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Messages - Leo1997

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Dominion Articles / Dominion COMBINATIONS
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:40:26 am »
In our german Dominion Forum (dominion forum) we had an topic listed a lot of card-combinations.
I did not find something like that in this forum.

Can you help me???

Yes, i read the articles COMBO OF THE DAY. But is that all?

I cant understand why we have two teams for USA and Japan

So when one USA A wins, USA one wins, not the USA wins. This makes no sense

Tournaments and Events / Re: Dominion Team World Cup II Signups
« on: December 13, 2014, 06:26:27 am »
8 countries with 4 players.

What is about a tournament with 8 teams.

2 groups with 4 players?

Tournaments and Events / Re: Dominion Team World Cup II Signups
« on: December 09, 2014, 08:16:54 am »
One Idea!

Lets write e-mails to some game-publishers in other countries and ask if they could organize some players for their country.
So we could get more teams from more countries.

Whats about  Australia, NEW Zealand, maybe China???

Tournaments and Events / Re: Dominion Team World Cup II Signups
« on: December 08, 2014, 01:29:07 pm »
no sets on Goko

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic?????
I cant believe it!!!


Leo1997, Germany

OK; maybe it was a "SILLY" to write down all this "Not UNO countrys" but maybe it could be that we have some from there.

Here are some ideas again
"Dominion European Championschip of the Nations 2014"

0. What it is
The Dominion  Championschip of the Nations is a Dominion tournament. The participants of the tournament are teams.

1. The teams
Every country can take a part with one team of 3 players.
countrys are the members of the UNO and
Republic of Somaliland
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
Lugansk People's Republic
Republic of Abkhazia
Republic of China
Republic of Kosovo
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Cook Islands

The following region of UK could take a part with single teams:
Northern Ireland
State of Palestine
Republic of South Ossetia
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

2. The tournament bracket

2.1 Grouph phase
There are x grouphs of y teams. In every group every team plays against every other teams one MATCH.

2.1.1 A MATCH
In every MATCH, every player of Team A plays against every player of Team B one GAME.

2.1.2 A GAME
In every game, the both players play "x"  (x is a odd number) subgames. The winner of a subgame gets one leg. After the "x" subgames, the team of the player with more legs gets one point.

In every group, the teams are sorted by:
1. The number of points
2. The number of points in the direct comparison
3. The number of legs in the direct comparison
4. The number of legs
5. An extra GAME

2.2.1 Play Offs
The best teams of each group reach the Play Offs.

3. The subgames

3.1 We play with the official Dominion Rules in english language

3.2 We play with random setups
3.3 We play on GOKO

If you are interested

Write down here:



Have you over ideas? Write an answer! Lets discuss!!!

Here are some ideas again
"Dominion European Championschip of the Nations 2014"

0. What it is
The Dominion European Championschip of the Nations is an european Dominion tournament. The participants of the tournament are teams.

1. The teams
Every european Country can take a part with one team of 3 players. The following countrys are "european":
1. The members of the UEFA
2. Greenland

2. The tournament bracket

2.1 Grouph phase
There are x grouphs of y teams. In every group every team plays against every other teams one MATCH.

2.1.1 A MATCH
In every MATCH, every player of Team A plays against every player of Team B one GAME.

2.1.2 A GAME
In every game, the both players play "x"  (x is a odd number) subgames. The winner of a subgame gets one leg. After the "x" subgames, the team of the player with more legs gets one point.

In every group, the teams are sorted by:
1. The number of points
2. The number of points in the direct comparison
3. The number of legs in the direct comparison
4. The number of legs
5. An extra GAME

2.2.1 Play Offs
The best teams of each group reach the Play Offs.

3. The subgames

3.1 We play with the official Dominion Rules in english language

3.2 We play with random setups
3.3 We play on GOKO

If you are interested

Write down here:



Tournaments and Events / DOMINION EUROPEAN CUP OF THE NATIONS 2014
« on: June 22, 2014, 08:49:28 am »
In the last months i had not time to play Dominion,
but now i am back

Last year there was the Dominion World Cup of the Nations.
I think, it is perfect to have one World Cup each year.

But what is about a Dominion European Cup of the Nations???

Here are my ideas:

A Dominion Team cup with European Teams
I think the Dominion Europea should be the UEFA-Europe
Every nation can take a part with ONE team.

A tournament which 12 teams in 3 groups with 4 teams.
The best 2 teams of each groups are qualifed or the second round: 2 groups per 3 teams
The best two teams of each group are qualifed for the PLAY OFFS

Tournaments and Events / Re: READ ONLY IF YOU LOVE TOURNAMENTS
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:01:11 pm »
For Math-Fans.
I created a page "Dominion and Maths"

Is it a good idea?

Tournaments and Events / Re: READ ONLY IF YOU LOVE TOURNAMENTS
« on: January 09, 2014, 12:29:08 pm »
Thanks for your feedback,

and dont forget! I dont want a splitting of us in DominionStrategy Fans and IDA Fans, NEVER NEVER NEVER
I am a fan auf ds.

I dont will: DS or IDA
I want: DS and (maybe) IDA

But of course it is up to you to sign in in IDA

Tournaments and Events / Re: READ ONLY IF YOU LOVE TOURNAMENTS
« on: January 08, 2014, 07:04:33 pm »
There are something special tournaments on IDA,
and i created the blog cause i would do something with Wordpress
You needn't to sign in there, but it would be nice.

« on: January 08, 2014, 12:39:58 pm »
There arent tournaments at DominionStrategy at the moment
There is a website organizing Dominion Online tournaments

If you are interested, click on IDA Members and than on JOIN to Join IDA.


I tought about Summer 2014, not about January

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Remembering Your First Game of Dominion
« on: January 06, 2014, 03:00:04 pm »
It was a 3-Player Game in November 2009.

My father buys Smithys, and Smithys, and he won.
I have been hating Smithys since that game.

Other Games / Re: Castles of Burgundy
« on: January 06, 2014, 02:57:11 pm »
What do you think about the Trading with the goods.
I try this one time and it didnt works

Other Games / Castles of Burgundy
« on: January 06, 2014, 02:51:19 pm »
We get this game to Christmas!
Have you got Strategy Tips for the game?

Introductions / Hello
« on: January 06, 2014, 02:47:28 pm »
my name is Leo1997 (i know, it is not creative) and i am from Germany. I live in a small village between Kaiserslautern and Stuttgart.
I love boardgames, my favourites are Dominion, Castles of Burgundy and Agricola.

Yes, a East European Team with Romania, Belarus, Bulgria, etc is a good idea!

Tournaments and Events / Re: DominionStrategy Championschips 2014
« on: January 05, 2014, 08:27:11 am »
When you pay the tickets  :)

Name: Leo1997
Goko, etc. : Leo1997

Goko Rank: Not in the Top 300
Country: Germany

This is not a signup Thread!!!!

But it is really important that we know how many players there are!
So, if you are interested to play at this Championschips, please answer here with:

Your Username
Your Goko Username
Your Isotropic Username
Your country
Your Goko Pro Rank

For Clarity: Write only answers of this kind, no other comments, no questions.

Tournaments and Events / Re: DominionStrategy Championschips 2014
« on: January 04, 2014, 10:36:27 am »
If there are to much countries, some countrys only get a half "tour card"

what do you thinking about this idea?

Tournaments and Events / Re: DominionStrategy Championschips 2014
« on: January 04, 2014, 09:52:46 am »
Why not?

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