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Other Games / Re: Dominion clones
« on: March 21, 2018, 08:51:51 am »

The push your luck aspect turned me off when I read about it here, but when I played the game, it didn't bother me at all. It always seemed pretty clear whether it was a good idea to push or not that turn.

I hadn't even considered how the push-your-luck aspect might be unappealing to someone hearing about the game. I'll have to keep in mind when talking about it that you're never forced to push your luck (with the exception of an amulet in one of the expansions, but you're not forced to keep that amulet either). When I teach the game, I tell people not to fear spoiling. Sometimes you just want to do it to mill through your deck and flip over your mana token. 

The push your luck aspect is fine.  The whole assembling a card thing is really dumb when there is little difference between playing a Gold-Copper-Pouch and Pouch-Silver-Silver on the same turn versus a Gold-Silver-Copper and Pouch-Pouch-Silver on the same turn.  It ends up having a bad ratio between, this is adding something to the game vs. I have to pull this little plastic sleeve open and stick something in.  Like Dominion but half the cards have Chancellor text and technically the Chancellor text adds a little strategy

If you're looking at just mana production, then I see the coin analogy, but there are other resources to consider. The spirit symbols are usually best to put all on one card since it helps to afford a vale card with one card rather than spread across two cards that may not come up together. There are also cards that benefit from having more helmets, so you have to place those with care. And well, I'd prefer to load a lot of mana onto one card because then I may get 5 mana from that one card rather than have it spread out. It also makes it easy to know that it is not the time to push my luck.

I have no idea where you're going with the Chancellor analogy though.

Mystic Vale suffers from being a bit too simple. But card crafting is a brilliant new mechanism and I expect it to shine in the more elaborate upcoming Edge of Darkness.

The base game is pretty simple. On top of that, you see the same cards over and over. The expansions provide additional variety. The expansions also introduced leaders—one of which takes up a blank card, has a unique special ability, and can be upgraded—and amulets—one of which replaces your mana token and gives you a unique ability when flipped. I don't feel that these things are all balanced, but they suggest a draft system where each player picks a leader in order. Then in reverse order, each player picks an amulet. So, the player with the best leader likely has the worst amulet and vice versa. That's the theory, at least, though one leader is quite potent. My wife stomped me 60-something to 30-something. I think she would've won anyway, but that leader really catapulted her into the lead. I'm okay with the swinginess of leaders and amulets, but it is good that these additions are optional.

But I am looking forward to a new game with a finely honed card-crafting system. Mystic Vale was the first of its kind, and I think it's a good entry. A better version of it would interest me greatly.

General Discussion / Re: TV shows
« on: March 20, 2018, 02:25:47 pm »
What did you think about the present?

And what will you think about the future?

If I base it on the Black Mirror universe, very fucking depressing.

My wife caught some episodes, and she was surprised when I watched one with a happy ending.

I did like Hated in the Nation. It was really just a basic crime-drama episode, but the execution of the plot was just so wonderful.

One reason I like Black Mirror is because it is dark. It's like Tales from the Crypt but not as hokey, though the hokeyness was part of that show's charm.

Oh yeah, I'm also in the middle of Phillip K. Dick's Electric Dreams. Similar in concept to Black Mirror. I don't think the episodes are quite as good, but there are some good ones. Bryan Cranston's episode was pretty good. I also liked the one which was pretty much Amazon on steroids after humanity practically got wiped out.

General Discussion / Re: TV shows
« on: March 20, 2018, 12:05:36 pm »
Huh, whoops. I guess somehow I jumped from S2E1 to S3E1 of Black Mirror, so it's like a Christmas present before I start Black Museum.

Which is fitting since one of the episodes is called White Christmas.

Time to unwrap my present then.

What did you think about the present?

Overall, I liked it. White Bear was simply amazing. I loved the WTF moment of the opening, and I also loved having the rug pulled out from under me when they showed what was really happening. The outtakes at the end with the different perspectives were also a treat. I also liked White Christmas a lot, though I admit it was longer than it needed to be. Or rather, I felt that it dragged in parts even though the concept was great.

I'm not in love with the Waldo Moment. It was an interesting take on how a fictional character could become a phenomenon. I suppose it's almost like a modern retelling of Max Headroom, minus the cyberpunk trappings.

And as promised, I concluded with the Black Museum. It was a good story, and I enjoyed the connection between the characters. The Easter eggs with props from previous episodes were unnecessary, but I admit that it was still interesting to recognize some of them. I'm glad that it didn't require watching those episodes to enjoy this one. They're just little bonuses.

I finished Travelers. It ended on another cliffhanger, but I saw that they are filming season 3. I feel like they may be painting themselves into a corner here soon. It may go down the path of Continuum.

I started on season 1 of Altered Carbon and season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I need to pick one to finish up, I think. But now that I have free time again, I may be able to finish both.


It never occurred to me that the deck composition would need tweaking.

Since it never crossed my mind, I guess I'm okay with it. It never bothered me that there are two repeats. I feel like they add some versatility in case you need it. Say you want to 180 and move 2 but got neither of those cards. If you had both repeats, then you could move 1 twice and turn left twice.

And it is satisfying to see repeat paired up with a useful card. Repeating a move 3 on a straightaway is great. Repeating the power up a couple of times while you hitch a ride on the conveyor is also really handy. You could even back up 3 times conceivably. And I do like how you're probably going to get on average 1 repeat every other hand or so.

I did have some ideas for integrating my old set with my new set. Wait, I posted that on BGG some time back. Here it is:

Obviously I now need to add the bit where we discussed giving option priority to players with fewer flags, though that's not really about incorporating the old rules. Oh hey, I did suggest basing priority on movement speed way back then. What a genius!

Oh yeah, and rereading that post, I am reminded why having older boards be offset was a problem. The walls line up perfectly, and offsetting them can create some weird gaps. Could be done intentionally though.

I usually start the sweep wherever the antenna is facing.

The older boards line up nicely, which is a problem for the offset. It seems like the new boards are less reliant on conveyors on the edge like the old one. I prefer the older boards anyway. If I felt spunky, I could use the boards with teleporters and portals and oil slicks. Definitely something to bring up with veterans though.

but it's usually to your advantage to have priority.
You get first pick of the options, and sometimes there is only one new one, or there is only one great one in a new set.

That's true. Priority is important here.

But at least in my games, the priority antenna doesn't necessarily punish the leader. I often encourage interaction by having the robots fight on one or two squares. I may have four flags on the board forcing robots to cross paths over and over again because I also think that clusterfucks are more amusing than runaway leaders. That's not to say I won't make a linear path, but I like doublebacks and crossovers in my maps. In these cases, the person in last place may get first pick of the options, or the leader might, depending on where they are in their flag-capturing.

This prompts another possible house rule. Option priority is first given to the robots with the fewest touched flags. Ties are broken as normal. This way, the leader likely always picks last. Damn house rules.

I've contemplated another map where I place 4 boards in a grid, but I shift them so that there is a single empty space in the middle. That space has the priority antenna. That also wouldn't benefit last place without that house rule in effect.

also, giving priority to the robots furthest behind is a nice touch that maybe we want to keep, since it prevents the leader from sprinting out of trouble.

I don't think the priority antenna gives any benefit to robots falling behind. Sometimes you want priority, sometimes you don't. It depends if you will move into a spot and push a robot out of the way or if that robot instead pushes you into a pit.

That's where the priorities based on cards were nice. If I was between a robot and a pit, I would try to play a high priority so I could move out of the way before the robot pushes me. You had some control over what happens to you. That control is lost with the antenna. Now if I'm in that situation, I know I'm safe if I'm closer to the antenna. If I'm not, then all I can do is hope the other guy didn't draw the right move card to end me.

I'm glad to see love for the new Robo Rally. While it's not perfect, I like in general what they did, but from what you hear from disgruntled veterans, you'd think this was the worst game ever.

I agree that the individual decks are an improvement. I remember in the original getting a hand of all moves or all turns. Some people loved it because it was more chaotic, but I didn't find it that fun.

The one thing I really miss from the original central deck was the priority numbers. I understand why they couldn't use priority numbers on individual decks. And I think the addition of the priority antenna fills that gap nicely, but it does remove some of the uncertainty. Is that robot going to play Move 2 and beat your Move 1? Or will he play a lower Move 1 than you? Although now that I think of it, you could house rule that the faster moves go first with ties being resolved by the priority antenna.

I love using viruses for damage, though I wish the virus cards didn't match the green deck. Makes it take longer to disassemble the green deck. I do miss locking registries, and I've dabbled with combining both damage types. You take damage chits, but you don't reduce your hand size. After four damage chits, your registers start locking. When you blow up, you remove the damage cards except for two spams. Basically the number of viruses you have equals the number of damage chits. The alternate rule that keeps you from discarding your viruses makes the game more intense.

Other Games / Re: In defense of Monopoly
« on: March 09, 2018, 10:43:56 am »
Mainly asking because Valeria is also the name of my girlfriend and thus it would make for a hilarious present... if it's any good.

Your girlfriend's name is awesome.

So the concept is similar to Thunderstone but with a Catan/Machi Koro style of resource gathering rather than a deckbuilder. You start off with a Peasant and a Knight. Their numbers are 5 and 6. Every time a player rolls one of these numbers or a sum that matches these numbers, you trigger their resource. Peasant gives you a Gold, and Knight gives you a Fight. You can recruit other citizens ranging from 1 to 12 to add to your tableau. Doubles will trigger the same citizen twice, so a 12 will get you two Fight per Knight plus whatever the 12 gives you (which is usually pretty good considering its rarity). The other Citizens give you varying amounts of Gold, Fight, Magic, or even Victory Points when their numbers come up.

On top of recruiting citizens, you can fight monsters. There are five stacks, and each stack has weaker monsters leading up to a boss monster. You cash in Fight tokens and sometimes Magic tokens. They're worth VP and give you an additional reward, such as more resources or additional citizen recruiting.

And there are Domain cards you can buy with Gold. They give you VPs and some sort of ability that can help you out, such as paying 2 Gold to change a die to a 6 or gaining VP every time doubles are rolled.

Similar to Dominion, you play until X number of stacks are exhausted. X = twice the number of players. You also end if all monsters are defeated or all domains are bought. There's your Dominion Province/Colony rule.

The base set is pretty good, but the expansions are nice so far. They've added monsters and domains as well as additional citizens. They also added event cards. Half the Exhausted markers you lay out will trigger random events. They add a little uncertainty to the game. I won a game recently because an event allowed us to spend 3 resources for 5 VP. I had the resources; my wife did not. I won by 3 points.

So it's luck-driven like Monopoly and Catan, but I feel you have a much greater control of your luck. I usually always buy cards so 1-12 are fully represented with extras depending on my secret goal (extra VPs for certain icons). And some domain cards can let you choose your luck by bumping a die to a certain value.  The closest comparison is to Machi Koro, but not as sloppy.

So if you guys are cool with a fantasy theme, you may dig this.

Other Games / Re: In defense of Monopoly
« on: March 08, 2018, 09:12:02 am »
I get where people are coming from when they criticize Catan's randomness. But I don't think it's the same as Monopoly. In Catan, you mitigate this luck. You do so from the very beginning. You pick your starting settlements. And there's a neat mechanic to level the playing field. If you pick first, then you also pick last. If you are the last player to place your first settlement, you're also the first player to place your second settlement. If you know what you're doing, it's really difficult to get screwed over in the initial placement.

And on top of that, you get to build up your infrastructure so that you get more benefit from future die rolls.

Now die luck can always be a problem. You have a 6 wood and an 8 clay, and has even a single 6 or 8 come up in the last 30 goddamn rolls? Why does this game hate me?! The comparison to Machi Koro is apt since I watched someone win with the 8 card (I think) and always rolling an 8 on her turn while the rest of us got nothing. And I can't deny that die luck will screw you over. What you're doing is mitigating risk.

But you can't do that in Monopoly. The way to mitigate risk is to buy up the property that gets landed on frequently, which you can't do if someone else buys it first. Trade negotiations can be used to mitigate this, but I don't know if that's enough to overcome that flaw.

So yeah, Catan has dice luck, but trading can help out. And even if you don't get the precious wood/clay combo, you likely can buy cards so you can use the bandit to steal wood/clay or monopoly to get what you need. You cannot help completely dry spells though.

I've become less enamored of Machi Koro since I found Valeria. Valeria has all the fun dice-rolling of Machi Koro but also lets you still collect resources even if the dice are cruel to you.

Other Games / Re: Celeste
« on: March 01, 2018, 11:43:47 am »
I looked it up on Wikipedia. Looks promising.

I wonder if it runs fine on my computer. My Alienware died, so I'm using a lesser computer right now.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part IV
« on: February 28, 2018, 02:36:28 pm »
Man, nothing like watching the AI in Androminion handle Rats really poorly. It was amusing to win against it, but it got tedious watching it play 14 Rats every turn.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part IV
« on: February 27, 2018, 10:17:50 am »
I don't know if it's age or what, but I'm finding myself more and more growling at myself that I already had a bowel movement less than 24 hours ago. I don't want to have another one so soon afterwards.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part IV
« on: February 14, 2018, 10:19:53 am »
Back when I could afford to remove only one wisdom tooth, I was awake for the whole thing. It sounded horrible as the doctor broke the tooth. You could say that nobody deserves a break-up on Valentine's Day.

I did the same thing, but with all three of my wisdom teeth.  (Fear of general anesthesia, and the gas sent me into a terrible panic, so local only.)  I actually thought the cracking and stuff was pretty cool!

Aw man, one tooth was good enough for me to go through it with local. I did the other three when I had insurance, so I was able to afford going under. It was my first time experiencing a flexible needle though. I remarked on how I didn't even feel the prick, and he explained to me the new needles. Then he wiggled it around while the needle stayed in. That probably alarmed me most of all watching him wiggle the IV delivery shaft while experiencing no pain.

The future can be pretty awesome.

Another possible valentine wish for someone with wisdom teeth extracted could be, "Your mouth is full of cotton to soak up all that blood, and your face is so numb you can't feel how much drool you're dripping, but I would kiss you anyway, valentine."

Other Games / Re: Dominion clones
« on: February 12, 2018, 01:45:09 pm »
As I think more on Friday, I really like the trashing mechanism. I think it could be fun in a multiplayer game, but it does work perfectly for Friday. It's quite thematic, actually. You're teaching Crusoe how to survive. If he passes a task, he learns a new skill. If he fails a task, he eliminates bad habits. It's quite clever.

It's hard to put it into Dominion terms. Basically imagine your starting deck consists of Curses and Copper. On each turn, you flip over two Kingdom cards and choose one to try to buy. Let's say it's a Silver. You need to try to get 3 coins to buy the Silver with 5 card flips. If you hit 3 coins, then you gain the Silver. If you do not, then you lose the Silver and a VP (life) for each coin you're short. But for each coin you're short, you can trash one of your played cards. So that deck with a bunch of Curses will get trimmed down so you eventually may have treasure left. Furthermore, if you do gain that Silver, then you could likely get that Gold after flipping 9 cards.

I like that method a lot. Friday doesn't count as a Dominion clone IMO. It has cards, and it builds a deck, but that's about all the similarity the two games have.

My local board game pub has it, and I played it all the way through once. I pull it out when I show up alone, but I usually see someone I know arriving before I finish the game. First-world problems.

General Discussion / Re: TV shows
« on: February 12, 2018, 09:55:50 am »
I'm on like the 10th episode of Travelers. It's a neat concept, and I like what they've done with it, but it's far from airtight. Slightly spoiler-y with concepts that become apparent early on but major spoilers are hidden.

The issues I have are mostly related to increased drama. If these problems didn't exist, then the show would be more boring, so I get why they did these things, but I feel like the writers could've done something different with them.

First off, I'd imagine that it'd be easier to teach the travelers to cut themselves off from their hosts' former lives. Let the divorce happen. Emancipate the teenager. Leaving these people in their families' lives would impact the future, so just let the drifting away happen. Of course, that's really tricky to do with the entire family of travelers whose daughter wasn't taken over. After all, good luck not getting thrown in jail for abandoning your child.

But while that policy makes emotionless sense, it is perfectly understandable why Carly cannot just give up her baby. There was no emotional attachment to the baby at first, but any decent human being wouldn't be okay with leaving the baby with the father.  So even though it's truer to the original timeline, she can't let that happen.

But yeah, for all their talk of preserving the future as best they can, they're sure doing a great job of changing it by still being in their families' lives.

But I can forgive those. They do provide more drama, and it makes sense that humans would want to form bonds with other humans. The issue that bugs me because of its artificial drama is episode 6 with the antimatter beam being put in place. The elderly reinforcements follow that nonkilling protocol so closely that they do not kill any of the soldiers. Even though their actions will result in the soldiers' deaths anyway, they hold back and end up letting Major Gleeson threaten to jeopardize the mission.

But aside from those, I am enjoying the show.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part IV
« on: February 12, 2018, 09:31:11 am »
A friend of mine is having dental work done on Valentines day. I need some good wisdom tooth related puns to annoy her with. Possibly to make into a faux valentines day card as well for extra amusement.

Back when I could afford to remove only one wisdom tooth, I was awake for the whole thing. It sounded horrible as the doctor broke the tooth. You could say that nobody deserves a break-up on Valentine's Day.

Probably unlikely your friend's getting gassed. Missed opportunity for saying she's left breathless (thanks, Futurama).

But if she's going under, then there could be puns about being swept off her feet or being dizzy.

And I would only recommend this if she has the darkest of humor since this is making light of a legitimate problem. Leave a card for her to wake up to with hearts on it and the caption, "Was it good for you?" Actually I feel bad suggesting that now, but I don't know how black your friend's humor is.

Other Games / Re: Dominion clones
« on: February 09, 2018, 09:19:11 am »
Something I'd like to see more games copy from Dominion is the random kingdom mechanic. In card games, typically you either have extremely simple cards (as in traditional card games like Poker), or a key element of gaining skill is memorizing every card in the game so that you can anticipate what might show up later. Dominion manages to have interesting cards while not requiring any memorization, by restricting the relevant cards to a small subset of all cards and showing you them at the beginning of each match.

In a way, this is more about what mechanic Dominion doesn't have: a big face-down deck of all cards. What's clever about Dominion is that it's a very interesting game despite omitting this mechanic. As such, gaining skill in Dominion feels more satisfying, because the skill gains come only from learning how to think about the cards more effectively, instead of having a significant memorization component.

An excellent observation. I realized that the thrill of playing Dominion wasn't quite there with Ascension and Marvel Legendary. With the former, I just have to process the cards once at the beginning of the game. Maybe I give myself a periodic refresher, but since I rarely want more than three or four of the cards in a game, I easily absorb those cards into my brain and play without interruption. With the latter, I have to read each card as they come out, and that slows the game down. This is made worse by the fact that Legendary has cards with the same art but different text. In Dominion, you can expect each card that looks alike to act the same (disclaimer: I've not played anything past Guilds, so prove me wrong if you must). Even Knights were different IIRC. Trains has the same benefit as Dominion, but unless you're really into trains, you'll probably get confused by the artwork even though it's consistent too. Thunderstone has an interesting mix of the two.

But I guess it's not that I hate the pool. Or maybe there are ways for me to overcome that. Two deckbuilders I really like, Mystic Vale and Clank!, both have a common pool of cards. And yes, when it comes to my turn, I have to examine each one. Their purchases tend to be slower perhaps, so over half the cards are usually still out there when it's my turn. I do less scrutinizing of the cards. It's also why I don't like Smash-Up—I have to read each card that I play and that others play.

But yeah, with the exception of the Ruins pile and the Knights, you pretty much know what you're getting in Dominion. And even those cards are not a huge surprise since they're face up, and you can read them on your turn. It's what makes Dominion more of a strategic game while Mystic Vale is more of a tactical game. My wife prefers reacting to the pool more than planning out her entire game. I'm pretty happy with plotting my moves 6 turns in advance (if shuffle luck is with me).

Other Games / Re: Dominion clones
« on: February 08, 2018, 03:18:11 pm »
If it weren't for Sirlin the idea to put data on large cardboard tokens instead of cards would have remained an idea and never let to something you could and actually did play.

I remember a conversation on these forums about converting Dominion cards into tiles and putting them into a bag. I honestly couldn't tell you if this conversation predates Puzzle Strike or not, but I figure that if Puzzle Strike was a thing at the time, someone would've said, "Oh, like Puzzle Strike."

So the idea was already out there. Apparently Puzzle Strike put it into practice first.

Oh, and I forgot to mention Dice Forge. I've only played it twice, but I like it. Maybe it's the novelty of building your dice. As I understand it, DF wasn't the first one to do this, but reviewers seem to think that it does it better.

It's hard to compare dicebuilding to deckbuilding. There's no cycling since you just hope you roll the good faces and improve your luck that way.

Other Games / Re: Dominion clones
« on: February 08, 2018, 12:56:36 pm »
I do like Dominion for its set kingdoms. I have some players who prefer Ascension because of its chaotic pool of cards. I'm not overly fond of those, but I deal with them. I find myself annoyed more with Ascension than I do with Clank. Probably because Clank's prices seem about okay. And if there is nothing you want to buy or fight in the middle of Clank, the "Silvers" are pretty good. It's easy to screw yourself in that game and ignore boots, which is how you move around on the board.

I still have a soft spot for Thunderstone. It's slow and clunky, but that theme works so well. It has a lot of values to track (light, strength, cost, attack), so it's not accessible to nongamers, but it tickles the puzzle-solving part of my brain. It's very Dominion-like in that you have set cards in your kingdom. You have randomness in what monsters come out, and that can be unfortunate. If the first three monsters are all just super tough, then you're all spending your turns buying cards with no fighting.

Trains is pretty good, but that's because it really is Dominion. There are some neat kingdom cards, and the province is worth fewer points, but the base is almost letter by letter the same as Dominion. The board is a neat idea, and I wish it was done a bit better. In order to build on the board, you usually have to take some debris into your deck. They just clog your hand, so it better be worth it pointswise to take them. I feel that Trains doesn't put enough emphasis on the board points to justify clogging your hand. IIRC, there is a rule where you can skip your turn and trash all the debris from your hand. Thunderstone has something similar, but I can't remember it very well. I think you discard your hand but top-deck the ones you want to keep so that you strengthen your next hand. Honestly, I think all deckbuilders could benefit from a rule like this.

My latest fun has been with Mystic Vale. It's technically not a deckbuilder in that you start with 20 cards and end with 20 cards. Instead, you build up the cards. All your cards are sleeved, and you can improve your card with clear inserts. They are clear like in Gloom. The main currency is mana, which is spent much like Dominion. There is also another commodity that lets you buy cards that don't go in your deck but will give you special abilities or victory points. One complaint I hear about Mystic Vale is that it gets stale with the same cards. I can's disagree with that. I have all expansions so far, and they've eliminated the staleness. It's a pool of cards like Ascension, which should annoy me, but it doesn't.

Adding leaders to Mystic Vale is fun. You add the leader to one of your cards, and you have a unique ability no one else has. Imagine playing Dominion where one Copper is replaced by a guy that gives you $1 and +1 Buy. Another player may have one that gives him +2 Cards. You could even upgrade that card so that you now get $1, +1 Buy, and +3 Actions. Such cards could be unbalanced, but they give each leader different victory points at the end and varying costs to upgrade. I can't say for certain if they hit a good balance or not.

Anyway, I love Mystic Vale, though I can't say if it's for the novelty or the game. Since I see a lot of naysayers of the game, maybe it's the former, but whatever. I'm having fun with it.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part IV
« on: February 01, 2018, 04:22:02 pm »
My armchair conspiracy theory based on very limited observations: Red-light cameras are more prevalent in poorer neighborhoods because drivers in affluent neighborhoods are more likely to fight the citations, which diminishes the revenue raised by the red-light cameras. I'm ready to be refuted.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part IV
« on: January 31, 2018, 01:54:05 pm »
I'm doing a production of Spring Awakening. I may be in over my head. That music is actually quite tough.

Oh well, it'll be exciting, and I get to portray a horny teenager. Fun times.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part IV
« on: January 25, 2018, 03:23:20 pm »
i have 5000 boyfriends

They can't be all that impressive. Awaclus won't even open their e-mails.

General Discussion / Re: TV shows
« on: January 16, 2018, 09:42:21 pm »
Huh, whoops. I guess somehow I jumped from S2E1 to S3E1 of Black Mirror, so it's like a Christmas present before I start Black Museum.

Which is fitting since one of the episodes is called White Christmas.

Time to unwrap my present then.

General Discussion / Re: TV shows
« on: January 16, 2018, 02:35:08 pm »
It's an episodic show like the Twilight Zone. I suppose one could argue that they're in a shared universe, but that seems really unlikely.

Black Museum definitely ties several episodes to a single universe.

Ah, the one (and half of Metalhead) that I have left to watch.

I'm excited about Electric Dreams. I will probably plug that in when I have finished Black Mirror. I love me some Dick, so this anthology thrills me.

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