1 - Event card (per recommended 2 maximum per Kingdom setup) (Advance)
Total = 2 differently named cards

Grand Total = 58 Differently Named Cards Kingdom setup.

Note: Although my goal was for the most.  I would probably replace the Catapult/Rocks split pile with the Fairgrounds, so that I can have a card where 'Differently named matters'

Note: I could not find the 'rule' that GendoIkari mentioned about the '... Landmarks recommendation is actually at most 2 combined Events+Landmarks, not 2 of each...'


Updated to reflect the recommendations and rules clarifications.

Hello, hello
I have been playing Dominion for about 3 years and hope to become a contributing member to this forum.  So forgive my newbieness.

My first question.  I am interested in knowing the largest Kingdom setup possible using all of the available cards (and card-like (events and landmark cards).  Yes I understand Black Market give you the chance to use all Dominion card, but I prefer supply piles option at this point.

So here is my current 'largest Kingdom' setup

5 Base card piles
  4 - Base Victory Card piles - Estates, Duchy, Providence, Colony
  4 - Treasure Card piles - Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum
  1 - Curse card
  1 - Potion card pile (see Vineyard)
  3 - Shelters (Hovel, Necropolis, Overgrown Estate)
Total = 13 differently named cards

10 Supply card piles (with their associated setup card piles)
  1  10 - Knight's pile (Sirs Bailey, Destry, Martin, Michael, Vander, Dames Anna, Josephine, Molly, Natalie, Sylvia)
  2    8 - Castle pile (Humble, Crumbling, Small, Haunted, Opulent, Sprawling, Grand, King's Castles)
  3    7 - Marauder and Spoils and 5 Ruins piles (Survivors, Abandoned Mine, Ruined Library, Ruined Market, Ruined Village) 
  4    6 - Tournament and Prize pile (Bag of Gold, Diadem, Followers, Princess, Trusty Steed)
  5    5 - Page Series piles - (Treasure Hunter, Warrior, Hero, Champion),
  6    5 - Peasant series (Soldier, Fugitive, Disciple, Teacher)
  7    3 - Young Witch/Urchin (and Mercenary) as bane card
  8    2 - Catapult/Rocks pile
  9    1 - Vineyard pile (required to add Potion Treasure card pile) (rules say only put out Potion card if 1 supply card has a Potion in cost)
  10  1 - Trade Route (required to add Colony and Platinum card piles)
Total = 48 differently named cards

Extra card piles 
     1 - Landmark card (per recommended 2 maximum per Kingdom setup) (Museum)
     1 - Event card (per recommended 2 maximum per Kingdom setup) (Advance)
Total = 2 differently named cards

Grand Total = 63 Differently Named Cards Kingdom setup.


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