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Messages - Udzu

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Werewolf only counts because the word "wolf" is in it.

Do Fisherman and Falconer count because they have "fish" and "falcon"?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #204: Count up!
« on: November 12, 2023, 01:24:14 pm »
should have Doom type.

Oops! I originally had it giving out Curses but then changed it to be more like Vampire. Fixed now, thanks.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #204: Count up!
« on: November 11, 2023, 04:34:44 pm »
Apologies for the pun.

Dracula ($5 Night-Attack-Doom)

You may trash a card from your hand to gain a Spirit or Dracula costing up to $1 per Action card you have in play.

Each other player either reveals a Silver from their hand or receives the next Hex.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Wonders (new landscape type)
« on: November 06, 2023, 04:55:13 am »
Pentagon seems too cheap for its strength or to strong for its price

You may be right, though it does still cost you a missed Province and two more engine buys. Perhaps I'll playtest it at $4 $6 $8 first and see how it goes.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Wonders (new landscape type)
« on: November 06, 2023, 04:53:15 am »
United Nations seems too expensive relative to Citadel.

Do you think so? It feels way stronger than Citadel to me. Not only does it not depend on what it's in your hand at the start of turn, it lets you play expensive cards you didn't buy: a $5 or even a $7 like King's Court. And you can change what you play with it depending on your hand and as the game progresses.

Variants and Fan Cards / Wonders (new landscape type)
« on: November 05, 2023, 10:28:41 am »
Another landscape idea that I'm trying to suss out. Inspired by Through the Ages as well as this previous post by Tables.

WONDERS are super-projects that must be built in stages. Each wonder has multiple stage costs listed, and these must be bought in order. Each stage purchase requires a Buy, and multiple stages can be bought in the same turn using multiple Buys or split across turns. The project effect is activated only once the last stage is built. You can use the project cube to track which stage you're on. Like projects, multiple people can build the same wonder.

Below are a few draft examples, though still untested and the prices may be way off. Mainly curious as to what people think about the general idea. Is it intrinsically flawed, or can it be made to work?

Rules Questions / Re: Innovating a Duration during Donate
« on: November 04, 2023, 11:31:00 am »
The Cabin Boy effect is still being set up at the start of your turn (even if it happens "first") so will not trigger until your next turn as the card states.

Guide on the other hand will trigger the same turn, as it just says "at the start of your turn" not "at the start of your next turn". Ditto Hireling.

Concerning my card having to be a Duration, no. It does nothing after Clean-up and everybody should be able to countdown turns.

It still tracks "but not a 3rd turn in row" after Clean-up, like Outpost.

Rules Questions / Precise meaning of "if you bought it"
« on: March 29, 2023, 11:26:17 am »
I'm assuming that "when you gain ... if you bought it" only triggers if the gain was the one triggered by the buying, rather than a later one? So for example if I:

* Play a Hoard and an Astrolabe
* Buy a Duchy, gaining a Gold
* Reveal a Watchtower to trash the Duchy
* Buy a Gamble, revealing and playing a Graverobber
* Gain the Duchy from the trash

Now I assume that even though you're once again "gaining a Victory card that you've bought this turn", Hoard doesn't trigger and you don't gain another Gold?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: City Life
« on: March 25, 2023, 01:41:06 pm »
Woohoo, a new X-tra expansion! Looking forward to trying this out.

A Treasure-Victory card worth $2/2VP with an orientalist name beginning with H and ending with M?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Tactics (new landscape type)
« on: March 07, 2023, 12:43:58 pm »
Security seems awful to track. It's also completely useless in games with no Attacks. The rest of these all seem pretty good.
Also, what makes these different from Charters?

Very little as far as I can tell! I actually discovered Charters for the first time earlier today when I looked at the latest Mechanics contest, which refers back to them. Some good ideas in the contest (a few of them fairly similar to some of mine, but none identical).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: March 07, 2023, 04:13:01 am »
As far as I can tell, Donate is the only Event that affects a future (non-extra) turn without any method to track it: Delay, Inheritance, etc have an Action card; Ferry, Pathfinding, etc have a token. Is this an intentional precedent, or just a side effect of the 2022 errata? Is tracking here simply not an issue because of the price? Did you ever try adding other Duration-type "next turn" Events?

Coronet aka Princess is too good. You'd often rather have an extra Coin than the benefit of whatever Loot and this is just the baseline. With easy Loot gaining and thus enough extra Buys this can easily yield the equivalent of 6 or 8 Coins.

Drat, you're probably right. I'll have a think how to fix it (assuming it's possible).

How about this?

Coronet aka Princess is too good. You'd often rather have an extra Coin than the benefit of whatever Loot and this is just the baseline. With easy Loot gaining and thus enough extra Buys this can easily yield the equivalent of 6 or 8 Coins.

Drat, you're probably right. I'll have a think how to fix it (assuming it's possible).


Just curious.  Is there a reason you’re using a new Jargon mat instead of Exile?

It seems weak compared to something like Forager.  Maybe it could cost 3 and/or “gain a Loot to your hand,” or something else.

Good comments, thanks!

I originally had it discard rather than trash to get a Loot and didn't want any unexpected interactions with e.g. Camel Train. But then I realised it was far too weak like that, so there's no reason not to use Exile now. I expect you're right that it's still too weak. I'll probably update it tomorrow when I'm next at a computer. Updated.


Originals (mentioned in comments below)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Tactics (new landscape type)
« on: March 03, 2023, 02:14:50 am »
Security seems annoying to track if the opponent is playing multiple Attacks per turn.

Indulgences is very close to turn 1 autoresign territory if you open 2/5 or 3/4 while your opponent opens 4/3 or 5/2, which happens 25% of the time and a separate 25% of the time for the opponent. So basically half the time Indulgences is in the kingdom, one player at random gets to start the game with what's probably an insurmountable advantage.

Security is actually written incorrectly. I meant it to protect against all attacks played but require just $1 per turn-with-attacks to keep (not $1 per attack). I’ve rephrased it so it works (hopefully).

You’re definitely right re Indulgences. How about this as a potential fix? (upping the price but also making it more flexible so less swingy)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Tactics (new landscape type)
« on: March 03, 2023, 02:11:07 am »
In terms of the analogy, half of these are like regular Durations, and the other half are like Reserve cards.

True. Though Reserves are just Durations in disguise :)

You can spend Workers* during your Buy phase for +1 Buy each. I was slightly worried that, unlike Coffers or Villagers, these would often just end up accruing, so I added a mechanism in the card to prevent that.

*so-called because Worker's Village = Village + Buy

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Tactics (new landscape type)
« on: March 02, 2023, 11:18:09 am »
In general, i like this idea.  :)

Some of these could use some tweaking.
* Espionage should cost more, maybe $4 and come with a penalty like take your -Card token.
* Tourism should cost more, maybe $5. At $4 i'd include take your -$1 token.
* Nepotism: If you have $8, why would you not buy a Province? I'd price it at $7 and instead of two Duchies, i'd go with a Duchy and a card costing up to $3. That way instead of being flooded in Victory cards at the discretion of another player, you can gain another card to provide some balance to your Dominion.
* The others look good as presented.  :)

Remember that with all these examples you're postponing when you're gaining the card. Espionage might not be for a number of turns (and you don't control what card you get or when). Tourism you can control, though you still need to be happy to pad our your hand with greens. And Nepotism lets you postpone adding one green now in exchange for adding two greens later (and possibly helps province juggling).

That said, I might bump Tourism to $4 and decrease Nepotism to $7. Actually I’ll try them as written first, then reprice if necessary.

Variants and Fan Cards / Tactics (new landscape type)
« on: March 02, 2023, 06:55:18 am »
As Events to are to non-Duration action cards, and Projects are to permanent Durations such as Hireling, so TACTICS are to normal Durations. Like Projects, you place a cube when you buy one. Unlike Projects, you remove it when the effect activates or terminates. Projects and Tactics share cubes, meaning you are limited to two active Tactics/Projects at a time. You can't have both cubes on the same Tactic.

Here is an initial brainstorm of 10 Tactics which I hope to add to my landscape-only expansion. I still need to playtest most of them, but early feedback welcome!

Updated cards mentioned in comments: Security.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #180: Pay the Iron Price
« on: February 28, 2023, 03:09:19 pm »
The second design should be an addition to the Loot pile. This should be a card that might well be included in Plunder - thus, it should not use any expansion-specific mechanics from sets other than Plunder.

Quick clarification: what counts as an expansion-specific mechanic? Presumably anything that requires a physicial component (e.g. tokens, Exile mat) is out. But what about card types that were only used in one expansion but require nothing beyond the explanation in the rulebook, such as Nights and Reserves?

A vanilla Reaction! Can be a Copper or a Loot! Can protect you against junkers! Lets you buy a Grand Market using Coppers! Is this a good idea? Who knows! (though Hovel does already come close)

Note that the "would gain" phrasing is required to prevent repeated on-gain reactions.

Also, I would suggest getting rid of "would gain" and using the exchange mechanic instead, the way official cards do. Since exchanging is not gaining, that would also prevent repeated reactions.

Thinking about this more I'm concerned that switching to the exchange mechanic nerfs the card too much. Specifically:
  • You can no longer play multiple Barters against a single gain, making additional Barters act like dead cards
  • You can no longer discard a Barter to protect against gaining a Curse or Copper (though this is less big of a deal).
Furthemore, I slightly prefer triggering the on-gain reaction of the final, gained card. (And note that Possession still has a "would gain" reaction, while Trader had its for 9 years before being changed.)

Will stew on it for a bit...
Thinking about this, the other "would gain" (Possession) has a problematic interaction here.

On Possessed turn, possessed player would gain Province
-- Barter and Possession trigger, resolve Barter first, reveal to gain Province
---- Possession and Barter trigger, resolve Barter first, reveal to gain Province
------ (any number of repetitions)
---- resolve Possession, possessing player gains Province
-- resolve Possession, possessing player gain Province

Essentially, whenever the possessed player would gain a card with Barter in hand, the possessing player can gain any number of cards of the same cost.

Can Possession still resolve given that the possessed player no longer "would gain" the card and so you cannot gain it "instead"? Was this an issue with Possession and the pre-2020 Trader?

A vanilla Reaction! Can be a Copper or a Loot! Can protect you against junkers! Lets you buy a Grand Market using Coppers! Is this a good idea? Who knows! (though Hovel does already come close)

Note that the "would gain" phrasing is required to prevent repeated on-gain reactions.

Also, I would suggest getting rid of "would gain" and using the exchange mechanic instead, the way official cards do. Since exchanging is not gaining, that would also prevent repeated reactions.

Thinking about this more I'm concerned that switching to the exchange mechanic nerfs the card too much. Specifically:
  • You can no longer play multiple Barters against a single gain, making additional Barters act like dead cards
  • You can no longer discard a Barter to protect against gaining a Curse or Copper (though this is less big of a deal).
Furthemore, I slightly prefer triggering the on-gain reaction of the final, gained card. (And note that Possession still has a "would gain" reaction, while Trader had its for 9 years before being changed.)

Will stew on it for a bit...

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