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Counterfeit/Capital was mentioned above.  Crown/Capital isn't quite as good--you get $12 for the price of 6 Debt rather than 0 Debt--but you keep your Capital investment, meaning you can play this over and over and over...

That combo is pretty neat, but I've found that it's easy to overestimate the strength of it. After all, it does give you the benefit of getting a ton of coin at the beginning, but in the long run it's about as strong as 2 Golds.

Overlord/Band + Imp: If you play an Overlord or Band, it becomes the copied card, so you can play another Overlord or Band with Imp.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How carefully/slowly do you play?
« on: October 19, 2017, 05:14:12 pm »
Really? I watch all of everyone's Dominion videos at double speed, since they're so slow........

The Round Table is a great idea. Thanks and keep it up, BA!

You could possess another player and then buy Inheritance for them, assigning it to a bad card so they can't ever make their Estates what they want.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Some ideas for the Strategy Blog
« on: October 07, 2017, 09:58:10 am »
Annotated games would be a great idea. I find that it really helps strategy-wise to go over a game step by step and talk about each decision. If the admins were to start doing these, it would not only be super helpful, but it would give the blog a lot more longevity, since annotated games are a lot easier to produce than articles, since Dominion has been thought and written about for a long time.

The challenge, though, would be finding super interesting boards and pro players to play them. Or, people could submit game numbers to BA which they think are really interesting.

Dominion General Discussion / Engines always better than BM?
« on: October 05, 2017, 08:46:17 pm »
"Always go for the engine"- that's one of my three pieces of Dominion wisdom that I tell myself during games. See, when I first started playing Dominion online, I was guilty of playing BM way too much, and against a skilled engine player I would almost always feel the consequences (watching my opponent play 5-minute turns, and losing) unless I got extremely lucky.

I've heard it said many times that a pro player knows when big money is the best thing on a board, and of course, that's sometimes going to be the case. But if there's anything that can reasonably be called an engine on a board, I feel like it's almost always just clearly better. The few times when I've seen money-like strategies beat engine-like strategies, it's either because the engine player didn't pick up enough of the key cards on the board, or wasn't watching the piles closely enough.

For example, let's consider a 3-card board with Village, Moat, and Market. Since there's no trashing, you'll never draw your deck. I guess the "good stuff" deck would open either Moat/Silver or Silver/Silver, and maybe stop at 2 Moats and get Markets with $5 hands. Now that seems much better than the engine, but believe it or not, I've actually seen the engine player pull it out most of the time on boards like this. Did the BM player play badly?

Advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: DS blog complaint
« on: October 02, 2017, 02:55:56 pm »
What is the benefit of creating content specifically for the blog, and not sharing it with the forum? Less people overall would get to see it.

There is no problem, but if the articles already exist on the forum, it shouldn't take a week to select one and post it on the blog.

Dominion General Discussion / DS blog complaint
« on: October 02, 2017, 01:30:00 pm »
First of all let me just say, despite the title, I’m really grateful to Beyond Awesome and the other blog admins for reviving the DS blog, and I’m glad some good articles have been brought into the spotlight which deserve more attention and could be useful for newer players.   I think the community in general was really happy about the revival of the DominionStrategy blog. A few big problems did exist with the old blog- it was not updated frequently, the articles eventually got outdated, and eventually, there just wasn’t much to say that wasn’t already on the forums or the wiki.

As a long-time lurker on the forums, I unfortunately have to say that I’m a bit disappointed after the first few weeks of reading the blog. The first articles were just copied from the forums, so I had already read them before. Sure, the articles were very high quality, and they went over points that experienced players could also benefit from. And I’m well aware that not everyone who now reads the blog has read them before- the whole blog isn’t just for me.

But there’s also the issue that new posts are getting more rare and aren’t on schedule. I know that it’s hard to produce new content, especially on a game like Dominion which people have thought about intensely for the last several years. I also understand that you adults lead busy lives and at times have a lot of things to juggle at once, and that a blog about a board game might not be at the very top of your priorities.

Nevertheless, I think that if the articles are going to be copied from the forums, they should be posted more frequently, since that doesn’t require too much effort from the team. If the team would rather take their time and produce something better, then that would certainly be fine, but firstly, they should say so and secondly, the final result shouldn’t be an article that already exists.

I really hope I’m not making anyone upset here. As I said before, I’m thankful for all the effort that you guys have already put in, and I hope I’m not being too much of a jerk for stepping up to complain.

Marauder / Cultist + Wolf Den: since there are 5 unique Ruins you can reduce your opponent's score considerably if you're lucky.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Adventures Events: Lost Arts
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:45:00 am »
My philosophy is to just put it on the pile you want your deck to be playing the most cards from, that way you get the most extra actions. Which is more often draw than payload since you need a bunch of draw cards to draw your whole deck.

Dominion Articles / Re: On Lurker
« on: September 26, 2017, 08:46:53 pm »
Boo  :( (Disclaimer, this is a great article and I'm not blaming it in any way for my loss, but I'm just wondering what I did wrong here.)

Game #7225818

On this board I decided that there wasn't +buy and not much draw either besides lining up Heralds, so I decided to go double Count, ignoring lurker since I figured that the "engine" would take too long to set up, especially when I opened Count. Where did I go wrong? Was the engine better? Should I have not ignored Sea Hag? Thanks in advance.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:47:26 pm »
Dear Verabo,

I'm sorry that I got 5/2 on a Mint/Fool's gold board and you didn't. That's the first time I've seen someone resign after turn 1.

One I came by today: Torturer + Mountebank. Play Torturer, draw Mountebank, and your opponent takes the curse to block your Mountebank  :(

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: September 14, 2017, 03:34:27 pm »
Haggler gaining silver?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Heirloom Speculation
« on: September 11, 2017, 05:33:21 pm »
I think Stef and Phillip know. On the livestream for the League finals, Phillip said something about meeting with Stef to discuss Nocturne implementation, which I assume means that Donald has revealed the cards (or card-shaped things) to the Dominion Online people.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Confessions
« on: September 11, 2017, 11:35:21 am »
Almost every other game, I'm muttering "so freaking unlucky" to myself with my hand in my face. I've gotten about 20 Golden Sombreros in 900 games online, but I know I don't really get super unlucky in general- I'm just bad  :P

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Undo Trolling
« on: September 11, 2017, 09:05:41 am »
In digital implementations, undoing a "Play All Treasures" function would've been nice if it costed you buying a Grand Market!

Copper..... (!)

Since this is such a common mistake, I think Coppers shouldn't automatically be played in GM games, or when you're buying using Black Market and Grand Market is available.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Heirloom Speculation
« on: September 08, 2017, 10:07:17 am »
I doubt Heirlooms will replace all the starting Coppers. On the wiki, it says that shelters "make Baron a sad panda," but imagine how many sad pandas there would be if there were no starting Coppers- counting house, apothecary, moneylender, etc.

If people are worried about Adam being a dictator, why can't there just be a committee of people administering the blog, and Adam could be a part of the committee? This seems fair to me- Adam can do his good ideas, and no one has absolute or even higher power than the others.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The bad luck thread
« on: September 07, 2017, 12:38:21 pm »
One of the first ever Dominion memes: "Yo dawg, I hope you like curses, 'cause my opening Sea Hag just Sea Hagged your Sea Hag".

That meme is honestly so cringe in my opinion...

I recently had a game where Loan skipped over all my good cards. The other 5 cards in my deck were Silver, copper x 3, and estate.

I personally don't know Adam very well, but I don't see why he shouldn't be a part of the DS blog. He's obviously really good at Dominion and he's written impressive articles before. What are people afraid will happen? I think the new DS blog is something we all want, so if Adam is volunteering to help, there is no reason to say no.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The bad luck thread
« on: September 04, 2017, 08:11:31 pm »

Each of us only had one Sea Hag.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Any new thoughts on IRL handicapping?
« on: September 02, 2017, 05:23:33 pm »
My first instinct is that the estates to curses would be irrelevant most of the time, since it doesn't affect buying power. Turning a copper into an estate or curse, though, seems like such a big disadvantage that it would be very hard to catch up unless you're playing someone who's obsessed with Rats or something. The first time I played Dominion Online (back when Goko was around) I played against Alice the Serf, who starts with 6 coppers, 4 estates. I built an "engine" with village and smithy, with one silver as my only payload, but still won.

This is not the most related, but in an IRL game at my school, some people thought of "chancellor/tunnel" and totally wanted to try it. I told them that the combo didn't work since you weren't discarding anything, just moving your deck to the discards, but they were like, meh, let's try it anyway. I wanted to have fun, so instead of going for the broken "combo," I made this engine that played 4 knights a turn.

I didn't win that one.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Undo Trolling
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:28:05 am »
I always resign and blacklist after step 3.

Why would you resign? If you beat someone who denied you the undo earlier it's so much more glorious  ;)

Personally, most people I've played with thankfully allow the undo, but I blacklist anyone who doesn't. If you have a big engine and you accidentally click the smithy first, even though you've technically gotten a bit of new information, it would be pretty rude for the opponent to deny the undo because 1) the new info doesn't matter, you're drawing your whole deck anyway and 2) it's pretty obvious what happened.

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