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Messages - BraveBear

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Let's discuss Guilds Cards: Journeyman
« on: August 08, 2016, 01:59:54 pm »
Even if you disregard cost and the name of the card there are only a handful of strictly better cards.

Grand Market better than Market, GM/Market better than Peddler
Festival better than Woodcutter
Stash/Royal Seal better than Silver

I can't remember the thread but those were the ones I remember

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Creating Dominion
« on: April 19, 2016, 04:09:55 pm »
Congrats to Stef and SCSN!

I think what people are forgetting is we are getting a NEW dominion product.  When we went from goko to MF it was basically the same thing but with a band aid on it.

I can't wait to see what this new bad boy looks like and runs like.  Just thinking about other games online right now, I am very excited.

I could maybe see why people would be upset about the new payment model if we were just getting same product with the same look and issues.

Anyways If my expectations are met then I will be a happy monthly costumer and will maybe finally get my friends to buy.  They are much more willing to pay per month then shell out all that cash for a game that looks and plays like it was from 10 years ago.


Feedback / Re: F.DS is awesome!
« on: February 18, 2016, 03:20:53 pm »
Even though I am mostly a lurker I feel like I know a lot of you just from reading almost every article and most of the general discussion over the last 3 years.

This forum has done one bad thing though.  It slowly pushed my board game night from 100% dominion to 10% dominion because I haven't lost a game in a really long time.  One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Settlers, and Fibbage are fun I guess

Dominion General Discussion / Re: what makes a good non-engine game?
« on: December 14, 2015, 08:32:00 am »
I don't mind if every board is an engine board.  I just like to see complicated ones or ones where the engine is somewhat weak or hard to produce.

Example,  If you have a board with Fishing Village, Wharf, Junk Dealer, Bridge and the rest duds or non factor cards its pretty easy to see what to do.  Even the choice of what to go for first is pretty easy and results in a boring game.

But boards with the only village as herald, or golem, or procession or kingdoms where the only payload is Graverobber or develop are going to be more interesting to watch even if they are engine games.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Lowering piles
« on: November 06, 2015, 03:41:31 pm »
Another type of pile lowering that doesn't gain you points is milling a Province.  Rebuild is an obvious example but Remodel and Expand do it too.  I'm not talking about ending the game this way but early/mid game.  I know I have done this and it has hurt me and helped me win games in the past.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards Lists 2015 Edition
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:53:18 am »
I signed in as my name, did my list through dueling, then adjusted a little, then saved at the bottom.  Did this for each cost.

Question is that all I have to do?  or do I need to save my complete list, or copy and paste and send it to you?  just want to make sure my rankings get added in because I have been a long time fan of your rankings Qvist and this is the first time I am ranking.  Thank you!

Dominion Articles / Re: Mnemonic devices for deck tracking
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:00:43 am »
I find that tracking what your deck is capable of (gains, potential money, buys) is more important.  Also being able to track what your opponents deck is capable of is just as important.

Being able to guess what your wishing well will hit or if your last 5 cards have a village and draw card in it is nice but small in comparison to the importance of knowing what you and your opponents deck can do on a given turn.  I find this has improved my game so much against skilled opponents.  If you know for a fact that your opponent can only gain one card, or he can gain 10 cards is so valuable at the end of the game.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Open Beta Ending Soon, RIP Goko on 10/15
« on: October 16, 2015, 02:58:59 pm »
I downloaded the new version today.  Tried to play the online web browser version, it never loaded.  Downloaded the windows version.  Opened it and it popped up in full screen.  I tried to change the display and open it again but now it doesn't even open.

Really didn't want to spend time trying to make it work because I primary play on my work laptop at lunch (hence the reason I didn't want full screen) and when I'm home.  Downloading it was something I wasn't sure I was going to do but I wanted to play at lunch really bad today.

Anyways it seems like the new version has a lot of things wrong with it and I don't feel like downloading a patch.  I am really not a computer person at all.  Websites are easy to use, everything else is like Chinese to me.

So goko going off line will probably prevent me from playing in the up coming dominion league.  I really consider myself an above average player but I still do it very casually so trying to figure this out and make this new version work on my computer doesn't seem worth it.  Which is sad.

Or I could just be lazy.  What do you think?  Maybe I'll start playing again if they ever release Adventures.

Dominion League / Re: Season 11 - Signups
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:28:51 pm »

Goko username: BraveBear

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Play badly or risk not playing?
« on: September 10, 2015, 10:50:07 am »
I have a similar situation that happened to my gaming group about a year ago now.

The 3 of us started playing dominion early on, blind without even really reading the rules.  It didn't occur to us that the money on the militia meant +2 coins and not gain a silver, same with market but with copper.  Needless to say we had huge decks and we didn't stop the game until all of the green was bought.  The game took forever but it was so much fun and we eventually started playing within the rules.

What was really nice was we played one night a week maybe 3-4 games.  All 3 of us progressed at the same level.  Every couple months one of us would show up with a newly bought expansion.  We would then discover the cards and their power levels/combos together.  Everything was great!

Then around the time dark ages came out I started reading dominion strategy.  Then I started playing online.  I jumped far beyond them in skill.  They didn't have the desire to progress at the same speed and it turned from a group passion, to both of them dreading playing against me because I had read every card article and played hundreds of games online.

However it was fun while it lasted and think its a little different then the situation you have because you might be progressing a little faster then I did and your wife might be progressing a little slower then my friends did.  We still play from time to time and its mostly still fun. 

Something I would suggest is to design boards that force a more evenly matched game.  Craft a board with a weaker engine.  Don't play poorly on purpose, never do that.  I'm not even saying play a obviously weaker strategy.  When you have more expansions you can make kingdoms where the engine is the correct way to go however its hard to get there.  Example, if the only village is tribute, or a herald engine with only trade route as a trasher.  You can still make the games competitive and increase your knowledge of the game while keeping her in the game as well.  However if you keep playing kingdoms with wharf, fishing village, junk dealer, and butcher together your wife is going to lose interest haha.

Hope this helps.

Dominion Articles / Re: key cards in Dominion: a report card.
« on: September 03, 2015, 01:20:14 pm »
Great List!

I completely agree with Adam H's changes too (besides HP and sea hag cough cough

The one I want to emphasize though is navigator.  I never buy this card ever.  Like never ever ever.  Even if you have the actions and draw to make this viable you'd probably just want another village or draw card or silver.  I have played enough games where I have done all sorts of tricks with top deck interaction.  Navigator I have never used to do any of this.  Its terrible in slogs too, why would I want to cycle!

It differs from other C+ cards like pirate ship because you at least have to think about if your opponent goes crazy on PS.  It makes you at least think a little.  Navigator, however has always and always will be a blank spot on the board for me.

Should be C-

This would have not been a "worst game of dominion" online.  Or even if I was playing more experienced opponents.

However I played a IRL kingdom from hell.  Only because of me of course.

I decided to play an Advisor, Wandering Minstrel, Storeroom engine with Armory support.  It was a three person game however both my opponents decided to play BM.  I quickly drained the advisors and had 4 or so Wandering Minstrels and 2 Storerooms.  My turns took 10 minutes each with the result of buying a province per turn.  While my opponents turns took 10 seconds.  It was not a fun game because they were all butt hurt at me for my turns taking forever.  Oh well

I'm not sure if that would be the worst game IRL.  But I would assume someone could come up with something worst.  Maybe a Hunting Party, Advisor, Scrying Pool, Spy, Envoy, Wandering Minstrel, Oracle engine in a 4 person game where everyone has 10 minute turns......

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion's Tragic Flaw?
« on: June 10, 2015, 04:22:42 pm »
I do think there is a sometimes an annoyingly high amount of games that are decided by (very good/bad) luck. And the problem doesn't have anything to do with playing against a player of equal skill. It could be a player of almost any skill level. Although of course sometimes I've been able to win despite horrendous luck, just because the other player doesn't play well. Usually though, those games are lost.

I have had many games where I thought I got unlucky to then realize that my opponent just executed a better strategy.  If you have this line of thinking after each game you lose you will better yourself as a player.

Next is a big thing I think separates the great players in dominion from the mid level players.  When you obviously get unlucky in the first couple turns you need to stop and think "what am I going to do about it?!?"  Changing gears and diving into a slog or buy swingy components for the chance of a come back is hard to do when another strategy is clearly better.  However if your shuffles steer you to something else the right play may be to do that. 

I agree that it's better to try to deal with the situation than too... not to that, obviously.

But I disagree wholeheartedly that you should just not consider the luck factor when evaluating the strategies after a game (or even during a game). It seems to be the prevailing thinking in these forums that it's detrimental to do so. But I think that not considering the luck will make you a worse player too, and it's bad advice to give to people learning Dominion to undervalue the luck factor. The reason is that it will make you draw the wrong conclusions. If you always think that it was a decision (or several decisions) you made that made the bad thing happen, or decisions the other player made that gave him or her good draws, then you will often take away the wrong lesson. A good deck will quite often perform worse than a worse deck. This of course makes Dominion difficult to learn. You have to play something (a card combo, a Kingdom type, a card/combo against another card/combo...) many times to actually see what usually works. Or use simulators, or logic, of course, to the extent that's feasible.

The point I was trying to get across was to FIRST look at how your strategy was different then your opponents before you go ahead a chalk up the loss to luck.  If you can back track your deck build and reasonably say that your opponent played a less then ideal strategy while you had some unfortunate draws, then and only then can you use luck as an excuse.  I didn't say that you should never consider luck in your game analysis.  I just think many players get frustrated with their deck underperforming because of what they think is bad luck, when a lot of the time its their build order or basic strategy that is the problem.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Favorite cards, and why
« on: June 10, 2015, 10:50:27 am »
My favorite card is Fortress!

It's just really good on every board it is on.

1. It creates a bishop golden deck which I think are really fun and tactical to play.
2. It explodes games with upgrade or procession and even cards like forager and mercenary and apprentice.
3. It creates cool interactions with any trasher especially lookout.
4. Hey, if there isn't a trasher on the board then it's still a village which is a critical part to most engines.

So in summary it is a card that creates a lot of cool things we don't normally see in most dominion games and even if there isn't a trasher then its still really important most of the time.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion's Tragic Flaw?
« on: June 09, 2015, 08:20:06 am »
Looking at dominion this way does not allow any moderate growth in skill.

When you lose a game of dominion against what you have determined an equal skill opponent you need to first look at what you did different then your opponent.  This could be anything from your opening buys not being a trasher or mid game decision to buy a gold instead of an engine piece.  I have had many games where I thought I got unlucky to then realize that my opponent just executed a better strategy.  If you have this line of thinking after each game you lose you will better yourself as a player.

Next is a big thing I think separates the great players in dominion from the mid level players.  When you obviously get unlucky in the first couple turns you need to stop and think "what am I going to do about it?!?"  Changing gears and diving into a slog or buy swingy components for the chance of a come back is hard to do when another strategy is clearly better.  However if your shuffles steer you to something else the right play may be to do that. 

Obviously there are instances where you get absolutely stupid bad luck the whole game.  You scream "Deck, I HATE YOU uuggggghhhh!"  But I think for the most part if you analyze your games and look for places where you could have done something differently or changed your strategy based on your shuffles you are going to grow as a player.  Saying that dominion is flawed because of luck is not going to help you. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: About kingmaking
« on: May 21, 2015, 02:21:16 pm »
I know this has already been touched upon but my friend group cares about not coming in last just as much as coming in first.

Yeah winning is fun and the goal but we always rag on the person who gets last.  Good fun.  So towards the end of most 3-4 player games its never ever thought of king making if someone is buying green to try and prevent them from coming in last

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Transmogrify
« on: March 31, 2015, 03:32:08 pm »
It makes the possibility of randomly losing the game because of bad draws way smaller.

So I would say this is true of most reserve cards (Guide <3 <3 <3) but it's much less true of Transmogrify; since it's a trasher that's likely to miss shuffles.

I'm guessing the "put into hand" part will make missing shuffles not hurt so bad.

Other Games / Re: Prismata
« on: March 27, 2015, 12:38:34 pm »
Wincer is going to be nerfed right?  I have never beat it and not gone for it.  Has anyone had a game where they ignored it and beat it?

GokoDom / Re: Gokodom IV this summer?
« on: February 20, 2015, 11:00:18 am »
The point that Watno is trying to make I think is you can't "win it all" from just playing 1 season of the League.  You would have to play multiply seasons to promote to A.  Then be in the top 2 of A.

The main difference from the League and Gokodom (I've played in both) is the "feel."  The league in my eyes doesn't really feel like a tournament at all.  Its great at what it does, which is more or less a rating system.

I like the idea of a swiss start or a double elimination tournament.  Of course I would enter a single elimination trny at the drop of a hat.  I just think the league is so much different then a tournament already and shouldn't factor into discussion on how the next gokodom should be structured.

GokoDom / Re: Gokodom IV this summer?
« on: February 13, 2015, 10:41:24 am »
Gokodom III was great for me!  It allowed me to face much better opponents then me (RTT,Qvist,yed).  There aren't many opportunities for a person who doesn't keep their rating up to play a high level opponents.  Gokodom allows this to happen which I think is a great thing.

I personally would love to see a Gokodom happen sooner then later. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Tom Vasel's Top 10 (Favourite) Cards
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:36:23 am »
10. Library
9. Kings Court
8. Ironmonger
7. Jack of all Trades
6. Hermit/Madman
5. Watchtower
4. Counterfeit
3. Menagerie
2. Count
1. Crossroads

Man do I love a good crossroads engine!  And for some reason making a draw to X engine is very satisfying :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Data Mining: Card Rankings
« on: January 07, 2015, 09:09:04 am »
I'm surprised there are almost 900 kingdoms out there that someone thought it was okay not to buy wharf.....

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Hunting
« on: December 19, 2014, 02:43:18 pm »
Okay now that I have some cards that might work now I am going to add the new mechanic to my fan set that will be the backbone of Hunting.  Along with 15 new cards.  I’m not sure if this idea has been thrown around so please let me know if I’m completely unintentionally ripping someone off.

Since coin tokens are so easily acceptable.  Why not have cards that produce tokens for the other major mechanics of the game.  Draw Token, Action Token, Buy Token.  Draw and Action Tokens can be used anytime during your action phase and Buy Tokens can be used just like coin tokens.
So onto the cards.

(Action) $2
+1 action
Take a buy token

Walking Stick
(Action) $2
+1 card
Discard any number of cards. +1 action per card discarded
Set up:  Each player takes 2 draw tokens.

Bear Trap
(Action/Attack) $3
+1 action
+1 draw token
You may spend draw tokens.  Each other player discards 1 card per draw token spent this way.

Cross Bow
(Action) $3
Trash a card from your hand.  Take draw tokens equal to the price of the card.

Old Hunter
(Action) $3
Take an action token
While this is in play when you spend an action token, +1 card

Deer Blind
(Action) $4
+2 actions
Take a buy token
-$1 for every buy token you have to a minimum of $0

Out House
+1 card
+2 actions
While this is in play you may use buy tokens as draw tokens.
When you buy this each player takes a buy token.

Worth 1$ per draw token you have
(This is not in the supply)

(Action) $5
Take 2 draw tokens
Gain a Bullet

(Action/Attack) $5
Each player discards their hand and takes 3 draw tokens

(Action/Victory) $5
Worth 1VP per draw tokens you have
When you discard this or trash this take 2 draw tokens.

Wood Stove
(Action) $6
Take a draw token
Take an action token
You may trash cards from your hand equal to the number of draw tokens you have.

(Action) $7
You may play an action card from your hand up to as many action tokens you have.
While this is in play when you buy a card take an action token.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Hunting
« on: December 19, 2014, 09:11:21 am »
I like that change to "fur hat" also!  It takes a lot of the wordyiss out of it.

Fur Hat
(Action/Looter) $5
+1 card
+1 action
Each other player gains a ruin.  When you buy this trash a card in play that is not a copper.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Hunting
« on: December 19, 2014, 08:49:46 am »
Moose contradicts Nomad Camp--how do you gain something to your hand and deck at the same time? Also, if this got added to Goko and you accidentally revealed Watchtower, it would blow the program's mind.

It also is broken with Ill-Gotten Gains in the Kingdom--and gets crazy with King's Court. It also makes 3-piling ridiculously easy with King's Court and Watchtower, but maybe that's a feature, not a bug. It also has a crazy combo with Secret Chamber--but anything that improves Secret Chamber is probably worth pursuing.

Fur Hat--would it be better to just make it cost $6, and then read, "When you gain this, trash a card that you have in play that is not a Copper." That way, you still can't buy it on Turn 1 and 2, and this also limits your ability to Remodel into it (since Silvers won't be in play in your action phase). Or maybe you should have this trash a Treasure that is not a Copper?

Deer--needs to say "discard this from your hand." But it seems like it compares very unfavorably to Market Square, because most of the time it will draw dead. It combos great with cantrip trashers--but how often do you have one of those, plus a Village, plus Deer, in your hand? Sure, it's great against Knights/Saboteur/Swindler--but Knights and Saboteur have pretty weak attacks to begin with. And even then, in many cases you'd rather have the Gold than the 3 cards.

Shooting Trophy--needs to have "When this is in play". But it looks like it would either be awesome or terrible--because it's pretty much worse than Duchy until you start greening, and it can't gain itself, like Horn of Plenty. Is it OP with dual-type Victory cards, though? And is it too powerful with Gardens/Silk Road/Feodum?

Rifle--The value of coin tokens is that you don't have to spend them on the current turn. But in most engines, you don't want your Smithy to be the last card you play--you want to finish with a coin-producer, like Horse Traders, Merchant Ship/Guild, etc. Rifle is either an expensive Smithy or one that is designed to be terminal--neither of which fits your typical engine as well as the cheaper Smithy. That's why there isn't a card in Dominion that gives +2 cards, +1 coin.

Knife is OK in 2 player, terrible in multi-player, where the risk of trashing it is much higher. I'm not sure that the minor reward of getting someone to discard 2 coppers is worth the risk of a wasted early buy. Later on, it's pretty much identical to Militia.

Scope--is almost strictly superior to Lighthouse. It's probably OP at $3.

Camouflage--I like GendoIkari's change.

I'm starting to think moose is not worth the trouble.

I agree deer isn't as good without the + actions but I can't seem to find away around that being confusing when one of your cards is trashed and its not your turn

Shooting Trophy
I mean I will know after testing but its still more exciting then most of the $5 treasure cards already in print.

Yeah I mean I was trying to make a simple +3 cards but I understand that +cards/+coins is kinda taboo, will go back to the drawing board on this one.

Its just my gut, but I think knife will be a high skill, high swingy, interesting card, its stackable like torturer but can be trashed pretty easily if you are not careful.

It is pretty similar to lookout, maybe I can tweak it so that it doesn't turn into a $3 necro later in the game.

I like the change also.

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