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Messages - Delseban

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2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 06, 2011, 12:28:02 pm »
I admit it was a bit silly of me to just post the logs and act like nothing happened. To be honest, I guess I was just sort of surprised, and it made me rush to post the result. I saw the log and just thought "Wait? What? Seriously? I accepted a loss because you claimed there was a glitch, when in reality, absolutely nothing happened? No way I am letting you get away with that!" and I guess I just tried to post what I thought should be the real result and hope it was accepted. I didn't really think about the issue that def would bring up. And I wasn't sure what to say, anyway. I didn't really know how to explain it, I was just confident that I deserved the victory, so I posted.

Okay, you are right, I did have the opportunity to look at the game log during the results screen, but I didn't think of it at that moment, I just exited back to the lobby. And what difference does it make? If I had seen it right then, I would have called you out on it right away and denied you an extra game. But, I never saw the log, and that is why I took your word for it and played another game. I don't like how you try and make me look bad just because I took your word instead of looking into it. Maybe I should have looked, but I don't really fault myself just for being trusting. And I don't understand why you are saying that I had enough time to agree to your proposal. As soon as your next turn started (After I had bought the possession), you started talking about how there was a glitch, and that it was only fair to do another match, and you forfeited.

Anyway, if the only way to resolve this is to play another set of matches, then I suppose that's what has to be done. I just hate knowing that I had the advantage and could have won, but was denied the chance. Anyway, this tournament certainly is about having fun, and I can't say I especially want to play def again or continue further, but I guess I'll do it, since there's no reason not to. So...if you are up for another match, then we can do that. I am fine with best of 3, or best of 5, or 7. It's up to you. Let me know via PM.

2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 06, 2011, 12:14:49 am »
Do you have an explanation, Delseban?

When I agreed to play an 8th game with def, it was because he told me that isotropic had glitched and caused his alchemist to not return to the top of his deck. I had no idea at the time that he was lying. I assumed he was being honest, so after he quit that game, I accepted his offer to play a final game. It seemed only fair at the time, since the reason he gave for quitting that game was that there was a glitch. I didn't realize he hadn't played a potion, or I would have caught on to his lie right away. However, he forfeited the game before I was able to be sure, and he didn't give me the chance to agree.

I had no reason to suspect he was lying, so I thought I'd do the nice thing and play an extra game with him, knowing full well that I could've ended it right there and counted his premature forfeit (before I had a chance to fully examine the situation) as a loss. But I figured it would be fair to play another game, if a glitch really did happen. However, I see now that there was no glitch at all. def claimed that the game was unfairly tainted because isotropic didn't return his alchemist when it should have. "I'm sure I clicked to return my alchemist,"  he told me. Obviously, this was not true. And now he is trying to claim that he made a mistake. Did he? Possibly. But the fact is, he quit the game on his own before I was able to notice that the "glitch" wasn't true. And he happened to do so right after I bought the first possession.

I realized when I looked at the logs that he was trying to take advantage of my kindness.  I really don't understand why he would have tried to pull that sort of trick, but you can understand how shocked I was when I saw that no glitch had taken place at all. And the fact that he is trying to put some of the blame on me makes me feel even more confident that I am right. His argument is that I should have noticed that he hadn't played a potion and called him out on it then, but I had no chance to scroll up and check before he quit the match. I hadn't noticed anything, because I took his word for it. Obviously, I shouldn't have, but it's too late for that now, and the fact is that he forfeit that game for an illegitimate reason, and that is why I think that game should count, rather than the bonus game.

2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 01, 2011, 05:03:52 pm »
Chapel Division:
Delseban (50) beats Lionel (15) 4-3

2011 / Re: 2011 Championships Registration
« on: November 22, 2011, 01:30:25 am »
1) Delseban
2) EST

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