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Goko Dominion Online / Re: so this is out?
« on: September 21, 2012, 05:01:33 pm »
oh that's pretty cool

Goko Dominion Online / Re: so this is out?
« on: September 21, 2012, 04:34:22 pm »
err so what happens if as a free player i join the game of someone who's using dark ages card?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: so this is out?
« on: September 21, 2012, 01:00:02 pm »
it should show up a string,the server probably crashed again cause i can't log
i know being a dominion forum most people probably don't care but i tried the other 2 games launched on goko and i'm a little disappointed,all king's man is a very simple puzzle game that has nothing to do with board games at all and the reiner knizia game is basicaly a variation of carcassone with a chinese theme

also those stupid creepy 3D avatar are everywhere,it's really annoying

Goko Dominion Online / so this is out?
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:25:54 am »
at least i was able to register normaly and actualy i'm playing it right now

right now you can buy seaside,prosperity and intrigue each set is divided in 2 parts which each cost 40 gokoins (4 dollars) or you can buy both part for 70 or you can buy all 3 of them for 200,you can also buy a dark ages set

the dark ages set contains altar,armory,band of misfits,bandit camp,count,cultist,fortress,ironmonger,procession,sage,scavenger,vagrant

you can buy gokoins in set of 2,5,10,20,50,100 the bigger the set the more free gokoins you get

so far i hadn't any problem playing against the CPU but the music skip and doesn't play correctly which is pretty weird

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: The Ultimate Challenge: All in, All gone
« on: August 22, 2012, 07:12:15 pm »
mmm well i guess you would start with card drawing so you would open with something like double wishing well (remember you have perfect luck so the wishing well is basicaly a cheaper laboratory) then on your second or third reshuffle you would start emptying the ironworks pile as they are a virtual buy that doesn't consume an action (and not even a card if you use them for emptying great halls) as you get more ironworks,add more card drawing (so more wishing wells i guess) so that you can play all of your actions you then would acquire other virtual buy with ironworks such as feast and workshop,you'd probably split the ironworks between +action card and workshops and add the occasional drawing card,so say with your first batch of 10 ironworks you would get 4 village,5 workshops and something like watchtower (actualy thinking about it,you could start going for double watchtower instead of double wishing well) after getting a decent amount of extra action's,you'd buy all the bridges,this basicaly let you buy 31 cards each turn without problem as long as you keep drawing,after that comes getting the whole stack of king's court,if you play them on any buy/virtual buy they count as a +2 buy which ups your buying power up to 51 cards,then you buy the 10 remodels,each remodels net you 2 cards upping the number of card you can go trough 71 cards each turn and actualy 81 if you plays your kings court on remodels if you trash some cards like squire and catacombs you can go trough the cards even faster,after that i guess it's just a matter to buy all the other +buy cards and then the rest

so basicaly to summarize and actualy improve the whole thing

1) start buying watchtowers/wishing wells
2) empty/reduce to 1 the stack of ironworks
3) use the ironworks to get +actions,bridge's and the required watchtower/library to replenish your hand
4) when you get to 7 bridges,empty/reduce to 1 the stack of king's court
5) gets all of the remake's (not remodels,i got confused),add fodders for the remakes such as squire and catacombs,get even more buy card
6) buy the rest of the cards

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Nice Combo: Silkroad / Remake
« on: January 06, 2012, 05:04:21 pm »
i think the trick is better pulled if you stockpile on remake's and then remake your remake into duchies

Dominion General Discussion / stockpiling on trash for benefit cards
« on: December 26, 2011, 07:50:05 am »
i was wondering what's the opinion on this,i tought it was a good idea as it let you trash something every turn,and if you draw 2 trash for benefit cards together,you can always use one to trash the other (so apprentice an apprentice to draw 5 cards for example,salvager a salvager to get 4$)

so what do you think?

Dominion General Discussion / what's the best time to stop gaining silvers?
« on: December 25, 2011, 08:35:05 pm »
hello,i'm new here,i've played a lot of games on isotropic and i really like the game.....

...apparently according to some people,too many silvers are a bad thing,so i was wondering,how many silvers should a deck hold in general? and also can buying only golds hurt your deck? everytime i feel i have to choice between a gold and a 5$ action,i end up going for the gold as to not waste the 1$ but of course this lead to more money,which leads to the scenario repeating itself and somehow this doesn't feel like it's the best way to play the game

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