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Messages - heatthespurs

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards Lists 2014 Edition
« on: February 23, 2014, 09:50:50 pm »
Well, would it help if I extend the deadline?
I already got a couple of messages that someone hasn't finished it yet. It would be sad to ignore all those submissions.

Yes for me... I could complete my ranking within the next 24 hours... if you are extending the deadline.

Other than the presence of decent trasher, I think it is not uncommon to skip Familiar when there are other strong curser (Witch, Seg Hag, Mountebanks).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: December 04, 2013, 03:07:06 am »


I think the screenshots from the LOTR film could easily be fit into... at least 50 dominion cards?!

Goko Dominion Online / Re: It Gets Worse
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:43:56 am »
Dominion plays Highway
Dominion plays Highway
Dominion plays Highway
Dominion plays Highway
Dominion plays Highway
Dominion plays Highway
Dominion plays Highway
Dominion plays Highway
Dominion plays Highway
Dominion plays Swindler
You trash Isotropic
You gain Goko

I thought Highway could not reduce the price of something to below zero?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Remembering Your First Game of Dominion
« on: November 21, 2013, 09:47:24 pm »
- 4 players Base game
- Buying random actions (6VP fairground definitely)
- Woodcutter: Strictly better than silver!
- Spy: Piles run out quickly. Discarding other people copper while keeping own copper on top of deck.
- Library: Untouched – what is the value of not drawing some particular action card?
- Thief: Strong (which is not totally incorrectly in 4-player game) and fun
- Use +buy to buy extra copper, countering thief attack
- Use +buy to give curse to other player (hey, why we need the curse pile in no-witch game otherwise?!)
- Game ended on piles (no one have the economy to get the province)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Counter: Fortress vs. Saboteur
« on: July 07, 2013, 08:11:55 am »
Didn't you know? All kingdoms with Fortress and Swindler also come with Scout.

But your opponent pick which card you gain, so chance is they wont gift you a scout

Goko Dominion Online / Re: A Room For Forum Members
« on: June 29, 2013, 01:23:15 am »
2. Implement automatch or an alternative lobby system in the browser extension

I am not an IT guy at all. Just wonder if it is really something possible to do?

-Your opponent opens treasure maps with zero support, gets them to collide turn 5 3.


It is indeed with support - Baker

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Preview #3: Journeyman
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:33:10 am »
Seems familiar?!

Gatherer by andwilk
$5 - Action

Name two cards.  Reveal cards from your deck until you have revealed two cards that you did not name.  Place those two cards into your hand and discard the rest.

Winner of Challenge #4: Terminal Drawer

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Preview #1: Baker
« on: June 04, 2013, 06:25:52 am »
I think double Tactician could work excellent with coin tokens for money!

Agree that Tactician would work well with Baker in general. Thought the coin tokens mechanism itself does not specifically help Double Tactician deck more than other normal coin-giving action.

I would say coin tokens actually help a single Tactician deck more than a double Tactician deck, in a sense that you could save some token to use in the turn you play Tactician.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: 5/3 Openings
« on: June 04, 2013, 04:03:27 am »
How about Treasure Map/Treasure Map? New nombo of the day or actually good? ;D

The chance of hitting your two (non-drawing) openings together in Turn 3 or 4 is around 30%? (forget the exact figures...) So meaning you could in general have roughly one-third chance of getting 4 Golds by 2nd reshuffle. Seems too good to simply ignore...

That said, opening 4/4 also means skipping a 5-cost card as opening. So maybe the 5-cost card available defines whether it worths taking the risk of going TM/TM. Wharf/Fishing Village? umum....

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Preview #1: Baker
« on: June 03, 2013, 10:22:05 am »
We can now have 4/4 opening!

Treasure Map / Treasure Map?
Sea Hag / Sea Hag?
Scout / Scout?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Saboteur card text on Goko
« on: June 03, 2013, 04:57:11 am »
Very Young Witch
Action - Attack
Each player gains a Curse card

Dominion General Discussion / Re: 5/2 vs 2/5
« on: May 31, 2013, 10:17:14 am »
My argument here was that when I played my 5 he already knew I hadn't got a torturer or witch, so there was no need for him to buy a Lighthouse. In contrast, I had to play my $2 without knowledge of which $5 option he was going to go for, so I felt I should buy a Lighthouse anyway.

But your IGG gives him curse before his reshuffle, where his IGG doesn't. This is a big advantage.

I think this is an interesting game that has both 1st and 2nd player advantage

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: The Contest Set Card List
« on: May 31, 2013, 01:12:44 am »
Reminds me how badly I want there to be another one of these contests.

Maybe a 2013 contest? Afterall dominion had new expansion from time to time...


Just realize there is a "ghost face" in the middle... Seems obvious... but I somehow missed it

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Log Search Engine
« on: May 30, 2013, 04:23:45 am »
This is EXCELLENT! Thank you very much!

We keep doing things that is supposed to be done by Goko staff (in-game log, log finder, etc.)... anyone could write a auto-match system?  :-\

Estates hurt you worse than Curses if you've won the Duchy split, but pile-driving Estates can be better than going after Provinces if you've lost it.

Not sure I get this... could you elaborate?

Game Reports / Re: Analysis of a 40 turn mammoth game
« on: May 24, 2013, 11:28:28 am »
I played a Goko game against an IRL friend not too long ago (too lazy to go find the log, but I could if you wanted).

I believe it should have been discussed elsewhere... Where can I find the log of my previous games?

Game Reports / Re: Analysis of a 40 turn mammoth game
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:17:01 am »
The more game I played, the more I realize Knight is pretty non-ignoreable. It is surprising that how much better it is than Saboteur. If you are not going for Knight, often you need to think about how to at least counter that.

The way it trashes Duchy (and other alt-vp card) is pretty annoying.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: When to buy a curse
« on: May 24, 2013, 04:45:25 am »
Category I

7)With watchtower in hand as the only trasher in the kingdom, buy the last curse so that your opponent doesn't curse you

I think in general it is fairly common to buy curse with watchtower in hand, if you want to drill the curse pile quickly (for example, your opponent buy a curser and you opt not to)

Dominion Articles / Re: Counting House
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:40:55 am »
Yeah, I'm hooked.

And I expect that the outlier cards are generally going to be the ones I enjoy most, because they make the game fun -- not only for me, but (and more importantly) for the people I'm playing with.

I don't know if others of you are in this boat, but the people I'm most likely to play Dominion with (i.e. my wife and a few other friends) aren't people who are highly competitive, nor are they people who quickly adapt to the new strategies required by each kingdom. I've quickly learned that I am likely to win if I try to win... but I've also learned that taking the most aggressive, highest-odds strategy in a kingdom, I'm likely to win--and then regret winning. Because it means I'm less likely to have willing Dominion players the next go around.

I've got friends and family in other states who are much more strategic/competitive, and with them, I think no-holds-barred Dominion would be optimal, but with the immediate group I'm likely to play with, I'm better off looking for slower, more circuitous routes to success, with lower odds at victory. In other words, I have to consciously make the decision to play for fun rather than play to win. So the harder the outlier strategy is to execute (and the less it involves strong attack cards), the more I'm likely to try it... makes for some fun games.

Anyone else in the boat of trying crazy stuff for fun to lower their win-ratio to keep their friends/family interested in the game?

Yes. The "best" strategy is not always the "fun" strategy (assuming we know what is the "best", and everyone have a different definition of "fun"). In Iso/Goko, we care about the ranking so we almost always go for the best strategy from our view, even though it might result to some boring Jack or HP games (winning is "fun" afterall). But when playing casually with friends, often the fun of beating them is not as much as trying out some exotic combo (that may or may not work out)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How do you guys not get bored?
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:25:27 am »
I played some games against an asian character guy. He was decent.

There are a lot of Asian characters, in several different languages.  There are bound to be multiple players using them.

(Yes, I said Asian characters, go ahead, post Pokemons, I double dare you.)


I know there are quite some players from Hong Kong (including me) that plays in iso/goko. Some of them use the "Asian characters" (Traditional Chinese)...

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 3 Results and Discussion
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:30:47 am »
heatthespurs 3-1 andwilk

Game 1: H 46-21 A ...
Game 2: A 26-13 H ...
Game 3: H 24-7 A (resign) ... (forgot to save log)
Game 4: A 10 (resign) -24 H ...

2 Swindler and 1 Minion game... pretty much a carbon copy of my round 1 match.  You'd think with almost 200 cards in the game, I'd be able to play without these cards more often than not but they seem attracted to me so far in GokoDom  :(

By the way, anyone has a feeling that the Goko is not fully generating the card independently in each game? I feel like the card you played in your very last game have higher chance to reappear in the next game? I know that it could be some kind of bias from player point of view (some fallacy in probability?), but just wonder if anyone else have this same feeling...

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 3 Results and Discussion
« on: May 03, 2013, 11:56:17 pm »
heatthespurs 3-1 andwilk

Game 1: H 46-21 A ...

Duchess, Steward, Conspirator, Spy, Worker's Village, Count, Duke, Haggler, Mandarin, Market

I go for Duke seeing good support from Count (and possibly Duchess). First time to try out this Count-Duke thing and it seems that work out quite well. The drawback of Counts is not so bad in Duke game (or actually help) since I would gladly gain a copper, or put my other Count/excess money on top of deck. My opponent went for a more fancy Conspirator engine which I have also considered (support from Steward, WV, Haggler, Market). Though he (had to?) contested me on Duchy so it means he did not get the high enough density in Action to get that Conspirator going.

Game 2: A 26-13 H ...

Pawn, Steward, Swindler, Conspirator, Farming Village, Counting House, Horn of Plenty, Jester, Market, Venture

A swindler dominated game where I went for 2 swindler and my opponent went for 1 swindler. We both hit some important cards in the other deck. I think we both went for similar deck with Conspirator the main sources of income. He cleverly got a HOP on his 2nd last turn (which at that time I thought was a mistake) which enable him to double Province in his very next turn and won the game. Nice play.

Game 3: H 24-7 A (resign) ... (forgot to save log)

Key Cards: Ghost Ship, Swindler, Caravan, Bishop, Vagrant, Harem, (no village)

Without Village support we have to weight between GH, Swindler and Bishop. I ignored Bishop and he ignored Swindler. He has 5/2 and opened GS, but I got some luck in swindlering his Ghost Ship early. Then I managed to load up on Caravan and Harem and got some healthy province lead before he resigned.

Game 4: A 10 (resign) -24 H ...

Lookout, Navigator, Procession, Quarry, Remake, Remodel, Library, Minion, Royal Seal, Tribute

He had another 5/2 start and get a Minion, then got a Remake in trimming his deck. I opened with Lookout/Quarry, and got a second lookout hoping to trim/cycling through my deck. We evenly split Minion, and both have a few Tribute. But I managed to hit 8 more consistently (maybe because he has some extra silver from remake that Minion deck didn't like?), and he resigned after I got 4 province. I actually thought the game is far from over yet since Minion deck tends to chok by green pretty hard (plus I do not have much money except Minion...). This actually remind me of my painful first round game with AdamH which I got 5 province in 13 turns but still lost...


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