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Topics - Throwaway_bicycling

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So this not really a game report, but is in the spirt of one.

This was the Reddit Kingdom of the Week (KoTW) this week:

Code: [Select]
Embargo, Masquerade, Warehouse, Caravan, JackOfAllTrades, Pirate Ship, Worker's Village, Highway, Tactician, Vault
Obviously a massive engine, albeit one limited somewhat by the meh draw. An active discussion has broken out over exactly how to approach this kingdom, since in a real game you expect a WV/Highway mirror possibly transitioning (if there is time) into Double Tac with Vault to support if you need it.

Pretty obviously, you don't want to lose the Highway split, but assuming you compete halfway reasonably for highways, it strikes me that Worker's Villages are almost as important, since you want to be the person with 8 to 10 buys so you can end this right away on your terms. Unless you are playing a Bot (and the Bots lose this board 100% of the time; I think it is the epitome of a bad 'bot board) this basically *has* to be a three-pile ending. Bots lose this by scores like 82-8 in 13 or 14 turns, which suggests to me that this can three pile in like eleven turns if you somebody can grab the buy advantage.

So what this all gets down to, is whether a 4/3 opening should be WV/Masquerade, Silver/Masq, or I guess something else. My initial inclination was Masq/Silver, since that guarantees no dead draws on Masq, and makes it a bit easier to hit $5 early. However...WV/Masq gets you one of the many WVs you need and seems to be slightly better for circulation, as well, as making it easier to say yes to embargo on a $2 hand, which often ends up being a "disappearing Silver" on a turn where you buy Highway.

Comments or opinions?

Rules Questions / Prince of Watchtowers?
« on: February 09, 2015, 07:48:40 pm »
Okay, so this might be more of a question about "Is this a PlayDominion bug"? than about rules, but since it is kind of about the interpretation of rules and because I know somebody is going to raise an edge case rules question in a goes.

I am playing a game hosted by an opponent who has Prince (Dingan) available and this is the randomly generated board:

Code: [Select]
Moat, Fishing Village, Market Square, Shanty Town, Watchtower, Festival, Ghost Ship, Junk Dealer, Fairgrounds, Prince
Prince is still a novelty to me, but I look at this and think "Prince of Shanty Towns...nope; Prince of Fishing Villages...nope; that's a duration card; Prince of Market Square...meh; Prince of Watchtowers...guess that means you get one extra card per hand? Nope"

But then this happens:

So...should my opponent have been drawing 3 cards at the start of every turn? If so, well heck: that's pretty bomber, and somebody should update the Prince entry on the wiki. But if not...what should happen, and has anybody already reported the bug?

EDIT: Never mind; I'm a moron. I am continually Ghost Shipping my opponent, and his Prince of Watchtowers is just slurping up the two cards he put on top of the deck plus the expected sixth card.

Game Reports / So I am undefeated against top-20ish players...
« on: February 04, 2015, 08:04:08 pm »
...but I'm pretty sure I don't deserve it. (Also, I am only 2-0)

Edit: adding the kingdom visualized here.

Code: [Select]
Moat, Develop, Workshop, Coppersmith, Island, Moneylender, Rats, Spice Merchant, Tournament, UpgradeSo I don't think I played badly in this game today:

But I wasn't really trashing down as quickly as I might have, and I got really lucky first when Rabid's initial buys *both* missed the shuffle and then moderately lucky when I did have Province in hand to reveal on turn 16, which blocked him from drawing Silver and therefore buying Province. (But that said, I *did* have two Provinces at that point, and was aware of the value of blocking.) My getting a workshop on a board free of +Buy was intentional since I assumed my only chance against a superior opponent was to somehow stake a lead and then pile out. I think I caught on to Rabid's Duchy-gaining strategy with Rats just in the nick of time. Anything else I should learn from this?

I apologize for the abrupt subject line. Also, I am a new user on this forum, but not new to the game.

But, to cut to the chase, there seem to be problems or issues with the current implementation that are now preventing most or all of the potential users of the service from, well, using the service. I think I know from previous traffic on this site and others that it has been something of a struggle to keep Dominion running reliably using the existing implementation and infrastructure, and, I suspect, the size of the current user base is a problem as well (briefly, I surmise it is too small to support a consistent development effort but too large, at least seasonally, to be accommodated by a bare bones implementation strategy)

So my question, as an interested observer willing to commit some additional funds to a rescue effort, has there been any serious attempt to assess what is needed and whether the community can make it happen?

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