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Messages - Wizard_Amul

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Rules Questions / Re: Throned Inspiring Taskmaster
« on: March 30, 2024, 12:07:16 pm »
You only get one +1 Action and +$1 next turn (you only met the condition on the first Taskmaster play). This will cause Taskmaster to stay out and so cause Throne Room to also stay out, even though the second play of Taskmaster has no reason to stay out.

This is equivalent to e.g. throning Gear and only setting aside cards on the first play. Throne Room cares about when its target physically gets discarded from play.

I tested it online and it does work the way you described. I couldn't remember if Taskmaster would count 5 cost cards gained earlier in the turn, and you are right that it doesn't.

Investment + Loot can be really strong since that can really boost the number of differently-named Treasures

Yeah, Loot in general is good with anything that cares about numbers of different cards--Keep, Fairgrounds, Museum, etc.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: December 03, 2023, 11:26:10 am »
Any news on the sun, that big ball of hydrogen and some other stuff that illuminates earth?

I’ve been informed that it’s rising in the morning.

Ah, and it's foreshadowing. Calling it now--next expansion is either "Setting Sun" or "Rising Moon." Twilight phase will be the new mechanic--after Buy phase and before Night phase.

Rules Questions / Re: Errata to extra turns
« on: October 06, 2023, 11:35:19 am »
I really wonder what kind of games this was, with two of these cards consistently giving 1 extra turn each, making in awful experience? I guess it didn't involve Island Folk; you don't get that many Favors. Voyage and Journey create very limited turns; Possession, Mission, and sometimes Outpost will let you take full turns. So I guess that's three cards, two of which need to be in the game, letting you take 3 full turns in a row. (Not just asking Donald X. here; I guess this is a problem several people reported?)

If you have more than one of those, the turns can definitely stack up. You probably get this part, but before the errata, since they all said "if the previous turn wasn't yours," you could sometimes easily stack up multiple of those effects on your first turn and then proceed to take multiple turns in a row.

In the particular case of Donald's game, I'd be curious to hear what the cards were but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Island Folk combined with another one--you can sometimes build a deck that can give you multiple favors every turn, most likely with Underling or Guildmaster. I think I've personally played a game with Island Folk and Outpost where I was able to get the 5 favors each time (plus, you get two turns to get the favors, so 3 favors each turn would work). The game ends up being both players taking nearly 3 full turns in a row every turn. I wouldn't say it was a bad experience, though, although it definitely makes judging the end of the game pretty difficult.

I can see Voyage going either way--I thought it was fine to take the very limited turns multiple times, but it's the one card where you could sometimes get multiple turns in a row without needing another extra turns card. Particularly IRL, I could see that slowing the game down and not being a fun experience.

There are many Tactician combos, so this is maybe obvious or probably in this thread somewhere, but Tactician plus Gamble on the Tactician you just bought can be pretty nice.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: September 01, 2023, 11:01:44 am »
The main thing I had in mind is after you secure more than half the available VP with a megaturn (and there's nothing the other player can do about it), your remaining deck could be awful and you could be slogging for quite a while to get to the end. I try to resign if I notice that I'm behind by more than the available VP and there aren't any trashers etc. that can change that, but sometimes I don't notice.

I see what you mean--it would be a nice feature if possible, but I think this would be hard to program because what about things like Ritual, Wall, Keep, etc. that can change the points without being directly tied to specific VP/curses in the supply?

I like Donald X's suggestion of "offer a tie," since I was thinking about the potential issues with something like Collection+Stampede where the game can be unending (are there any other two card combo cases?).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New Card in Intrigue?
« on: August 10, 2023, 05:10:03 pm »
It is the same card as Harem, with a new card name and new art.

"This isn't a secret, but isn't widely known: Altenburger did a poll, which cards would players like to see with new art, and Harem won. They didn't ask us (me and Jay) first, and we said, okay, but we'll be renaming it too. So at some point a promo will come out that's Harem but with new art and a new name (still depicting Valerie). And then probably eventually it will find its way into Intrigue."
—Donald X. Vaccarino, Dominion Reddit, 2023

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 27, 2023, 01:18:18 pm »
Hello, any updates on the new promo card named Farm iirc?

See this thread:

This one was really kind of neat, although an extreme edge case.  If you gain a Siren with a Sheepdog in hand and you are at the end of your draw pile you can gain it without trashing if the Siren ends up Being one of the 2 cards that you draw.

I was wondering if it mattered whether you actually draw the Siren there, and it's easier than that. I just tested it online, and this works whenever the Sheepdog makes you shuffle the gained Siren into your deck--that's where the Siren loses track of itself. You don't have to draw the Siren from the Sheepdog effect, just shuffle the Siren into your deck with the Sheepdog effect.

Rules Questions / Re: Friendly Village Green and Villa
« on: March 09, 2023, 12:18:27 pm »
Thanks for checking! Yeah, I forgot that you can't use Innovation on Villa after returning to your Action phase, because Villa has then put itself in your hand.

I think this would work as intended with Sheepdog and the +$1 token on the Sheepdog pile:

You have a Wine Merchant on your Tavern mat. You have $1 at start of Buy-phase. You use Woodworker's Guild to gain Villa, returning you to your Action phase and ending your Buy phase. You play Sheepdog because you gained Villa, giving +$1 from the token. Can you now discard the Wine Merchant? Probably not.

Still same as before--you can discard Wine Merchant. Again, at least online, it looks like this is because the "when gain" triggers are happening before Villa returns you to your action phase. scolapasta, I tried both with Villa first and Sheepdog first, and at least online, I can discard Wine Merchant both times. I bolded the rows where the +1 action from Villa's below the line text is kicking in.

Reacting with Villa first:
Turn 18 - Wizard_Amul
W starts their turn.
  W gets +$1. (Key)
W begins their buy phase.
  W trashes a Hunting Lodge.
  W spends 1 Favor.
  W gains a Villa.
    W puts a Villa into their hand.
    W gets +1 Action.
    W reacts with a Sheepdog.
    W plays a Sheepdog.
      W gets +1 Coin (from Teacher).
      W draws a Teacher and a Hunting Lodge.
W ends their buy phase.
  W discards a Wine Merchant.
W plays a Hunting Lodge.
  W draws a Villa.
  W gets +2 Actions.
W plays a Teacher.
  W puts a Teacher on their Tavern mat.
W begins their buy phase.
W buys and gains a Peasant.
W shuffles their deck.
W draws 2 Villas, a Sheepdog, and 2 Hunting Lodges.

Reacting with Sheepdog first:
Turn 18 - Wizard_Amul
W starts their turn.
  W gets +$1. (Key)
W begins their buy phase.
  W trashes a Hunting Lodge.
  W spends 1 Favor.
  W gains a Villa.
    W reacts with a Sheepdog.
    W plays a Sheepdog.
      W gets +1 Coin (from Teacher).
      W draws a Teacher and a Hunting Lodge.
    W puts a Villa into their hand.
    W gets +1 Action.
W ends their buy phase.
  W discards a Wine Merchant.
W plays a Teacher.
  W puts a Teacher on their Tavern mat.
W begins their buy phase.
W buys and gains a Peasant.
W shuffles their deck.
W draws 2 Villas, 2 Hunting Lodges, and a Contract.

Rules Questions / Re: Friendly Village Green and Villa
« on: March 09, 2023, 11:18:43 am »
It doesn't work online, and I actually think that it's correct to not work. If you look at Villa, Villa says that it only returns you to your Action phase if it's your Buy phase when you gain it--if you use Improve to gain a Villa, you are in the Cleanup phase when that happens, so you do gain the Villa to hand but don't go back to your Action phase (you can't play the Villa). You still get to resolve the Friendly trigger on Village Green to gain another one, but you don't get to play the Village Green since you are still in the Cleanup phase.

Thanks, yeah I thought I could be making some mistake. I was focused on both "start of Clean-up" and "start of Buy phase" things yesterday, and confused them.

So the idea is for start of Buy phase.

Let's say there's Arena and Woodworker's Guild. At start of Buy-phase, you have one Action card in hand. You use Woodworker's Guild to trash it and gain a Cavalry, drawing 2 cards and returning you to your Action phase. Now you can resolve Arena and discard an Action card that you drew (even though you're not in the Buy phase anymore).

This one's more tricky: Let's say there's Innovation and Woodworker's Guild, and you have a Wine Merchant on your Tavern mat. You have $1 at start of Buy-phase. You use Woodworker's Guild to gain Villa, returning you to your Action phase and ending your Buy phase. You play the Villa with Innovation, giving you +$1. Can you now discard the Wine Merchant? I guess not, since the Buy phase ended in the middle of resolving Villa, before you resolved when-gain stuff for Villa. Wine Merchant was triggered right when the Buy phase ended and you had to resolve it then.

I would think the first one would work now--tested it online, and it does work.

The second more tricky one I wasn't sure about, but it does work online, which I think is right but not sure--see what you think. I think what is happening is that Innovation triggers on gain, and if you look at Villa's text, the gaining part happens before the return to action phase part, so when Innovation triggers and you play the Villa, you are still in the Buy phase at that moment--you can then discard the Wine Merchant before the Buy phase ends and you get returned to your action phase. That's at least what happens online--see here for what I tried (the Village Green play at the very end is me playing it normally from my hand in the action phase):

Turn 9 - Wizard_Amul
W starts their turn.
  W gets +$1. (Key)
W begins their buy phase.
  W trashes a Chapel.
  W spends 1 Favor.
  W gains a Villa.
    W plays a Villa.
      W gets +2 Actions.
      W gets +1 Buy.
      W gets +$1.
    W gets +1 Action.
W ends their buy phase.
  W discards a Wine Merchant.
W plays a Village Green.
  W draws a Treasurer.
  W gets +2 Actions.

Edit: Thinking a bit more, I think it makes sense, but I don't remember if there is an exact ruling on this. See the bolded line above--I think that's where the +1 action from Villa's below the line text is triggering. Now comes the next part of Villa to return to the Action phase--so it looks like "return to your Action phase" is being taken to mean "end the Buy phase and return to your Action phase." It is at that point that the pop up for discarding Wine Merchant came up, since I suppose that is when the end of the Buy phase is considered to be reached. If that's how it's supposed to work, then I think the online version has it right.

Rules Questions / Re: Friendly Village Green and Villa
« on: March 08, 2023, 10:04:58 pm »
It doesn't work online, and I actually think that it's correct to not work. If you look at Villa, Villa says that it only returns you to your Action phase if it's your Buy phase when you gain it--if you use Improve to gain a Villa, you are in the Cleanup phase when that happens, so you do gain the Villa to hand but don't go back to your Action phase (you can't play the Villa). You still get to resolve the Friendly trigger on Village Green to gain another one, but you don't get to play the Village Green since you are still in the Cleanup phase.

Rules Questions / Re: New Plan
« on: February 18, 2023, 11:09:55 am »
I would think so. I assumed it referred to the fact that the card Village was originally from the pile that the trashing token was placed on, not that you have to gain the card directly from the pile with the token.

As usual, for what it's worth, I tested it on and it does work that way right now--after using Plan to put the trashing token on the Village pile, I used a Lurker to gain a Village from the trash, and I was able to trash a card from my hand.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Site down a lot these days?
« on: February 14, 2023, 01:46:41 pm »
I haven't gone on the site a lot since Friday, but it's been working normally for me without issues whenever I have gone on.

Rules Questions / Re: Taskmaster and Improve
« on: January 28, 2023, 11:51:42 am »
Interesting scenario--that all seems correct to me. For what it's worth, I tried this on Dominion Online and it works as you stated. You can continue the effect by buying another 5 cost card the following turn (and each subsequent turn, just like as if Taskmaster stayed in play), and the effect does stop once you don't get a 5 cost card on a turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: January 12, 2023, 05:51:50 pm »

I could have just added "first" to get rid of a bunch of the combos and thus confusion associated with them. Somehow I didn't.

I feel like that would have been clearer for Siren. Oh well, it's more confusing now but probably also more fun now since trying to figure out how to get around the restriction can be fun for some people.

I have tried other versions of Possession. Who knows, maybe I could make a fixed version. Is what I thought. I have not made a fixed version.

I don't think it's really necessary at this point with all the different ways of getting extra turns, but I feel like one potential "fixed" version (depending on what you think needs to be fixed) would be to add the Outpost restrictions of first time playing it this turn and if the previous turn wasn't yours--good luck getting that to fit on the card, though.

Rules Questions / Re: Lantern, Elder, Harbor Village, Moat
« on: December 29, 2022, 05:44:23 pm »
I'm not too sure about Moat vs the other cards Jeebus asked about, but like Donald X said, I thought Moat was pretty clear. Maybe I'm forgetting about some other ruling, but Moat doesn't care what the card says or which instructions you're following, just that you play a card with the type "Attack" on the bottom--since Moat says "first," it doesn't matter what happens with the Attack card once you put the Attack card in your play area, because you reveal the Moat before reading any instructions (wherever the instructions are coming from). So, for the Reckless attack, I think it should be what dz said--you can only reveal Moat once, at the start of the attack, and that single reveal blocks both iterations; you only put the attack card in play once, and then how many times you follow which instructions doesn't matter. This also agrees with the Cultist scenario by GendoIkari--even though Cultist 2 is put into play by Cultist 1, it the the playing of the Cultist 2 attack card that allows Moat to react to it, like how Moat can react to the playing of any other attack card.

Rules Questions / Re: Taskmaster post-gain
« on: December 27, 2022, 12:13:38 pm »
This answer is actually in the rulebook (which is on the RGG website): "Taskmaster does not count cards gained before playing it."
But in any case, this is supported by the straight reading of the card. Cards like Livery, Galleria and Guildmaster don't give you anything for cards gained earlier in the turn.

Well, sure, but the confusion here is more about timing of effects. After all, I don't think it is intuitive that if gaining a $5 causes you to play Taskmaster (like with Haggler and Rush), then it will count.

Similarly with Livery, I think it is not intuitive that if you gain a Livery and play it with Innovation, you do get a Horse from Livery's effect.

Rules Questions / Re: Do Taskmaster and Reckless do the same thing?
« on: December 21, 2022, 05:57:23 pm »
Really what I'm asking is, is "repeat this ability" the same thing as "follow this card's instructions"? For the purposes of Ways, Enchantress, etc.

Especially, if you play Taskmaster with Way of the Chameleon. When you "repeat these instructions", are you locked into getting +1 card instead of +?

This is still a valid question that I'm not sure about, but for Way of the Chameleon specifically, I think the "this turn" on Chameleon should still limit it to the turn you play Taskmaster and no future turns where the Taskmaster stays out in play. I know there are some bugs online right now, but at least right now, the online implementation does agree with that--when playing Taskmaster with Way of the Chameleon, you do get the +1 card now but get + on each subsequent turn.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: I don't like Barbarian
« on: December 21, 2022, 02:14:13 pm »
Yeah, those games can feel kind of random and swingy. IMO, the way to sometimes play those kingdoms is to treat Barbarian as the main payload and try to build your engine in a way so that you can play multiple Barbarians each turn. It's not always going to be better than another strategy but sometimes it is (if there are no other gains, for example, I've found that playing multiple Barbarians can be pretty strong). It still kind of devolves into a swingy game because the goal there is to try to hit your opponent's Barbarians so they can't hit you back as much--I've found there is still some skill there in building a good engine faster and using deck tracking to your advantage.

Rules Questions / Re: Flagship timing
« on: December 19, 2022, 01:22:52 pm »
Any particular reason Flagship doesn't say "afterwards" like Citadels and Landing Party? I assume it has the same timing?
"Afterwards" might be good on Flagship for clarity; it's just an oversight that it's not there.

^Similar quote from the Previews #4 thread for reference (it was also Donald X who replied to you there)

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Avoid not working correctly
« on: December 18, 2022, 04:07:36 pm »
I was wondering how Avoid works if you buy it multiple times. It looks like there is a bug with buying it once and a separate bug with buying it multiple times.

Buying it once lets me discard as many cards as I want. The game progresses normally even if I discard too many.

Buying it multiple times also lets me discard as many cards as I want--after any of the avoid triggers, if all the cards in my deck have been discarded, the client doesn't let me progress because I can't appropriately resolve the other Avoid triggers. It asks me to resolve the next Avoid effect, but once I click on the Avoid popup to resolve it, there's no more popup appearing with the deck contents (because there is nothing left to discard).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: * Plunder Previews #3: Loot *
« on: December 14, 2022, 11:32:47 am »
It's going to be a bit confusing that the "Looter" cards from Dark Ages (only Death Cart, Marauder, and Cultist) don't give you Loot--I always thought the type should have been a different name for those cards. Most people playing the game a long time likely won't be confused, but I would think it would be confusing for newer players playing with multiple expansions.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: November 28, 2022, 07:31:19 pm »
It might not be the best solution, but I still think one of the easier and somewhat more elegant solutions is to put multiple expansions in each Dominion box. You'll always be able to expand because you can use the next expansion box you get when you run out of space. I'm currently using 4 boxes, each about 2/3 filled (the structural integrity of the box seemed to get worse when I put too much weight in the middle, so I don't like to fill them past 2/3 full), and there's still some space for another expansion or possibly two (may be pushing it a little on the weight front). I also use a small tackle box for all the additional setup/landscape cards. I have everything except the Dominion base set first edition cards.
Did you remove the plastic insert to get that kind of density?
Last week i went on vacation, but had limited room. I left the plastic insert in, but still managed to add almost a full set in the middle space of the two boxes that i brought along. I also have several yellow base card boxes for my fan made cards, of which i brought one.
I keep my essentials in four boxes: Intrigue has base card, Mixed has some Horizontals, Renaissance has mats and tokens, and Menagerie has Horse and some more Horizontals.

Yeah, I removed the plastic inserts. Here is a post and some pictures I had discussing my initial setup--since then I removed the middle column of cards because the boxes started to buckle a bit (I recommend not having a middle column, or alternatively, Adam Horton suggested on the Reddit thread that I add some hardboard to the bottom of the box, which may help prevent buckling):

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Plunder
« on: November 28, 2022, 01:30:15 am »
It might not be the best solution, but I still think one of the easier and somewhat more elegant solutions is to put multiple expansions in each Dominion box. You'll always be able to expand because you can use the next expansion box you get when you run out of space. I'm currently using 4 boxes, each about 2/3 filled (the structural integrity of the box seemed to get worse when I put too much weight in the middle, so I don't like to fill them past 2/3 full), and there's still some space for another expansion or possibly two (may be pushing it a little on the weight front). I also use a small tackle box for all the additional setup/landscape cards. I have everything except the Dominion base set first edition cards.

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