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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Alchemy Rebrewed
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:15:39 am »
I think it is pretty cool, and much better than what you did in the other thread.

The Elixir mechanic is a nice way to offset the infuriating aspect of Potion cards (namely not hitting enough for the Potion card and having a very bad turn in result). That said, why are all effects at the start of the turn?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:03:11 am »
I think Weaver is my least favorite Hinterlands 2nd edition card, as its on play effect does too little to differentiate it from Workshop (making them near-identical on boards without discarding). So I went with the following:

Weaver (Action - Reaction, $4)
Choose one: +$2, or gain a card costing up to $4
When you discard this outside of Clean-up, you may play this.

I was also considering +2 Cards. I don't want to make it too similar to Trail or Village Green, so +1 Card, +1 Action is off the table.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Agraria
« on: May 20, 2024, 06:50:56 am »
Nice effort! Cards that differ per game always intrigued me, even though it is usually ill-advised to design a card this way. So I'm going through the cards that use Ways as a means of making them Druid variations.

Woodland Sages: This is far away the best Ally that uses this concept, and I can see this being interesting with most of the Ways. The fact that it has 3 ways increases the chance that there is an interesting Way in there, and the limitation to one per turn prevents the chance of it being overbearing. It is still kinda weird to design an Ally this way, as you need to go through 2 layers of randomness to get this Ally in the first place.

Oxen: I see this being even worse than Farming village in that its enhanced part will matter extremely infrequently. It is not going to make getting Duchies more appealing any time soon, as turning dead cards into weak terminals is generally not worth it. It also doesn't help that several Ways, like Way of the Chameleon or Way of the Frog, are completely pointless for this. Playing Duchies is a messy concept; the payoff has to be worth it.

Farmhand: As Tiago said, the "Choose one: +1 Action" part is completely pointless, and if you let the abilities completely depend on the used ways, this card is going to be dreadful far too often. The concept has potential, just replace the "+1 Action" part with something meaningful. The easiest option is to go for "Trash 2 cards", making it a variation on Steward. You can also go for "+1 Card, +2 Actions" making it similar to Town.

Estate Manager: You want to get rid of Estates, not turn them into very weak cards that take up your precious terminal space (at the expense of 2 hard earned Favors, mind you). This will certainly be able to pull its weight on Import games, in which the opening turns become far better than usual. But with any other Liaison, this is very likely going to be ignored, even without Estate trashing. (And it also makes the FAQ of Inheritance even longer than it already is).

Beast masters: This and Woodland Sages look like drafts for the same cards; something I see more often in your expansion. I far prefer Woodland Sages though, as this can got out of hand very easily with Underling, as you can trigger the Way after two Underling plays. With Way of the Otter, Underling becomes a superlab every two plays! Enabling an effect to trigger after any Action card is also rather uninteresting; it's far more interesting to go for a Fellowship of Scribes-esque approach.

Animalistic: It is kinda cool, but there is a reason why there are no Traits like this in Plunder: discarding outside of Clean-up is not that common! And even then, it's probably more interesting to just play the card itself normally than as a fixed Way. (or maybe not use it as a Trait but apply it to an actual Kingdom card)


Golden Company (Action - Duration, $5)
+2 Actions
+2 Cards
The next time you have no unused Actions (not Action cards) during your turn, put this on the bottom of your deck.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: May 15, 2024, 02:26:03 pm »
Did you mean to leave the +1 Action out of the 2nd one? As written, it's a more expensive Smithy with a downside.

Good catch! +1 Action is obviously intended. Thanks!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: May 09, 2024, 06:33:45 am »
I know there is a lot of talk about a Dark Ages 2E, but do you consider 2Es for more modern expansions like Nocturne? Or Deluxe versions (i.e. just 100 extra cards but no outtakes)?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 03, 2024, 01:44:27 pm »

Legacy is an inverse Inheritance; instead of making your Estates also be Actions, this makes some of your Actions also be Estates. Each player gets their own colored VP token (different from the metal ones) that moves to the pile you choose, and like Seaway, you get a bonus copy of the card as well.

You could argue that Legacy should have the Landmark type, but I'm pretending this was designed in an alternate history where Empires hasn't come out yet.

This absolutely does NOT need to be a Landmark type. Its wording would be pretty clunky.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: April 30, 2024, 05:50:24 pm »

Mutate (Event, $5)
Move your Amplify token to an Action Supply pile. (During your turns, all numbers in the instructions of cards from that pile, except 0 and 1, are increased by 1)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: April 21, 2024, 01:15:23 pm »
I was thinking about a Stables errata that prevents the infamous Stables apocalypse from deciding a game.

Stables (Action, $5)
+1 Action
Choose one: +1 Card or discard a Treasure from your hand for +3 Cards.

A slightly less straightforward one would be:

Stables (Action, $5)
You may discard a Treasure from your hand, or gain 2 Coppers, for +1 Action, +3 Cards.

Another idea I have about the Shadow mechanic: couldn't it make the card trash itself if you don't play the card? Similar to the Ethereal mechanic from slay the spire? Though I'm not sure I'd be particularly thrilled if that was the case.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 14, 2024, 11:48:19 am »

This may seem weird, but I really wanted the below-of-the-line not to be part of the on play ability.
Assisting Dog (Action - Reaction, $4)
+2 Cards
When you play an Action card, you may put this into play to replace all occurances of 2/two by 3, 3/three by 4, etc. in that card's instructions.

I lowkey hoped/expected to see an expansion to the Night mechanic. Seems like this won't be the case. Oh well. Cool to see the Debt mechanic returning. Also cool that there is enough design space for a 5th wave of events.

And the Prophecies mechanic... man, it's hard to speculate. Could it be an official incarnation to the Edict mechanic? Or is it that at the end of each round, some kind of strange event happens? Or is it that a certain event happens after a meter has been filled, that can be filled by playing certain cards? Jeez, these previews can't come soon enough.

And the Shadow mechanic... it won't be the same as this fan mechanic, right?


Recycle Atelier (Action, $5)
Gain a card costing up to $5. If it costs $5, each other player may trash a card from their hand.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 86: Quests
« on: April 01, 2024, 12:08:10 pm »

Penalty (Quest)
1. Trash a Copper
2. Gain a second Province during your turn.
At the start of your turns, discard down to 3 cards in your hand.


Donkey Tamer (Action, $3)
+2 Actions
Gain 2 Horses.
In games using this, when you get +2 Cards (resp. +3 Cards), instead draw until you have 6 (resp. 7) cards in hand.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 85: March Matness
« on: March 21, 2024, 07:46:42 am »
I am a little confused why horizontals aren't allowed. I certainly resonate with the 2 card limit though.

EDIT: My new submission:

+1 Card
+2 Actions
You may discard an Estate from your Shadow mat for +1 Card, or +$1, or +1 Buy.
In games using this, when you trash a card, Shadow it.

My old submission:

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #213: GREEN
« on: March 13, 2024, 07:04:57 pm »

Bamboo Forest (Action - Victory, $5)
Discard any number of Action cards from your hand. +$1 and +1 Villager per card discarded.
Worth 1% per 2 Action cards in your deck that have no +Action or +Villager amounts in their text (rounded down).


Vase Merchant (Action, $3)
If you have unused Actions, (not Action cards), +1 Card.
In games using this, Silvers are Action cards producing +1 Card, +2 Actions instead of $.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: March 02, 2024, 08:05:26 am »
I am thinking about a hypothetical Dark Ages 2E, and one of the cards I can see getting cut is Graverobber. This card is very wordy and its abilities get rarely used in tandem. And it's also just pretty weak overall. So I decided to split the abilities into two parts.

Graverobber first half ($4, Action - Reaction)
Gain a non-Victory card from the trash onto your deck.
After playing a non-Duration Action card, you may trash that card and discard this from your hand for +3 Cards.

Graverobber second half ($5, Action)
Trash a non-Victory card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $3 more.

Can't wait to see some Infirmary games with Ways. The ways stat stand out are:
Way of the Sheep: Let's double our money!
Way of the Squirrel: Let's get an extremely big hand next turn!
Way of the Mouse Workshop: Let's get many $4 costs.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 12, 2024, 01:02:47 pm »
Now I wanna chime in as well. My guesses, from most likely to least likely.

1. Harvest
2. Fortune Teller
3. Masterpiece
4. Taxman
5. Horse Traders: Terminal money isn't very hot, and the discard 2 cards effect just neuters it too much. The Reaction part is interesting, but wasted on this card.
6. Doctor: This card is clunky and super luck based. Sentinel is everything this wants to be. The overpay effect is kinda cool (it really was before Donate existed), but, again, wasted on this card.
7. Fairgrounds: This is just really dull, basically just a souped up Duchy in most games. The increments are just too poorly done to the point that there is almost never much you can do to make it worth more than your opponent's. I think the cardinal rule for alt VP card design is to always make the increment 1VP.
8. Young Witch: This card is pretty overbalanced to the point that it's pretty much never worth buying unless the board is weak, in which case this card will suffocate the game. It is slightly more tame in this regard than Sea Hag, but not by much.
9. Jester: This is just super luck based and generally really bad.

Of course, many people included Tournament which I can totally get behind. However, I personally think that it makes more sense to just introduce more cards that use the Price mechanic. Though the Prices themselves weren't that well designed either...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 11, 2024, 05:42:14 pm »
New cards is always very exciting! We kind of knew this was coming, I guess, from what DXV has told, but I don't want to take anything for granted! The 2. editions usually either carry forth the ideas from the removed cards in a better package, or tosses them out for something better, so you'll probably understand that I've enjoyed the 2. editions so far.

In Hinterlands 9 cards got swapped out. The wiki says the update pack is 100 cards, but that might include the bane card, so 9 might still be accurate. Dunno where the wiki has that info from?

Guessing which cards that'll be removed is pretty exciting imo, so this is my take on it currently. I'm guessing 5 gets cut from Cornucopia:
  • Fortune Teller, to fit something stronger/more interesting
  • Farming Village, to fit something stronger (that doesn't skip night cards?)
  • Tournament, to fit something less of a polarizing that still gives prizes
  • Harvest
  • Fairgrounds, to spice it up like Silk Road got with Marchland
4 from Guilds:
  • Candlestick Maker, to fit something more interesting
  • Masterpiece, as the concept's aldready been redone with Delve in Empires
  • Herald, to remove the mandatory playing of Actions, maybe refine it at the same time
  • Taxman, to fit something with more immediate strength
If the Prizes gets updated too I would be ecstatic! I'm all for cards that makes decisions tougher, and some prizes definitely gets more often picked than others.

I was on the verge of making a list as well. I agree with most you said, but I think Horse Traders and Doctor are definitely on the chopping block. And I don't see Herald leaving, and Farming Village and Fairgrounds are a bit of as stretch as well. But I've also got the feeling they'll pull an Embassy somewhere... (and honestly, I kinda feel like Journeyman could be axed; it just lacks an identity unlike most smithy variants).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 11, 2024, 04:43:40 pm »
Sounds dope! Is this going to be yet another 9 cards replacement?

Anyway: can't wait to see Harvest being finally put out of its misery! And Fortune Teller joining the afterlife with Woodcutter and Chancellor!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: January 26, 2024, 03:52:54 pm »
I'm hoping if there's a Guilds 3rd edition (with or without other expansions mixed in), it will have events.

As a pure space saver:

Event - $3+
Gain a Copper and set it aside. Put it into your hand at end of turn.
Overpay: Gain a Silver per $1 overpaid

I'm not personally a fan of Doctor - way too luck based early game and the overpay is clunky. But I like the premise of overpay for deck filtering.

Event - $3+
Gain a card costing up to $5. Each other player gets +1 Coffers
Overpay: Reveal a card from the top of your deck per $1 overpaid. Trash or discard any number of them.

I like the ideas, but you don't need to resort to the rulebooky "Overpay: ..." for this. You can just add to the event's regular instructions: "You may overpay".

In fact, the whole "Overpay: ..." formulation only exists for Stonemaison. For the other three cards, they could just go with "When you gain this during the Buy phase, you may spend $. For every $1 spent, ...".

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: January 24, 2024, 04:25:26 pm »
I got another idea for Silver Mine

Idea 4
Silver Mine (Treasure, $5)
Gain a card costing less than this to your hand.

With this, it can also serve as an expansive nonterminal Workshop if there are no interesting Treasures to gain. And of course, it gets quite nuts with stuff like Villa.

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