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Rules Questions / Idol Count during Resolution
« on: November 29, 2017, 09:03:19 pm »
If the count of Idols in play changes due to the Boon, can it then pass out a Curse?

I assume the answer is no, the count has already been determined ("if you then have" seems to point to the count being determined as soon as the Idol is played), but I've been wrong before.

The only example I can think of to make this happen:

Play Bridge
Play Idol
Odd number of Idols in play, Boon: The Earth's Gift - discard Copper, gain Mandarin, Idol on top of deck
Even number of Idols in play (0), Curse?

Puzzles and Challenges / Empty the Supply in 1 Turn (Now with No Luck!)
« on: October 27, 2017, 12:40:55 pm »
See here for a version with no Black Market and only 2 Events

And majiponi's much simpler post-Renaissance solution!
And my modification to get rid of Goat, making it much simpler to actually set up

And finally, the ultimate form of this task: no shuffle luck needed!

There are probably some little mistakes here and there, and I suspect there is some optimizing to be done as well (in particular, Goat has already gotten rid of the original Bonfire play, and perhaps the new one is not strictly necessary; we may also be able to make do without Seaway, just buying Travelling Fair twice for our extra actions; the money/buys for setting up the loop may be too tight for that though).

b = Border Village
f = Fortress
v = Villa
d = Doctor
w = Watchtower
s = Stonemason
x = Death Cart
o = Band of Misfits
l = Lurker
c = Crown
m = Black Market

Black Market: M = Mandarin, Baker, Young Witch, Pooka, Pixie

Travelling Fair

Starting Cards:
C = Copper
u = Cursed Gold
g = Goat
n = Necropolis
h = Hovel
e = Overgrown Estate

Hand: ugCen
Deck: C[CCCh]
Spend: Coin Token (from Baker)
Buy: Borrow (- on deck), Travelling Fair, Advance (n -> bf), Alms (v)

9 Villas left, 9 Border Villages left

Hand: ugCev
Deck: -fbC[CCCh]
Play: v
Play: g (e, remove -1 Card), u (Curse to discard), C
Buy: Travelling Fair, Doctor (overpay $1, d to discard, trash f to hand), Advance (f -> bv)
$0 left

8 Villas left, 8 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbC[CCCh]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bv)
$1 left

7 Villas left, 7 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbbC[CCCh]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bv)
$2 left

6 Villas left, 6 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbbbC[CCCh]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bv)
$3 left

5 Villas left, 5 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbbbbC[CCCh]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bv)
$4 left

4 Villas left, 4 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbbbbbC[CCCh]
Play: v
Buy: Seaway (v)
$0 left

3 Villas left, 4 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbbbbbC[CCCh]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bs), Advance (f -> bv)
$1 left

2 Villas left, 2 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bsbbbbbbbC[CCCh]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bw), Advance (f -> v)
$2 left

1 Villa left, 1 Border Village left

Hand: fv
Deck: wbbsbbbbbbbC[CCCh]
Play: f, v, w
Hand: bbsbbb
Deck: bbbbC[CCCh]
Play: s (b -> sw), b, b
Hand: swbb
Deck: bbbbC[CCCh]
Play: s (b -> ss), w
Hand: ssbbbb
Deck: bC[CCCh]
Play: s (b -> oo), s (b -> ow), b, w
Hand: bboooC
Deck: [CCCh]
Play: o as v, o as v, o as v
Play: C
$7, 8 Buys
Buy: Bonfire (f to hand), Ferry (c), Advance (f -> w), Advance (f -> w), Advance (f -> s), Advance (f -> bs), Advance (f -> w), Advance (f -> v)
$1 left

0 Villas left, 0 Border Villages left

Hand: fvbb
Deck: wsbsww[CCCh]
Play: v, f, w
Hand: bbbssw
Deck: ww[CCCh]
Play: s (b -> oo), s (b -> oc), w
Hand: bcooow
Deck: [CCCh]
    o as c
      o as c
        o as x
        o as m (M, trash M, coo to deck)
      o as s (b -> oo)
    o as w
Hand: coooow
Deck: [CCCh]

    o as c
      o as c
        o as c
          o as x
          o as l (M, trash M, cooo to deck)
        o as l (o)
      o as *
    o as w

* Play as m enough times to buy out the Black Market deck. Then play as l to gain b + any card other than Province, trash the b with w in hand. By the time this is done, you will have enough money from all the plays of o as x to buy the remaining supply: 8 Provinces, 1 Lurker, 1 Death Cart, 1 Watchtower.

If you want to be really silly about it, you can also play o as w before o as d, and trash everything else from your deck. Then on the last loop, trash the Crown and Bands as well, plus everything you buy, and end the game with a single Watchtower for your deck, losing 0-0 on turns.

Puzzles and Challenges / Turn 1 Win (No Mission/Outpost/Possession)
« on: October 25, 2017, 05:19:15 pm »
b = Border Village
f = Fortress
v = Villa
d = Doctor
l = Library
x = Death Cart

R = Ruin

Travelling Fair

Starting Cards:
C = Copper
g = Cursed Gold
n = Necropolis
h = Hovel
e = Overgrown Estate

Hand: gCCCn
Deck: [CCChe]
Spend: Coin Token (from Baker)
Buy: Borrow, Travelling Fair, Advance (n -> bf), Alms (v)

9 Villas left, 9 Border Villages left

Hand: gCCCv
Deck: fb[CCChe]
Play: v
Play: CCCg (Curse to discard)
Buy: Travelling Fair, Doctor (overpay $1, trash f to hand), Advance (f -> bv)
$1 left

8 Villas left, 8 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bb[CCChe]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bv)
$2 left

7 Villas left, 7 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbb[CCChe]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bv)
$3 left

6 Villas left, 6 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbbb[CCChe]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bv)
$4 left

5 Villas left, 5 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbbbb[CCChe]
Play: v
Buy: Seaway (v)
$0 left

4 Villas left, 5 Border Villages left

Hand: fv
Deck: bbbbb[CCChe]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bx, RR to discard), Advance (f -> bv)
$1 left

3 Villas left, 3 Border Villages left, 8 Ruins left

Hand: fv
Deck: bxbbbbbb[CCChe]
Play: v
Buy: Advance (f -> bl), Advance (f -> v)
$2 left

2 Villas left, 2 Border Villages left, 8 Ruins left

Hand: fv
Deck: lbbxbbbbbb[CCChe]
Play: f (-1 Card), v
Buy: Bonfire (fC), Advance (f -> v)
$0 left

1 Villa left, 2 Border Villages left, 8 Ruins left

Hand: fv
Deck: lbbxbbbbbb[CCChe]
Play: f, v, l
Hand: bbxbbbb
Deck: bb[CCChe]
Play: x (trash x)
Buy: Travelling Fair, Bonfire (fC), Advance (f -> bx, RR to discard), Advance (f -> v)

0 Villas left, 1 Border Village left, 6 Ruins left

Hand: fvbbbbbb
Deck: xbbb[CCChe]
Play: b, x (trash x), v
Buy: Travelling Fair, Travelling Fair, Advance (f -> x, RR to discard), Advance (f -> x, RR to discard), Advance (f -> x, RR to discard), Advance (f -> a + Duchy)

Villa, Border Village, Ruins empty
Final score: 2-0 (obviously could be much higher)

I am also now 95% confident that we can also pull of the Empty the Supply in 1 Turn starting from the position after the second Fortress play. Working out a few details still, but I'll note the following improvements that can already be made:

There are two empty slots in the kingdom, but we can actually make that five - Death Cart is not needed for setup (and can be any action we choose to have with our Library and Border Villages), and by including Black Market, we can stick Baker, Pooka, and Young Witch in the BM deck and are now using 6 of 11 slots.

View Results!
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This is the eleventh contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design a card which would fit well in the Dark Ages expansion!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity or Empires slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.
• Gathering cards, cards that use Debt, and Split piles may only be submitted as candidates for an Empires slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #11: Dark Ages

Design a Kingdom card that would fit into the Dark Ages expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Does something when you trash it.
• Trashes itself and/or other cards.
• Cares about the trash.
• Uses Ruins and/or Spoils.

The winner from 2014 is:

Quote from: markusin

+1 Action
Look through your discard pile. You may trash a card from your discard pile or hand.

While this is in play, when you trash a card costing $2 or more, +1 Card.

$5      Action

Keep in mind that voters may want something that fills a different niche this time around.

Submissions are due by the end of Tuesday, 2016-09-27.

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This is the tenth contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design an Event!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity or Empires slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #10: Event

Design an Event card that would fit into the Adventures or Empires expansions. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Interacts with player Tokens (including Debt and VP, and possibly including new Tokens).
• May only be bought once per turn.
• Almost anything else (except mechanics reserved for other expansions).

The winners from the first two Event contests:

Quote from: scott_pilgrim

The player to your left moves your +1 Card and +1 Action tokens to an Action Supply pile (when you play a card from that pile, you first get +1 Card, +1 Action).

$4      Event

Quote from: scott_pilgrim

The player to your left names two cards. Gain a card costing up to $6 that he did not name.

$4      Event

Keep in mind that voters may want something that fills a different niche this time around.

Submissions are due by the end of Wednesday, 2016-08-31.

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This is the ninth contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design a card which would fit well in the Hinterlands expansion!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity or Empires slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.
• Gathering cards, cards that use Debt, and Split piles may only be submitted as candidates for an Empires slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #9: Hinterlands

Design a Kingdom card that would fit into the Hinterlands expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Does something when you buy or gain it.
• Does something when you buy or gain another card.
• Lets you deal with having a large deck or increases the size of your deck.
• Cares above Victory cards.

The winner from 2014 is:

Quote from: jamespotter

+2 Cards
+1 Buy

While this is in play, when you buy a card, reveal the top 2 cards of your deck, discard any number, and put the rest back on top in any order.

$3      Action

Keep in mind that voters may want something that fills a different niche this time around.

Submissions are due by the end of Thursday, 2016-08-04.

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This is the eighth contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design a Landmark!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity or Empires slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.
• Gathering cards, cards that use Debt, and Split piles may only be submitted as candidates for an Empires slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #8: Landmark

Design a Landmark that would fit into the Empires expansion. Such a non-card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Gives VP tokens on meeting specific conditions during play.
• Starts with or accumulates VP tokens.
• Gives VP bonuses or penalties during endgame scoring based on the composition of your deck.

Submissions are due by the end of Thursday, 2016-07-21.

With the release of Empires, I've updated my Recommended Kingdoms spreadsheet, with the goal of eventually finding a maximal set of disjoint kingdoms*. In doing so, I noticed that the wiki information is incomplete for GenCon 2012 (included are the kingdoms played by dondon151, but the full set of kingdoms is listed in the previous post by loppo; it's also worth noting that exactly half of these are repeats, of either published kingdoms or kingdoms used at previous tournaments). I'll edit the article at some point (unless someone beats me to it).

Anyway, it left me wondering if there are any more officially designed tournament sets out there which are not on the wiki. These are the ones I have at the moment:

Designed by DXV:
Essen 2011
GenCon 2011 (both from here)
GenCon 2012 (from here)

Designed by
Isodom 3 2011 2012
GokoDom 3
Dominion League S7

Full listing in spreadsheet form is here, if anyone wants it. At some point I'll get around to generating a list of disjoint sets.

*Probably not provably so; this is an NP-complete problem, and it's a large enough set to make brute force impractical. A post-Adventures example, with the further restriction of no single-set kingdoms, and only using those published in rulebooks, using just over half of the available kingdom cards:

Repetition   Seaside   Base   Pearl Diver   Pirate Ship   Treasury   Caravan   Explorer   Outpost   Workshop   Chancellor   Militia   Festival         
The Kings Army   Prosperity   Base   Expand   Goons   King's Court   Rabble   Vault   Bureaucrat   Council Room   Moat   Spy   Village         
Last Laughs   Cornucopia   Intrigue   Farming Village   Harvest   Horse Traders   Hunting Party   Jester   Minion   Nobles   Pawn   Steward   Swindler         
The Dukes Ball   Hinterlands   Intrigue   Conspirator   Duke   Harem   Masquerade   Upgrade   Duchess   Haggler   Inn   Noble Brigand   Scheme         
Travelers   Hinterlands   Seaside   Cutpurse   Island   Lookout   Merchant Ship   Warehouse   Cartographer   Crossroads   Farmland   Silk Road   Stables         
Treasure Trove   Hinterlands   Prosperity   Bank   Monument   Royal Seal   Trade Route   Venture   Cache   Develop   Fool's Gold   Ill-Gotten Gains   Mandarin         
Lamentations   Dark Ages   Alchemy   Beggar   Catacombs   Counterfeit   Forager   Ironmonger   Pillage   Apothecary   Golem   Herbalist   University         
Honor Among Thieves   Dark Ages   Prosperity   Bandit Camp   Procession   Rebuild   Rogue   Squire   Forge   Hoard   Peddler   Quarry   Watchtower         
Dark Carnival   Dark Ages   Cornucopia   Band of Misfits   Cultist   Fortress   Hermit   Junk Dealer   Knights   Fairgrounds   Hamlet   Horn of Plenty   Menagerie         
Gifts and Mathoms   Adventures   Seaside   Bridge Troll   Caravan Guard   Hireling   Lost City   Messenger   Ambassador   Embargo   Haven   Salvager   Smugglers      Expedition   Quest
Spendthrift   Adventures   Guilds   Artificer   Gear   Magpie   Miser   Storyteller   Doctor   Masterpiece   Merchant Guild   Soothsayer   Stonemason      Lost Arts   
Queen of Tan   Adventures   Guilds   Coin of the Realm   Duplicate   Guide   Ratcatcher   Royal Carriage   Advisor   Butcher   Candlestick Maker   Herald   Journeyman      Pathfinding   Save

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This is the seventh contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design a card which would fit well in the Prosperity expansion!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity or Empires slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.
• Gathering cards, cards that use Debt, and Split piles may only be submitted as candidates for an Empires slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #7: Prosperity

Design a Kingdom card that would fit into the Seaside expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Is a Treasure or interacts with Treasures.
• Costs $6 or more.
• Uses Victory Point tokens.
• Provides non-Attack interaction.

The winner from 2014 is:

Quote from: SirPeebles

Worth $2
+1 Buy

When you play this, the player to your left chooses a card in the Supply costing between $3 and $6. When you buy a copy of that card this turn, +2VP.

$5      Treasure

Keep in mind that voters may want something that fills a different niche this time around.

Submissions are due by the end of Wednesday, 2016-06-22.

View Finalists
View Cards Submitted

This is the sixth contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design an Event!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #6: Event

Design an Event card that would fit into the Adventures expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Interacts with player Tokens (possibly including new Tokens).
• May only be bought once per turn.
• Almost anything else (except mechanics reserved for other expansions).

The winner from the first Event contest:

Quote from: scott_pilgrim

The player to your left moves your +1 Card and +1 Action tokens to an Action Supply pile (when you play a card from that pile, you first get +1 Card, +1 Action).

$4      Event

Keep in mind that voters may want something that fills a different niche this time around.

Submissions are due by the end of Monday, 2016-03-21.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Treasure Chest Discussion - Future Contests
« on: March 03, 2016, 01:15:26 pm »
This thread is for discussion of which contests to run and in which order.

Current Slots:

Original Set:
13 Kingdom Cards - Intrigue x2, Seaside x2, Alchemy, Prosperity x2, Cornucopia, Hinterlands x2, Dark Ages x2, Guilds
5 Prizes

New Set:
13(?) Kingdom Cards - Base, Adventures x2, Promo, 9 Slots Remaining
? Events

Possiblilities for Remaining Slots:
  • Empires (2 slots - should be released well before this finishes)
  • Additional Card for existing expansions (6/7 slots if all large sets, depending on whether Empires is included; 9 slots if all existing sets)
  • Cross-set mechanics - (4 or 5 slots depending on how it's divided)
    • Example 1: Seaside-Hinterlands, Alchemy-Cornucopia-Guilds, 2-of-Intrigue-Prosperity-Dark Ages-Adventures, Other 2
    • Example 2: Seaside-Hinterlands, Alchemy-Cornucopia, Prosperity-Guilds, Intrigue-Dark Ages, Adventures-Empires
  • Traveller (2 additional slots if it's the second Adventures card)
  • Second Chance (1+ slots - I'm envisioning people picking their favorite ideas someone else submitted and resubmitting them as-is or tweaked)

Example Proposals:
  • Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Adventures, Empires x3
  • Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures
  • Empires x2, Cross-set x4, Traveller, 2nd Chance
  • Empires x2, Cross-set x5, 2nd Chance x2

(Also note that if we include Empires, we may want some Landmarks, and depending on how those work we may want to reduce the number of slots available.)


I postponed the Seaside deadline in part because of the possibility that cards submitted for Intrigue may be resubmitted (as is or tweaked) for that contest if they didn't win. Given that this is more likely to happen with the cards submitted for main expansions (rather than something like a Promo or Event), I am intending in future to retain some overlap in voting but alternate between expansion cards and other stuff.

Whereas the original contest ordered the sets randomly, I have done them chronologically so far (after finishing the first round with Adventures). However, I could see an argument for mixing things up so that less similar expansions are next to each other, in terms of theme (we're probably ok here doing things in chronological order) or complexity (not so much).

Mini-Set Design Contest / Treasure Chest Compilation - Feedback Thread
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:39:36 pm »
Current Card List

This thread is for feedback on contest winners - tweaks to wording, playtesting experiences, etc.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Treasure Chest Compilation - Art/Name Suggestions
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:38:29 pm »
Current Card List

One thing that has come up in the past as a blocker for card images is finding appropriate art (preferably public domain). This thread is for suggesting possible art for contest winners, so that LastFootnote (or whoever) can more easily mock up the cards.

You can also use this thread to suggest new names for cards - eHalcyon's Storyteller in particular needs a new name because of the conflict with the official card which came out later. The final name is up to the designer of the card, but if you think you have a more appropriate name for any of the cards, feel free to throw them out - worst that can happen is an epic flame war leading to a mass exodus from the site they'll say no.

View Finalists
View Cards Submitted

This is the fifth contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design a card which would fit well in the Seaside expansion!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #5: Seaside

Design a Kingdom card that would fit into the Seaside expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Does something on a future turn (Duration cards are included here).
• Interacts with the top of your deck or the tops of your opponent's decks.
• Interacts in some other way with future or past turns (e.g. Embargo or Smugglers).

The winner from 2014 is:

Quote from: yuma

Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card, setting it aside face down. At the start of your next turn, return the gained card to your hand and trash a card from your hand, gaining a card costing up to $1 more than that trashed card.

$5      Action – Duration

Keep in mind that voters may want something that fills a different niche this time around.

Submissions are due by the end of Wednesday, 2016-03-02.

View Finalists
View Cards Submitted

This is the fourth contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design a card which would fit well in the Intrigue expansion!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #4: Intrigue

Design a Kingdom card that would fit into the Intrigue expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Gives you choices.
• Is a Victory card (including dual-type cards).
• Cares about Victory cards.

The winner from 2014 is:

Quote from: Fragasnap
Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.

Keep in mind that voters may want something that fills a different niche this time around.

Submissions are due by the end of Monday, 2016-02-22.

This is a runoff to select a winner from the finalists of the 2014 Prize contest. The finalists were:

Golden Hammer
Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $4 more than it.

Magic Lamp
Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
Gain an Action card costing up to $4. Play it.

Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Action. Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $3 more than the trashed card, putting it into your hand.

Stalwart Mule
Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+4 Actions. Gain a card costing up to $1 per unused Action you have (Action, not Action card).

Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
If this is the first Action card you played this turn, +3 Cards and +1 Action. Otherwise, +1 Card and +3 Actions.

Submit your votes to me via this forum's messaging system. To vote, give each card a score from 0 to 10. (It is recommended, but not required, that you give at least one card a 0 and at least one card a 10, to maximize your voting input.) The winner will be the card with the highest sum. Feel free to discuss the cards (but not your scores) in this thread.

View Finalists
View Cards Submitted

This is the second contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design a card which would fit well in the Base Set!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #2: Base Set

Design a card which would fit into the Base Set. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Only has Vanilla properties (+Cards, +Actions, +Buy, and +$1).
• Minimal card text.
• Does not require new rules or mechanics beyond those found in the Base Set.

Submissions are due by the end of Tuesday, 2016-01-19. (Voting may be delayed due to baby!)

View Finalists
View Cards Submitted

This is the second third contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design an Event!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #3: Event

Design an Event card that would fit into the Adventures expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Interacts with player Tokens (possibly including new Tokens).
• May only be bought once per turn.
• Almost anything else (except mechanics reserved for other expansions).

Submissions are due by the end of Thursday, 2016-02-04.

This is a runoff to select a winner from the finalists of the 2014 Guilds contest. The finalists were:

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. Choose one: Discard any number of cards and take a Coin token per card discarded; or pay any number of Coin tokens and +1 Card per token paid.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Card. Take a Coin token. You may pay any number of Coin tokens. For each token you paid, +1 Action.

When you gain this, take a Coin token.

Types: Action
Cost: $2+
+1 Card. +1 Action. You may put any number of cards from your hand on top of your deck.

When you buy this, you may overpay for it. For each $1 you overpaid, set aside the top card of your deck, putting it into your hand at the start of your next turn.

Royal Guard
Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Choose one: Take a Coin token; or pay any number of Coin tokens and +$2 per token paid.

When any player (including you) plays an Attack card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, take 2 Coin tokens.

Town Hall
Types: Action
Cost: $2+
+3 Actions.

When you buy this, you may overpay for it. For each $1 you overpaid, choose a card you have in play. If you discard that card this turn, put it on top of your deck.

Submit your votes to me via this forum's messaging system. To vote, give each card a score from 0 to 10. (It is recommended, but not required, that you give at least one card a 0 and at least one card a 10, to maximize your voting input.) The winner will be the card with the highest sum. Feel free to discuss the cards (but not your scores) in this thread.

This is a runoff to select a winner from the finalists of the 2014 Alchemy contest. The finalists were:

Types: Action
Cost: $4P
+1 Card. +1 Action. Choose one: +$2; or +P.

When you buy this, trash all Treasure cards you have in play.

Elixir (C)
Types: Action
Cost: $3P
+1 Action. +1 Buy. +$1. Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Potion or a card costing at least P. Put that card into your hand and discard the rest.

Types: Action
Cost: $2P
+2 Actions. You may discard your hand. If you do, +1 Card per Action card you have in play.

Types: Action
Cost: $3P
+1 Card. +1 Action. Trash a card from your hand. If you do, reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a card that costs more than it and shares a type with it. Put it into your hand and discard the rest.

Types: Action
Cost: $1P
Trash 2 cards from your hand. Gain a card costing exactly $2 or $1P more than the total cost of the trashed cards in coins.

When you gain this, gain an Action costing up to $4.

Submit your votes to me via this forum's messaging system. To vote, give each card a score from 0 to 10. The winner will be the card with the highest sum. Feel free to discuss the cards (but not your scores) in this thread.

View Finalists
View Cards Submitted

This is the first contest for this year's set. This week's challenge: Design a card which would fit well in the Adventures expansion!

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #1: Adventures

Design a Kingdom card that would fit into the Adventures expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Interacts with player Tokens (possibly including new Tokens).
• Stays in play for future turns or permanently (Durations).
• Interacts with the Tavern mat (Reserves).

Do not submit Events or Travellers for this challenge. There will be separate challenges for those.

Submissions are due by the end of Monday, 2016-01-11.

Mini-Set Design Contest / 2016 Design Contest: Treasure Set Composition
« on: December 10, 2015, 10:12:00 pm »
In a narrow vote, we have decided to continue the Treasure Set Compilation. This thread is for discussing the parameters of the contest. In particular:

1. What categories should we use for the available slots?

The original Treasure Set Compilation was intended to pick two cards from each large expansion and one from each small expansion, for 13 cards total. This time, we are less constrained by existing sets - we will pick two cards to go with Adventures (plus some new Events), and perhaps a Promo type card, but otherwise, I'm open to ideas. Some thoughts:

a. The make up of the expansions changed several times before publication, and some of the themes in existing sets were originally combined in a single set (Seaside + Hinterlands, as Abroad; Alchemy + Cornucopia). Some of our categories could be for cards combining elements from two expansions, whether based on what we can glean from the Secret Histories or something else.
b. I would like to borrow from the other contest ideas and include a contests for designing based on a predetermined card name or piece of art (one of each). Whether these are also associated with expansion themes, I'm not sure - it might be too limiting, though on the other hand certain names or pictures might lend themselves to particular expansions.
c. We could also consider filling the last slot or two based on the rest of the cards chosen for the set(s) - so basically, borrowing from the Mini Set framework.

2. Finishing the previous contest.

The first Treasure Chest set had a couple of rounds left unfinished. I am currently planning on just running a couple polls for the finalists in those rounds to finish things off; particularly if we have card slots in the new one for those sets (if only in combination).

3. How should we structure the voting?

Previously we have had simple approval voting, later followed by a runoff between finalists. I am considering using range voting this time instead to better differentiate between the submissions. I also mentioned in the original thread that we might consider voting both for a best card "as-is" and a best "concept" which could be tweaked for balance or other issues.

4. Anything else?

Mini-Set Design Contest / 2016 Design Contest Theme
« on: November 24, 2015, 06:16:12 pm »
Following up on 2015/2016 Card Design Contest?, let's pick a theme!

Rank the following options in order of preference. I will leave this open for about 3 weeks, and then we'll follow up with setting parameters for the chosen contest (e.g. if option 4 is selected, we'll need to pick art first). If other options are suggested, I will possibly add them to this list - please limit these to suggestions about themes for the card designs themselves, rather than suggestions for organizing the contest (those can go in the other thread).

2016 Contest Theme Options
1. Treasure Chest Continuation (cards fitting thematically with existing expansions)
2. Mini-Set Contest 2.0 (cards fitting mechanically with existing and new archetypes)
3. Cards designed around pre-determined card names
4. Cards designed around pre-determined card art (public domain)
5. Promo Design Contest (cards inspired by other games, or other cwazy ideas)
6. Other (add comment)

2015 / Losers' Bracket Signups Closed
« on: November 10, 2015, 11:31:20 am »
Since we lucked into having 8 players in the losers' bracket, I think at this point we will close signups and just have a third place match for the main bracket semifinal losers (assuming they are willing). The final 8 in the losers' bracket are:

(22) Qvist vs. (65.0) gkrieg
(23) Jean-Michel vs. (40) JP Gerber
(24) A Drowned Kernel vs. (37) singletee
(27) Dunduks vs. (45) mith

Matchups for the semifinals will be randomized once we have sufficient results to do so (which may not require all four matches to be complete - for example, if Qvist and Jean-Michel both win, they will be in different semifinals; likewise if gkrieg and I both win).

Mini-Set Design Contest / 2015/2016 Card Design Contest?
« on: November 04, 2015, 01:31:38 pm »
Hi all, I was wondering if there would be interest in holding another one of these. I would be happy to organize the voting.

If you're interested, please post here! Also, if you have any ideas for a theme, feel free to suggest one - if this ends up happening, I'll set up a poll among the top suggestions.

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