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Variants and Fan Cards / Traveller Line
« on: December 14, 2016, 04:16:51 am »
OK, this is a stab in the dark at the most difficult stuff to do: a Traveller line.
It borrows or directly uses cards and ideas of Asper, Cookielord and Multitalented.

Drunkard is a card by Cookielord.

Serf is incredibly weak. It features the 'mess with the time' mechanic of Asper's and Cookielord's Plantation which matters for Friar.
The card is obviously extremely bad in order to compensate for the second card in the line being a pretty good 3 (which is not the case with official Travellers).
If it is too bad "take 1 Debt" is the buff. Thematically Debt is in here to somehow represent feudalistic structures.

Freeman is a straightforward village version of Multitaltented's Detain (wording is directly from Theta's version)
It is probably a pretty good 3, if not a 4, and you might very well wanna keep Freemans in your deck if you need villages.
Thematically our Serf has now become a free peasant.

Friar is the most complex card. Early in the game this trashes and gains a little bit of something for your economy (Novices are one-shot Peddlers), very late in the game it gains a Duchy or something better and during the middle of the game it makes it harder for opponents to call cards which matters for Cardinal. This doesn't scale uniformly with player count, Beer compensates for Drunkard in a 2 player game but with 3 players you have on average 1 Beer and 2 Drunkards on your mat. Also not sure about whether the card should get the Attack type.
The window for exchanging this is small and you gotta consider whether you wanna keep a Friar in your deck in order to make opponent's Cardinals weaker.
Thematically our Freeman has now joined a monastic order and is all into beer-brewing.

Abbot is a bit like Golem, expect for the fact that it doesn't dig and also thrones Treasures. If there is junk on top it could also miss. So it is a tad weaker than Golem.

I am not sure about Cardinal yet, its permanent effect could be too strong relatively to calling this (keep in mind the Drunkards) in order to get a second turn. Calling and trashing this for a Province might be too automatic and/or too strong.


Baths is the non-perma-duration version of Pirate Hideout, a mixture between Oasis and Baker, combined with a Gathering mechanism.
I am not sure about it yet as there is a good reason non-terminal Gathering cards should not exist. To illustrate this via the extreme case, if you had 5 Baths in the top 10 cards of your deck and were able to play 5 Baths you would be able to net 3 Coin tokens and 4 VPs.

Charon is another problem card as the random discard attack could be too swingy. I don't worry about the non-terminal VP token gaining, it takes some time until a pile is empty and this card does nothing for your economy so you will probably only spice your deck with one or two of them in the later middlegame. For the same reason I don't worry about pins either, they are theoretically possible but as this card does nothing for your economy they are extremely hard to set up. I wouldn't use this in a 4P game though but nobody with some sanity left plays 4P Dominion anyway (well, I did once with Ambassador in the Kingdom and got my sanity back afterwards).

Dwarven Miner is a fairly straghtforward investment idea. First I wanted it to net you Coin tokens but this seemed too strong. Now you have to pick a turn in which you have an extra Buy if you call this with more than 8 tokens on it.

Farm is an implementation of marketsquire's idea's of durations that stay in play for several turns. With several of them in play you can easily build up an engine early on but later in the game it remains a mere Necropolis.
It could be too strong and the trigger might have to be tuned down from 5 Actions to 4 or the wording could be changed from Actions played to Actions in play.

Scholar is a variant of Waterfall and avoids the problem of the overpowered Double Lab with Debt costs which occured, according to DXV, while playtesting Empires not so much via the small liability but via being very expensive early and only becoming mildly cheaper, Peddler style, over the course of the game. Price is not fixed yet and might have to be changed to 13D.

Monastery is obviously a Fugitive variant. It has been around for quite some time but I was never satisified with it. The first version also discarded before drawing but that was too strong. The negative coin respectively now "take 1 Debt" made it too weak. The third version is a mixture between the previous two versions, implemented via the Season mechanism.
The wording of the Reaction might have to be changed to avoid infinite repetitions. That you can reveal it to several different Victory cards being gained (as opposed to Horse Trader being set aside after the quasi-Lab reaction) is intentional though, making it a potential powerhouse in the endgame or in alt-VP.

Woodlands is an attempt to do a simpler Season-Victory card than the original ones of Asper and Cookielord. It is perhaps a bit bland.

Wine Harvest is based on a playtest version of Patrol

Patrol: This replaces Scout. Pretty directly really; it can also get Curses, and instead of +1 Action it's +3 Cards, and it costs $5 instead of $4. For a while it gave +1 Action and +$1 per different type in your top 3 cards, and only Scouted 3 deep

It makes sense to do this as a Debt card as it very weak early on and only becomes good in the middlegame, once it is more likely that you reveal a variety of types. I considered to do this is a Treasure card and while the differences between a non-terminal virtual coin Action and a Treasure card are not that huge I think that this is more interesting due to the usual Peddler, Conspirator, Tactician, Library combos.

Feudalism could be too strong and delay the game when everbody is trashing their Gold and Provinces near the end of the game.

Variants and Fan Cards / Ironwork-ish drawer
« on: November 06, 2016, 04:36:15 am »
OK, this is inspired by Ben's Foundry.

Name: Coal Miner
Type: Action

Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck, name a type and put the revealed cards of this type into your hand. Put any number of the other revealed cards onto your deck and discard the rest.
If you named ...
Action card, +1 Action
Treasure card, +           
Victory card, +1 Card per revealed Victory card, +1 per revealed Victory card

Foundry's main problem is, as Fragasnap has pointed out, that it is a very strong BM card. My version rather suffers from the opposite problem, you might sometimes end up with "+2 Cards, +1$" if you choose Treasures which is a bit worse than Smithy. But two coins is clearly too much.
As Victory cards are often the worst choice I tried to add the VP token but it might not be enough.
With Action cards this might be most (or even too) attractive, as it is a cantrip / Lab / Double Lab. You could also view it as a small Scrying Pool.

About the costs, my hunch is that it is too strong for 4 and too weak for 5, hence the debt cost. I am also not sure about whether the rest should be discarded or topdecked or both. Discarding seems cleaner and clearly better if you go for an engine. Topdecking might be better if you play a second Coal Miner.

Variants and Fan Cards / And Intrigue-ish card
« on: September 19, 2016, 04:38:03 am »
Types: Action-Attack

Turn your Journey token over (it starts face up).
If it's face down, +2 Actions.
If it's face up, +1 Card and each player reveals the top card of his deck.
Pool them and put a non-Victory card of them into your hand.
Put the other cards into the discard piles of each other player; one card per player.

This is clearly inspired by cards like Masquerade and Swindler. As it is not strong early in the game Debt costs are IMO justified and I worried that in Kingdoms with gainers (the Coin cost I considered was 4) you might too easily get too many of them. I made it split up cantrips (+2 Actions, next time you play it +2 Cards; with the second card being the best selection out of the top cards of all decks) before I chose the Debt costs so the Journey token thingy might be unnecessary and overcomplicate the card.
One rule issue arises when a player has his entire deck in his hand. This probably only happens in a few Chapel games so I don't worry about it and if it happens one of the players will simply not get a card. Of course the card is explicitly political (while you cannot get Victory cards you can shift Victory cards to the weakest player) which is not an issue for me as my gaming group doesn't mind political games (they have more of an issue with run-away leader games which are no perceived as fun and which are amended by such political cards) so if you dislike political Dominion cards this is obviously not for you.

Variants and Fan Cards / Coins -> VP tokens
« on: September 07, 2016, 09:58:54 pm »
Druid - Action -

+1 Card
+1 Action

Play a Delusion from the Delusion pile.
While this is in play, during your Buy phase pay any amount of .
+1 per paid.

The idea is fairly straightforward, convert Coins into VP tokens (I obviously play too many resource conversion Euros). Such a card should obviously not stack (not sure whether this is achieved rule-wise with my Storyteller-ish pay formulation)
The coin-VP ratio has to be low enough to make this sometimes worthwhile and high enough to prevent you from not greening at all. 2:1 would be crazy but at 3:1 you really have to think whether you want that Gold or that 2VPs respectively whether you really forsake a Province and get 3VP tokens if you hit 9.
I have some doubts that the ratio is too low or that the card is too expensive but you gotta start conservative with such an idea and I didn't want to do something like 5:2 as it is not continuous enough for my taste.

The card uses weavile's Delusion to punish you if you play but don't use Druid's conversion and buy a card instead.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dragon
« on: August 20, 2016, 02:02:24 am »
Type: Action-Attack
+2 Cards
Each other player puts a Treasure card from his hand on your Dragon mat or gains a Conflagration.
Setup: Add The Dragon Slayer and the Valyria Landmarkt to the game.

Type: Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
When you draw this, trash an Action or Victory card (except for Conflagration) from your hand or reveal a hand with no Action or Victory cards.
If you did trash a non-Ruins Action card, gain a Ruins and put it into your hand.
(This is not in the Supply.)

Dragon Slayer
Type: Event
Cost: 0
+1 Buy
Trash a Dragon from your hand. If you do, play all Treasures from your Dragon mat and trash them.

Type: Landmark
When scoring, play all Treasures from your Dragon mat. 4 if you have the most .

Thematically the main idea is that you can appease the Dragon if you give him some treasure and that he burns you if you don't. Mechanically this makes the card an all-around trashing attack, i.e. unlike with Thief or Pirate Ship you cannot avoid the attack via increasing your Action card density. You might even prefer feeding the Dragon your Coppers (or Silvers?!) than your good stuff.
This could be a straightforward 5$ but I think that the Debt costs are justified as you don't want this card too early, helping the opponent(s) trash their Coppers

Conflagration is meant to have a different back like Stash so that there are no "not playing honest" issues. If Conflagration is the first card you draw during your Clean-up phase it won't hurt you. It might be too strong as it triggers a lot of times during the game but at least is is a cantriό and unlike its first, loco incarnation it is now trashable.
Conflagration is worse than a Knight attack as it hits you later and sometimes misses. It is also better as it potentially hits several times and always hits the good stuff (unless you can "feed" it Ruins and Estates).

The Event and the Landmark are just about what to do with the Treasures on the mat. At the cost of an entire Dragon you can play and trash them once, so it is potential megaturn support. Here one problem of Dragon becomes evident, it is stronger in a 3P than in a 2P game.
You can also keep the Treasures on the map and try to win the battle for some extra VPs at the end of the game (obviously I gotta play around with the right value). Perhaps you can even do both if you go massively for Dragons.

There are some rule issues concerning Dragon Slayer as it plays Treasures right when Treasures normally couldn't be played so I wonder whether it should include a phrase like "return to the start of your Buy phase). I am also not sure about Valyria's wording. The idea is that you play the Treasures and compare who has generated the most Coins.

Variants and Fan Cards / Reverse Capital
« on: July 07, 2016, 02:37:31 am »
Here is an idea that probably doesn't work. Could still be worthwhile to discuss it though.
So far all debt cards provide something now with delayed payment, be it cards that have debt costs or Capital. While it is not as thematic (Capital makes sense, you get the money now and gotta repay it later) it could still be mechanically interesting to reverse the order:

Type: Treasure-Duration
Take 2
At the start of your next turn:
+1 Buy

This is probably too good. In the middle- and endgame you rather want 4 turns with 0$ and 4 turns with 8$ than 8 turns with 4$, hence the strength of cards like Tactician or Capital that transfer resources between turns.
If the card just provided 4$ in the second turn it seems inferior to Charm though. Charm has a second option and provides the 2$ immediately. On the other hand the resource transfer could compensate for that.

Of course there are rule issues with Treasure Durations. Technically the card probably needs to make it clear that it provides on the first turn and one could discuss whether the second-turn effect of a Treasure-Duration should happen at the beginning of the next turn or the next Buy phase. And there is this thing:
To not be wonky with cards like Counterfeit, it had to have an "if this is in play" clause on the next turn's +$2.

Variants and Fan Cards / Gathering, Debt and Semi-perma-durations
« on: June 29, 2016, 12:14:14 pm »
Farmer's Market triggers and self-trashes automatically. Temple provides a trade-off between having an on-play effect which is good in the early game and gaining VPs via gaining the card late in the game. Wild Hunt can gain the VPs at any time but at the cost of self-junking.
Here is another Gathering card, a simple Peddler variant which accumulates Coin tokens and self-trashes whenever you want them. It is part of a 4-6 split pile with a "resurrecter" on top of it:

Voodoo Priestess
Types: Action-Duration
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may gain a non-Victory card from the trash, putting it into your hand. If you don't, at the start of your next turn:
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when you trash a Demon Pirate, gain a Demon Pirate from the trash.

Demon Pirate
Types: Action-Gathering
Cost: 6D
Choose one: Trash this and take the Coin tokens on the Usurer Supply pile; or
+1 Card, +1 Action, + and add a Coin token to the Usurer Suppy pile.

Here are two (semi)-perma-durations with card-coin conversion and vice versa. As both imply a cost you can stop to play them at the cost of them ending to be perma-durations and being discarded.

Pirate Hideout
Types: Action-Duration
At the start of your next turn(s):
You may discard a card and take a Coin token. If you do this stay in play. If you don't, discard this at the end of the turn.

Types: Action-Duration
At the start of your next turn(s):
You may take and draw a card. If you do this stay in play. If you don't, discard this at the end of the turn.

The cantrip version of Pirate Hideout, i.e. "+1 Card, +1 Action, discard a card and take a Coin token", is to Baker what Oasis is to Peddler so it would probably cost 4$. The perma-duration version would probably be roughly balanced at 5$ (taking Lab-Hireling as rough benchmark while taking into account that a prince increase from 4 to 5 is of course not the same as from 5 to 6).

I have a harder time with Waterfall. It is basically coins for cards which has so far only been done via Storyteller. I think that the card is on average weaker than Pirate Hideout but in some Kingdoms, e.g. in Colony games, it is pretty good.

Variants and Fan Cards / A Debt-ification Event
« on: June 10, 2016, 07:46:08 am »
Types: Event
Cost: $2
+ 1 Buy
Once per turn: Gain a Kingdom supply card and take equivalent to its cost in plus 2 per its cost in .

Could be restricted to Action cards or to one or several piles which are randomly selected during setup. If it needs a buff the costs of the Event could also be in Debt instead of coins.

I have no idea about the balance. It could be broken as it is stronger for expensive cards. Engineer is a good 3$/weak 4$ so the difference between its costs in coins and in debt is negligible whereas the three are probably roughly worth around 6$ (Overlord is a better Band of Misfits so it would very likely be OK at a cost of 6 coins so the other two cards should have similar hypothetical prices in coins) which is why I chose 2$ for the cost of this Event.

Variants and Fan Cards / Negative vanilla boni and split piles
« on: June 07, 2016, 04:05:12 am »
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action
Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal an Action card. Discard the other cards and play the revealed Action card.

Nothing fancy here, just another village. This is on average probably a bit better than Farming Village as you more often than not prefer an Action over a Treasure card but also moderately worse as, like with Golem and Herald, you are forced to play the Action card immediately.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
-1 Buy
Gain a card costing up to 5 and put it on top of your deck.

The key idea of this and the next card is that of negative vanilla boni. A more unambiguous wording that prevents folks from assuming that you could have negative buys would be "spend a Buy" but that's sound kind of weird. Note that if you throne this or Relocation (or any other hypotheticaly negative vanilla boni card) you gotta spend two Buys/Actions
This is similar to a playtesting Workshop version which also featured a negative Buy but I hope that it works better on a non-standard 5$ gainer. I thought about making it non-terminal but this would only make it more likely that this is broken, i.e. if a decent strategy in many Kingdoms turns out to be to get 2 or 3 Communes to rush-pile the 5s. This also happens in University games but the key difference is that University cannot gain itself whereas Commune can.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
Spend an Action. If you do:
+1 Buy
When you gain this, gain a Deserted Village.

Deserted Village
Types: Action
Cost: $0*
+1 Card
+2 Actions
(This is not in the Supply.)

I am not sure about how much coins this should provide and whether the card is too sharp, meaning that it is too often either too weak and not bought at all or too strong and rushed for.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Look through your discard pile and trash a card from your discard pile.
Gain a Deserted Village or an Alley.
Turn your Journey token over (it starts face up). If it's face up, gain a Spoils.

There is Jack, Altar and Hermit and I wanted another of these trasher-gainers. Alley is a card of Asper's and for the sake of Highwayman it should be used as "not in the Supply". I like the card thematically but think that it could be a bit too strong.

Here come some thematically Tarantino-inspired split piles. I am not sure about the numbers yet, perhaps they are best when scaled with the number of players, but the first one should be something like 8-6.


Types: Action
Cost: $2
Look at the top card of your deck. If it an Action card, +1 Action. Otherwise gain a Slaves.
+1 Card
Turn your Journey token over (it starts face up). If it's face up, +1 Action.

Types: Action-Attack
Cost: $6
Look at the top 2 cards of all decks. Reveal all Slaves, trash them and gain a Django per trashed Slaves.
+1 Card
+1 Action
When you discard this from play, take a Debt, and then you may pay off Debt.

Slaves is a Magpie variant that self-gains quicker. It is either a Ruined Library, a cantrip or a Village. If it turns out to be too weak I will get rid of the Journey token thingy and make it always provide an Action such that the card is either a cantrip or a Village.
Django is of course a thematically driven card, hence the slave freeing. 6$ is definitely the right price but at this very price the card could be too weak/strong as I am not sure about the strength of this Capital-esque (double) Peddler thingy.

Split at 6-4.

Types: Action-Reaction-Reserve
Cost: $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Put this on your Tavern mat.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may discard this from your Tavern mat. If you do, you are unaffected by that Attack.
If the Attack card is a Bear Jew, trash this.

Bear Jew
Types: Action-Attack
Cost: $5
Turn your Journey token over (it starts face up). If it's face down, each other player takes a Debt. If it is face up, each other player skips their next Clean-up phase.

A cantrip reaction is a big no-no so a reserve variant of the same thing is even worse. Its main idea is to prepare for and weaken Bear Jew but Nazi could disincentivize the purchase of other Attack cards too much.
Bear Jew is even more problematic. The Debt attack is OK, it is just the same as a -1 Coin token attack that stacks (I waited with this until Empires is out to check whether DXV has alerady done a Debt attack). But the Clean-up phase skipping implies a giant risk of a standstill pin. One could claim that a card like this should never ever be done and I would not argue with that.
There are some mitigating factors though. First of all, you know what is coming and can prepare for it via buying some Nazis. Second, like Saboteur and Sea Hag Bear Jew does nothing for the active player. Third, Clean-up skipping only happens every second turn. Last and least, a skipped Clean-up phase can sometimes not be totally horrible (for example if your density of terminals is too high such that after you gotta skip your Clean-up phase you can at least play a terminal in the next turn) and very rarely even be good, e.g. if you have 16$ and only one buy.

Variants and Fan Cards / Credit
« on: April 21, 2016, 06:02:09 am »
This is a rough idea inspired by the upcoming "gain now, pay later" mechanism from Empires and by this very first good implementation of it.
I wanted something less radical and game-changing though. The basic idea is that the Event applies only to some cards, that you get a fixed amount of money, that you gotta pay interest on every turn and that you have to totally pay it back one day.
I haven't tested this at all, it is just a first sketch so the wording isn't that smooth yet and I have a hunch that this could very well be too weak.

Types: Event
Cost: $0
+1 Buy

When you buy card from piles with a Credit token on them you may take one or several Loan tokens and reduce the total cost of the buys by 2 per Loan token. During all future Buy phases, after having played Treasure cards and before buying cards, you can repay Loans via paying 2 per Loan token. If you don't you get -1$ per Loan token (if you are currently at 0$ you take your -1 Coin token). At the end of the game you get -3VP per Loan which you did not pay back.

Setup: Put a credit token on two random Kingdom supply piles.

Variants and Fan Cards / Negative vanilla boni
« on: April 12, 2016, 03:32:13 am »
In this thread the idea of negative vanilla boni came up. We already have discard on many cards and I use a card with negative coins. Discard doesn't force you to discard cards which you do not have whereas negative coins can lead to temporarily negative coins (they can increase due to other Action/Treasure cards but after having used all Treasure cards in your Buy phase the minimum amount of Coins is zero).
Negative Actions and Buys should work differently though IMO. You can only play these cards if you actually have the Action or Buy. So for example a negative Action card requires you to play a Village before.

Here are some quick ideas:

Types: Action
Cost: $5
-1 Action
+1 Buy

Seems like a BM card but as you need a Village it is probably more of an engine card.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
-1 Buy
Gain a card costing up to 5$.

Obviously this has to be compared to Altar and could be too weak. On the other hand at a price of 4$ it could be too strong and an opening autobuy.

Types: Action
Cost: 2P
Transform any number of Actions, Coins and Buys into any number of Actions, Coins and Buys.

The wording can be changed. Here the implicit rule is that you cannot get negative Coins, otherwise the card would obviously be totally broken.
I have no idea about the right price. Could be OK for just P. Potion should appear for thematic reasons as this seems like a very Alchemy-ish card and mechanically Potion makes it more difficult to get the card. This is the only cheap Potion card (which I know) that you do not want immediately.

One can play around with this via making it nonterminal or, if the card is too powerful, via only allowing the transformation of one vanilla bonus into another instead of pooling all thre types together and then redistributing them.

Variants and Fan Cards / Reserve-ifier
« on: March 05, 2016, 07:52:03 am »
I think it has already been posted here but I did not find it so my apologies in case this is redundant. A card or Event which reserve-ifies Action and Treasure cards might be interesting. Event makes more sense IMO though.

Whatever the card does normally is triggered when you call it. Treasures can be called at the beginning of the Buy phase and Actions should probably be called at the beginning of the turn. One could make it stronger via allowing Actions cards to be called at the beginning of the turn or immediately after having resolved an Action.

Event - 3$
+1 Buy
Put a Treasure or Action card from your hand on your Tavern mat. If it is a Treasure you may call it at the beginning of your Buy phase and execute the normal effect of the card. If it is an Action you may call it at the beginning of your turn and execute the normal effect of the card.

Obviously the wording, especially "execute the normal effect of the card, is just a first rough sketch can be significantly improved upon.

Variants and Fan Cards / Weird idea
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:06:57 am »
XXX (not sure about the name yet)
Types: Action - Victory
+1 Card
+1 Action
0 VP
When you trash this, +1
While this is in the supply, it costs less.

I am not sure yet about whether the price should be 0 or 1. Probably doesn't make a big difference except for Upgrade and in case a lot of +buys are in the Kingdom.
I am also not sure about whether I want to add an overpay thingy ("When you buy this, you may overpay for it.
For each 2 you overpaid, gain a Coin token.) as I already something similar on a card of mine and as this is similar to Asper's Conserve which turned out to be too strong. Plus formatting could be an issue (complexity is definitely no reason against it as the card is fairly simple).
I briefly considered to make it an Action-Treasure-Victory with the Treasure part just being a Copper but this is obviously too gimmicky.

The basic idea behind the card is that of a cheap cantrip with some boni. There are already some cheap cantrips but they all have an on-play boni. Compared to them this is cheaper and worse during play. Like all cheap cantrips you want it for Conspirator, Peddler and Scrying Pool. Furthermore this is good with trash for benefit as you get a VP token and as it is worth 5$ when you trash it. Thus is also acts as a defense against Knights and Saboteur. Like all hybrid cards it interacts with Ironworks, Ironmonger and Tribute. There could exist some other combos I am not aware of right now.

If this version doesn't work (if so probably because the Peddler-esque buy/trash price spread is too large and thus too strong with trash for benefit) I might go for:

Types: Action - Victory
+1 Action
Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Put one of them into your hand and discard the other
0 VP
When you trash this, +1 VP.

This is inspired by Gubump's Search Party. If this were a pure action card without the on-trash bonus it would probably be a good 2$ (cantrip sifter sound better than Pearl Diver and is probably more often than not better than Vagrant) which is why I guess that 3$ is the right price.

Variants and Fan Cards / Classical Events
« on: February 23, 2016, 03:54:25 pm »
This is about events as global effects that are triggered automatically like e.g. in Star Realms. I think that they should happen at the end of each turn of the last player and that they should be one-shots or stay in play for the next round. Their main issue would be their randomness and the total lack of decision making. Their main advantage would be pragmatic, only 1 card for an event, no need for printing with Dominion backs and no balance problems.
This is not totally right though. Take "Each player draws a card." vs. "While this is in play, at the begining of his turn each player draws a card.". In the presence of handsize attacks the former version gives the first player a significant advantage over the last player whereas the latter does not.

I am not trying to argue for or against what you could label "classical events" but trying to check for these kind of issues. I think it is more important to determine whether the general idea is viable (it is definitely anything but innovative or exciting) before one goes into specifics (which should be fairly easy).

Variants and Fan Cards / my cards
« on: September 21, 2015, 04:20:34 am »
Hello. Here are some cards idea and I'd appreciate some feedback:

- Townstreet - Action

Choose one: +2 Cards;
or +2 Actions; or +

I mainly worry about the terminal silver part of the card potentially being too strong.

- Melee Island - Action - Attack

Every other player discards a
Treasure card or reveals a hand with no Treasure cards and takes his -  Token.
Use the effects of one of the discarded Treasure cards at the beginning of your
Buy phase or take a Coin token.

Obviously a Cutpurse variant. I considered giving the defending player the option to take a Curse even if he has Treasure cards in his hand but decided against it because the wording would have become more complex.
The Coin token part mainly exists to make the card more decent as during most of the middlegame players will only discard Coppers so the bonus is weaker than that of Cutpurse ... and I doubt that the card hitting Gold during the endgame is strong enough (if there are Kingdom cards with virtual coins players will not opt for Gold anyway) to compensate for that, hence the Coin token.
On a sidenote, thematically I wanted to bring the cursed treasure idea into the card but mechanically it is fairly disarranged.

- Shylock - Action

+1 Card
+1 Action
While this is in play, no more than once during your turn: At the end of your Buy phase, put one Coin token for every unspent on your Tavern mat OR add 1/3 (rounded down) of the Coin tokens on your Tavern mat to them and take them.
When you buy this, you may overpay for it.
For each you overpaid, put one Coin token on your Tavern mat.

The most complex and most tricky-to-evaluate card. As the wording might be bad I wanna clarify that you can use the effect of the card only once during your turn in order to prevent that you dissave and gain interest & later reinvest. You can either save unspent money or take the invested Coins with interest.
I think that this card provides the inverse of what Coin tokens usually do. Instead of gaining Coin tokens and then using them to gain e.g. a Province if you have 7 you now gain a Coin token when you e.g. spent 4 for a Silver and are able to use the gained Coin tokens only when you play the card again.

This obviously requires heavy playtesting but my main question before I do so is whether I should drop the cantrip part of the card, make it terminal but also drop the rule that you can only use its effect once during your turn. I find it hard to tell whether this is too powerful or whether the card in its current state (not being able to harvets the Coins and reinvest later) is too slow.

- Granary - Action

+1 Action
Set aside a card from your hand.
 Discard all set aside cards.
+ for each differently named set aside card.

The main question is whether setting aside a card is weaker or stronger than trashing. In my opinion it is on average slightly stronger as setting aside Victory cards and greening earlier in the game compensates for not getting rid of the negative VPs of Curses.
The second question is how strong the Horn of Plenty / Native Village -like return of the cards idea is and whether it warrants a price increase to .

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