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Messages - Alki

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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion Card Image Generator
« on: November 09, 2023, 06:50:48 pm »
I guess I'm not the only one who gets the wrong font for keywords like '+1 Action' for a few weeks right now?

Fist of all: Nice to see so many different entrings. :)
I'll keep it shorter this time.

Balance - Will(ow|iam)
Yeah, that's fine. Remembers me a bit of the  Plateau Shepherds. Not a lot to say about this. But it spices the game up a but, so it's one I really like.

Kin Cooperation - LibraryAdventurer
An interesting way to get coffers or villagers. Depending from the kingdom this could be an interesating one, but it also could become a dead landscape in some cases, where you just don't have a chance to play those cards one after one. I'm unsure if that's worth $6 or even $5 for me.

Siblings - BryGuy
A gain-on-shuffle, when it's not in the game? Not a bad idea. But has room for potential. Would be nice if there was some sort of interaction between brother and sister.

Motherly - StrangerSon712
A mother, which comes with her whole family. That's gamewise and thematically a really cool one, espacially when you have a cheaper Motherly card, but it's connected to two strong b&s. The other way around it creates an interesting decisionpoint where you have to choose if you want to get a strong card, which comes with 2 weaker ones. Yeah, that's good. Maybe a little bit dangerous in point of ending the game too fast.

Identical Twins - bigotato
And yeah, that's a really cool one. LibraryAdventurer hit the point quite well. The switching mechanism looks like a really cool thing which adds an interesting dynamic to the game.

Temple of the Siblings - Snorka
Not much making me very curious about this. Or at least less than the 'Balance', which also combines b&s to an additional VPsource, just with another operation. I preffered 'Balance' over this.

Kinship - segura
That's good. That's fine. Not very exciting, but a solid nice to have. Again, with $6 and depending from the kingdom this could be something very less used.

My Top 3
3rd - Siblings
2nd - Motherly
1st - Indentical Twins

Winner: bigpotato


48 hour warning

Is this a new landscape type, or are we meant to create an existing Landscape interacting with these piles?

You're meant to create an existing landscape around this piles. :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 70: Turn Counter
« on: August 18, 2023, 03:03:22 am »
Spilt pile: Stock Document + Plutocrat

Stock Document • $3 • Treasure
Turn 1-10: +$0
Turn 11-14: +$1
After Turn 14: +$4
After Turn X: When this card is on top of a supply pile, trash it.

Plutocrat • $6 • Victory
Worth 2% more for every turn after turn 13.
After Turn X: When this card is on top of a supply pile, trash it.

What about a pile, which trashes itself turn after turn? Of course, you have to build the deck uo in the right order before the game like you du with the castles. And to spice things up a bit, you have a split pile. First a stock, which is quite worthless at the beginning, but gives you +$4 in late game. And a Victory card which gets stronger the longer the game takes. Yes, maybe the are some things to tweak, costs or when the turn effects are getting activated (I see, it would thematically make more sense when the Plutocrat gets his value after the Stock Documents go high, or the Stock Document shouldn't bo $0 foor 10 turns). But I think you get the point. :)

I like this concept, but there are several things you could do to make it better.  :) Remove the reference to zero - no need to state a Treasure is wroth $0 or a Victory is worth 0VP. Each card need not have different wording, if the wording is better constructed. Stock Document is not likely to be bought if it is a dead card for so long. Plutocrat is much too swingy. Here is how i would do this concept:
Stock Note/Plutocrat
This pile starts with one plus one per player of each card (max 5). All copies of Stock Note are on top.

Stock Note
$3 Treasure
After turn-4: +$1
After turn-13: +$2
Even turns: +1 Buy
After turn-3, when this card is on top of a supply pile, trash it.

$6 Victory
Worth the smaller of either: 5VP; or 1VP plus 1VP more for each set of two turns after turn-9.
After turn-9, when this card is on top of a supply pile, trash it.

What is Stock Note worth:
After turn-04: $1
After turn-13: $3
Even turns: +1 Buy

What is Plutocrat worth:
After turn-00: 1VP
After turn-11: 2VP
After turn 13: 3VP
After turn-15: 4VP
After turn-17: 5VP

Yeah, as already said, there is some space to improve with when to do the effects come in play and so. And yes I see, maybe they shouldn't be dead cards for such a long time, or shouln't be at all. :)
In geeneral, you're corrected caards seem to me more useable. I just liked the idea of the Plutocrat which could become stronger than a Province if you manage the game to become a very long one.

Bamboo: I like the concept, but I think the old version was way too strong, and the new version is way too weak.

Stock Document + Plutocrat: The pile trashing itself basically means the game's not gonna last to the point where the cards are useful, and even if it does, you still have dead card(s) in your deck.

Both of these seem like poor executions of reasonable concepts, but I think I'll give the edge to the split pile.

Winner: Alki

Thx. New Contest is already online.

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Card Mechanics Week 71: Brother and Sister
« on: August 18, 2023, 02:53:10 am »
For this week, create a landscape about two linked piles - one is the Brother, the other one is the Bister.

Both are usual kingdom piles. Before the game starts one random pile is selected as Brother and one as Sister. They get their own pile marker.

From here on you're free to do whatever you want with them. :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 70: Turn Counter
« on: August 15, 2023, 05:38:53 pm »
Spilt pile: Stock Document + Plutocrat

Stock Document • $3 • Treasure
Turn 1-10: +$0
Turn 11-14: +$1
After Turn 14: +$4
After Turn X: When this card is on top of a supply pile, trash it.

Plutocrat • $6 • Victory
Worth 2% more for every turn after turn 13.
After Turn X: When this card is on top of a supply pile, trash it.

What about a pile, which trashes itself turn after turn? Of course, you have to build the deck uo in the right order before the game like you du with the castles. And to spice things up a bit, you have a split pile. First a stock, which is quite worthless at the beginning, but gives you +$4 in late game. And a Victory card which gets stronger the longer the game takes. Yes, maybe the are some things to tweak, costs or when the turn effects are getting activated (I see, it would thematically make more sense when the Plutocrat gets his value after the Stock Documents go high, or the Stock Document shouldn't bo $0 foor 10 turns). But I think you get the point. :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 69: Foreign Market
« on: August 04, 2023, 07:50:00 am »
3rd: Trading Docks

Basically a Black Market, referring to the Foreign Market. Well yeah, there are some extras like the trashing and the extra buy, but in it's core nothing what makes me very excited. Which doesn't mean it's bad, but a little bit to basic for me.

Now it's more complicated:

World-traveling merchant crew:
Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the Journey-Token. But in this case I really like it. It feels right from a thematic point of view, you're going on a journey to get some excotic stuff, but while this you're not able to get any cards from your "home"-kingdom. When playing you have to "plan" your trip, so you don't waste to many buy (phases) in the limited "three-pile kingdom", but depending from what's there it adds something to your game and planning when to get thoose cards if you want them.

League of Explorers
Ahh, nice - something which doesn't just say "you may buy them when xy". :)
The Foreign Market as a choice between different effects you can add to a Liason, if you have the favors to play it. There is not that much I have to say here. Simple, straight, but it adds something you can work on.

My winner for this one is
League of Explorers
fika monster

Beacause it's Command-Mechanic is more likely to be used multiple times in a game, instead of one or two buy phases. And it's sonething else than "just buying" them. This being said, I like the other ally and it's implementation of the Journey-Token very much, so it was a very close one.

Finally, I'm a bit surprised there wasn't more which cared about the different classes. I may excpected something like, I don't know, maybe a trait which says "When you gain this gain a C1, when discard this other than during  Clean-Up, gain a C2, when you trash this, gain a C3" or so. But well. Still interesting to see different approaches to deal with this. :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 69: Foreign Market
« on: August 03, 2023, 03:47:05 am »
For this contest, I want you to make use of a "Foreign Market" mechanic, which adds 3 unused kingdom-Card piles into the game, but they are not part of the supply.

There are this rules for the Foreign Market:
- The Foreign Market is divided in 3 classes: Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 (you may abbreviate them with C1, C2, and C3)
   - C1 cards are worth $0-$2 (e.g. Cellar)
   - C2 cards are worth $3-$4 (e.g. Village)
   - C3 cards are worth $5-$7 (e.g. Witch)
- Each Foreign Market pile consists of a kingdom pile which is not used in the kingdom.
- (Kingdom)Cards which add a Foreign Market to the setup have the type "Import".
- As already told, they are additional piles. They are not part of the supply and can't be gained, played or interacted by other cards than by "Imports" (or landscapes).

A simple example could be this card:

Your task is to create a card or a landscape around the Foreign Market. I'm interested in seeing original ways to get, play or interact in any other way with those additional piles.

If i understood correctly then you cant buy these during your buy phase as well? You can only buy them if the import card specefies it


Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 69: Foreign Market
« on: August 03, 2023, 03:46:28 am »
24 hours warning

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Card Mechanics Week 69: Foreign Market
« on: July 22, 2023, 09:39:51 am »
For this contest, I want you to make use of a "Foreign Market" mechanic, which adds 3 unused kingdom-Card piles into the game, but they are not part of the supply.

There are this rules for the Foreign Market:
- The Foreign Market is divided in 3 classes: Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 (you may abbreviate them with C1, C2, and C3)
   - C1 cards are worth $0-$2 (e.g. Cellar)
   - C2 cards are worth $3-$4 (e.g. Village)
   - C3 cards are worth $5-$7 (e.g. Witch)
- Each Foreign Market pile consists of a kingdom pile which is not used in the kingdom.
- (Kingdom)Cards which add a Foreign Market to the setup have the type "Import".
- As already told, they are additional piles. They are not part of the supply and can't be gained, played or interacted by other cards than by "Imports" (or landscapes).

A simple example could be this card:

Your task is to create a card or a landscape around the Foreign Market. I'm interested in seeing original ways to get, play or interact in any other way with those additional piles.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 68: Geyser mat
« on: July 22, 2023, 09:05:49 am »
I'll post it tomorrow, didn't notice that the winner posts the new challenge - I'm sorry. :-X

But I have something in mind.

Edit: It's online

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 68: Geyser mat
« on: July 17, 2023, 09:37:46 pm »
Oh, nice. Thanks.  :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 68: Geyser mat
« on: June 29, 2023, 07:20:10 pm »

Nordic Island • $4 • Action
The next time you play a card this turn, of which you've a copy on your Geyser, gain a cheaper card onto your Geyser.

Private Geyser Pool • $2 • Treasure - Heirloom
Put this on your Geyser.
When you gain a card this turn, put it on your Geyser.

My first entrance. Hope you like it.  ;D

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