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Spectator QT link:
Copying from Diplomacy 3 because I'm lazy!!! Thanks Galz!!!

The game has reached its conclusion! Congratulations to France, Germany, and Turkey on the 3-way tie!

The powers are:

Austria: A Drowned Kernel
England: Grujah
France: Just a Rube
Germany: ghostofmars
Italy: heron
Russia: Jack Rudd
Turkey: KingZog3

The starting board is below, see the opening post for some cool Diplomacy resources and tools.

Please send me the moves by PM before the deadline (I will try to be strict yet kind, a difficult and narrow path to walk). I can also make a QT for moves submission if you prefer.

First deadline is let's say Tuesday morning 9/2, 1 am forum time. Deadlines will be 3 Days for Spring/Fall Orders, 24 Hours for Winter Builds (I will aim to keep retreats within the flow of the 7 day cycle). (Early submissions allowed and encouraged; if you change your mind at any time, new moves will be accepted up until I have posted the updated map. However you can mark your orders with FINAL if you choose, and if all players have done so, I'll update early.) If you feel that these deadlines are too short or too long at any point, let me know, and we can open up a discussion.


Current state: (Spring 1901)

Total Centers:
Austria:             3 centers
England:           3 centers
France:             3 centers
Germany:          3 centers
Italy:                3 centers
Russia:            4 centers
Turkey:            3 centers

Other Games / Interest for Diplomacy 4?
« on: August 08, 2014, 12:39:48 pm »
f.ds Diplomacy 3 has been over for some time and I just finished another game off-site. Thought I'd throw this up to see if there was interest in getting another one rolling! I would probably prefer to play, but I wouldn't mind hosting at all.

For those of you who never heard of it, Diplomacy is a 7-player game of strategy and intrigue set in pre-WWI Europe. It's been one of my favorite board games since high school. While a good tactical brain will get you far, the true essence of this game (as the name suggests) is in the negotiation phase--it's difficult to make much headway without your neighbors, so you'll have to work together out of necessity. Between movement phases players may communicate between each other as much as they like, making alliances, breaking alliances, whatever you think is best! Just don't be too surprised if your "ally" backstabs you first...

Here are the official rules:

And a link to a sample game, the most recent one we played on this forum:

I (or the mod) can open a new thread if/when this fills.


Mod: WalrusMcFishSr


1. ghostofmars
2. A Drowned Kernel
3. heron
4. Grujah
5. KingZog3
6. Jack Rudd
7. Just a Rube

Mafia Game Threads / Mafia XLI: STAR WARS! (TOWN WINS FLAWLESSLY!)
« on: March 03, 2014, 04:56:02 pm »
Welcome to Mafia XLI!

Hooray! It's Mafia! AND Star Wars! How can you lose?


Mods: WalrusMcFishSr, ashersky

Sign ups! (9 players!) This game is relatively friendly for new players, so don't be afraid to give it a try!

1. Robz888
2. Teproc
3. Twistedarcher - Town Doctor, killed on Night 2
4. yuma
5. AHoppy
7. AndrewisFTTW
8. XerxesPraelor - Sith Goon, lynched on D1
9. faust

Players Tagged:

1. Jimmmmm
2. ashersky
3. scott_pilgrim
4. mail-mi
5. Voltaire
6. liopoil


The Rules of Mafia will be used with the following changes. Please read them if this is your first time playing!

- Day deadlines will be 7 days and night deadlines will be 48 hours.
- During the first 24 hours of night, please PM the mods to confirm that you are still playing. After 24 hours, if you have not PM'd us, the mod(s) will PM you to check to see if you are still in fact playing. If we have not received a confirmation by the time Night is supposed to end, Night will continue as we look for a replacement.

Game Setup

This game will be standard open, using the Matrix6 setup:

|Town Jailkeeper          |Vanilla Townie|Mafia Goon  |
|Mafia Roleblocker        |Town Cop      |Town Doctor |
|1-Shot Bulletproof Townie|Mafia Goon    |Town Tracker|

This setup will take a random row or column of the above matrix and add five Vanilla Townies and one Mafia Goon to the three randomly selected.  So, in the end, there are six possible variations:

6 Vanilla Townies, 1 Town Jailkeeper, 2 Mafia Goons
5 Vanilla Townies, 1 Town Cop, 1 Town Doctor, 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker
5 Vanilla Townies, 1 1-Shot Bulletproof Townie, 1 Town Tracker, 2 Mafia Goons
5 Vanilla Townies, 1 1-Shot Bulletproof Townie, 1 Town Jailkeeper, 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker
6 Vanilla Townies, 1 Town Cop, 2 Mafia Goons
5 Vanilla Townies, 1 Town Doctor, 1 Town Tracker, 2 Mafia Goons

A few notes on the setup:
-The Mafia Roleblocker is able to both kill and roleblock on the same night.
-The Mafia Roleblocker's action resolves before the Town Jailkeeper's action.
-The 1-shot Bulletproof Townie's bulletproof ability is a static ability, and thus cannot be roleblocked.
-Roles may not self-target.

The same will start during the day.  Each night (including Night0), the mafia members will be provided with a quicktopic link to discuss strategy in.  Once a mafia member is killed, he or she will no longer be allowed to post in the quicktopic.

Flavor is NOT indicative of alignment.  Which flavor roles will correspond with mafia members will be randomly chosen before the start of the game. Go ahead, flavor claim, it's more fun that way!

When you sign up, please indicate if you prefer flavor set in the original trilogy (Episodes IV, V, and VI) or the prequels (Episodes I, II, and III). I'm flexible. Otherwise I will assume no preference and just pick one.

In this game, the town will be referred to as Republic and the mafia will be referred to as Sith.

Thanks to nkirbit for "letting" me "borrow" this set-up information from his Game of Thrones Mafia game.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

And may the Force be with you...always!

EVEN MORE Resistance: Avalon

Set Up:
(info shamelessly stolen and adapted from the previous game)

Mod: WalrusMcFishSr. PM me for rules clarifications or a Speccy QT!

Merlin -- chairs
Percival -- Archetype
Guinevere -- liopoil
Dave the VT -- ashersky
Mordred/Assassin -- Jimmmmm
Morgana -- mail-mi
Good Lancelot -- Tables
Evil Lancelot -- jotheonah

Lady of the Lake


Welcome, Player1. You are Merlin. Being an awesome inscrutable wizard dude, you have the ability to detect most evil presences in your midst. But beware of Mordred, who remains unseen and will not hesitate to strike you down given the opportunity!

Player6 and Player8 are Morgana and Evil Lancelot, but you don't know which is which!

Welcome, Player2. You are Percival. You and Merlin are buds. Unfortunately, you have prosopagnosia and have difficulty distinguishing between Merlin's face and Morgana's. It is a fairly severe and life-impairing disorder.

Player1 and Player6 are Merlin and Morgana, but you don't know which is which!

Welcome, Player3. You are Guinevere. You are a saucy and lustful harlot, what can I say. You know that one of the Lancelots is evil, but you just can't help yourself!

Player7 and Player8 are Good Lancelot and Evil Lancelot, but you don't know which is which! And who cares, they're both hot.

Welcome, Player4. You are Dave the VT. It might not seem like it, but you are the most important role in the game! So don't screw it up Dave.

Welcome, Player5. You are Mordred. When you were growing up, Merlin stole your lucky astrolabe and you've never forgiven him. The only reasonable recourse is...murder.

Player6 is Morgana.
Player8 is Evil Lancelot.
If 3 missions are successful, you may win for Evil by correctly identifying Merlin.

Welcome, Player6. You are Morgana. You're not really all that bad of a person, you just sort of fell in with the wrong crowd. And you love messing with that nerd Percival.

Player5 is Mordred.
Player8 is Evil Lancelot.
Percival knows who you and Merlin are, but doesn't know which is which!

Welcome, Player7. You are Good Lancelot. Due to a freak transporter accident, your identity has been fragmented into unstable good and evil components! You'd think this would be metaphysically disconcerting, but you feel surprisingly OK about it.

At the start of the game, you are aligned with Good.

Welcome, Player8. You are Evil Lancelot. Due to a freak transporter accident, your identity has been fragmented into unstable good and evil components! Having shaved off your goatee, you are now perfectly disguised.

At the start of the game, you are aligned with Evil.

The following will be sent when appropriate:

You are now aligned with Good.

You are now aligned with Evil.

All messages will have the same heading.

Rules for Lancelots (Variant #1):

Quote from: Lancelot promo rules
Set Up
Use both Lancelot character cards included in the promo in place of one Good and One Evil character card.
Build a Loyalty deck of 5 cards –three “No Change” (blank) cards and two “Switch Allegiance” cards.  Shuffle and place the Loyalty deck adjacent to the Score Tableau.
Reveal Phase:
The Evil Lancelot does notopen his eyes, but instead extends his thumb so that he is known to the other agents of Evil.
Gameplay proceeds as normal, with the following exceptions: At the beginning of the 3rd round and at the very start of each subsequent round flip one card from the Loyalty deck. If the card is “No Change”, there is no change of allegiance and play continues as normal.
If the “Switch Allegiance” card is drawn, Lancelot has had a change of heart.  The two Lancelot players secretly switch their allegiances.  This switch applies to all aspects of game play including victory conditions and rules regarding playing Quest cards.  They do not swap or show their Character cards.   
It is possible that Lancelot will switch allegiance once, twice or even not at all during a game.

Rules for Lady of the Lake:

Quote from: Tables, who's kind of like the official rules
Official LotL rules:

The player left of the starting player starts the game with the LotL token (i.e. the player furthest from being leader at the start of the game). After missions 2, 3 and 4, the player with the LotL token chooses another player and gives them the token. They can't choose a person who has already been LotL. That person then takes the LotL cards (one is red, one is blue) and passes back the card matching their current loyalty to the player who gave them the LotL token. They cannot lie, red means they are currently evil while blue means they are currently good. The person who is given the card looks at it but cannot publicly reveal it, although they can claim what they want about it's colour.

And that's basically everything. Note that Blue Lancelot will show up as evil if his loyalty has switched and vice versa.

Also I don't think the rules are explicit about whether LotL or Lancelot happens first, but we've always played Lancelot switching first because otherwise it's just really dumb.

1. Good Lancelot and Evil Lancelot are role names, regardless of alignment. If they switch alignment, the player with the role Good Lancelot is now aligned with Evil, and the player with the role Evil Lancelot is now aligned with Good. Whichever one is currently aligned with Good must succeed missions, while the one currently aligned with Evil may choose. No extra information will be given to Merlin or Mordred if and when they swap.
2. Example mission proposal:

Propose: Player1, Player2, Player3

3. Votes are to be sent to me by PM. The Leader for each proposal auto-accepts by default. If you wish to reject a mission you have proposed, please send your vote immediately. To help me keep track of votes, please specify the Mission and Proposal number in the heading of your message.
4. The game will have 48-hour proposal deadlines and 24-hour vote/mission deadlines. After Missions 2, 3, and 4, and after revealing a Lancelot loyalty card, there will also be a 24-hour period where the holder of the Lady of the Lake token chooses a target; he may send in his choice earlier if he chooses. There is no penalty for missing a deadline other than the possibility that I will search for a replacement if you miss deadlines repeatedly or for an extended period without explanation. Please do your best to meet the deadlines.
5. Once a valid proposal has been made, it cannot be changed. You may change your vote up until I announce the result, and if you are Evil you may change your mission card up until I announce that I have received all mission cards, or the result of the mission is announced.
6. If 3 missions succeed, Mordred will have 48 hours to assassinate a player. This can be changed up until the deadline, unless you indicate that you've made your final choice. All players may discuss freely during this time, and I will reveal nothing about roles or alignments.
7. This is a difficult game. Each role is challenging to play. I recommend you avoid falling into auto-pilot and keenly remember which roles are present.

Player Order:

1.) Jimmmmm
2.) mail-mi
3.) chairs
4.) ashersky
5.) Archetype
6.) liopoil
7.) Tables
8.) jotheonah

Game Log:

Mission 1: Archetype, jotheonah, mail-mi -- FAILED!
Mission 2: Jimmmmm, Tables, chairs, Archetype -- FAILED!
Mission 3: liopoil, jotheonah, Archetype, mail-mi --FAILED!


Proposal 1.1: Jimmmmm, Tables, Chairs

Accept: Jimmmmm, ashersky
Reject: mail-mi, chairs, Archetype, liopoil, Tables, jotheonah

The proposal fails!

Proposal 1.2: mail-mi, Archetype, Tables

Accept: mail-mi, ashersky, Tables, jotheonah
Reject: Jimmmmm, chairs, Archetype, liopoil

The proposal fails!

Proposal 1.3: chairs, mail-mi, liopoil

Accept: mail-mi, ashersky, liopoil
Reject: Jimmmmm, chairs, Archetype, Tables, jotheonah

The proposal fails!

Proposal 1.4: ashersky, Archetype, jotheonah

Accept: liopoil
Reject: Jimmmmm, mail-mi, chairs, ashersky, Archetype, Tables, jotheonah

The proposal fails!

Proposal 1.5: Archetype, jotheonah, mail-mi

(automatically accepted)

Mission 1: Find Arthur's Bathroom Slippers
Roster: Archetype, jotheonah, mail-mi

Results: Pass, Pass, Fail

The mission fails!

Proposal 2.1: liopoil, Tables, chairs, Jimmmmm

Accept: Jimmmmm, chairs
Reject: mail-mi, ashersky, Archetype, liopoil, Tables, jotheonah

The proposal fails!

Proposal 2.2: Tables, Archetype, chairs, liopoil

Accept: Archetype, chairs, liopoil
Reject: Jimmmmm, mail-mi, ashersky, Tables, jotheonah

The proposal fails!

Proposal 2.3: jotheonah, liopoil, Jimmmmm, chairs

Accept: Jimmmmm, liopoil, Tables, jotheonah
Reject: mail-mi, chairs, ashersky, Archetype

The proposal fails!

Proposal 2.4: Jimmmmm, Tables, chairs, Archetype

Accept: Jimmmmm, chairs, Archetype, Tables, jotheonah
Reject: mail-mi, ashersky, liopoil

The proposal passes!

Mission 2: Organize Renaissance Fair -- "Visions of Tomorrow"
Roster: Jimmmmm, Tables, chairs, Archetype
Results: Pass, Pass, Pass, Fail

The mission fails!

The Lancelots have switched allegiances!

The Lady of the Lake Token has been passed to Tables!

Proposal 3.1: mail-mi, ashersky, Archetype, jotheonah

Accept: mail-mi, ashersky
Reject: Jimmmmm, chairs, Archetype, liopoil, Tables, jotheonah

The proposal fails!

Proposal 3.2: chairs, jotheonah, liopoil, Archetype

Accept: chairs, Tables, jotheonah
Reject: Jimmmmm, mail-mi, ashersky, Archetype, liopoil

The proposal fails!

Proposal 3.3: Jimmmmm, mail-mi, ashersky, liopoil

Accept: Jimmmmm, mail-mi, ashersky, Tables
Reject: chairs, Archetype, liopoil, jotheonah

The proposal fails!

Proposal 3.4: Archetype, liopoil, jotheonah, chairs

Accept: chairs, Archetype, jotheonah
Reject: Jimmmmm, mail-mi, ashersky, liopoil, Tables

The proposal fails!

Proposal 3.5 : liopoil, jotheonah, Archetype, mail-mi

(automatically accepted)

This mission roster has been infiltrated by Evil!

The mission fails and EVIL WINS!

Innovation Game Reports / My opponent's score hits 279 points
« on: September 14, 2013, 05:56:17 pm »
...after incredibly absurd alcohol production in Manila and a well-timed Bicycle. But somehow, Self Service arrives at the last possible moment and saves the day.

So what happened exactly? Was it a dedicated resistance of home-brewers competing against an evil Filipino liquor cartel? Or possibly a new automatic beer vending machine that undermined the industry? Who's to say.

Seriously though I'd never seen a score this high before and my opponent probably deserved to win.

Innovation Game Reports / Post-Apocalyptic Combustible Saxophones
« on: August 20, 2013, 06:53:33 pm »
Just getting started with this damn game...I've got a pretty good handle on base but the expansions are still very cryptic to me, so I know I did not play optimally.

Anyway here's my first Fission game! Always worth a chuckle.

So I was messing around a bit and I came up with this neat formula for the "value" of a Venture:

C(v,N) = (1 + v + N)/(1 + N)

Where C is the "value" obtained *just from venture chaining*
v is the number of Ventures remaining in your deck and discard pile,
and N is the number of non-Venture treasure cards remaining in your deck and discard pile.

This includes the $1 from the starting Venture but *not* the final revealed treasure, so to get the final value you should add d, the treasure density of the non-Venture treasure cards in your deck and discard pile. Note that we don't have to include non-treasures, as we normally would when calculating money density, because everything but treasures is skipped over.

Here's my work:

In Mathematica--

Code: [Select]
In[190]:= Sum[v!/((v - n)! ((g + v)!/((g + v) - n)!)), {n, 0, v}]

Out[190]= (1 + g + v)/(1 + g)

Empirically tested with Python simulations--

Code: [Select]
import random



for i in range(tries):
    while going:
        if card:

print float(sum(scores))/len(scores)

For example, one run of this code here with v=28 and N=13 gives me 3.000214, which is very close to the predicted value of (1 + 13 + 28)/(1 + 13) = 3. Good luck getting 28 Ventures in your deck.

So the formula seems to work out. Let's look at some selected values:

If you have v=0 and N=whatever, obviously the value will just be 1.

Similarly, if you have v=whatever and N=0, the value will be equal to whatever+1.

What if you have your original 7 Coppers, and 2 Ventures (playing one, one remains in deck). Assuming your only treasure in hand is your Venture:, we'd have v=1, N=7, and C=1.125, which gives 2.125 when you take into account the extra $1 from Copper. Pretty much what you expect--a silver + 1/8 chance of getting gold. And realistically, you might have another one or two of your coppers in hand, so C could be more like 1.14 or 1.16.

What about for more elaborate chaining? Like, for example, let's say we had 5 Ventures. How does that work out for reasonably-thinned decks?

C(5,5) = 1.8333
C(5,4) = 2
C(5,3) = 2.25
C(5,2) = 2.6667
C(5,1) = 3.5

So with 4 coppers left it becomes as good as Gold, and maybe you've got some silvers and stuff too. 5 Ventures (+ the one you played) is kind of a lot though; how about for v=3?

C(3,5) = 1.5
C(3,4) = 1.6
C(3,3) = 1.75
C(3,2) = 2
C(3,1) = 2.5

You can continue to mess around with the function if you want. I was gonna take some derivatives and stuff, but then I was like, nahhhh.

So what's the conclusion of all this? Oh man, I was supposed to come up with a conclusion? I just like math. I know that there are many other considerations with regards to Venture other than its pure dollar value, such as its ability to deal with junkiness and counter certain cards. You guys are better at Dominion than I am--what are the strategic implications of this? Or is it just an amusing diversion?

General Discussion / Math discussion from Alchemy
« on: July 27, 2013, 03:05:03 pm »
Adding to the confusing mathematical metaphors:

I always thought about potions being like imaginary numbers, like a separate axis or dimension for card cost. Is 2+i greater than or less than 5? Well it's not really either (unless you consider the modulus). This metaphor would be much more interesting if there were an effect that multiplied card costs...

Sir Peebles, your diagram reminds me a bit of Madelung's Rule from chemistry.


Variants and Fan Cards / Card Tokens, Action Tokens, Buy Tokens
« on: July 26, 2013, 03:52:07 pm »
Here's something I was thinking about last night:

I know DXV mentioned in the Secret History that he considered "action tokens" and the like, which would function similarly to coin tokens, but they were rejected because of the need to introduce more tokens. But what if they weren't? After all, Dominion is a purely online game for 2 players, and including virtual tokens is cheap!

This seems like a pretty fundamental idea (which is good) with profound strategic implications (also good). I assumed that somebody would have mentioned it before, but a quick search didn't turn anything up--please let me know if there's another thread about this somewhere.

To be clear, tokens may be saved and played whenever (including action phase I suppose, but maybe we should limit it to the beginning of the phase? Maybe, that could make a big difference as to how powerful these tokens would be). Card tokens can be used to draw one card, action tokens give +1 action, and buy tokens give +1 buy. All of these could lead to some really interesting decisions, particularly when it comes to megaturns, and boy do I love megaturns.

There's a million ways to run with this, but to start let's just explore the Baker variants. All of these would have +1 card, +1 action, gain the token in question. I'll mention the Setup aspect of the card as well, although that could be modified or removed.

Card Baker: Strictly better than Lab, would have to be priced at 6 I guess. Another possibility would be: "+1 action, +$1, gain a Card Token", which could probably be at 5? Having a card token at the beginning of the game could be awesome too--maybe you can make that Chapel not miss the reshuffle!

Action Baker: A Village with savable actions? Kind of Fishing Village-y and I think it could be cool for smoothing out less-than-reliable engines. I think a price of 4 would be fine, but maybe 5. Again, we have the possibility instead of "+1 card, +$1, gain an Action Token", which might work at 4 as well. Having a token at the beginning of the game could mean double terminals look a bit more appealing as an opener.

Buy Baker: More control over the endgame! Great for Peddlers and Goons! Possibly priced at 3? (Market square with more versatility but without the reaction). Buy token at the beginning of the game? Not so immediately useful most of the time (maybe for Fool's Gold!), but could come in handy if you hit an early 7 or something.

...and that's just the beginning, obviously there could be zillions of permutations of the 4 regular bonuses and the 4 tokens and whatever else. How much for a Token Market, which gives you one of each, or a Token Pawn, which lets you choose two??

Let me know what you think about the concept, pricing, other card ideas, potential problems, strategies, cool interactions, thematic names, or whatever you like!

GokoDom / GokoDom II?
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:41:54 pm »
I know it's been just a few weeks since the first one, but I was curious about this and didn't see anyone else talking about it. I'm just getting to the point where I might consider entering (and losing)...

So what's the situation? Thanks

Variants and Fan Cards / Inflation
« on: June 24, 2013, 03:44:32 pm »
Here's an idea I was mulling over in my head:

Inflation--Action, cost $2

+2 cards
Trash this card.
Place an inflation token on top of a Kingdom Card pile.
For each inflation token on a pile, that card's cost is increased by 1.

...and its natural complement:

Surplus--Action, cost $2

+1 buy
Trash this card
Place a surplus token on top of a Supply pile.
For each surplus token on a pile, that card's cost is reduced by 1 (but not to less than 0).

Some notes:

--I'm not sure if ideas like this have been discussed before; I tried a search but if there's already an existing topic please let me know.

--I know these are very Embargo-esque. Well, I like Embargo, and I think it might be an underutilized mechanic. I like Bridge and Highway too!

--The wording, names, prices, and secondary effects are completely up for debate. I just tried to make them a little different from Embargo for the sake of variety. I have not playtested these at all.

--Inflation only affects Kingdom Cards, while Surplus can be on any pile. This is to avoid situations where Coppers cost $12 and the game stalemates. Although that would be pretty hilarious.

--Should this only affect cards until the pile runs out?

In any case, I think it's an interesting idea that could be an interesting option in certain situations. You could play to make your opponent's strategy more difficult or your own more viable. Certainly there would be exciting interactions with remodeling cards, Workshop, Band of Misfits, Border Village, Knights, etc. It's like a permanent, asymmetrical Bridge (or anti-Bridge)!

Let me know what you think!

Dominion Videos and Streams / Hey I made a YouTube video whaddya know
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:59:36 am »
But only because you guys aren't making them fast enough!  :P

Please let me know what you think, both with regards to my strategic choices as well as the video overall!

I may make more later, it was pretty fun to do...

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