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Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Dominion: Nocturne announced!
« on: September 19, 2017, 07:33:27 am »
So I can finally get my Dominion + Intrigue 2nd edition boxes? The "expansion" box I mean, I don't want to have to purchase the whole two sets anew.

I remember, last year in Essen the 2nd editions were announced for only just a week, and at Essen no one knew about them yet.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 27, 2016, 05:59:58 am »
I like Navigator, even more than Cartographer. This is not an engine card, though. You will want this in Big Money decks. For a slog you can look if your next hand will be good enough to buy a duchy or Gardens.

Navigator really shines with the two Prosperity Treasures Loan and Venture: You can stack all green before the treasure, and with Loan make sure it hits that Copper instead of Platinum.

I think terminal Silvers do have a place in the game, and of the non-attacks Navigator is a very good one.

It also helps you shuffle new cards in faster.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion and Intrigue second editions
« on: September 26, 2016, 06:41:52 am »
So Lurker looks like a very nice combo with Cultist (and Rats and Squire, too). You can start double Lurker and gain two attacks via trashing Squires or take Lurkers to be double Labs via trashing Cultists. Yes, trash for benefit is good with Lurkers, but on-trash triggers even more so. This looks like a card that belonged in Dark Ages and didn't make the cut, or he got the idea too late.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Trolls: A Study
« on: August 23, 2016, 10:16:10 am »
All this doesn't work, when they are not chatting with you, though.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Promo Event card in Germany
« on: August 03, 2015, 10:43:17 am »
Now all they have to do is remove the unnecessary lines from Durations, include "correct" Pathfinding in the german box, give Events blue backs and all those months waiting will have paid off.

What about the lines from Durations? And what is the issue with Pathfinding?

Thank you!

I'm looking forward to Adventures (I'll buy it in Essen) just so I can ask my players which color they want :D

Game Reports / Re: slog fairgrounds+IGG vs minion stack
« on: November 27, 2013, 05:58:35 am »
I always thought it was common knowledge that Minion decks lose badly against any kind of cursers (or other junkers).

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. +2 Buys.

While this is in play, when you gain a Victory card, Victory cards cost $1 less this turn, but not less than $0.
I would raise that with just 2 Pilgrimage cards and $4, a player can buy 3 Estates and 2 Provinces. That is certainly not an unreasonable random occurence in a deck of cards with 3 or 4 Pilgrimage cards in it.

The issue is that if you give Pilgrimage anything different Vanilla effects, it's going to look too much like another card. If you drop that buying Victory-cards stacks the effect (so just a flat $1 decrement for Victory cards) or draw cards, it looks an awful lot like Highway. If you make it terminal or give coins, it looks like Bridge.

What about this change:

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. +2 Buys.

While this is in play, when you gain a Victory card, Victory cards with the same name cost $1 less this turn, but not less than $0.

So you can chain-buy Duchies or Estates, but two estate-buys don't affect Provinces at all. Hm this makes it very unhelpful in Province buys, but at least it isn't overpowered. What do you think?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Copper as a Reaction
« on: September 14, 2013, 07:54:11 pm »
If you can only reveal this to one curser and then it would be lost, it loses extremely in 3 or 4 player matches, compared to all the other reactions that you can use to defend against multiple attacks from multiple players.

So, this is a card which can be just a pure reaction - I am always looking for those. The only things that seem to work are reacting to gains of some sort.
If you want to be able to have synergy with +buy, you can take advantage of this by a template like the following:

$3 - Reaction
When you would gain a card, you may reveal this and set it aside. If you do, instead, gain a card costing exactly one more than it.
While this is set aside, whenever you gain a card, return it to your hand.

I'm pretty sure this gets you everything you want. Most reactions can't do this trick because they already have a line separating the reaction part from the other action type.

I think I'd prefer to leave it with the simpler wording and no interaction with +buy if it can be balanced that way.

I find this a fitting solution to above problem.

But still I find a pure reaction card somewhat akward. What if you change it into a Treasure/Reaction card with $1 for simpler play when you're just buying one thing?

Game Reports / Re: This says it all...
« on: June 25, 2013, 02:07:29 pm »
So someone bought an Adventurer before any Gold was bought?

Maybe a bit too expansive a counter to Sea Hag.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Obvious Predictions: Guilds Edition
« on: June 14, 2013, 06:46:54 pm »
Merchant Guild will get confused with Market Square, like Mint and Mine (
And merchant ship!
Maybe if Merchant Ship wasn't orange...

...and Market Square wasn't blue.
And wouldn't cost $3 unlike the other two which cost $5

Candlestick Maker can make those 20 Copper hands from Counting House so much more useful (non-terminal +buy).


While I seriously doubt that it would actually be the best move; here's a couple cases where you might prefer Conspirator to Silver:

Jester (you'd rather your opponent hit Conspirator than Silver)

Why? Because a Silver for their deck would be better? Well then it would also be better in your deck, because it doesn't collide with your own Jester.

... while still winning.

Ofc with Gardens against his Ambassador (and Familiar). The 8-0 split of Gardens I won helped, too.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Outpost + Chapel
« on: January 30, 2013, 12:23:40 am »
It's not much different than Chapel/1 Ironworks for Silver or Chapel/Explorer for comparision, at least the way you played it. And both are better, I guess, unless the faster cycling was a big matter. So, if these are good, then this may be good as well.

Neither Ironworks nor Explorer can gain you a Duchy, which could be likely with a Gold in your Outpost hand. Outpost works a bit like +buy but doesn't need big ($13) money hands in one hand, instead one normal and one small.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Pet tricks you haven't tried yet
« on: January 16, 2013, 07:33:29 pm »

I did it solo with some help from:
Village (needed because you have to play Ironworks after... oh no you play it before, so don't need a Village)
Chapel + Scrying Pool to enable fast Deckdraw of Ironworks
Cellar (for the cases when you draw 4x Ironworks + Chapel and not Scrying Pools)

And ofc the 3 cards Treasure Map, Nomad Camp, Mandarin

Ok if you cross out the Village, it is still a 6-card combo. But I think these are the kinds of combo this thread is about :D.
Treasure Map, Nomad Camp, Mandarin, Chapel, Ironworks, Scrying Pool

PS: I know I played bad in the actual game overtrashing Copper and buying the unneeded Villages, so by turn 14 I had the Camps and Golds top-decked, end at turn 22. Might retry this one.

2nd attempt: Combo set on turn 10, end on turn 18

I think Chapel/Potion is better than Chapel/Ironworks for a start, what do you think? If you get the Potion later with your Ironworks, your turn will end, because you get no actions back.
Can you think of Actions other than Scrying Pool that can draw those huge amounts of Ironworks?
Or maybe a deck with many +buys but not enough $ to outbuy the Provinces, yet enough to buy Nomad Camps? (Highly unlikely, I guess)

I'm really torn on Diamond Deposit:
You say it is a bit like Counting House, but it is way worse. You only have 3 VP cards in your deck at the start opposed to 7 Coppers for Counting House. It sufferst the same way from missing the shuffle, so many times it can be really weak.
I don't see how this card could be strong at all, apart from games where you buy multiple Estates and $4 VP cards, but then you would want Duchies for $5.

For a $5 card with a penalty, this sounds to me way too weak.

PS: But I do like the idea and the other cards, especially Fortify (although it might need a "re" in its name somehow).

For Architect, you might want to change the "draw them" into "put them into your hand", because you "put cards somewhere" when they are being revealed. You draw only from the top of your deck without anything revealed.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Translations
« on: November 07, 2012, 04:56:10 pm »
If I was to translate Duchy and Duke (and knew I have Duchess coming a bit later), I would go for Hrabstwo, Hrabia, Hrabina - even though it's rather County, Count and Countess - we never had counts in Poland, but all three words are still alive in Polish language.

But we do have a Count in Dark Ages. So you would need a new word for this.

Dominion Articles / Re: Mystic
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:42:45 pm »
This article looks good, but is far from finished. So far it only covers the combos that help guess the top card correctly. What's missing is references to other combos such as Minion and Conspirator. Also how it benefits from what kind of trashing (I think the same as most action decks, i.e. heavy trashing).

And please send your text through an automated spellcheck.

I really like the part that enlists all the combos to get the +card with Mystic.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 1: Assassin
« on: October 04, 2012, 08:33:37 pm »
When I think of Assassin, I think of the name's origin, as it is described in a book, I'm reading (Tschingis Chan und sein Erbe) "Hashashin" - "hash eater", it is a fanatic sect in many castles in the Elburs Mountains, founded by the old man Hassan Ibn Ssabach. He seeks strong and young men who then get intoxicated with hash and other drugs and then in their hash dreams, they are brought into a beautiful garden with exotic plants and all good things, and there will be women singing, dancing, playing the lute. Then after tasting a bit of paradise, he will be brought back, right where his dreams started and after this, he will talk about having seen the paradise as it is written of in the book of Qur'an, which will be given to those who die while doing their master's biddings. After this experience, they are called "Fedawi" - "one sacrificing his life" and they are used for various targets: a sultan on his feast, a victorious general on his parade, a senior official, who gets too influential, they all die to a dagger, the preferred weapon of the Assassins. In contrast to popular belief, it was not the intention of the Fedawi to remain unseen or hidden in any kind, after their dirty work was done, instead they greet the arrow that ends their lives and with the cry "We are the sacrificial animals of our Lord!" they will die.

So my take on this subject will have some themes mixed in them:

- the obvious killing theme
- the "promised paradise" theme
- the might and dread theme
- suicide / seeking death theme

$5 Action - Attack
+1 Action
+1 Card
Each other player reveals cards until he reveals a victory or action card, trashes the card and discards the rest. Then he may gain a card costing $1 less or $1 more than the trashed card of his choice.
While this is in play, when you play an Attack, trash Assassin.

This card with just the first three lines is nothing but crazy: an always activated Conspirator! But with the bottom line penalty that prevents chaining of Assassins in some way (you may chain them once, but afterwards, they are already in heaven, i.e. the trash).
The attack part of the card is somewhat weird, to say the least. Only targets Victory cards. Turns Duchies into Gold (or a $4), Province into Platin (only when available). It targets his score directly with the risk of giving his Deck fuel to start over again. I'm not very convinced of the attack part, I just wanted to make a card with the bottom line as a drawback. What do you think?

Thinking about it, this card may be too bad for the game: Trashing all the victory cards. [Maybe changing the bottom line into any Action, will help.]
edit2: I changed it to target victory or action cards (whichever comes first) like jamespotter suggested. Then we can rebalance the bottom line to Attack again.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: You can't gain victory cards
« on: October 04, 2012, 05:58:43 pm »
We do have an example of a "you can't" rule in an existing Dominion card:
$5 - Treasure
Worth $3
+1 Buy
When you play this, the player to your left names a card. You can’t buy that card this turn.

So Tejayes' BLOOD MONEY would be worded:

$5 - Treasure
Worth $3
While this is in play, you can't gain Victory cards.

I do see, that there is a difference between those two:
- "You can't buy" means, you don't have the option, you have to choose somthing else.
- "You can't gain" means, you just can't gain it, and if you would, defaulting into not gaining anything.

With this out of my way: here is my take on the Blood Money card:

$5 ($4) - Treasure
Worth $3 ($4)
(When you play this) Every other player gains a Silver putting it into their hand (onto their draw pile?).

This would mean (outside of Colony games where Silver is bad) a real penalty that keeps on giving. A free Silver to start your turn with is very strong, so I might change the numbers to price $4 Worth $3 or price $5 Worth $4 or just let them get to topdeck it.

It nets you +2 cards:
start hand (5) -> play (4) -> draw 5 (9) -> discard 2 (7)

I think it is balanced. I like the idea.

So this will be my post (without reading the rest of this thread):

Monday, August, 6th (Cards 1-3)
1. Graverobber:
Not good for a 2/5 start, needs collision with other actions if no other trash for benefit is available (because the trash will be empty at first)
Can make a fast Gold out of a $3-Action or a good $5-Action.
If you have many Graverobbers, you can make Provinces consistently while refreshing your supply from the trash. Needs some form of money or $2-$3 Actions to gain / buy more Graverobbers.
Needs collision with other actions is a big point to consider, since your deck is mostly Coppers and Estates, which you can't trash with Graverobber. +Card engines (Laboratory, Caravan, Smithy-Village engines help increase hand size) Maybe double Tactician while playing Graverobber on both turns (1st to make Province out of Graverobber, 2nd to regain Graverobber from trash)

2. Poor House:
As said in the comments: This will make Upgrade better, if you aim for a non-Treasure deck. Problem is, you need something else than Silvers to make your Estates into, preferebly Villages. Upgrade works better than Remake with it, because of the +action on Upgrade.
In the absence of Villages or +buy, this card will be dead. Even more if you can't get rid of your Coppers.
Village + Vault/Secret Chamber/midrange trashing + this (+ maybe carddraw and +buy) makes for a good engine.
Can't decide what kind or trashing fits this card best, I think t4b is bad. Loan would be best, Moneylender, Steward, Chapel maybe 2nd place.

3. Sage:
I don't think, this works well with cardpile rushs like Garden or Silkroad, since these cards will be drawn mostly and Coppers which aren't that bad will be skipped. Maybe this can tutor for your Treasure Maps: 2-3 Sages, 2 Treasure Maps and only if you are unlucky and draw all the Sages and with the last Sage only one Treasure Map, it will be a clear hit. That is, if you start with 2 action cards in hand. Treasure Map + Sage in hand (with no other >$3 cards in deck) is a sure hit. Thing is, you must do without Silvers to buy both Treasure Maps.
This is true for most uses of Sage: with too much Silver in deck, you only exchange Sage for Silver, which is mediocre. A good use of this may be with Minions: You draw all the Minions in your hand and play them for maximum cash. That is: every Sage in your deck is worth another Minion (again when you have no Silvers). Works like Cellar without the -1 Card in this case.
Compares with Farming Village (and Adventurer):
Pro: doesn't find Coppers
Contra: will eventually find Provinces and Duchies.

So long and see you tomorrow for more first impressions of Dark Ages cards (I will keep on with the numbers)

Tuesday, August, 7th (Cards 4-6)
4. Feodum:
The first victory card of the set. One that counts Treasure was often suggested, and this along with Traders, gives Silver its usefulness. I wonder how it works in an Ironworks deck: Gain Feodum, buy Silver, end turn? Maybe with Haggler: Buy Feodum, gain Silver. To get them to 3 VP apiece, where they are - like Gardens with 30 cards - worth a Province in costs per VP, you need 9 Silvers, not too difficult to do. Maybe as with Gardens and Philosopher's Stones you can't build a reliable combo around it, that also fills your deck. The chance of collision with your trasher will decrease significantly. But maybe it can be a good starter as Trader, especially with Trader (7 Silver yeah!)

5. Cultist:
A nice way to chain action cards. The mechanic reminds me of the MTG ability Ripple:, but in the end it is just a "hurtful Laboratory" as Donald says.
The drawback to Laboratory is that you don't have a spare action after your draw, so you can't play a +buy action to gain more from your big hand.
I wonder how Looters aquit themselves against Cursers. I think the non-attack effect will be better, but the attack will be less hurting since you hand out Ruins and not Curses. From my gut feeling, I would always go for the Curser, unless it is Young Witch with a really good bane (or Ambassador / Masquerade, but you knew that already).
Speaking of Ambassador, I wonder how the return to supply, gain one with the same name works, if the pile is random. We will see...

6. Ruined Market:
Now that would go into the worst card ideas thread ;-). I like the method of shuffling all 50 Ruins (10 of each kind) and pull 10 for each opponent. This makes for much variation and might help those Fairgrounds players out there to up to another point per Fairgrounds. Good thing, that these cards (all of them?) are actions, so Graverobber can make some use of them by turning them into $3 actions or Silvers, and occasionally you might want to Throneroom a Ruins, at least decreases the chance of drawing Thronerooms without any action cards. It also has a nice interaction with Vineyard: The attack is actually giving you points.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards You Horribly Misjudged
« on: July 30, 2012, 08:42:57 pm »
Sea Hag - I figured this was like saboteur, an attack that didn't benefit the attacker at all.
I actually gave another player a Sea Hag via Trickser, because noone had bought it early game and we all thought it was useless. (No other cursers, maybe apart from Trickser, were available... hm maybe there were already some of the curses gone to justify this, but there still were some)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:42:35 am »
Inspired by this post

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revising my TFB Contest Card
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:41:43 pm »
I still think this is a $3.

And even at $3 it seems somewhat weak.
What this card actually does is:
Trash a Copper -> +0$  (Even Silver -> +3$ is bad, as that's +3$ for 2 cards with one of them trashed; the +buy from Salvager is very important)
Trash an Estate -> +1VP
Trash an Action -> play it twice (but it still remains trashed)

The first two options do nothing or very little on your turn and you give up 1 action and 2 cards for this.
The third option may make for one or two awsome turns, but then your deck will have nothing left in it.
That's the problem with Trading Route, too: It trashes, but if you don't use your buy, you won't have anything in your deck after a while playing it.

I know, lateron with more costing cards, it does more awesome things. But this card is really bad at cleaning your deck at the early part of the game.
Hm... thinking about it, maybe it is somewhat of a reversed Steward: Bad early and good lategame.

Also, I would word the third option

  If it's an...
  Action card, instead play it twice, then trash it.

Because by the rules all cards that get "played" go to the "in game" area, and not into the trash. With your wording, it would go into the trash and then, similar to Thief's Treasures, go to the "in game area" from the trash and then get cleaned up to end up in the discard pile.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Gray's Cards #3
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:19:19 pm »
There are not many mandatory trash cards, that are not trash for benefit (depending on the card's costs).
I only recall Trading Route. So if you compare Prospector with Trading Route, there is a difference in how they work and thus how often you can play them:

Trade Route has +buy, which allows you to refill your deck with cards, if you want to trash cards in lategame.
Prospector lacks this and even has a carddrawing effect, so you get to play it more often.

What I imagine will happen is that you will trash cards fast with no great benefit in the earlygame (+cards is weaker than +$ when most of your cards are still Copper / Estates; that's why Moneylender is so good) and in the endgame without +buy or gain, you will run out of cards you want to trash.

Ofc this is all theorycrafting and I might be terribly wrong.

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