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Game Reports / A slow and brutal game, could I have done any better?
« on: October 14, 2013, 06:14:59 am »
Embargo, Fortune Teller, Shanty Town, Watchtower, Coppersmith, Thief, Wandering Minstrel, Harvest, Stables, Adventurer

I just played out this 35 turn uber-slog. Granted, it's a very weak board and there's no real trashing or any +buy to be found, but surely this should not take 35 turns to end? (though I had won by about turn 25 as I had an unassailable lead, and ended up ending the game by buying out double-Embargoed Watchtowers)

We both started out with Coppersmith as there's just not a lot else out there as a starter, but after that our strategies diverge, I hit Stables hard with Shanty Towns and an early Thief (intention - steal Coppers to boost Stables and hurt him a little), while my opponent just doesn't seem to do much of any use.

My Thief was super effective, hitting Golds the first 2 times I played it - obviously that hurts like hell and possibly decided the game. Eventually he picks up a couple of his own but they either whiff or hit when it's far too late.

So my question is, surely neither of us played that well if the game stretched out to 35 turns and the Provinces still weren't gone? Surely there must have been a better strategy out there, perhaps involving Fortune Teller or Harvest (!!!) for virtual money (especially with Thief around and decent potential to play it often, though neither of us did?)


I choose Cutpurse/Silver as my opener as I feel that I definitely want Soothsayer over Sea Hag here. My opponent manages to get Soothsayer turn 1 and then purchases Embargo - something which makes me panic and purchase Sea Hag after all, as of course I don't want to get locked out of the curses even more than I already am.

Looking back at turn 3/4 I look quite lucky, my Cutpurse stops him from purchasing another Warehouse and his Embargo/Soothsayer collide, and I'm not sure that playing the Soothsayer was the right move from him. Warehouse is pretty clearly a key card here with Soothsayer. Later on he embargos Smugglers (which didn't make much difference for anyone)

We end up splitting the curses evenly, and the game ends up piling out on Curses, Warehouses and Duchies, with me one point ahead.

What I'm not sure of is how much of this game was luck vs. judgement - he had first use of cursers, more warehouses, less dead cards... does anyone have any feedback?

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