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Any IRL game where I have had to ask myself, "Do I contest my opponent for Cities or let him buy them all out with the exception of the one I bought to feel like I had a chance?"

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: June 13, 2015, 04:38:14 pm »
WARNING! This thread will self-destruct in 39 posts and counting.

Is there a reason why going over 5000 posts breaks the thread?
Threads just don't get any bigger than this.

Anyone else notice how much the ball weighs?


Putting in link form. Tablet cannot show memes well.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: June 12, 2015, 10:38:23 pm »
WARNING! This thread will self-destruct in 39 posts and counting.

Is there a reason why going over 5000 posts breaks the thread?
Threads just don't get any bigger than this.

Anyone else notice how much the ball weighs?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: May 30, 2015, 04:10:35 pm »



Sarcastic remark


+1 card
+1 buy
Each other player must stare at you like you are crazy for the rest of the game (can only be bought once)

Note : This is the 1st card I have posted here.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Worst Kingdom Ever
« on: May 11, 2015, 09:33:33 pm »
Well, they can't all be the best kingdom forever.

General Discussion / Re: Survivor
« on: May 10, 2015, 12:25:42 pm »
I'm finally all caught up with the current season of Survivor, so time for opinions. I loved Mike's move to save Shireen (spell check), making him more preferable to me if he makes it to the final four. Right of the bat, I wanted Rodney gone. His "give no respect" is, bluntly put, a discredidation (bring out the spell check) to not just humans, but also to the ideas of liberty and equality. How he's made it this far, I don't know. Will and Shireen, man, I am so biased on this. Will probably shouldn't have come this far in the first place. Sure, it was a nice gesture for him to give up his personal stash of food, but that doesn't mean he is hiding any. I believe Shireen had a right to ask if Will left some particulars out, then again, a whole verbal fight shouldn't have ensued. Did I say fight? Strike that. First quarter was a fight, rest of the talk was a verbal bullying. I believe Will was in most of the wrong, and Shireen shouldn't have been the abusee. Can't wait to see what happens next time on... Survivor!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Adventures games over Skype?
« on: April 25, 2015, 06:47:32 pm »
Scratch my previous offer. Schedule is packed. Sorry.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Adventures games over Skype?
« on: April 25, 2015, 06:32:06 pm »
Have adventures, but not sure about scheduling games. Also, I don't have Skype. Might be interested playing against the best players, but I'm barely above 4000. I have been playing dominion for two years, but that doesn't make me a qualified expert. But if anyone is interested in playing me and promised to not laugh so hard if I lose majorly, then I might download Skype and try this out.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: March 29, 2015, 09:53:53 pm »
When your opponent opens with the same cards as you
There's a low-level guy I've played with who mirrors strategies almost every game. One day I decide to go for Barons and Rats on a board with shelters and no trashing. Naturally, he followed.

Hmm.. Maybe you should stop playing with him.
If I were you, I would have some fun with this. Open double curse/ estate. Open scout/moat. Open duchy/estate. That should get him to stop playing with you. Then have the audacity to ask him, "Why don't you play with me anymore?"*

*I hereby waive myself from any injuries due to low funds.

General Discussion / Re: Survivor
« on: March 17, 2015, 09:38:44 pm »
So, I'm all caught up on Survivor W vs B vs N (my personal abbreviation). I know the next episode is tomorrow night, and it's a TWO HOUR LONG SPECIAL!!! But, I have a contradiction. As of last year, a am a huge fan of Arrow, and it just so happens that it shares a time slot with Survivor. I know this is entering the "Survivor" thread, so all your answers might be biased, but I would like to hear some opinions. What should I watch, Arrow or Survivor?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: March 14, 2015, 11:54:57 pm »

Why are you using my username in that meme?

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: My Hill!
« on: March 06, 2015, 09:22:31 pm »
Counterfeit money is used to buy the mint from ADK.


Personally, I'm very excited to know what "florst" means.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: February 21, 2015, 03:24:31 pm »
I'm partial to the term "veeps".

Gotta get those veeps.
I'm pretty sure that the face is American Vice President ( or VP) Joe Biden, the one reason why nobody has wanted Obama to unexpectedly leave office so Biden can take the Presidency.

I'm pretty sure the comment before you knew that the symbol was a tiny gif of the current VP of the USA, Joe Biden.  That's why they said "Veeps" (VPs, victory points or vice president, double entendre).

Oops, I made a fool out of myself again.

Musical pun intended

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: February 20, 2015, 10:42:23 pm »
I'm partial to the term "veeps".

Gotta get those veeps.
I'm pretty sure that the face is American Vice President ( or VP) Joe Biden, the one reason why nobody has wanted Obama to unexpectedly leave office so Biden can take the Presidency.

General Discussion / Re: New TV shows (American edition)
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:57:32 pm »
I watched three episodes of Person of INterest because the premise was interesting, and concluded it was just another boring CBS-procedural with an awful, awful leading performance (Caviezel).

I've heard it's gotten better, but it's really hard for me to come back to stuff I've given up on (see : Marvel's Agents of SHIELD).

It's not just gotten better, it's gotten incredible.  I can't remember when it happened though.  If you were interested, I could find approximately when it stopped being a mediocre case-of-the-week procedural and became an awesome serialized sci-fi dystopian drama.
I agree it has become incredibly well done. My wife was really excited about it before its debut, and I was not.  It hooked me immediately, and she let it go quickly. It has so much going for it - high quirk factor, better than average acting even when scenery is being chewed, lighting effects, micro vs. macro morality.  I like it a lot, and am behind a few episodes.

Person of Interest is a very good show, and all the episodes are fantastic. That being said, I know a few people who don't like the way the show is headed, they prefer it just the way it was, with them saving or stopping the new number every week. I like both aspects, but I'm slightly inclined to agree with the unmentioned individuals.

Even though I enjoy POI, I really like Arrow and Flash now. One Saturday night, my friend and I randomly watched the Arrow pilot after we had heard that the creators of something called "Arrow" were doing "Flash". Flash sounded pretty good, but we were wondering what Arrow was. So we watched the pilot on a Saturday. 2 hours later, 2 more friends come over, asking what we were doing. We excitedly responded, " We just watched this thing called Arrow. We're in the middle of the 3rd episode, would you want to join?" We ended at about 11:30 P.M. Right now, I believe Arrow is the best show out there. Haven't seen Gotham yet, but it sounds good.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: November 11, 2014, 04:35:42 pm »
First meme!

If only I could view it!
Sorry. Like I said, this is my first meme. If anyone could tell me how to show my awesome meme on the forum, I would be grateful.

Dominion General Discussion / No name for new expansion
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:37:17 pm »
What does the f.ds community think it will be named? My bet... Dominion:War.

Donald X. mentioned that he was planning a large expansion called war, but due to circumstances beyond our control, he got rid of war and threw it out. Maybe it will come in the Spring.

Any thoughts?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: October 08, 2014, 06:04:53 pm »
^ Yes I do

Has anyone done this yet?

Someone explain this one?
Don't you know 'The Hunger Games"-trilogy?

Ah, thanks. Yeah, haven't read/seen them yet.

I would say read them before watching them.

This is from someone who watched only the 2nd movie and nothing else. My feeling is that it ran into the same problem a lot of adaptations have - clumsy ways to get around all the thinking the book character does, and characters acting in ways that don't make sense/are contradictory, which probably weren't that way in the book.

Actually I'll put it another way, the Harry Potter movies are pretty good if you're a fan of the books and know what's going to happen, but I'm astounded people who haven't read the books like them. The Hunger Games movies are likely to be similar.

I just recently watched all the HP movies for the first time; having never read the books. I thought they were just fine; they can't all be the best movie ever.

Yes, I like the hunting party movies too :P

i havent watched/read Harry Potter. Not too big about "magic"

General Discussion / Re: How do you play 4 player Dominion?
« on: September 26, 2014, 09:23:33 pm »
Why is this in miscellaneous general discussion?

General Discussion / Re: Happy hobbit day!
« on: September 22, 2014, 06:04:54 pm »
The movies are better. There, I said it.
But not as true to the book.

General Discussion / Happy hobbit day!
« on: September 22, 2014, 05:59:07 pm »
On September 22, a book was released that changed the fantasy genre forever. The book is, the hobbit. Any thoughts on the book/movies?

Simulation / Re: Challenge: Rock/Paper/Scissors
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:27:30 pm »
The pin is good, but why the quarry? Maybe I'm a noob, but aren't you supposed to try  your opponent's hands? You'd just give him a 1-card hand every turn. Besides, what if it's 3-player?        :o

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Forum Survivor Season 2 (under construction)
« on: September 07, 2014, 11:25:40 am »
As many guinea pigs as we can have is good -- if you'd like to do it then I'll be happy to send you the link.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I might try out some of the challenges, but I might end up a little busy on some of the days, so don't heavily rely on me to be a guinea pig , but I'll try to help.

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