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Goko Dominion Online / Incomplete Log when opponent resign?
« on: April 27, 2013, 02:08:46 am »
Not sure if it has been discussed anywhere else... It seems whenever your opponent resign in the middle of your turn, the log would not correctly show the composition of your final deck? The card that is currently in-play would be skipped...

If alt-VP card is present (e.g. Fairground/Garden/Vineard), that would affect the "final score" you have. While it does not matter anyway, I would still be interested to know what is in my final deck, or how much point does each Vineard/Fairground worth, etc.

Is everyone experiencing this same issue?

Dominion General Discussion / When is Fortune Teller a good buy?
« on: February 22, 2013, 02:51:17 am »
The topic does suggest my impression that Fortune Teller is generally a weak card. But from time to time I see good players punish me with fortune teller (or a few fortune tellers).

So, when is it a good card? When is it a good opening? What is the board that could make it shines?

Dominion General Discussion / When to go for Council Room?
« on: January 27, 2013, 01:00:41 am »
+4 Card with an extra buy is super good, though adding a card for your opponent is annoying... so how to decide if I should go for council room? For example, any card that would make council room great (except the perhaps obvious discarding attack)?

If smithy and CR are both available, when would you take a CR over smithy (except in 4/3 opening)?

Dominion General Discussion / Opening Village
« on: August 22, 2012, 02:18:46 am »
Often I hear people saying that opening Village is a bad idea, as the village does not give you anything until at least your 2nd reshuffle. (Let's assume there is only the plain village on the board... so no fishing, hamlet, mining, etc.)

My question is: is it always true that opening village is bad? Let say you are going for a Torturer engine, you'll need some villages soon or later. So buying 1 in the first 2 turn might save you from needing to spending 5 for a village later on. Could this kind of concern be strong enough to justify opening village?

More generally, is there any circumstance that you may open with a plain village?

Game Reports / Wishing well diver...
« on: August 15, 2012, 11:15:18 am »
Wishing the wishing well into Lab... have to admit I never see this coming

How common is this strategy? Since I have never seen anything like this before. I think it definitely needs support, like Ironwork and Upgrade here... What other cards make this work?

Dominion General Discussion / How do you play this board?
« on: December 03, 2011, 04:21:30 am »
Today I played a game which I won, but in fact I have no idea what I was playing... I just do not have any idea on how to play this board optimally. So would like to hear some of your opinion on it.

Crossroads, Develop, Scheme, Shanty Town, Quarry, Royal Seal, Jester, Minion, Harem, Forge, Platinum, Colony

Both my opponent and I went for Minion + something. I guess Minion is important here. But what else? Is crossroads good with Harem? Is Develop ok with card at every price point? Does scheme worth buying with Minion attack?

What will be your strategy here?

Game Reports / Got Saboteured 32 times and survive
« on: October 13, 2011, 05:47:23 am »
Yesterday I played a crazy (and painful) game which I got Saboteured 32 times in 25 turns, but still survive  :P

Supply: Baron, Masquerade, Menagerie, Monument, Outpost, Potion, Royal Seal, Saboteur, Scrying Pool, Talisman, and University

My opponent used University to gain 5 Saboteur by turn 11, then managed to use it 32 times in the next 14 turns, trashing from my hand:
7 Menageries, 5 Monuments, 5 Silvers, 4 Golds, 3 Masquerades, 3 Potions, 2 Barons, 1 Province, a Duchy, 1 Outpost

I don’t think I played well, especially after being heavily Saboteured mid-way through the game which I start losing track of what is in my deck (except knowing that all my 7 Menageries are gone!). Scrying Pools saves me somewhat, being non-Sabouterable

When I can finally buy some Province, I manage to buy/gain the last 4 Saboteurs to end this painful painful game.

I don’t know what I can conclude from this game. Maybe Saboteur is really not a good card? Or just my opponent has been playing badly? Or I am lucky?

Dominion General Discussion / How long does it take to plan your deck?
« on: October 12, 2011, 12:47:03 am »
How long does it normally take for you to think and plan your deck before buying your 1st card? Of course it depends on what is on board. But just on average, how long would you take for planning? 10 sec, 20 sec, or more than 30 sec?

I am also curious on the other way round. How much time would you give your opponent for planning (not in mid game, but early game) before you feel annoyed and type something like "??", "here?"?

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