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So I don't know what the thematic justification for this would be, but I thought of it today when thinking of mechanics for Reserve cards that weren't explored in Adventures.  I'm not married to the name, or the particular set of vanilla bonuses; it's more about the calling trigger.

Bard - $6 - Action/Reserve

+1 card
+1 action

Put this on your Tavern mat.


When you buy a Copper, you may discard this from your Tavern mat.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Feedback wanted: Public Works
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:00:04 am »
Public Works
Action - $4+

+1 Buy

+1 Card and +1 Action per token on the Public Works mat.


When you buy this, you may overpay for it.  If you do, put a token on the Public Works mat per $1 overpaid.

...Maybe I'm missing something, but how is this not ridiculous?  You pay $6 for the first one, and then after that it's almost a fully-leveled City for $4.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Hirelings Pile - Part 2
« on: December 16, 2013, 11:11:36 am »
On an entirely different subject: I like the ideas, but some of the names don't really roll off the tongue that well.  Maybe it's just me, but "Hired" doesn't seem to fit with the other word some of the time.  Like "Hired Pathcutter" really doesn't sound right to me.  I do agree that you need something a la Sir or Dame to quickly show that it's a Hireling, but I don't know if that's quite it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Feedback Wanted: The Silversmith
« on: December 13, 2013, 06:02:56 pm »
scott_pilgrim and soulnet, I agree. Although I usually find Silver-based strategies fun, I don't know whether this particular card will be fun.

Trying to create a Silver version of Coppersmith, I wanted to do something more interesting than just "Silvers make more Coins". So I created this card:

Types: Action
Cost: $3
Gain a Silver.

While this is in play, when you discard a Silver from play, you may trash it. If you do, gain a card costing up to $5.

The only reason "Gain a Silver" is in there is because I don't think people want to have to waste a bunch of their buys on basic (non-Kingdom) cards in order to effectively pursue a strategy. See Rebuild, for example. Middleman can definitely be fun. I have used it to gain a pile of Duchies in the endgame, for example. But it's wonky and doesn't make a great first impression. Also I now have three other cards in my set that can potentially gain $5 cards.

It would be cool to have a card in my set that does something when you play a Silver, especially since it would combo with Fund (a Treasure card that can gain a Silver into your hand). But I'm having trouble coming up with a bonus other than +$1, which essentially makes the card a Silversmith.
Maybe it could require having some Silvers in play already and then do something more powerful (such as getting a +VP, or Upgrading a card in your hand, or something). Too complicated?

If it required already having Silvers in play it'd have to be a Treasure.  Which could actually be kind of interesting:

Silversmith - Treasure - $5
If you have at least one Silver in play, this is worth $3.  Otherwise, it's worth $2.

Or, alternatively, it could be an Action that does something on discarding it if you have Silver in play.  Something like:

Silversmith - Action - $5
+1 Card, +1 Action.  When you discard this from play, if you also discard a Silver, you may trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing up to $2 more.

Oh, good, I've been looking forward to this one for a while.  Here are some Guildsy names that I thought up.  If any of them inspire you, feel free to use them.

Guild Hall

So what's the threshold for making it into the next round of voting?  I assume it'll be the 5 that have 10+ votes?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Help and Feedback Wanted: Double Agent
« on: December 04, 2013, 11:10:37 am »

I like the innovative concept of dealing out silvers and make profit of opponents silver afterwards!

Now, here's an idea to fix your problems:

Double Agent - Action - $4

Each player gains a Silver, putting it into their hand.
You may trash this and gain a Renegade from the Renegade pile. 

Renegade - Action - 0*$
All opponents trash a Silver from their hand (or reveal a hand without Silver).
(This is not in the Supply).

Now, your card has become a real double agent, it self-synergizes somehow, it is neither too strong nor too weak and it doesn't scale that much. What do you think?

Huh.  I like this concept.  The original DA seems too weak with just +$2, though.  I might take it back to +$3, since gaining a Silver in hand is still a very sizable bonus for your opponents most of the time, even with the promise that eventually they're going to have to lose it.  I'm hopefully going to have the chance to playtest later this week, so I'll definitely look at this.  The only thing that I don't like about it is that the later "profiting from opponents' Silvers" seems kind of... indirect.  I might rename "Renegade" to "Traitor" or "Fugitive", also.  I like those a little better thematically.

Edit: Oh, whoops, I see why DA isn't weak.  Never mind, I missed that you also get to gain a Silver.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Help and Feedback Wanted: Double Agent
« on: December 03, 2013, 08:38:58 pm »
Thanks for your feedback!  I'm not sure about your proposed fix.  It seems like a nonterminal draw-to-X is kind of asking for trouble (If you disagree and you do want to use it in your own set, go ahead, though).  Also, we already have a card in the set which allows your opponents a Council Room-like bonus.

That said, I did think of something earlier-- what if it offered your opponents some limited deck inspection and gave you something if they used it?  Something like:

Double Agent
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Card
+1 Action
Each other player reveals the top two cards of their deck.  They may discard one of them.  If the player to your left discards a card costing $3 or less this way, you may trash this.  If you do, +2 cards.

I can't decide whether I like the player to your right having to be more careful about discarding than other players, though, now that I think about it.  The alternative would just be making it "if any player ... this way", but then that shares the multiplayer scaling issue of the original.  What do you think?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: December 03, 2013, 03:14:21 pm »
Besides, this is f.DS, pedantic nitpicking is welcome and encouraged everywhere here.

I'm waiting for someone to come up with an edge case on this.

Variants and Fan Cards / Help and Feedback Wanted: Double Agent
« on: December 02, 2013, 08:07:39 pm »
So my brother and I are working on a set called Diplomacy, the theme of which is friendly interactions a la Council Room or Duchess.  There's one idea that we want to explore but it's yet to work out well, and that's Double Agent.

The idea behind Double Agent is the idea behind an actual double agent-- that is, he helps your opponent, but what he does is actually also helping you... and then suddenly he breaks cover and your opponents, previously thrilled with what he did, realize that it was better for you all along.

The card has gone through a few incarnations.  The most recent, which we realize is awful, is this:

Double Agent - Action - $4


Each other player gains a Silver, putting it into their hand.

You may trash this.  If you do, all players reveal their hand.  +$1 for each Silver revealed this way. 

(Another thing that we considered adding in the "if you do" clause was "each other player must discard a Double Agent if he has any" or something similar.)

Obviously, this doesn't work for a few reasons: it scales badly with multiplayer games, it's often way better for other players than it is for you, just terminal money for you is pretty boring, etc. etc., so I figured I could enlist your help.  Any possible fixes are much appreciated, or even complete reworks that preserve the theme.  What do you think?

My thoughts on any of them about which I had thoughts:

Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
If this is the first Action card you played this turn, +3 Cards and +1 Action. Otherwise, +1 Card and +3 Actions.

I like this concept, but I feel like the condition in which it's really good is too niche.  Drawing cards is kind of undesirable if you still have this in your deck.  Maybe if the less-good version were better?  I just feel like there's a huge discrepancy between +3 Cards, +1 Action and +1 Card, +3 Actions.

Shield of Virtue
Types: Action – Reaction – Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Card. +1 Action. Look through your discard pile. You may trash a card from your hand or your discard pile.

When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, you are unaffected by that Attack.

Pretty straightforward.  I like being able to trash from your discard, and a cantrip reaction to Attacks is pretty good.  I think it works.

Rusty the Donkey
Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+4 Actions. Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: Gain a card with cost up to the number of unused Actions you have (Actions, not Action cards); or gain a card costing up to $4 more than the trashed card; or gain two cards each costing up to $2 more than the trashed card.

The gaining effect is all right, but doesn't seem like it'll be worth it very often.  Not to mention counting spare Actions gets to be a pain after 2 or 3, but maybe that's just me.  The first remodeling effect seems fine, but the second seems way too good.  Trash a Gold, gain two Provinces?  And with spare actions after that?  I'm pretty sure that's ridiculous, even for a Prize.

Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Action. Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $3 more than the trashed card, putting it into your hand.

I think this is a better way to handle the Remodeling.  Not crazy about the name, though.

Wishing Ring
Types: Action – Reaction – Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Action. Choose an Action card from the Supply and play it.

When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this. If you do, choose one: Gain a copy of the Attack card, putting it into your hand and this card onto your deck; or you are not affected by the Attack.

It's not entirely clear how the top works, as has been said.  I don't actually gain the card, right?  It's basically Band of Misfits?  Why not "Choose an Action card from the Supply and copy its effect"?

Jousting Rod
Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Action. Gain an Action card costing up to $5, putting it into your hand.

When another player plays a Tournament, you may discard this. If you do, gain 2 Action cards each costing up to $5, putting them into your hand.

I actually really like this one.  I'm assuming it's supposed to also be a Reaction because of the bottom half?

Grace of the King
Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Action. While this is in play, when you play an Action card the first time this turn, play it again.

Clarification: This affects each individual card, not just each differently named card. So if you played this and played a Village (twice), then played another Village, you would also play that second Village twice.

This seems OP, even for a Prize.  Any non-terminal is now a Village, which means if you have a Lab or something the rest of your turn is now ridiculous.

Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Action. +$2. Reveal up to 2 Action cards from your hand. For each card revealed this way, gain a copy of it.

I don't like the name.  Too modern, and why would an advertiser be a Prize?  I'm also unsure about the +$2.  It seems tacked on.  Maybe find something else that works better with the Action-duplicating for a bonus?  What if you got to put one of the duplicates into your hand?

Remote Holding
Types: Action – Victory – Prize
Cost: $0*
+3 Cards. +1 Buy. You may trash a card from your hand.

Worth 30 VP if you have no other Victory or Prize cards in your deck.

I like the fact that you need a Victory card to get this but then you need to get rid of it for it to be worth much, but how often is 30 enough to win?  It would be cool if there were potential for expansion.  Maybe if it were just no Provinces and not no Victory cards?  That would seem to go with the +Buy.

Parade (B)
Types: Victory – Reaction – Prize
Cost: $0*
Worth 1 VP plus 1 VP for every Prize in your deck.

When another player plays a Prize, you may discard this. If you do, gain that Prize when it is discarded from play, putting it on top of your deck.

What if you had to return it to the Prize pile if you decided to steal someone else's?  Otherwise I don't see why the first person to get this isn't way ahead.

ECF Council
Types: Victory – Prize
Cost: $0*
Worth 1 VP per Tournament in your deck.

I don't really get the name.  Also, it seems like this is unlikely to be much better for you than just a Duchy, but I guess it could be interesting.

Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
Look through your discard pile. Trash any number of cards from it.

If you have this, a Golem and no other Actions in your deck, this is effectively "trash anything you want from your deck."  I can't decide if that's absurd or awesome.

Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+2 Buys. While this is in play, when you buy a Copper, you may trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing up to $2 more than it.

I dig the idea of "when you buy a Copper, X" but I don't know if I like your X.  That said, I have no idea what I'd make it.

Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
Gain up to 4 Coppers, putting them into your hand. Reveal your hand. Reveal one card from your deck per Copper in your hand; put one of them that you choose into your hand and discard the rest.

While this is in play, you may not play Action cards from your hand.

I don't know if the benefit is worth gaining 4 Coppers.  And that's without the "no other Actions" thing.  I don't really get the point of that, also.

Types: Action – Reaction – Prize
Cost: $0*
+3 Cards.

When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, draw until you have 6 cards in hand and you are unaffected by that Attack.

Super-Moat.  I like it.  Maybe give it a name that reflects its relation to that?  City Wall or something?  Although granted that doesn't make much sense as a Prize.


Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Card. +1 Action. Trash a card from your hand. You may gain a card with cost exactly equal to the cost of the trashed card, putting it into your hand.

I just don't know about swapping your cards out. As is, it feels like a card to correct your own strategic missteps. Or an activator for Menagerie. Or a pile emptier. Eh. I don't know. It needs a little more excitement. Maybe allow gaining up to one more than the cost of the trashed card?

So... Upgrade, basically?  I dunno, I quite like it in its current form.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: An idea I had for new Duration cards
« on: November 08, 2013, 07:49:07 pm »
I think it would need to be phrased "once per turn, during your buy phase"

...Would you look at that, I've invented constructs from Ascension.  Woops.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: An idea I had for new Duration cards
« on: November 08, 2013, 07:19:23 pm »
Couldn't you repeatedly discard with Card 2 the way its worded?
So go through the entire deck and have lots of buys (and keep going until you have the perfect hand?)

Its the beginning of my buy phase, ill discard.
Oh its still the beginning of my buy phase, discard one card.

Well, it does say "Discard *a* card".  I guess it doesn't explicitly say that you're only allowed to use it once, but I think it's pretty much implied.  Anyway, I've thought about it and I feel like it makes more sense for it to be +$1 and not +1 card.  It'd be horrible to draw an Action dead, especially a crucial one.

Variants and Fan Cards / An idea I had for new Duration cards
« on: November 04, 2013, 04:34:10 pm »
What if there were cards that were similar to "while" loops in programming; that is, they have an effect over and over until a certain condition is met?  I don't know if they'd require their own type or if you could just call them Durations.  But for example:

Card 1 - Duration -$5

At the beginning of each of your turns, reveal your hand.  If you did not reveal a Province, +$1.  If you did, trash this.


When you buy this, put it into play immediately.


Card 2 - Duration - $5

At the beginning of each of your Buy phases, you may discard a card.  If you did, +1 card and +1 buy.  When you buy a card costing $6 or more, trash this.


When you buy this, put it into play immediately.

I'm sure there are horrible balance issues with these, but I like the idea.  Can anyone think of others?  I haven't come up with a way to make a Village-type one yet.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: DimOnion: Modern Times
« on: November 02, 2013, 12:37:45 pm »

Rules Questions / Doctor and on-trash effects
« on: October 31, 2013, 08:35:07 pm »
I played a game tonight with Doctor and Rats.  My opponent used a Doctor to trash a Rats, but we weren't sure whether the Rats' "When you trash this, +1 card" took effect before or after the other cards that Doctor revealed were top-decked again.  We figured that the on-trash effect happened immediately when Rats was trashed, which was before the other cards were returned to the top of the deck, so we did it that way, but I wanted to confirm.  The same thing would also apply to Cultists or Overgrown Estates, I guess.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Halloween fan cards
« on: October 30, 2013, 06:18:27 pm »

Frankenstein's Monster (2.0)
Cost: 0*; 3 corpse tokens.

+3 cards
Each player (including you) gains a curse. You may gain a Ruins**. If you did, +1 card and trash a card from your hand.

* - This card cannot be bought with coins or gained by other cards. Its coin cost is treated as 0 for other purposes.
** - If you do not own Dark Ages, make this a Curse instead, and play the game with 10 additional curses in the Supply.

EDIT: Ok, sorry I changed it several times. I'm going to let it stand as is and make the next one 3.0 if it happens. I'm not sure about the roles played by curses and ruins. Thematically, the monster should smash things into ruins; in the case where you smash a curse, you gained a ruins and everyone else gained a curse, and you drew 4 cards. Not bad?

I like the monster being a sort of sub-card thing with Igor (maybe it should just be Dr. Frankenstein himself?), but in its current state I don't think I'd ever want one.  I have to trash three actions for my deck... for what?  A slightly better Witch that also Curses me?  I don't think it's powerful enough to justify what you have to do to get it.  I don't know, I might be wrong, but it seems way underpowered.

Rules Questions / Procession on a Band of Misfits as a Fortress?
« on: October 28, 2013, 06:27:53 pm »
How does this work?

Okay, so first I play the Procession.  I choose the Band of Misfits, and I choose to play my Band of Misfits as a Fortress.  So it's a Fortress until it leaves play.

First time I play the "Fortress": +1 Card, +2 Actions.  Now I'm at 4 cards in hand and 2 Actions.

Second time I play the "Fortress": +1 Card, +2 Actions.  Now I'm at 5 cards in hand and 4 Actions.

Now here's where it gets weird.  I trash the "Fortress".  The Band of Misfits hasn't left play yet, so it's still a "Fortress".  Because of this, it returns to my hand when I trash it, right?  Is it now a Band of Misfits again, or does returning to my hand from play mean it leaves play?  I assume it does, so let's say it's a Band of Misfits again.  Now, Procession says I gain an Action costing $1 more than it.  So do I gain a $5 (Because the Procession played a "Fortress" twice) or a $6 (Because the Procession played Band of Misfits twice and it's now a Band of Misfits again)?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Halloween fan cards
« on: October 28, 2013, 05:33:36 pm »
Not sure about the numbers or balancing on this, but here's an idea:

Haunted Manor -- Victory/Reaction -- $5?

Worth 1 VP for every card on your Haunted Manor mat at the end of the game (rounded down).
On your turn, whenever any player would gain a Curse, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do, put all Curses that would be gained onto your Haunted Manor mat.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Halloween fan cards
« on: October 28, 2013, 08:37:49 am »
I'll throw my Holloween creation into the bonfire...

Cemetery / Graveyard / Crypt
$3 - Action
+1 Card, +1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck. You may trash it. If you don't, gain 2 curses.

This seems very high-risk, low-reward to me.  I probably wouldn't ever play it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Halloween fan cards
« on: October 27, 2013, 06:31:47 pm »

Black Cat needs an accountability clause, but is otherwise ok I guess. Maybe too annoying, like an unlimited and unreliable Cutpurse. Maybe throw in +1 coin or something? I don't know.

What do you mean an accountability clause?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Halloween fan cards
« on: October 27, 2013, 12:11:09 pm »
I had an idea for a Werewolf once. 

Werewolf - Action - $5

+1 Card
+1 Action

Reveal the top card of your deck.  If it is not a Treasure, you may trash it.  If you do, +3 cards and gain a Werewolf.

Sort of Rats-like in that they bite other cards and make them Werewolves too, and they're really good but destructive.

Another Halloween-themed one that is probably terrible:

Black Cat - Action/Attack - $4

+1 Action

You may flip over the top card of the Jinx pile.

Each other player reveals their hand.  If they have a copy of the Jinxed card, they must discard one. 


Setup: Take one card from each Kingdom pile and set them aside.  This is the Jinx pile.  Whenever the top card of the Jinx pile is flipped over, it becomes the new Jinxed card.  The old Jinxed card is shuffled back into the pile.

Seems like a fun idea but might be a little too junky. Seems like having more than one of these guys in the kingdom, plus the fact that they are all non-terminal, would make for a very slow game. Maybe remove the +1 Action and make them cost less or make them more powerful in some other way.

For Necromancer, it is tough to have an attack that only looks at one player's hand and has am effect based on it. What happens if the player to your left has a moat? Do they still reveal their hand and are just not affected by the subsequent effect? Or do they not reveal their hand at all?  The fixes for that include making it a non-attack like Possession, but then you could give out hexes around other moats (unless you change necromancer to only give you bonuses, then it wouldn't have to be an attack)...or you keep it an attack but have all players reveal their hands and count the total number of hexes revealed, and if its less than half the number of hands revealed you get the bonus, or something like that.

Would get even more wordy like that, but attacks that single out one player are tricky and cause confusion when reactions are involved.

Yeah.  I suppose there's not really a good reason for Pyro- or Cryomancer to be nonterminal, since they can only affect other players a maximum of once for Cryomancer and twice for Pyromancer.  I might replace those with other vanilla bonuses or reduce the costs, like you said.  Any idea what kinds of bonuses might fit with the flavor or the actual card effects?

I do think you're right about Necromancer-- the only component of it that I considered to be actually an Attack is the "other players gain a Hex"; I had figured that the hand-revealing would work similarly to Tribute, where it's kind of annoying but not usually that harmful (I guess there are edge cases of Tribute being seriously bad if it makes you discard a real power card).  So if the player to your left Moats it, they still reveal their hand, but if you choose to make everyone gain a Hex, they don't have to do that.  You could make it view everyone's hands, I guess, but then that introduces problems with multiplayer and scaling which was why I went with "the player to your left" in the first place.  Any convoluted "If the average number of revealed Hexes per hand" clause would be annoying and kind of inelegant, too.

As far as making it a non-attack is concerned, that could work, but I think the interesting thing about these is that even if they don't work, they make themselves more likely to work in the future, and I think that's something that I'd like to preserve across all of them.  Necromancer is the only one that gains the Hexes to the other players' hands because it's the only one that's not an attack, and even it has the option to just be a cantrip if you're not going to play any more Necromancers that turn. 

Okay, okay.  So yeah, the Curse theme has been done to death, but I think I've come up with something interesting here.  This is only part of a full expansion that may or may not ever become a thing.  What I have right now is three Attacks that are also of a special type called Mages, which are analogous to Looters.  Instead of Ruins, Mages use Hexes:

Hex - Curse - $0

-0 VP
When you trash this, gain a Curse, putting it into your hand.

Pretty self-explanatory.  A Hex is a Curse, meaning that anytime a card like someone else's Witch tells you to gain a Curse, you can choose to gain a Hex instead.  This way you don't have the VP penalty, but it's still a dead card and isn't trashed as easily.  However, the other danger to gaining a Hex when it's on the table is that Mages penalize you (or, in the case of Necromancer, help the player who played them) if you have them in your hand.

Pyromancer - Action/Attack/Mage

+1 Card
+1 Action

Trash a card from your hand.

Each other player reveals their hand.  If they have a Hex in hand, they must discard it and trash a card from their hand.  If they do not have a Hex, they gain a Hex.  If any player trashes a card this way with cost in coins less than the card that you trashed, they gain a Curse.

Cryomancer - Action/Attack/Mage - $4

+1 Action

Each other player with at least 5 cards in hand reveals their hand.  If they have a Hex in their hand, they must put a card from their hand and the Hex on top of their deck in that order.  Otherwise, they gain a Hex.

Necromancer - Action/Attack/Mage - $5

+1 Action

The player to your left reveals their hand.  If any Hexes are revealed this way, look through your discard pile.  Choose one: put an Action from your discard pile into your hand, or trash a card from your discard pile, or discard the top 5 cards of your deck.  If no Hexes are revealed, choose one: +1 card, or each other player gains a Hex, putting it into their hand.

So... yeah.  What do you think?  I haven't playtested these extensively, but I have a little.  Most costs are up for debate, and I think wording could stand to be cleaned up on some, especially Pyromancer.  Any feedback is much appreciated.  I have some more ideas for the set, which I've been calling "Superstition", but I figured I'd start by posting these since they kind of go together.

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