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Game Reports / Ironworks the KC
« on: May 02, 2012, 07:01:56 pm »
First time I've done this with Highway.

Ironworks, KC, Highway on the board, with Remodel, Grand Market, and Scrying Pool.  I remodel into Grandmarkets and use Scrying Pool to draw the deck.  After playing three Highways, I'm happily Remodeling Copper into Highways when I suddenly realize now I can Ironworks a KC and then draw it with the Pool.  Whoa!

Game ends one turn later.

Game Reports / Fun Board: Kingdom of Choices
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:05:35 pm »
cards in supply:
  • $6 - Goons
  • $5 - Minion, Upgrade
  • $4 - Bishop,  Remake, Scout, Tournament
  • $2 - Haven, Native Village, Pawn
Just played this random Province board - lots of fun ideas and combos.  Biggest problem was deciding on a strategy because there's so many options.

Here's the game log.  I won, although I won't profess any outstanding skills or insight.  I'd love to hear what experienced players think!

I was player 2, we each had 4/3, and ifiwerearichman opened with Bishop.  I've got a great win rate when not buying a Bishop, instead relying on the free trashing to accelerate my deck.  So I went Tournament + Silver thinking that I'd get a quick province while he was scoring the early vp.   T3 another Tournament, t4 Upgrade, and very lucky t5 Province. That worked, and although I didn't get a Prize until t9, I grabbed the Trusty Steed.  Now what? 

That's when I realize, he's got a thinned deck on a Goons board with lots of trashing... and there's Native Villages, which I had totally overlooked in the opening.  I had looked at the $4 at the start, and the $5 and $6 as I drew those amounts, but never really looked at the $2 options.  Lots of good $2 cards on a Village-Goons board - that might be really bad.  If he goes vp, he can use the NVs to play multiple Goons, buy $2 cards, and trash them for more vp with the Bishop - or hit coppers with the Remake if he bloats.  That means I need to be extra careful about stalling out if he ignores the provinces.  Followers just gives him curses to trash and bloats me, and he took the Princess. There's a lack of Draw, so Minions are good, and Scouts and Havens get my provinces in hand with Tournaments. So I end up trying a little bit of everything - and muddle through.

I'd put my win down to the fast Province, because I suspect that the threat of running away with Prizes (and shutting down his Tournaments) before his vp engine was running threw off his game plan.  Which means it was quite lucky in getting the Prov t5, even if it didn't hit until t9.

Dominion Isotropic / Did the Discard Pile icon disappear?
« on: June 29, 2011, 10:03:57 am »
Did the Discard Pile icon disappear?

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