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Messages - DaveColMD

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Rules Questions / Re: Overlord and Pirate
« on: April 26, 2024, 09:14:42 am »
That's not relevant though, you can't do it on your own turn either for exactly the same reason.

Ah, yes. It makes sense that you can't play the Overloard as a Pirate Reaction.. The Overlord can play an action, not a reaction.

Why can't you play the Overlord on your turn as a Pirate? The Overlord is an action and you are playing the Pirate as an action so you get the gold on your next turn.

Rules Questions / Overlord and Pirate
« on: April 24, 2024, 04:59:04 pm »
If I have an Overlord in my hand and someone gains a treasure, Can I play the Overlord as a Pirate and play it immediately so I get a gold in my hand on my turn?

Could you please explain why or why not.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Missing pieces in a new purchase
« on: March 09, 2024, 09:14:10 am »
Hopefully it is a true RIo Grande set and not a knockoff. I just don't trust Amazon with some purchases because of knock offs that I and others have received from them.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 23, 2024, 11:52:49 am »
Wow, I need to clean my glasses. Kieranmillar is correct. Merchant Guild is NOT removed.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 23, 2024, 11:51:26 am »
Added Card

What looks like a double headed hammer is now the symbol for the combined Cornucopia/Guilds.

You can sort of  figure out what they replaced.

Farrier(2) 1 card, 1 action, 1 buy. Overpay: +1 card next turn per 1c overpaid.
Infirmary(3) +1 card. You may trash a card from your hand. Overpay: Play this once per 1c overpaid.
Shop(3) 1 card, 1 coin. Play an action card you do not have in play
Farmhands(4) 1 card, 2 actions. When gained you may set aside an action or treasure from your hand and play it at the start of next turn.
Carnival(5) Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put one of each differently named cards into your hand.
Ferryman(5) 2cards, 1 action. Discard a card.  Setup: Choose an unused Kingdom pile costing 3 or 4. Gain one when  you gain a Ferryman.
Footpad(5) +2 coffers. Each other player discards down to 3 cards. In games using this, when you gain a card in the action phase, +1 card.
Joust(5) 1 card, 1 action, 1c. You may set aside a province to gain a reward to your hand. Discard the province at clean up.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 23, 2024, 11:28:38 am »
AJD is correct. Jester is NOT removed. Merchant Guilds is. I have corrected my post.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 23, 2024, 10:25:52 am »
The changes to Cornucopia/Guilds are on online Dominion.

Farming Village
Fortune Teller
Horse Trader

Of these I was only sad to see 2 of them go.
Farming Village was a good 2 action sifter. It let you bypass victory cards, curses, ruins, etc.
Taxman - upgrade a treasure and cause an opponent to discard one of the same.

2 of the replacements give me concern:

Ferryman: 2 cards, 1 action, discard a card. Setup  add a kingdom card pile costing 3 or 4. When you gain this, take a card from that pile.
To me this seems like a card that leads to a 3 pile end strategy.
Ill Gotten Gains set up a similar strategy and was gotten rid of because of that.

Footpad 2 coffers, each other player discards down to 3 cards. In games using this, when you gain a card in an action phase, +1 card.

The discard down to 3 cards is a bit too powerful IMO. 2 coffers and +1 card when you gain a card in the action phase is plenty.
Does the +1 card when a card is gained during the action phase apply to everyone the entire game?

I don't have a problem with any of the other replacements.

Joust replaces Tournament and works similarly except you automatically get 1 card and 1 coin in addition to the 1 action. There is no blocking the 1 coin and 1 card if someone else has a province. The rewards are similar to Tournament's Prizes, except there are 6 instead of 5 and one of them is a victory card that gives you 2 actions, 2 buys, gain a gold, and 1 VP per gold you have.

Rules Questions / Re: Playing Treasures in Buy Phase
« on: November 16, 2023, 10:43:39 am »
Thanks. Somehow I missed that in looking at the Base game rules.

Rules Questions / Playing Treasures in Buy Phase
« on: November 16, 2023, 06:48:11 am »
I've been trying to find in rules somewhere that spells out that you cannot play anymore treasures after making a buy (barring special cards).

The question came up in a game and even in the base rules I could not find anything in black and white to support it. I know you can't but I can't find it in writing to show someone who doesn't believe it. He believes that since you can play treasures in the buy phase, you can play them anytime. Thus if there is a Grand Market, have 2 buys, 2 gold, and 3 coppers, he believes you can play the 2 golds, buy a Grand Market, then play the 3 coppers and buy something.

Fated Collection with Border Village, Laboratory and other useful 5 cards and useful cheaper actions. Some actions had $.

Unfortunately I don't remember specifically what the other cards were, but the guts of it is the Border Village, Laboratory and Fated Collection. It was also a Colony game.

Anyway, I got up to 3 Collections. At first I thought I was getting lucky shuffles to get all 3 Collections in my hand. Then I realized what was happening.

Anyway, once I realized what was up, with 4 buys, I would buy Border Village, get a Laboratory, then buy another action or 2, or get 2 Border Villages and 2 other actions.
I was always able to get at least 3 actions for 9 points.

Good for 12 points a turn. I also picked up the occasional colony.

Ended up with 54 victory point tokens. Would have been more if I realized the gold mine it was earlier.

Rules Questions / Enchanment and Throne Room Variants
« on: August 18, 2023, 08:13:39 am »
Play a Throne Room Variant on an Encampment.
1st play no gold or plunder.
On a subsequent play (2nd or 3rd), you get a gold or plunder.

Do you keep the Encampment or return it?
If you could, explain why it works that way.

Dominion General Discussion / New Card in Intrigue?
« on: August 10, 2023, 05:00:40 pm »
Just played a game online and there was a card I had never seen before. It was Farm, and Intrigue card. It is a victory/treasue. Essentially a silver worth 2 VPs.

I went into the set selection and looked at intrigue. It doensn't look like it replaced anything, but is a 26th kingdom card in Intrigue.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: April 25, 2023, 11:08:28 am »
Dear opponent I am sorry,
Opened 5/2
Turn 1 bought a Torturer
Turn 2 nil
Turn 3 Village
Turn 4 Tortured you and bought another Torturer
Turn 5 double torture
turn 6 double torture
turn 7 double torture

That could not have been nastier if I was able to put my deck in the order I wanted.

I would suggest Intrigue. It doesn't add any new mechanics.
Then add Seaside or Prosperity.
Seaside adds duration cards. (a new mechanic)
Prosperity adds victory tokens (which is a new way to gain victory points), platinum and colonies ((more $ and more points), and more expensive cards (7 and 8 cost).

4 person IRL game. Marauder in Kingdom. Wall Landmark. Only trashing card was Crystal Ball. No +2 card draws.

It was an ugly long game. Talk about slogs!

I won the game with -11 on a 3 pile ending. Picked up a province, 2 duchies, had 1 estate. 39 cards in deck (for -24). Everyone else had 40 to 49 cards in their decks.

Nobody got to trash much. With such large decks, the crystal balls showed up sparingly and sometimes it wasn't something you wanted to trash.

Spoils galore but again with such junked decks it was hard to get more than 1 in a hand.

I stopped buying anything but victory cards and the last card for a 3 pile ending because I thought I had enough to win. I started trashing with every crystal ball no matter what (I had only 2) unless it was a coin that gave me enough for a province or duchy.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: * Plunder Previews #3: Loot *
« on: February 17, 2023, 10:22:25 am »
Having now played several games involving loot, my take is loot is just like Black Market. It's luck of the draw. If you get the better ones, it is to your advantage. If you get the lesser ones, it is to your disadvantage. Totally random. Not my favorite way to determine the outcome of a game. I have gotten spanked in games where we both had loots, but my opponent had the better ones.
It takes away strategy and turns a game into luck of the draw.

Rules Questions / Re: Scavenger and Tunnel
« on: February 14, 2023, 01:07:17 pm »
Good point, M_Knox

Rules Questions / Re: Scavenger and Tunnel
« on: February 13, 2023, 05:14:04 pm »
"It's not being discarded, it's being put into your discard pile"

Wow, this could really be argued that if something is put into the discard pile, it is being discarded.

Just like if I put something into my trash can, it is being trashed. No matter how I say it, it ends up in the trash can.

BUT, I get what you are saying and in Dominion parlance there is a subtle difference that has meaning.

Rules Questions / Scavenger and Tunnel
« on: February 13, 2023, 01:23:21 pm »
When Tunnel is discarded other than during clean up, you can get a gold.

If I have a Tunnel in my deck and I play a Scavenger, it would seem that Tunnel is being discarded as I put my deck into my discard pile.

But that doesn't seem to be the case online. Should it be?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Badly designed cards
« on: February 07, 2023, 11:01:49 am »
Hey HonkeyFresh. Here's another card to add to your BM/Tournament list - Sack of Loot.

It's like BM in that whoever gets lucky with the loot draw will win. There are different loot. All are a gold with other powers, and some of the powers are stronger than others.

Didn't think much about it until I just got thrashed becaue of the loots my opponent got vs the ones I got and I coudn't do a thing about it.

I will most likely never see this combination again, but it was serendipitous to see it happen. You can't really plan and strategize for it.

There was Kings Court, Tournament, and Swindler in the kingdom.

I had gotten Princess as one of the prizes.

My hand had KC, KC, Princess, Swindler, copper.

Played KC, KC, Princess reducing the price of cards by 6, then Swindler and was able to trash 3 cards from my opponents turning them all into curses.
Would have been even crazier if I had an action with +$. I was able to buy 3 provinces and a duchy.

Rules Questions / Re: Throne Room/Kings Court and Reserve Cards
« on: November 04, 2022, 01:14:21 pm »
Thanks for all the replies. I think I can now  come up with an explanation that my friends will buy.

Rules Questions / Re: Throne Room/Kings Court and Reserve Cards
« on: November 03, 2022, 08:18:20 am »
Where can I find these rules?

This came about because we added Adventures to our collection. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see anything in the Adventures rules about how reserve cards interact with TR/KC type actions.

I even looked in the Dominion Wiki to find some clarification on reserve cards, but there was nothing more there regarding TR/KC.

I know online all these rules and errata are enforced via the online game, but for those of us who play IRL, we don't have all these extra rules clarifications.

Rules Questions / Throne Room/Kings Court and Reserve Cards
« on: November 02, 2022, 06:42:41 pm »
I'm looking for a logical explanation so I can explain it to other players why reserve cards are treated differently than duration cards when it comes to TR and KC.

When you TR or KC a duration card the TR/KC goes with it and applies the next time it is played.

When you TR/KC a reserve card like a Ratcatcher or Wine Merchant, you play them the multiple times, then they go to the Tavern Mat without the TR/KC.

Rules Questions / Re: Minion and Diplomat
« on: October 11, 2022, 07:54:07 pm »
Thanks. That clears it up. I play a lot IRL, so I have to remember that a reaction has the  opportunity to be "played" before the attack card decision is made, if there is one.

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