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Messages - axlemn

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Goko Dominion Online / Re: Really Low Iso Level Players on Goko
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:09:59 pm »
Facing similar.  I'm -53, and don't see my username on the board (switched it from my real name to 'axle'). 

Do these things update once daily, or something?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Dealing with people who stall
« on: June 09, 2015, 03:24:01 pm »
Thanks for the link!  Helps a bunch!  :D

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Dealing with people who stall
« on: June 09, 2015, 02:47:21 pm »
Oh, the greasemonkey script?  I haven't been able to get that to work.  Do I have to be using Chrome or Chromium (on Ubuntu) to use it?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Dealing with people who stall
« on: June 09, 2015, 02:42:51 pm »
How do I use / add to / check the blacklist?  Where is it? 

Goko Dominion Online / Dealing with people who stall
« on: June 09, 2015, 02:38:21 pm »
Not in the 'two-step stall' strategy type either. 

Does Goko have any mechanism for kicking people who are intentionally not responding to your Torturers for 20 minutes each time you play one? 

Would be ever so grateful to get the opponent I'm facing now a ban, a warning, or at the least a kick from the game. 

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Attention-whoring thread.... I did it!!
« on: January 15, 2013, 03:10:34 am »
I reached 42 for a few days (down to 39 from the last month of hiatus)!  You can totally get into the 40s with only a 56% winrate.  ^^

Help! / Re: Ignore sea hag with upgrade on board?
« on: December 27, 2012, 01:27:43 am »
The key cards here are Bridge, Sea Hag, King's Court, and Upgrade. 

It's risky to try to dodge Sea Hag.  It's also risky to delay your King's Courts so much.  With Upgrade around to mitigate the Sea Hag risk, avoiding the Sea Hag is worth it if it pays off.  For him, it did. 

Sea Hag is weaker when Upgrade is around because sometimes you immediately draw / trash the Curse.  Each Curse is then only a single card of delay, and only in one round.  Playing Sea Hag hurts about that much.  Your opponent also can choose to get a Silver by getting rid of an Estate instead of a Curse.  When the Curse doesn't immediately get trashed, it can cause significant damage, but not enough to overcome not being able to reach King's Court for more than a couple turns. 

Your opponent gets lucky to get two Upgrades on T3/4.  Turn 3, you should have gotten Upgrade over Bazaar.  It's too early to reliably get a King's Court, and you don't have the Upgrade or Bridge to play it with. 

I'm unsure whether opening Sea Hag is actually a mistake.  It makes your odds of drawing 5 coin on either of 3/4 extremely low. 

Game Reports / Counting House is the best card ever
« on: December 25, 2012, 10:41:44 pm »
Key cards: Ironworks, Worker's Village, Scheme, Counting House. 

This was likely Counting House's intended purpose: Extreme Deck Control, with failure punishable by nearly automatic loss.  Success is rewarded by an everlasting thing of magnificence. 

So if you have the gall, and the Kingdom's just right... 

I've said some unkind things about a good friend.  I will probably be amending the article on the wiki at some point. 

Game Reports / Re: Big Actions with Quarry, Pawn, and Hunting Party
« on: December 24, 2012, 11:27:38 pm »
So timing the second Quarry is as tricky as it seems, huh?  I guess you should pick it up if you ever hit 4, or once HP are gone?  I guess by the point you have 3 each, it's not worth betting you can spike two.  "Denial play."  Huh. 

I'm unsure (not disagreeing) about only getting a few Pawns, though.  They can be cantripped if they're preventing you from getting your start with Hunting Parties, one kept in-hand to skip over with Hunting Party, and can be used to draw what Hunting Parties refuse to.   They make a second Quarry a clear "yes", perhaps even before HP are completely out, which lets you push Markets much faster. 

Game Reports / Re: Big Actions with Quarry, Pawn, and Hunting Party
« on: December 24, 2012, 09:17:36 pm »

Council Room Feedback / Re: Council Room Updates, 2012-12-19
« on: December 23, 2012, 05:00:36 pm »
Council Room is back up?  :O  :D  Since when!?

You're awesome, man. 

Game Reports / Re: Big Actions with Quarry, Pawn, and Hunting Party
« on: December 23, 2012, 04:53:59 pm »
Well, I know the errors made on both sides - I'm looking for optimizing. 

Simple Big Money/HP/Merchant Ship is outclassed by an engine which takes advantage of Quarry and possibly uses Oracle.  I'm asking about details. 

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Why aren't *you* playing on Goko?
« on: December 23, 2012, 04:15:28 pm »
Point tracker and equalizing starting hands needed.  And sidebar for tracking turns / what's happened, rather than a pull-up menu I have to put back down.  Small annoyance: Moneylender doesn't automatically trash. 

It's mainly who plays.  Isotropic also makes my weak wifi less sad.  I like Roguelikes, so I'm also very partial to minimalism - I wish Goko's interface was... less lavish and more functional.  But it now appears to work well, for the most part. 

I'm impressed by Campaign.  I just got beat hard by Conquer Bot.  Are the strats coded in to be actually the close-to-optimal ones? 
Edit: Nvm, just had a bot ignore Chapel.
Edit2: Huh.  I love the campaign.  These are the kinds of mechanics I've wanted to practice, but are too dull for anyone to agree to practice with me.  And the bots are really good at their basics. 

There are two major style issues for Goko that I find really hurt me as a Dominion player. 

1. The sidebar which tracks each turn and
a) does not forget really far back turns, and so gives more information than is reasonable.
b) cannot be on 100% of the time.

2) There is no way I am aware to see what cards I have played this turn.  This is critical in a Goons game, for instance, or if I want to know the odds of drawing a Smithy with this village, or draw some terminals dead. 

Game Reports / Big Actions with Quarry, Pawn, and Hunting Party
« on: December 23, 2012, 04:00:11 pm »
I played this badly, so I've been looking at it for a bit, trying to find how to play optimally. 

For opening 5-2, most likely Hunting Party > Merchant Ship because it might even be the case that Quarry > Merchant Ship.  Do you pick up the Pawn, though? 
For opening 4-3, Quarry - Pawn.  Silver will be bad by turn 8-9. 

When do you pick up your second Quarry (if ever)?   Do you ignore Markets in favor of Pawn to save on Hunting Party diversity?  How many Hunting Parties / what level of reliability do you want before looking at the Merchant Ships and Farming Villages?  Is spending the action on/adding the diversity for an Oracle worth it? 

2012 / Re: Chapel Division: Bracket and Results
« on: December 19, 2012, 07:31:16 pm »
From another perspective:
Game 1 is rather straightforward - he gets the 6 of the 6-4 Governor Split and I realize I'll lose if I don't do something. I attempt to spike some Plats fast.  I get 3 before he gets any. 

Game 2, I was aiming for a modified version of a Golden Deck that benefited from Embassy.  I really don't feel like this was particularly lucky on my part.  The Golden deck is built around preventing the sort of frustrating denial of endgame by VP chips around the same timing of a BM based deck.  BM doesn't really hate Coppers much, so the Bishop trashing was not as influential as it often is, and Embassy chokes really hard and often by turn 13-14 already. 

Game 3, not much to say.  Could have used the Apprentices sooner and turned the later couple into Duchies for the 3 points of difference. 

Game 4/5 Swindler...  Game 4, I ignored the University/Apprentice synergy, which lost it for me.  Game 5, I got Swindled, man...  He made the right choices here. 

Game 6, I was so, so happy to play this engine.  Watchtower is amazing with University. 

Game 7, on turn 5 he got in an extra Remake play with his Scheme, while my Scheme fell to later.  He ends up getting in 3 more Remake turns than I do, in part because he goes for Walled Villages.  I thought I was further behind when I tried Monuments as a silly desperation play.  The extra cycling from his 10 Walled Villages gives him a well-earned win.   

This was a high-adrenaline series.  Vineyards, Highway, Swindler, and Ghost Ship are the cards I have most trouble with, and I was surprised I could push it to a Game 7.  Thanks for the games! 

[p.s. To reply to an earlier question, I did get the Venture as a counter to Ghost Ship.  ]

Game Reports / Confused - Weak Bridge Megaturns or Golden Deck?
« on: December 09, 2012, 04:01:30 pm »
The only +actions are Farming Villages, the only +draw are Vaults. 

I consider this game a win for my opponent although he screwed up his chance to win on Turn 13.  Discarding and redrawing a card with a Vault would have allowed him to have the money needed to clear the Provinces, which he noted immediately after ending his Vault play.  He could also have greened a little bit more on Turn 13, though that's less clear. 

Why did he get that chance in the first place? 

Vault / Chapel only gets that opening 50/144 of the time, and 5-2 is similarly unlikely. I'm fine with saying that Bridge deck was only so good because of that, but I'm very unconvinced. 

Should I have contested Bridges and had the game end on Piles?  Was Golden Deck the right call?  What levels of luck were involved for each of us? 

2012 / Re: Chapel Division: Brackets and Results
« on: December 09, 2012, 03:16:31 pm »
My opponent and I may decide that today would be the best time to play our round-2 match, though the schedule says that technically Round 2 starts tomorrow.  Is that fine? 

2012 / Re: Upsets
« on: December 08, 2012, 02:49:19 pm »
These ranks are for within the divisions.  It's even more impressive to see overall seed differences. 

2012 / Re: Chapel Division: Brackets and Results
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:34:15 pm »
axlemn 4-0 bureaucrat
Your typical curse-war that starts with Familiars. I pick up Salvager on T4, he doesn't until T18.  He builds a reasonable draw-engine too, but when the curse pile clears, I've trashed 5 cards and gotten 2 Scrying Pools.
I should have lost this one.  I'd guess he was thrown off by game 1.  He misses a victory by going for Provinces instead of ending the game on Goons like I did the turn after.  Most important cards: Golem, KC, Goons, Scheme.  I had no Scheme at the end.
Very close game.  Fishing Village, Library, Horse Traders, Masquerade.  Go for a Masquerade or not?  Hoard or two Tunnels?  I go for a Masquerade, which gave me a better-lasting engine.  Then I choose Hoard and just barely keep a lead.  It turns out that Library can cycle VERY powerfully with Fishing Village and Horse Traders, enough to make 2 Tunnels the better choice because of the 4 VP.
A Colony game with Steward, City, Hamlet, Jester, and Lighthouse.  He went for 2 Plats and a Gold, while I grab an Expands and 2 Jesters.  I was down in the early / midgame from a silly Double Steward opening which wouldn't have been relevant because of the City game. 

2012 / Re: Chapel Division: Brackets and Results
« on: December 04, 2012, 03:14:52 pm »
No response from bureaucrat so far.  Last seen a week ago.  Only 30 hours since PM sent, though. 

If no response by Saturday morning (PST), I will be sad.  I want to play as many games this tournament as possible. 

Yay!  Games will be played tomorrow.  ^^

2012 / Re: Schedule & Rules
« on: December 03, 2012, 06:20:08 am »
While testing my PM email notifications, I found GMail was sending (at least) some of them to spam.

I hope no one gets DQ'd because of that.  Maybe a notice should be sent out? 

Game Reports / Re: Ye Olde Mandaring/Horn of Plenty Game
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:24:01 am »
Venture makes it much easier to draw all those unique treasures together the first time.

Game Reports / What Would Marin Do?
« on: September 15, 2012, 02:23:31 pm »

This is not what Marin would have done, I think.  I just like that I was thinking about controlling pace of the game like Marin seems to do well.  And how he says that Province rushing is bad. 

I was watching the WW vs. Marin games, and once I lost the FG split, I stopped to think. 

I open Spice Merchant / Fool's Gold, then grab 2 Traders to transition into Gardens.  I use Traders on BV and on the cheap Golds I got from his Province buys, then go on to get an amazingly high-quality 64-card deck.  He tries to deny me Gardens, but even when he gets 3 worth as much as Duchies, it's not enough. 

So, stop to think.  Avoid BM whenever possible.  I think that's what Marin would do. 

[Thanks to WW for putting up those games for analysis.]

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards You Horribly Misjudged
« on: September 07, 2012, 03:54:16 am »
I was convinced Counting House was a good card and underrated, though I was first sure of the opposite.  Now, I just think that games with it as optimal are a lot rarer than I'd hoped. 

I'm surprised not to see any mention of Cartographer.  I had absolutely no clue how powerful it was until I figured out how well it worked with generic Cantrip + 1 Terminal decks without super-strong trashing.  I lost 3 games handily before figuring that out. 

I underestimate Caravan and Nobles still. 

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: The New Golden Deck
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:45:26 am »
Not a game-breaker by any means.  But definitely a nice curiosity that could be useful even in competitive games. 

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