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General Discussion / Heroes of the Storm
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:37:24 pm »
I just got into Heroes of the Storm!  It's pretty fun so far.. my initial impression of it is that it feels like a mix of battlegrounds from WoW and a Moba like League.

Anyone else have it?  If so, feel free to add me (Nick #11795) and we can play some games for that sweet EXP bonus!

Mafia Game Threads / Mafia XXXIV: The Game of Thrones Mafia! (Day 2!!)
« on: October 25, 2013, 06:02:04 pm »
Welcome to Mafia XXXIV: The Game of Thrones Mafia!

Mods: TwistedArcher, Nkirbit

Sign ups! (9 players!)

1. WalrusMcFishSr
2. Chairs
3. Robz888 Killed Night1, Vanilla Townie
4. Voltaire
5. Yuma
7. Mail-Mi
8. Eevee
9. Faust Lynched Day1, Vanilla Townie

Players Tagged:

The Rules of Mafia will be used with the following changes. Please read them if this is your first time playing!

- Day deadlines will be 7 days and night deadlines will be 48 hours.
- During the first 24 hours of night, please PM the mods to confirm that you are still playing. After 24 hours, if you have not PM'd us, the mod(s) will PM you to check to see if you are still in fact playing. If we have not received a confirmation by the time Night is supposed to end, Night will continue as we look for a replacement.

Set-up specific info found in the next post.

Introductions / Hi everyone!
« on: June 04, 2013, 04:27:48 pm »
My name's Nick, and I'm relatively new here!

I've been playing a few games of mafia on here for a few weeks, and play a little bit of Dominion here and there.  My brother and I own the base set, Intrigue, and Seaside.  It's lots of fun to play in real life, and I dabbled in isotropic a little, but never got serious about it.  I'm trying to get into Goko now.. I just wish I could play with all the cards for free! :(  My favorite card is Chapel!

As you can see, I'm a big fan of Tottenham Hotspur, and I also enjoy playing tennis.

Nice to meet everyone :D  I've had a lot of fun here so far, hopefully it will continue.

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