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Messages - tufftaeh

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Dominion League / Re: Season 9 - Game Reports & Discussion
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:28:23 pm »
D1:  Micha1980 - tufftaeh 3:3

Game 1: Log - Village, Bishop, Fortress, Remodel, Counterfeit, Harvest, Laboratory, Market, Stash, Border Village (Shelters)
We start both with Remodel - Silver, my Remodel misses the shuffle and I have 5-4 (Counterfeit, Fortress in an attempt to catch up) while Micha trashes his Hovel, has 3-6 and gets his first Border Village with a Lab. Subsequently I probably overinvest in Fortresses (getting them from BV, too) and Remodels which allows me to tie the Border Village split but he has remodeled all his Shelters to Villages while I still have the Shelters. In between, I stupidly get a Market instead of another Lab (will never need the +buy). Most important, he buys a Bishop which I forget, so soon I cannot catch up anymore.

Game 2: Log - Smugglers, Village, Bridge, Fortress, Taxman, Band of Misfits, Junk Dealer, Margrave, Torturer, King's Court
Short story: We both want KC-KC-Bridge-Bridge-Bridge and Micha manages it first  (with some Torturers in between).
Starting 5-2 for a Junk Dealer certainly doesn't hurt him - I go Silver-Bridge and actually get the first KC. He buys a BoM with his second 5 and then two Torturers - I buy a second JD first and then get my first KC already. When I start getting tortured, I discard unless I have a (KCed) JD in hand. Now I think, I should have taken a Curse in t7 to buy a Torturer myself.

Game 3: Log - Lighthouse, Pearl Diver, Fishing Village, Armory, Fortress, Smithy, Talisman, Rogue, Stash, Possession
Micha starts Talisman - Fishing Village, and I ... well, I have 5-2. I don't want to follow with Talisman - something, so I buy the stupid Rogue. Obviously, I have 5 soon again ... and buy another one. He plays it very well by buying gazillions of Fortresses (after his initial two Smithies from the first Talisman) which subsequently oblige to appear when rogued. Later, I buy Gold while he doesn't which allows me to get ahead by 4 to 3 Provinces by turn 15. Unfortunately, we both have a Duchy, and mine is conveniently hit by a Rogue so he can buy the last Province. I guess I should have gone Talisman, too - or even Armory?

Game 4: Log - Haven, Secret Chamber, Masterpiece, Coppersmith, Gardens, Salvager, Scout, Spice Merchant, City, Merchant Guild
Short story: The City - Merchant Guild engine seems to be better than Masterpiece into Gardens, especially if you can buy 5 Gardens with the (not yet) engine deck and feed them to Salvagers. That empty pile is quite useful then.

Game 5: Log - Moat, Woodcutter, Gardens, Band of Misfits, Explorer, Ghost Ship, Journeyman, Library, Mine, Prince
What a horrible crap! If Prince - Woodcutter is the only "engine" I can see (into Gardens probably), Big Money must be something. We play a mirror (Silver - Silver - Silver - Gold - Gold) until Micha seems to get a lead in turn 6 with a Ghost ship over my Silver. It turns out that this doesn't really hurt me as I can use it like a (admittedly ruined) Courtyard, saving money for next turn if it is not enough anyway this turn. I guess I was pretty lucky here to get to 5 Provinces so fast.

Game 6: Log - Candlestick Maker, Hamlet, Secret Chamber, Familiar, Advisor, Quarry, Apprentice, Graverobber, Library, Margrave
Start player advantage in combination with good draws (t5 Apprentice for Estate + Familiar) don't leave much of a chance for Micha. I win the curse split 6-4 and can start to apprentice Familiars, getting Provinces from a single Graverobber and a single Gold.

As usual, I would love to see comments on what I did wrong. Unfortunately, usually nobody bothers to chime in...

Dominion League / Re: Season 9 - Results
« on: July 12, 2015, 10:58:58 am »
Master88 - tufftaeh  2:4

Dominion League / Re: Season 8 - Game Reports & Discussion
« on: June 12, 2015, 09:26:29 pm »
The E5 match between shraeye and myself is now complete.

Game 1: Log / Video+Commentary
Code: [Select]
Squire, Stonemason, Vagrant, Market Square, Masquerade, Scheme, Caravan, Band of Misfits, Festival, PossessionI'm afraid Masquerade should be too fast here so that it doesn't matter how dangerous it is in a Possession game. I'm quickly behind but get my Possession at the first chance and have very lucky Possession turns later, passing myself two Provinces.

Game 2: Log / Video+Commentary
Code: [Select]
Great Hall, Storeroom, JackOfAllTrades, Navigator, Salvager, Catacombs, Jester, Market, Outpost, TreasuryDouble Jack beats Double Jester.

Game 3: Log / Video+Commentary
Code: [Select]
Squire, Ambassador, Masquerade, Bridge, Ironworks, Silk Road, Upgrade, Adventurer, Border Village, Hunting GroundsPossibly the most interesting game of the match. Due to a misclick in the turn before I can pile out in a convenient moment.

Game 4: Log / Video+Commentary
Code: [Select]
Lighthouse, Develop, Sage, Envoy, Feodum, Apprentice, Counting House, Hunting Party, Mystic, King's CourtDue to the missing +Buy I decide to go Envoy-BM but in hindsight KC seems to be better. Had shraeye kept his Develop for extra gains, he would have won, I think.

Game that wasn't: (no Log) Video+Commentary
Code: [Select]
Apothecary, Doctor, Alchemist, Familiar, Ironmonger, Navigator, Trader, Explorer, Minion, FarmlandI win the Minion split but my deck is not as thin. Then the connection breaks down and we have to postpone.

Game 5: Log (no Video)
Code: [Select]
Chapel, Scrying Pool, Pirate Ship, Ghost Ship, Haggler, Minion, Stables, Torturer, Border Village, BankStupidly I don't buy Chapel with my 5-2 start (hoping for a better chance on 6 in t3/t4) and for the remainder of the game, I pay for this.

Game 6: Log (no Video)
Code: [Select]
Forager, Swindler, Philosopher's Stone, Death Cart, Feodum, Baker, Embassy, Graverobber, Haggler, MinionAfter an identical start (Forager/Minion), shraeye is soon far ahead, but a very lucky Swindler kills two Minions and so I have a nice comeback.

Dominion League / Re: Season 8 - Results
« on: June 12, 2015, 02:41:17 pm »
shraeye - tufftaeh 1:5

Dominion League / Re: Season 8 - Results
« on: May 18, 2015, 05:59:08 pm »
trinadianese - tufftaeh 1:5

Dominion League / Re: Season 8 - Signups
« on: April 19, 2015, 08:07:31 pm »
I'd like to join.

Goko Name: tufftaeh
Time Zone:  Europe/Berlin

Haven't played much at Goko as I don't have any expansions.

GokoDom / Re: Collecting signatures
« on: May 12, 2014, 09:15:10 am »
I would definitely like to watch the final (and the just for funsies third place match).

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