Dominion Strategy Forum

Miscellaneous => Forum Games => Non-Mafia Game Threads => Topic started by: Tables on February 15, 2013, 01:38:46 pm

Title: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 15, 2013, 01:38:46 pm
Through the Ages is a civilization building game. The goal is to develop your civilization, not to destroy other ones. Military strength is just one aspect of your nation, as well as population, production or science. It is up to you which aspect you will concentrate on, more or less, but you should not underestimate any of them while building your civilization.

Victory is achieved by the player whose nation produces the most culture during the game. However, there are many ways to produce culture: through religion, literature or drama, by building wonders, by utilizing cultural persons etc. Considerable amount of culture can be gained even via wars or aggression.
Description from BGG

This is the thread for the fifth Play By Forum game of Vlaada Chvátil's Through The Ages. This is not a short, simple game; it is an epic civilisation building game. Depending on player (and moderator!) speed, the game could take months to complete, but this does give players a good chance to evaluate the board and their options.

This time, things will be extra crazy as each player will be providing a leader and wonder for each age (with an extra wonder and leader created by myself and Watno (assuming he's still willing at least). I'll explain the creation process next post.

A copy of the rules can be found on BGG here ( The rules are great, they're mostly very clear, and so I will make no attempt to explain the rules myself, and instead advise players to read them (you will need a BGG account, which if you don't have, is hassle free to make). I will of course try and answer any questions players may have.

The game will be run primarily from [SPREADSHEET WILL GO HERE] (which will be linked every time I make an update post).

Players may wish to bookmark this link (, which shows all of the available actions (excluding extras given by wonders or leaders), as well as the turn structure summary. Sections 1 and 6 will of course be performed by me between turns.

Some notes for PBF:

Taking your turn:
Turn structure (

1) Updating the card row: I will do this for you between turns along with step 7

2) Outcome of a war: You sacrifice units, then they sacrifice units, then one or both of you might need to make decisions based on what happened. I will update other things (usually culture) as I see them.

3) Political action: This is probably the most complex bit of your turn. If you want to play an:

4) Discard excess military cards: Check your military hand limit (normally =military actions), then PM me military cards until you are at your military hand limit. This is the most commonly missed part of people's turn, please try to remember to do this!

5) Civil and Military actions: Post all of your civil and military actions directly into the thread. For the first few turns, or whenever you aren't sure, it may be a good idea to PM them to me instead, just to double check everything you're trying to do is valid, or perhaps mess around on your provided spreadsheet and see if what you want to happen seems to be happening. It's easy to forget a few things and make a few mistakes, like, you used military actions on an aggression/war, or that Wonder cost 1 CA more than you thought because you've completed a Wonder already, or accidentally trying to play a military tech with a military action instead of a civil one, and that's just a few examples. Either way if your move is valid, it stands (and I'll post it if you PM'd me) and I'll update everything based on it. If you did something wrong, I'll let you know, and you can fix it.

6) Production and Maintenance: I'll do all of this for you. Once I post in the thread the updated card row, take that as a sign that your indicators are updated, food and resources are updated, and your military cards are available.

Rules in use
We will be playing the alternate corruption rule. This lets you choose to not produce one resource token in your production phase. In essence, this rule will reduce your corruption by 1 if you would have exactly 0, 4 or 8 blue tokens left and at least one Bronze mine.

This is a four player game. Signups are:
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 15, 2013, 01:51:32 pm
Creating Wonders & Leaders

Each player will be making one leader for each of the four ages and one Wonder. For now, please PM these to me, where I will check they don't seem overly broken or useless. Feel free to do one or two at a time, or all together, whichever works best for you.

Once they are all done, I will reveal each ages leaders and wonders, and the game will start as otherwise normal.

Some general rules: Note the time periods of the game:
A - 500 BC to 1000 AD
I - 1000 AD to 1500 AD
II - 1500 AD to 1900 AD
III - 1900 AD onwards

I'm not going to be overly stringent on these timeframes, but if you can, try and fit your leaders/wonders into them. If possible also, use real historical figures/wonders (feel free to create an effect, then just try and find something to match it to, mind you!)


In general, age A leaders help to build your civilisation up in some way (Moses gets pop, Aristotle science, Ceaser gets extra military cards/army, Homer makes building units easier, Hammurabi gives an extra action, only Alexander kinda doesn't. Expansion leaders are similar). Age I and on leaders though can just provide culture or the like.
Later leaders are generally more powerful than early ones (compare Napoleon to Ceaser, or Einstein to Leonardo).

I'm making Donald X. Hands off  ;D


The cost of all Age A wonders is 6 resources, over 2-4 steps. Unless you really want to do otherwise, probably aim for a 5-7 resource cost and 2-4 steps.
Similarly, Age I cost 8-9 resources and have 2-4 steps
Age II cost 12-13 resources and have 3-5 steps
Age III all cost 16 resources and have 3-5 steps.

Age III wonders all provide nothing but a one-shot culture bonus in the base game. In the expansions, most don't do much else. Also note a wonders cost order and number of steps can be factors in balancing it (e.g. it's really hard to use Masonry with the Eiffel Tower, because you'd need to pay 10 resources on one step. If it had a 3 3 7 cost, you could easily pay 6 then 7).

Other than that, feel free to be creative and PM me your ideas.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 15, 2013, 01:55:33 pm
/confirmed (if needed, likely not).

Headed out for a bit, will ponder them while I'm gone. Got time off work through Monday night, so lots of free time. Would love to get the ball rolling here, but that's just me being selfish and excited. ;D

I'll get some ideas out to you by this afternoon. There's SO much fun stuff to intertwine that the game doesn't yet have (and... maybe for good reason? We'll find out! ;D)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 15, 2013, 02:05:02 pm
I have a few ideas for Age I and A leaders, but well I'm primarily going to be creating stuff to fill in gaps... so that might be tricky.

Also as an extra note, if you're feeling boring, or just can't think of anything, I have no problem with people's ideas being just a copy of an already existing Wonder or Leader. But well I'll probably give at least a week for the creation of stuff.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Jorbles on February 15, 2013, 02:43:51 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 15, 2013, 06:20:40 pm
/confirm although I think I need the weekend to invent some Leaders and Wonders.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 16, 2013, 06:48:58 pm
Hmm I guess I need to post here to show the thread as being followed.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 16, 2013, 08:36:00 pm
Inventing leaders and wonders was pretty fun, although it reminds me of how much I suck at history--especially non-American history.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 17, 2013, 08:02:14 am
I'm liking the slightly English theme that's inadvertently appearing with a thing or two from one person, some more from the next etc. :D
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 18, 2013, 01:10:54 pm
Bump. I've given feedback on every wonder/leader I've recieved so far. Most are good but need a small touch up. A few are a little too far on the strong/weak side, I think I've told people about those.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 18, 2013, 01:13:05 pm
Will finish up today.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 18, 2013, 03:35:14 pm
Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes fails

I have no real inspiration so far. I hope that I can submit my ideas soon.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Watno on February 18, 2013, 03:40:54 pm
I always read the title as "creativity strikes" in the sense of "creativity is on a strike"
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 18, 2013, 03:45:49 pm
Reminds me of a summer camp video we once made - strike of the dead, which was quite literally about the dead going on strike and refusing to do the one thing they're supposed to, which is nothing.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 19, 2013, 03:55:30 pm
Is there any way to follow this thread without following the whole forum?  I usually use the "new posts" link.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 19, 2013, 04:03:05 pm
I dunno. But we look to be mostly ready to go, a few more tweaks, then I'll be making a set of leaders to hopefully balance things out a bit, and we'll be off.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Jorbles on February 19, 2013, 04:44:06 pm
I want to see the new leaders! I want to see a crazy game!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 19, 2013, 11:49:57 pm
I want to see the new leaders! I want to see a crazy game!

I know, right?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 19, 2013, 11:56:48 pm
I could give leaks... But where would the fun in that be??

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 20, 2013, 12:04:25 am
I could give leaks... But where would the fun in that be??

The dikes in the Netherlands? Interesting move.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 20, 2013, 12:11:31 am
I could give leaks... But where would the fun in that be??

The dikes in the Netherlands? Interesting move.

Age III Leader:

All buildings cost 5 fewer Resources to build. Each time you build something roll a die. If you roll a 5 or 6 the build fails but you still pay the Resources. +4 Happy

There's a note at the bottom of the card, something about Ozle Inc. Product Reliability, and to send all complaints to
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 20, 2013, 07:11:29 am
I could give leaks... But where would the fun in that be??

The dikes in the Netherlands? Interesting move.

Age III Leader:

All buildings cost 5 fewer Resources to build. Each time you build something roll a die. If you roll a 5 or 6 the build fails but you still pay the Resources. +4 Happy

There's a note at the bottom of the card, something about Ozle Inc. Product Reliability, and to send all complaints to

Well... looks like we need 7 leaders for Age III this time. I think that should be a 3 to 6 though, I mean do you remember how much more reliable bailing water with our bare hands was compared to using an Ozle Inc. pump?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 21, 2013, 07:35:02 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Watno on February 21, 2013, 07:37:12 pm
I need to fix one of my leaders, because someone made a wonder he'd be insanely overpowered with. So I guess you can't start before tomorrow. Sorry.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 21, 2013, 07:39:09 pm
I think I'm still missing a little info from some people.

Okay here's what I'll do. I'll PM everyone what I think is the info on leaders I have, note if I think anything needs to change and possibly suggest one or two things that might be nice (some from Watno), and once everyone sends a final confirm we'll start.

If everyone could respond to that email with any final changes/suggestions etc. that'd be great. And there's a good chance I've truncated some culture/science productions, just because I forgot to copy them into the message, not because I removed them :P.

Okay, I think I've given the full set of comments. To be honest, all but 1-2 things per person are fine to go. I still need to find a name for one of my leaders...
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 22, 2013, 09:37:51 am

Here's the spreadsheet ( and all the new shiny leaders and wonders. I'm not going to try and copy them all up, but everything is listed in order Kuildeous - Galzria - Kirian - Qvist (- Watno - Tables), which is also the player order. So go ahead and familiarise yourself with that, and then start looking at the card row.

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age A
Turn: 1

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 0 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 0
Food: 0
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 0 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 0
Food: 0
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 0 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 0
Food: 0
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 0 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 0
Food: 0
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: None

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Hannibal (A) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Work of Art (A)
1 CA: Monte Albán (A)
1 CA: Frugality (A)
1 CA: Revolutionary Idea (A)
2 CA: Nebuchadnezzar (A)
2 CA: Engineering Genius (A)
2 CA: Patriotism (A)
2 CA: Colloseum (A)
3 CA: Darius the Great (A)
3 CA: Pliny the Younger (A)
3 CA: Rich Land (A)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (A)
Civil Cards remaining: 7

Current Events: A: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 4
Link to the spreadsheet (

Feel free to ask for clarifications and stuff on wonders, leaders etc.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 22, 2013, 09:40:21 am
Erm, potentially minor false start... there's one small thing I realised I'd asked Kirian and not waited for feedback on (about his age I leader). I doubt it'll affect people's first moves overly though so eh.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 22, 2013, 09:45:08 am
Aw, I was thinking that the leaders and wonders would be a surprise for the players...much like how new players are when they first play the game. But either way is good for me.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 22, 2013, 09:46:49 am
Will you make the spreadsheet public or do I have to request permission?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 22, 2013, 09:47:05 am
Well, their effects will be a complete surprise in terms of what they do to the game, I suspect. I figured this way minimises any advantages players have knowing certain things might be coming.

Sorry, did I not make it public? Fixing now. Edit: Fixed
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 22, 2013, 09:54:45 am
Erm, potentially minor false start... there's one small thing I realised I'd asked Kirian and not waited for feedback on (about his age I leader). I doubt it'll affect people's first moves overly though so eh.

I think go ahead and double the affect as suggested.  It might be just barely too powerful but I think you're right that it was weak as-is.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 22, 2013, 09:59:54 am
Nebuchadnezzar: Is it really "You score 1 culture for every type of building you have at least two of." ?
Shouldn't it be: "You score 1 culture for every type of urban building you have at least two of." ?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 22, 2013, 10:02:40 am
Tables, the ToL still needs the -1 Happy
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 22, 2013, 10:03:30 am
Donald X Vaccarino:  "Aggressions and wars cost you twice as many military actions. They affect all other players (each resolves it separately)."

That's wonderful.  Someone mention this where Donald will see it.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 22, 2013, 10:04:47 am
Colloseum is missing the +1 Culture. Forget it.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 22, 2013, 10:05:00 am
Tables, the ToL still needs the -1 Happy

Scratch that, I see where it's at. I was looking in the effects.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 22, 2013, 10:06:10 am
Haha, same error, Galzria.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 22, 2013, 10:08:02 am
Wow, Vogelweide is quite the culture generator. That's... an impressive amount of Culture.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 22, 2013, 10:10:30 am
Wow, Vogelweide is quite the culture generator. That's... an impressive amount of Culture.

I wasn't sure if I should point strategic things out, but I agree that he might be OP.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 22, 2013, 10:11:03 am
I assume that "Cotton Gin" means "Your lowest level farm produces twice as much food"? It says Resources - and I don't know if that's right.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 22, 2013, 10:18:23 am
Wow, Vogelweide is quite the culture generator. That's... an impressive amount of Culture.

I wasn't sure if I should point strategic things out, but I agree that he might be OP.

I dunno.  I've seen Michelangelo generate 12 culture per turn.  *cough* Watno *cough*.  I don't Vogelweide as likely to generate more than around 8... two theaters, two wonders, two temples/libraries, that's a lot when you think about it.

For comparison, Watno was getting 12 culture per turn from Michelangelo with two wonders and two Age I temples.  (His other 5 in that game came straight from the two temples and two wonders.)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 22, 2013, 10:21:00 am
Donald X - much like Dominion, scales VERY differently with 4 players compared to 2!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 22, 2013, 10:27:04 am
Urban Building and Building mean the same thing, but I'll change it to Urban building if people prefer that (and to keep it consistent)

Donald X. was designed with a 4 player game in mind. I had to think for quite some time to make something that I thought captured his essence, and not to toot my own horn, but I think I succeeded.

Cotton Gin should indeed be food.

Doubling Bacon's effect (mmm.... bacon...)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 22, 2013, 10:31:07 am
Also - and maybe this is just me - but does Nixon need a tweak to be a little stronger? Those MA's (of which you can launch at most 1 per turn) at the top end cost 3 - and in order to convert that to Culture you have to win.


IF you can launch an Aggression/War every turn
IF you can win said Aggression/War every turn
You gain at MOST 3 Culture per turn.

I dunno. Seems a little underwhelming - especially with the -1 Happy that he gives.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 22, 2013, 10:35:00 am
I missed something from him, that's why, and forgot to bring it up again later. He also provides 2 resources for building military units per turn.

Also two other notes: Regarding Walther von der Vogelweide, note he only increases the culture production of things already producing culture. So unless a wonder makes your farms/mines/units produce culture, that bit can be ignored.

Also Watno has kindly volunteered to step in and mod while I'm away this weekend. I don't know exactly how active I'll be able to be, most likely I'll be able to get on in the mornings and evenings, for a little bit.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 22, 2013, 10:56:18 am
Also change my expected internet access to 'absolutely none from now until Sunday evening.' Apologies.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 22, 2013, 11:21:30 am
Also change my expected internet access to 'absolutely none from now until Sunday evening.' Apologies.

Ewww.  Sorry, dude.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Jorbles on February 22, 2013, 03:47:00 pm
Cool, I like the new leaders and wonders though I have no idea how they'll play. Look forward to watching this.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 22, 2013, 04:44:05 pm
Nasty things I can see:

Gutenberg Bible + Hypatia... though Mausoleum would really be needed to pull it off.
Colosseum vs. Ravages of Time (don't want to see that happen)
Karl Marx + Cotton Gin
For that matter, Karl Marx + Human Genome Project
Ben Franklin + Breakthrough cards
Ben Franklin + Herschel's Observatory + Impact of Science
Pliny + Mausoleum + Credit Cards
Steve Jobs + Catedral Metropolitana

In a game with original cards, Ben Franklin + Space Flight would be devastating.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 22, 2013, 04:46:33 pm
Catedral + Nectarius were designed to play off each other to some extent. I was really looking for a way to boost the usefulness of Temple Technologies.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 22, 2013, 04:52:50 pm
Catedral + Nectarius were designed to play off each other to some extent. I was really looking for a way to boost the usefulness of Temple Technologies.

I mean, with just 2 Organized Religion (Age II), you would be making +6 Culture, +4 Science, and +4 Resources with both Leader and Wonder in play, not to mention the 6 Happy Faces. And building more (if desired), cost 2 Resources less.

High end Temples just get soooo shunned. I felt bad for them! Still, probably not the strongest combination out there. I haven't really set down and looked things over in depth. But that was my thought process behind creating those two.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 22, 2013, 05:53:48 pm
Nasty things I can see:

Gutenberg Bible + Hypatia... though Mausoleum would really be needed to pull it off.
Colosseum vs. Ravages of Time (don't want to see that happen)
Karl Marx + Cotton Gin
For that matter, Karl Marx + Human Genome Project
Ben Franklin + Breakthrough cards
Ben Franklin + Herschel's Observatory + Impact of Science
Pliny + Mausoleum + Credit Cards
Steve Jobs + Catedral Metropolitana

In a game with original cards, Ben Franklin + Space Flight would be devastating.

I find it interesting that half of those include my submissions, but I did not write those up with synergy in mind. It's just fascinating to see what six independent submissions can accomplish.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Watno on February 22, 2013, 05:54:55 pm
You are aware that you can start?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Jorbles on February 22, 2013, 06:01:19 pm
Yeah, jeez, come on guys. I thought I was watching a game.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 22, 2013, 06:08:06 pm
Ah, thought we were still on hold.

Man, being first blows sometimes. Let's see...

I take Monte Albán.

The sad thing is that it's highly unlikely to play with all of Deck A, so someone's submission might never be seen.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 22, 2013, 06:15:12 pm
Oh heck. Since you stole my Wonder from me...

I'll take Nebuchadnezzar
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 22, 2013, 06:22:38 pm
I take: Frugality (1 CA), Engineering Genius (2 CA)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 24, 2013, 01:00:43 pm
Thanks Watno for modding in the interim (even if nothing really needed doing asides from updating the sheet). I'm back now, had an awesome weekend mind you.

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age A
Turn: 1

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 2
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 0 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 0
Food: 0
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: None

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Hannibal (A) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Work of Art (A)
1 CA: (None)
1 CA: (None)
1 CA: Revolutionary Idea (A)
2 CA: (None)
2 CA: (None)
2 CA: Patriotism (A)
2 CA: Colloseum (A)
3 CA: Darius the Great (A)
3 CA: Pliny the Younger (A)
3 CA: Rich Land (A)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (A)
Civil Cards remaining: 7

Current Events: A: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 4
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Watno on February 24, 2013, 01:38:16 pm
You're welcome :P
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 24, 2013, 06:48:40 pm
Sorry for the delay. I take Hannibal, Revolutionary Idea and Colloseum.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 24, 2013, 07:00:28 pm
Initial row refreshed (7 cards). Age I starts.

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age I
Turn: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 2
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 2
Military Cards: None

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Work of Art (A) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Patriotism (A)
1 CA: Darius the Great (A)
1 CA: Pliny the Younger (A)
1 CA: Rich Land (A)
2 CA: Ideal Building Site (A)
2 CA: Lighthouse of Alexandria (A)
2 CA: Mausoleum of Halikarnassos (A)
2 CA: Frugality (A)
3 CA: Croesus (A)
3 CA: Rich Land (A)
3 CA: Hypatia (A)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (A)
Civil Cards remaining: 55

Current Events: A: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 50
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 25, 2013, 09:03:50 pm
Build Mine
Expand population
Take Rich Land
Take Patriotism

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 25, 2013, 09:08:14 pm
Play Nebuchadnezzar
Build Philosophy
Take Ideal Building Site
Take Mausoleum of Halikarnassos
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 25, 2013, 09:25:03 pm
I think I have to have the spreadsheet updated before I can take cards, which may affect my other actions.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 26, 2013, 07:53:23 am
Kuildeous scores 0 culture, 1 science, and produces 2 (2-0 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Work of Art (A) discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Galzria scores 1 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (2-0 consumption) food and 2 resources (2-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Darius the Great discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age I
Turn: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 0
Food: 0
Civil Cards: A: 2
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 1 (+1)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 2
Military Cards: None

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 2
Military Cards: None

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Pliny the Younger (A) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Lighthouse of Alexandria (A)
1 CA: Frugality (A)
1 CA: Croesus (A)
1 CA: Rich Land (A)
2 CA: Hypatia (A)
2 CA: Ideal Building Site (A)
2 CA: Theology (I)
2 CA: Warfare (I)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (I)
3 CA: Iron (I)
3 CA: Revolutionary Idea (I)
3 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 49

Current Events: A: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 46
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 26, 2013, 09:00:44 am
1: Take: Croesus
2: Play: Croesus
3: Take: Lighthouse of Alexandria
4*: Play: Frugality (1 CA returned)
4*: Play: Engineering Genius (1 CA returned)
4: Take: Rich Land

End of turn.

I have a feeling Croesus is going to be powerful early.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 26, 2013, 09:08:08 am
I think Kuildeous' stats aren't correct. Shouldn't he have 2 Science?
Before I make my turn, I like to have an update.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 26, 2013, 09:13:10 am
Kirian scores 0 culture, 1 science, and produces 2 (2-0 consumption) food and 2 resources (2-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Pliny the Younger discarded, card row refreshed (4 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age I
Turn: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 2
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 1 (+1)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 1 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 2
Military Cards: None

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Frugality (A) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Hypatia (A)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (A)
1 CA: Theology (I)
1 CA: Warfare (I)
2 CA: Ideal Building Site (I)
2 CA: Iron (I)
2 CA: Revolutionary Idea (I)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
3 CA: Warfare (I)
3 CA: Breakthrough (I)
3 CA: Theology (I)
3 CA: Roger Bacon (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 45

Current Events: A: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 44
Link to the spreadsheet (

Qvist: You're right, I forgot to do his production.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 26, 2013, 10:45:24 am
Increase Population
Build Farm
Take Iron
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 26, 2013, 10:54:46 am
Qvist scores 0 culture, 1 science, and produces 3 (3-0 consumption) food and 2 resources (2-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Frugality discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age I
Turn: 3

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 2
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 1 (+1)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 2, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Hypatia (A) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (A)
1 CA: Theology (I)
1 CA: Warfare (I)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (I)
2 CA:  ()
2 CA: Revolutionary Idea (I)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
2 CA: Warfare (I)
3 CA: Breakthrough (I)
3 CA: Theology (I)
3 CA: Roger Bacon (I)
3 CA: Irrigation (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 44

Current Events: A: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 42
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 26, 2013, 11:01:27 am
2 CA:  ()

Glitch in the matrix?

Probably won't change my plans.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 26, 2013, 11:05:00 am
Pass political phase

Increase population (-2 Food)
Take Ideal Building Site I
Play Rich Land for mine (-1 Res)
Take Warfare


Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 26, 2013, 03:19:21 pm
Sorry, forgot Iron was taken and then blanked there being a space.

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Hypatia (A) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (A)
1 CA: Theology (I)
1 CA: Warfare (I)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (I)
2 CA: Revolutionary Idea (I)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
2 CA: Warfare (I)
2 CA: Breakthrough (I)
3 CA: Theology (I)
3 CA: Roger Bacon (I)
3 CA: Irrigation (I)
3 CA: Work of Art (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 43

If you can confirm if that changes your plans before I send your stuff on that'd be good.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 26, 2013, 03:30:09 pm
No changes.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 26, 2013, 03:36:06 pm
Kuildeous scores 0 culture, 1 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 4 resources (4-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Hypatia discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age I
Turn: 3

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 3 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 6
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 1 (+1)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 2, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (A) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Theology (I)
1 CA: Revolutionary Idea (I)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
1 CA: Warfare (I)
2 CA: Breakthrough (I)
2 CA: Theology (I)
2 CA: Roger Bacon (I)
2 CA: Irrigation (I)
3 CA: Work of Art (I)
3 CA: Sistine Chapel (I)
3 CA: Gutenberg Bible (I)
3 CA: Drama (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 40

Current Events: A: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 40
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 26, 2013, 03:58:09 pm

Take Warfare
Increase Population
Build Bronze
Take Revolutionary Idea
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 26, 2013, 04:22:04 pm
Galzria scores 1 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (2-0 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Ideal Building Site (A) discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age I
Turn: 3

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 3 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 6
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 2 (+1)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 2, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Theology (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
1 CA: Breakthrough (I)
1 CA: Theology (I)
1 CA: Roger Bacon (I)
2 CA: Irrigation (I)
2 CA: Work of Art (I)
2 CA: Sistine Chapel (I)
2 CA: Gutenberg Bible (I)
3 CA: Drama (I)
3 CA: Swordsmen (I)
3 CA: Alchemy (I)
3 CA: Drama (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 37

Current Events: A: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 38
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 26, 2013, 04:52:21 pm

1*: Play: Rich Land, Build Bronze (1 CA returned)
1: Increase Population
2: Build: Philosophy
3: Take: Efficient Upgrade (I)
4: Take: Breakthrough (I)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 26, 2013, 04:59:32 pm
Kirian scores 0 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

(Also fixed Kuildeous' food, he had one too much)

Theology discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age I
Turn: 3

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 3 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 6
Food: 1
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 2 (+1)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 2 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 2, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 2

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Theology (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Roger Bacon (I)
1 CA: Irrigation (I)
1 CA: Work of Art (I)
1 CA: Sistine Chapel (I)
2 CA: Gutenberg Bible (I)
2 CA: Drama (I)
2 CA: Swordsmen (I)
2 CA: Alchemy (I)
3 CA: Drama (I)
3 CA: Cartography (I)
3 CA: Patriotism (I)
3 CA: Iron (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 34

Current Events: A: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 36
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 26, 2013, 06:05:27 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 26, 2013, 06:11:35 pm
Event - Development of Agriculture (A): Each civilization produces 2 food

Which happens. Qvist gets 1 culture.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 26, 2013, 06:20:05 pm
Increase Population
Build Mine
Take Alchemy
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 26, 2013, 06:29:27 pm
Qvist scores 0 culture, 1 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Theology discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age I
Turn: 4

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 3 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 2 (+1)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 6
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 1 (+0)
Science: 3 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 5
Civil Cards: A: 2, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Roger Bacon (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Irrigation (I)
1 CA: Work of Art (I)
1 CA: Sistine Chapel (I)
1 CA: Gutenberg Bible (I)
2 CA: Drama (I)
2 CA: Swordsmen (I)
2 CA: Drama (I)
2 CA: Cartography (I)
3 CA: Patriotism (I)
3 CA: Iron (I)
3 CA: Theocracy (I)
3 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 32

Current Events: A: 5
Future Events: I: 1
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 34
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 26, 2013, 09:40:20 pm
Pass political phase

Build Wonder
Build Wonder
Take Roger Bacon
Elect Roger Bacon

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 27, 2013, 08:00:20 am
Kuildeous scores 1 culture, 1 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 4 resources (4-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

No cards discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age I
Turn: 4

Culture: 1 (+1)
Science: 4 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 2 (+1)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 6
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 1 (+0)
Science: 3 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 5
Civil Cards: A: 2, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Irrigation (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Work of Art (I)
1 CA: Sistine Chapel (I)
1 CA: Gutenberg Bible (I)
1 CA: Drama (I)
2 CA: Swordsmen (I)
2 CA: Drama (I)
2 CA: Cartography (I)
2 CA: Patriotism (I)
3 CA: Iron (I)
3 CA: Theocracy (I)
3 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
3 CA: Frugality (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 31

Current Events: A: 5
Future Events: I: 1
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 32
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 27, 2013, 09:38:53 am
Pass PA

Take Drama
Discover Drama
Increase Population
Play Ideal Building Site to build Drama (3R)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 27, 2013, 06:47:08 pm
Galzria scores 3 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Irrigation discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age I
Turn: 4

Culture: 1 (+1)
Science: 4 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 5 (+3)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 5
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 1 (+0)
Science: 3 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 5
Civil Cards: A: 2, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Work of Art (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Sistine Chapel (I)
1 CA: Gutenberg Bible (I)
1 CA: Swordsmen (I)
1 CA: Drama (I)
2 CA: Cartography (I)
2 CA: Patriotism (I)
2 CA: Iron (I)
2 CA: Theocracy (I)
3 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
3 CA: Frugality (I)
3 CA: Irrigation (I)
3 CA: Code of Laws (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 29

Current Events: A: 5
Future Events: I: 1
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 30
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 27, 2013, 07:12:29 pm
Pass PA
Discard 2 Military Cards (PM)

1: Increase Population
2/3: Take: Iron
4: Take: Drama
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 27, 2013, 07:21:57 pm
Kirian scores 0 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Work of Art discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age I
Turn: 4

Culture: 1 (+1)
Science: 4 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 5 (+3)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 5
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 6
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 1 (+0)
Science: 3 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 3
Food: 5
Civil Cards: A: 2, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Sistine Chapel (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Gutenberg Bible (I)
1 CA: Swordsmen (I)
1 CA: Cartography (I)
1 CA: Patriotism (I)
2 CA: Theocracy (I)
2 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
2 CA: Frugality (I)
2 CA: Irrigation (I)
3 CA: Code of Laws (I)
3 CA: Windsor Castle (I)
3 CA: Walther von der Vogelweide (I)
3 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 26

Current Events: A: 5
Future Events: I: 1
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 28
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 27, 2013, 07:31:13 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 27, 2013, 07:33:52 pm
Qvist scores 1 culture.

Event - Development of Markets (A): Each civilization produces 2 resources or 2 food (player choice)

Qvist picks first, then everyone else.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 27, 2013, 07:34:40 pm
2 Ressources
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 27, 2013, 07:40:24 pm
My decision won't be impacted by Kuildeous's, so I'll take 2 Resources.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 27, 2013, 07:44:45 pm
Much as Galzria said, and 2 Resources.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 27, 2013, 08:12:50 pm
Hmm, Bacon helps me not worry about that so much. Thanks, Bacon.

2 food
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 27, 2013, 08:23:27 pm
Bacon is great. Especially in a Full English, with sausages, egg and a slice of toast. Mmm.

Play Revolutionary Idea
Play Alchemy
Upgrade Lab
Increase Population

Build Infantery

Which happens.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 27, 2013, 08:27:05 pm
Qvist scores 0 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 1 military cards.

Sistine Chapel discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age I
Turn: 5

Culture: 1 (+1)
Science: 4 (+1)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 5 (+3)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 5
Food: 5
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 8
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 2 (+0)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 3
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Gutenberg Bible (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Swordsmen (I)
1 CA: Cartography (I)
1 CA: Patriotism (I)
1 CA: Theocracy (I)
2 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
2 CA: Frugality (I)
2 CA: Irrigation (I)
2 CA: Code of Laws (I)
3 CA: Windsor Castle (I)
3 CA: Walther von der Vogelweide (I)
3 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
3 CA: Geoffrey Chaucer (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 25

Current Events: A: 4
Future Events: I: 2
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 27
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 27, 2013, 10:23:26 pm
Play Age I event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 07:28:04 am
Event - Development of Politics (A): Each player draws 3 military cards; active player does not discard military cards this round

So I'm ignoring your discard order, but that happens. Sending each of your new cards out now.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 07:32:40 am
All military cards sent. That thing really mills through the military deck!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 28, 2013, 08:49:27 am
Played Age I Event

Take Cartography
Discover Warfare (-4 Sci)
Build Philosophy (-3 Res)
Increase Population (-2 Food)

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 09:00:34 am
Kuildeous scores 1 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 4 resources (4-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Gutenberg Bible discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age I
Turn: 5

Culture: 3 (+1)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 5
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 9

Culture: 5 (+3)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 5
Food: 5
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 0 (+0)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 8
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 2 (+0)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 3
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Swordsmen (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Patriotism (I)
1 CA: Theocracy (I)
1 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
1 CA: Frugality (I)
2 CA: Irrigation (I)
2 CA: Code of Laws (I)
2 CA: Windsor Castle (I)
2 CA: Walther von der Vogelweide (I)
3 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
3 CA: Geoffrey Chaucer (I)
3 CA: Knights (I)
3 CA: Monarchy (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 23

Current Events: A: 3
Future Events: I: 3
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 12
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 28, 2013, 09:37:19 am
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 09:54:41 am
Event - Development of Religion (A): Each player with an unused worker my immediately build an Age A temple for free

Everyone but Galzria, want to take advantage of that?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 28, 2013, 10:05:15 am
I'll take that for free, sure.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 28, 2013, 10:16:18 am
Yes, please.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 28, 2013, 10:21:38 am
Build Temple, yes.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 10:22:35 am
Galz's turn:

Take Vogelweide (2 CA)
Increase Population
Build Drama
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 10:26:19 am
Galzria scores 6 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Swordsmen discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age I
Turn: 5

Culture: 3 (+2)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 5
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 9

Culture: 12 (+6)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 0 (+1)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 8
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 2 (+1)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 3
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Patriotism (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Theocracy (I)
1 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
1 CA: Frugality (I)
1 CA: Irrigation (I)
2 CA: Code of Laws (I)
2 CA: Windsor Castle (I)
2 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
2 CA: Geoffrey Chaucer (I)
3 CA: Knights (I)
3 CA: Monarchy (I)
3 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
3 CA: Iron (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 21

Current Events: A: 2
Future Events: I: 4
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 10
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 28, 2013, 10:51:20 am
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 10:52:39 am
Event - Development of Science (A): Each civilization scores 2 science

Kirian scores 1 culture, everyone scores 2 science.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 28, 2013, 11:16:43 am
1: Play Breakthrough: Discover Iron (-5 Sci, +2 Sci), 1 CA returned
1: Play Efficient Upgrade: Bronze -> Iron (-1 Res), 1 CA returned
1: Build Wonder Stage 2: (-1 Res)
2: Build Wonder Stage 3: (-3 Res) Wonder Complete
3: Take: Frugality
4: Take: Irrigation
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 11:25:31 am
Kirian scores 1 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 4 resources (4-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Patriotism discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age I
Turn: 5

Culture: 3 (+2)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 5
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 9

Culture: 12 (+6)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 2 (+1)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 5
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 2 (+1)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 3
Food: 4
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Theocracy (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
1 CA: Code of Laws (I)
1 CA: Windsor Castle (I)
1 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
2 CA: Geoffrey Chaucer (I)
2 CA: Knights (I)
2 CA: Monarchy (I)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
3 CA: Iron (I)
3 CA: Knights (I)
3 CA: Printing Press (I)
3 CA: Alchemy (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 18

Current Events: A: 1
Future Events: I: 5
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 8
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 28, 2013, 11:33:02 am
Lighthouse and Religion each give 1 Culture; should I not now have a +2 rating?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 28, 2013, 11:44:42 am
Offer pact to Kuildeous: Open Borders Agreement (I): A & B: Get +1 military action; if one attacks the other, attacker +3 strength
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 11:50:50 am
Lighthouse and Religion each give 1 Culture; should I not now have a +2 rating?

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 28, 2013, 02:42:30 pm
Offer pact to Kuildeous: Open Borders Agreement (I): A & B: Get +1 military action; if one attacks the other, attacker +3 strength

Man, that pact always drives me bonkers.

But I'll accept.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 28, 2013, 03:36:50 pm
Increase Population
Play Hannibal
Build Wonder
Build Wonder

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on February 28, 2013, 03:42:05 pm
Increase Population
Play Hannibal
Build Wonder
Build Wonder


Nope, you should avoid. You had 11 in bank, spent 6 (2 remain on Wonder), and now have 15. You produce 5 (3 resources, 2 food), but pay 1 to consumption. Net left is 11, and you need at least 9 to avoid, so you're good.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 28, 2013, 03:43:52 pm
I have troubles figuring this out in the spreadsheet. Thanks for confirmation.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 28, 2013, 03:47:50 pm
I have troubles figuring this out in the spreadsheet. Thanks for confirmation.

As do I.  Could we get Tables to agree that asking the rest of the table for confirmation on corruption is allowed?  It would be allowed at a real table.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 04:04:35 pm
I always tell you if you have corruption before locking things in anyway.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 04:05:08 pm
Qvist, I need your military discards.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 04:38:19 pm
Qvist scores 1 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 4 military cards.

Theocracy discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age I
Turn: 6

Culture: 3 (+2)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 5
Food: 3
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 9

Culture: 12 (+6)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 3 (+2)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 5
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 3 (+1)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 3
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 7

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Bread and Circuses (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Code of Laws (I)
1 CA: Windsor Castle (I)
1 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
1 CA: Geoffrey Chaucer (I)
2 CA: Knights (I)
2 CA: Monarchy (I)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
2 CA: Iron (I)
3 CA: Knights (I)
3 CA: Printing Press (I)
3 CA: Alchemy (I)
3 CA: Printing Press (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 17

Current Events: A: 1
Future Events: I: 5
Next event: Age A
Military cards remaining: 4
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 28, 2013, 05:52:44 pm
Play Age I Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on February 28, 2013, 05:54:50 pm
Event - Development of Warfare (A): Each player with an unused worker my immediately build a Warrior unit for free

Kirian and Qvist, want a free Warrior?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on February 28, 2013, 05:57:03 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 28, 2013, 10:41:22 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on February 28, 2013, 10:45:32 pm
Of note:  I will be travelling on Saturday, so I'll be incommunicado pretty much all day... I might be able to get on late, but we're flying cross-country (3100 km), so it'll be late Pacific time rather than late Eastern time.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on February 28, 2013, 11:21:55 pm
Play Age I Event

Discover Cartography (-4 Sci)
Take Windsor Castle (2 CA)
Build wonder (-2 res)
Adopt Phalanx

If I calculate correctly, I’m sitting right at 2 Corruption.
I should end up with 4 Food and 7 Resources.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 01, 2013, 08:12:06 am
That's 7 resources before corruption you calculated, right?

Just to confirm, you're about to have 5 resources.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 01, 2013, 08:39:19 am
Oops, forgot a step. Use Bacon to convert 2 Food to 2 Resources.

So I should now have 2 Food and 7 Resources.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 01, 2013, 12:53:42 pm
Kuildeous scores 2 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 2 resources (4-2 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Bread and Circus discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age I
Turn: 6

Culture: 6 (+2)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Culture: 12 (+6)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 1
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 3 (+2)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 5
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 3 (+1)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 3
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 7

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Code of Laws (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Bread and Circuses (I)
1 CA: Geoffrey Chaucer (I)
1 CA: Knights (I)
1 CA: Monarchy (I)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
2 CA: Iron (I)
2 CA: Knights (I)
2 CA: Printing Press (I)
3 CA: Alchemy (I)
3 CA: Printing Press (I)
3 CA: MacBeth (I)
3 CA: Irrigation (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 16

Current Events: I: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 1
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 01, 2013, 01:00:19 pm
Pass PA

Increase Population
Take Monarchy
Take Knights
Elect Vogelweise
Build Warrior
Adopt Tactics Fighting Band
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 01, 2013, 01:28:48 pm
I assume you'll be doing that in an order that doesn't put you over your hand limit?

Just had some fun to get Vogelweise working correctly. After a failed attempt or two using sumif, I checked the Excel help documents, which made it really clear, and now... BAM, it should update automatically. theory was right, SUMIF is awesome (and I've only used it once!)

Galzria scores 8 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 0 military cards.

Code of Laws discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age I
Turn: 6

Culture: 6 (+2)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Culture: 20 (+8)
Science: 9 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 5
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 1

Culture: 3 (+2)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 5
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 3 (+1)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 3
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 7

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Bread and Circuses (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Geoffrey Chaucer (I)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
1 CA: Iron (I)
1 CA: Knights (I)
2 CA: Printing Press (I)
2 CA: Alchemy (I)
2 CA: Printing Press (I)
2 CA: MacBeth (I)
3 CA: Irrigation (I)
3 CA: Monarchy (I)
3 CA: Tower of London (I)
3 CA: Swordsmen (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 13

Current Events: I: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 1
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 01, 2013, 06:21:58 pm
Pass PA

1: Discover: Irrigation -3 Sci
2: Play Frugality, -3 Food, +1 Pop, +2 Food (1 blue token), 1 CA returned
2: Take: Knights
3: Discover: Knights, -4 Sci
4: Upgrade: Bronze -> Iron, -3 Res

1: Build Knights, -3 Res
2: Tactics: Medieval Army
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 01, 2013, 07:02:49 pm
Kirian scores 2 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 5 resources (5-0 corruption). He then draws 0 military cards.

Bread and Circus discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age I
Turn: 6

Culture: 6 (+2)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Culture: 20 (+8)
Science: 9 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 5
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 1

Culture: 5 (+2)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 1

Culture: 3 (+1)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 3
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 7

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Geoffrey Chaucer (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (I)
1 CA: Iron (I)
1 CA: Printing Press (I)
1 CA: Alchemy (I)
2 CA: Printing Press (I)
2 CA: MacBeth (I)
2 CA: Irrigation (I)
2 CA: Monarchy (I)
3 CA: Tower of London (I)
3 CA: Swordsmen (I)
3 CA: Masonry (I)
3 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 10

Current Events: I: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 1
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 03, 2013, 06:52:38 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 04, 2013, 03:19:57 am
Territory - Strategic Territory (I): Permanent: +2 strength. One time: Draw 3 military cards

Qvist first.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 04, 2013, 03:27:13 am
Bid 2

Editted: Sorry, I looked at the wrong hand.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 04, 2013, 08:25:29 am
Bid 3
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 04, 2013, 08:42:35 am
Bid 4
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 04, 2013, 01:46:02 pm
5 is too rich for me.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 04, 2013, 06:27:37 pm
5 is too rich for me.


This. I pass too.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 05, 2013, 12:41:53 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 05, 2013, 12:44:25 am
Sacrifice 2 Warriors (Fighting Band), play +1 Colonization card
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 05, 2013, 07:07:56 am
Military deck shuffled after 1 card, then Galz draws 2 more cards.

Qvist you can take your turn. And send military discards.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 06, 2013, 03:52:11 am
Sorry I missed that it's my turn. I will look into this now.

Edit: Galzria gets 8 Culture per turn already.  :o
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 06, 2013, 08:41:27 am
Sorry, I was busy at work.

Play Iron (6-5 = 1 Science)
Upgrade Mine (3-3 = 0 Ressources)
Increase Population
Take Efficient Upgrade

Play Legion
Draw 3 Cards (Hannibal)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 06, 2013, 07:27:11 pm
Military discards please. At least I think I don't have them.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 07, 2013, 04:38:24 am
Sorry, I thought I had done it already. Sending the PM in a few secs.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 07, 2013, 07:08:58 am
Qvist scores 1 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 4 resources (4-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Geoffrey Chaucer discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kuideous
It is currently age I
Turn: 7

Culture: 6 (+2)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Culture: 20 (+8)
Science: 9 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 5
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 3

Culture: 5 (+2)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 1

Culture: 5 (+1)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Iron (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Printing Press (I)
1 CA: Alchemy (I)
1 CA: Printing Press (I)
1 CA: MacBeth (I)
2 CA: Irrigation (I)
2 CA: Monarchy (I)
2 CA: Tower of London (I)
2 CA: Swordsmen (I)
3 CA: Masonry (I)
3 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
3 CA: Bountiful Harvest (I)
3 CA: Knights (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 8

Current Events: I: 5
Future Events: I: 1
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 20
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 07, 2013, 08:33:37 am
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 07, 2013, 08:40:01 am
Kuildeous scores 1 culture

Event - Cultural Influence (I): Each civilization scores culture = to culture rating

Kuildeous scores 2 culture
Galzria scores 8 culture
Kirian scores 2 culture
Qvist scores 1 culture
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 07, 2013, 08:42:16 am
omg, how can we catch up with Galzria?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 07, 2013, 08:43:12 am
Kill it with fire?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 07, 2013, 09:28:27 am
Played Age I Event

Take Iron
Increase Population
Build Wonder
Build Wonder

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 07, 2013, 05:51:43 pm
Kuildeous scores 3 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 5 resources (5-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age I
Turn: 7

Culture: 12 (+3)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 4
Resources: 5
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 28 (+8)
Science: 9 (+2)
Strength: 2
Resources: 5
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 3

Culture: 7 (+2)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 1

Culture: 6 (+1)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Printing Press (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Alchemy (I)
1 CA: Printing Press (I)
1 CA: MacBeth (I)
1 CA: Irrigation (I)
2 CA: Monarchy (I)
2 CA: Tower of London (I)
2 CA: Swordsmen (I)
2 CA: Masonry (I)
3 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
3 CA: Bountiful Harvest (I)
3 CA: Knights (I)
3 CA: Code of Laws (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 7

Current Events: I: 4
Future Events: I: 2
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 17
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 07, 2013, 06:03:53 pm
omg, how can we catch up with Galzria?

Assassination?  Culture buildings?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 07, 2013, 06:12:22 pm
Well, if we all play aggressions on him, then he's going to run out of Defense cards.

Of course, I'm just making that suggestion because it's Galzria and not just because he's running away.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 07, 2013, 07:37:22 pm
Pass PA

Take Irrigation
Discover Irrigation
Upgrade Agriculture -> Irrigation
Discover Warfare

This should allow me to avoid corruption (10 Tokens after Consumption?)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 07, 2013, 07:39:40 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 07, 2013, 07:46:26 pm
Pass PA

Take Irrigation
Discover Irrigation
Upgrade Agriculture -> Irrigation
Discover Warfare

This should allow me to avoid corruption (10 Tokens after Consumption?)

Gonna assume you discover Warfare first so your turn is actually legal (civil hand limit...)

Galzria scores 8 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Printing Press discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age I
Turn: 7

Culture: 12 (+3)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 4
Resources: 5
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 36 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 6
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 5

Culture: 7 (+2)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 1

Culture: 6 (+1)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Alchemy (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Printing Press (I)
1 CA: MacBeth (I)
1 CA: Monarchy (I)
1 CA: Tower of London (I)
2 CA: Swordsmen (I)
2 CA: Masonry (I)
2 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
2 CA: Bountiful Harvest (I)
3 CA: Knights (I)
3 CA: Code of Laws (I)
3 CA: Rich Land (I)
3 CA: Alchemy (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 5

Current Events: I: 4
Future Events: I: 2
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 14
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 07, 2013, 07:47:31 pm
Um, something weird has happened with military cards... BRB
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 07, 2013, 07:48:44 pm
Also, my Food supply didn't update, but it's no big deal. I know I've got 3.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 07, 2013, 07:50:29 pm
Ah, no, it's no problem, just a player error (caused by a mod error...).

Galz: Standard issue of not updating the formula for Irrigation :P.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 07, 2013, 08:04:12 pm
Yep, player error.  Ignore that Event.

Pass PA

Increase Population
Upgrade Bronze->Iron
Upgrade Agriculture->Irrigation
Take Alchemy
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 07, 2013, 08:06:11 pm
I was sad to leave that Alchemy. But I didn't have the spare CA to take it.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 07, 2013, 08:14:07 pm
Kirian scores 2 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 6 resources (6-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age I
Turn: 7

Culture: 12 (+3)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 4
Resources: 5
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 36 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 5

Culture: 9 (+2)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 3

Culture: 6 (+1)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 2
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Printing Press (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: MacBeth (I)
1 CA: Monarchy (I)
1 CA: Tower of London (I)
1 CA: Swordsmen (I)
2 CA: Masonry (I)
2 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
2 CA: Bountiful Harvest (I)
2 CA: Knights (I)
3 CA: Code of Laws (I)
3 CA: Rich Land (I)
3 CA: Alchemy (I)
3 CA: Swordsmen (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 4

Current Events: I: 4
Future Events: I: 2
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 12
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 07, 2013, 08:23:09 pm
Current player should be Qvist.

I know they're all clamoring about me "running away with it"... But I really don't think double-turn measures are necessary. :P
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 07, 2013, 08:28:08 pm
Sorry :P. Yes, Qvist. Fixing now.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 08, 2013, 05:18:52 am
I play Enslave against Galzria. (2 MA. If victorious: Rival: Loses 1 population. Aggressor: Produces 3 resources)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 07:57:10 am
Play Defense Card.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 08, 2013, 08:06:12 am
Bummer, I thought I might be lucky.

And, I just noticed that. Shouldn't I have 4 Ressources?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 08:10:21 am
I've been stockpiling. ;)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 08:11:04 am
You do. Usual problem. Sheet updated, discards (2) and then actions next.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 08, 2013, 08:16:00 am
Finish Wonder (4-3 = 1 Ressources)
Efficient Upgrade on Mine (1-1 = 0 Ressources)
Take Knights

Draw 2 Cards (Hannibal)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 08:21:46 am
Qvist scores 2 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 5 resources (5-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Printing Press discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age I
Turn: 8

Culture: 12 (+3)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 4
Resources: 5
Food: 2
Civil Cards: A: 1, I: 2
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 36 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 4

Culture: 9 (+2)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 3

Culture: 8 (+2)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 5
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: MacBeth (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Monarchy (I)
1 CA: Tower of London (I)
1 CA: Swordsmen (I)
1 CA: Masonry (I)
2 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
2 CA: Bountiful Harvest (I)
2 CA: Code of Laws (I)
2 CA: Rich Land (I)
3 CA: Alchemy (I)
3 CA: Swordsmen (I)
3 CA: Engineering Genius (I)
3 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 2

Current Events: I: 4
Future Events: I: 2
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 10
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 08, 2013, 08:44:17 am
I think Galz is bluffing.

Play Plunder on Galz for 2 MA
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 08:46:20 am
Play Defense Card
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 08:47:10 am
I never bluff.

Except when I do.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 08:55:00 am
Umm, wait, Kuildeous, you don't have a Plunder.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 08, 2013, 09:00:36 am
Aw crap. I looked at my previous hand. Sorry, Galz. If I had another aggression card, I'd throw that one away.

Mail isn't treating me well. Play Event card then (assuming I have that one).
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:01:33 am
Bwahahaha! Who's bluffing NOW?!?! ;)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 09:02:34 am
Event - Barbarians (I): If culture leader is 1 of the 2 weakest, it loses 1 population

Galzria loses 1 population.

Galzria, please disband/destroy something so you can decrease your population.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:03:20 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 08, 2013, 09:03:51 am
lol  :P
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 09:04:06 am
Just in case you missed the stealth edit: Please disband or destroy something so your pop can be lowered
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:04:30 am
Damn Barbarians. I can defend against YOU lot, but them????

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 08, 2013, 09:05:09 am
It's times like this that I wish we were playing face-to-face.

Though if we were, then I would know right away that I don't have a Plunder so this whole exchange wouldn't happen.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 09:06:17 am
Yeah, it's awkward. Fortunately I'm confident you weren't intentionally trying to cheat, as otherwise I'd feel obliged to dole out some kind of punishment, which is never fun.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:06:45 am
Fine. That's what I wanted to do anyway (Not really).

Disband/Destroy Agriculture.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:08:07 am
It's times like this that I wish we were playing face-to-face.

Though if we were, then I would know right away that I don't have a Plunder so this whole exchange wouldn't happen.

Oh? What? I don't mind. It happens, and it's not as if knowing I have that Defense Card will make THAT big of a difference in the future.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 08, 2013, 09:16:47 am
I meant that it'd be fun to play face-to-face just to see this:

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 08, 2013, 09:17:14 am
Played Age I event

Take Swordsman
Play Swordsman (-3 Sci)
Build Swordsman (-3 Res)
Increase Population (-2 Food)
Play Ideal Building Site for Religion (-1 Res)

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:18:32 am
I meant that it'd be fun to play face-to-face just to see this:


I'll admit... It was probably damn close to the actual expression on my face.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:21:30 am
Pass PA

Take Mineral Deposits
Discover Knights
Increase Population
Build Knights
Take Bountiful Harvest
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 09:29:21 am
Galz I'm gonna actually ask you to hold those orders because age I is ending, you can confirm them afterwards.

But annoyingly I really need to go now... sorry :P.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:31:57 am
Galz I'm gonna actually ask you to hold those orders because age I is ending, you can confirm them afterwards.

But annoyingly I really need to go now... sorry :P.

I repeat!


And yeah, it means my "Increase Population" will cost 3 Food, not 2 - but I've enough to cover, so no worries. Nothing else should change though. I think I got the CA's on the Card Row's items right.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:32:34 am
Galz I'm gonna actually ask you to hold those orders because age I is ending, you can confirm them afterwards.

But annoyingly I really need to go now... sorry :P.

I repeat!


And yeah, it means my "Increase Population" will cost 3 Food, not 2 - but I've enough to cover, so no worries. Nothing else should change though. I think I got the CA's on the Card Row's items right.

But I'll re-submit when you're ready anyway.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 08, 2013, 09:35:57 am
Galzria, just to remind you: Your dice rolling skills won't help you in this game.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:40:10 am
Galzria, just to remind you: Your dice rolling skills won't help you in this game.

Dice, how much culture will I make this turn?
Culture Gained This Turn: 1d1000^9v7 : "A Whole Bunch Of Numbers", 8, total 8

Thaaaat's what I thought. ;)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 09:40:43 am
(Wow that was a lot of rolls - Rough estimate... close to 2300)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 02:42:57 pm
How displeased am I with Galzria right now on a scale of one to ten?

Rolled 1d2+8 : 1 + 8, total 9

Processing orders now.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 02:57:27 pm
Kuildeous's Swordsman actually costs 2 resources because of Monte Alban. As this doesn't cause corruption I'm going to assume he's okay with it.

Kuildeous scores 4 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 5 resources (5-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

MacBeth discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Age I ends

Discards Patriotism (A)
Cost to increase population increases (Monte Alban)
Loses 2 yellow tokens

Mausoleum of Halikarnassos discarded
Loses 2 yellow tokens

Croseus dies
Loses 2 yellow tokens

Hannibal dies
Loses 2 yellow tokens

Age II decks are shuffled and put into play.

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age II
Turn: 8

Culture: 13 (+4)
Science: 1 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 36 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 3
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 3

Culture: 9 (+2)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 3

Culture: 8 (+2)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 5
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Monarchy (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Tower of London (I)
1 CA: Masonry (I)
1 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
1 CA: Bountiful Harvest (I)
2 CA: Code of Laws (I)
2 CA: Rich Land (I)
2 CA: Alchemy (I)
2 CA: Swordsmen (I)
3 CA: Engineering Genius (I)
3 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
3 CA: William the Conqueror (I)
3 CA: Robin Hood (I)
Civil Cards remaining: 55

Current Events: I: 3
Future Events: I: 3
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 50
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 03:03:00 pm
How displeased am I with Galzria right now on a scale of one to ten?

Rolled 1d2+8 : 1 + 8, total 9

Processing orders now.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 03:03:28 pm
Pass PA

Take Mineral Deposits
Discover Knights
Increase Population
Build Knights
Take Bountiful Harvest

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 03:08:08 pm
Galzria scores 8 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Monarchy discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age II
Turn: 8

Culture: 13 (+4)
Science: 1 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 44 (+8)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 6
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 2

Culture: 9 (+2)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 3

Culture: 8 (+2)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 5
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Tower of London (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Masonry (I)
1 CA: Code of Laws (I)
1 CA: Rich Land (I)
1 CA: Alchemy (I)
2 CA: Swordsmen (I)
2 CA: Engineering Genius (I)
2 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
2 CA: William the Conqueror (I)
3 CA: Robin Hood (I)
3 CA: Rich Land (II)
3 CA: Organized Religion (II)
3 CA: Journalism (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 52

Current Events: I: 3
Future Events: I: 3
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 48
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 08, 2013, 03:11:19 pm
Galzria, just to remind you: Your dice rolling skills won't help you in this game.

Dice, how much culture will I make this turn?
Culture Gained This Turn: 1d1000^9v7 : "A Whole Bunch Of Numbers", 8, total 8

Thaaaat's what I thought. ;)

Better? ;D
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 08, 2013, 03:19:19 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 03:21:20 pm
Event - Scientific Breakthrough (I): Each civilization immediately scores science = to science rating

Which happens, and is 2 science for everyone.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 08, 2013, 04:15:45 pm
Discover Drama
Build Drama
Upgrade Agriculture -> Irrigation
Take: Code of Laws
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 04:24:48 pm
Kirian scores 4 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 6 resources (6-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Tower of London discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age II
Turn: 8

Culture: 13 (+4)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 44 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 6
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 2

Culture: 14 (+4)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 6
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 2

Culture: 8 (+2)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 5
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Masonry (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Rich Land (I)
1 CA: Alchemy (I)
1 CA: Swordsmen (I)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (I)
2 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
2 CA: William the Conqueror (I)
2 CA: Robin Hood (I)
2 CA: Rich Land (II)
3 CA: Organized Religion (II)
3 CA: Journalism (II)
3 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
3 CA: Journalism (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 50

Current Events: I: 2
Future Events: I: 4
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 46
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 08, 2013, 04:28:58 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 04:36:47 pm
Qvist gets 1 culture.

Event - Good Harvest (I): Each player's farms produce immediately; ignore consumption & corruption

Kuildeous gets 2 food
Galzria gets 2 food
Kirian gets 4 food
Qvist gets 3 food
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 08, 2013, 04:43:13 pm
I'll take that, sure.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 08, 2013, 05:28:19 pm
Play Knights (7-4 = 3 Science)
Increase Population (7-3 = 4 Food)
Increase Population (4-4 = 0 Food)
Take Swordsmen

Build Knight (5-3 = 2 Ressources)
Play Medieval Army
Draw 2 cards
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 05:37:14 pm
You only have 3 MA, you only draw 1 card, is that okay?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 08, 2013, 05:42:32 pm
I forgot that I haven't Hannibal anymore. Yeah, that's ok.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 08, 2013, 05:55:22 pm
Qvist scores 2 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (3-2 consumption) food and 5 resources (5-0 corruption). He then draws 1 military cards.

Masonry discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age II
Turn: 9

Culture: 13 (+4)
Science: 3 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 7
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 7

Culture: 44 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 2

Culture: 14 (+4)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 6
Food: 8
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 2

Culture: 11 (+2)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 7
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 1

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Rich Land (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Alchemy (I)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (I)
1 CA: Mineral Deposits (I)
1 CA: William the Conqueror (I)
2 CA: Robin Hood (I)
2 CA: Rich Land (II)
2 CA: Organized Religion (II)
2 CA: Journalism (II)
3 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
3 CA: Journalism (II)
3 CA: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (II)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 48

Current Events: I: 1
Future Events: I: 5
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 45
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 09, 2013, 12:11:19 am
Okay, let's make things right finally.

Play Enslave on Galzria.

Now you may use your Defense card unless you hate your people.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 09, 2013, 12:42:03 am
Played Aggression

Increase Population (-4 Food)
Build Farm (-2 Res)
Take Organized Religion (2 CA)

Convert 2 Resources to 2 Food (no action)

And probably ponder my life choices.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 09, 2013, 01:01:39 am
Just for you? Yes, I'll play it.

Wait, was Age A or I? Crap, hold on.

Ahem. Nevermind me. There's no such thing as Age A military cards. I'm just paranoid at losing them.

Yes, I play my Age I defense card.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 09, 2013, 11:20:09 am
And now everything is right in the universe....well, except that Galzria is still ahead of us.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 09, 2013, 11:45:41 am
And now everything is right in the universe.

Fixed that for you.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 09, 2013, 02:08:17 pm
Wait, what, Galz, you never had an Age I defence card?


Processing now.

Edit Kuildeous, you have an Uprising/Civil Disorder. Do you want to change that?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 10, 2013, 03:29:08 am
Crap, not doing as well in this game in terms of thinking straight.

Okay, replace new farm with taking Mineral Deposits.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 10, 2013, 09:58:54 am
You have two corruption, is that okay?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 10, 2013, 09:16:45 pm
You have two corruption, is that okay?

I'm not thrilled with it, but I'll accept it for doing what I wanted to do. Thanks.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 10, 2013, 09:25:37 pm
Kuildeous scores 4 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (3-2 consumption) food and 5 resources (5-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Rich Land discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age II
Turn: 9

Culture: 17 (+4)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 8
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 1
Military Cards: I: 4, II: 3

Culture: 44 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 5
Resources: 6
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 4
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 2

Culture: 14 (+4)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 6
Food: 8
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 2

Culture: 11 (+2)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 7
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 1

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Alchemy (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (I)
1 CA: William the Conqueror (I)
1 CA: Robin Hood (I)
1 CA: Rich Land (II)
2 CA: Journalism (II)
2 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
2 CA: Journalism (II)
2 CA: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (II)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (II)
3 CA: Engineering Genius (II)
3 CA: Justice System (II)
3 CA: Opera (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 45

Current Events: I: 1
Future Events: I: 5
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 42
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 12, 2013, 05:34:09 am
Bump for Galz
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 12, 2013, 12:24:54 pm
Pass PA

Play Revolutionary Idea
Increase Population
Build Knight
Take Alchemy
Discover Alchemy
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 12, 2013, 12:58:02 pm
Galzria scores 8 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (2-1 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

No cards discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age II
Turn: 9

Culture: 17 (+4)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 8
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 1
Military Cards: I: 4, II: 3

Culture: 52 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 6
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 3

Culture: 14 (+4)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 6
Food: 8
Civil Cards: I: 2
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 2

Culture: 11 (+2)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 7
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 1

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: William the Conqueror (I)
1 CA: Robin Hood (I)
1 CA: Rich Land (II)
1 CA: Journalism (II)
2 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
2 CA: Journalism (II)
2 CA: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (II)
2 CA: Ideal Building Site (II)
3 CA: Engineering Genius (II)
3 CA: Justice System (II)
3 CA: Opera (II)
3 CA: Organized Religion (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 44

Current Events: I: 1
Future Events: I: 5
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 40
Link to the spreadsheet (

(After trying to give Kirian two turns last round, I almost didn't give him one at all here...)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 12, 2013, 01:07:23 pm
Propose Pact: International Trade Agreement

Kirian (A) produces one extra resource, Qvist (B) produces one extra food.

What do you say, Q?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 12, 2013, 03:30:22 pm
Tough decision, but I think I'll accept.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 12, 2013, 03:33:12 pm
Discard and actions then.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 12, 2013, 03:34:34 pm
Also does anyone remember who owns Open Borders Agreement? I'm sure I could find it but quicker to ask if one of you remembers :P.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 12, 2013, 03:51:39 pm
Gah, never mind, I can't count.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 12, 2013, 03:54:48 pm
Increase Population
Build Drama
Take: Constitutional Monarchy
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 12, 2013, 04:14:06 pm
Qvist owns the Open Border Agreement.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 12, 2013, 07:17:08 pm
Kirian scores 6 culture, 2 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 7 resources (7-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Engineering Genius (I) discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age II
Turn: 9

Culture: 17 (+4)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 8
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 1
Military Cards: I: 4, II: 3

Culture: 52 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 6
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 3

Culture: 20 (+6)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 8
Food: 6
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 1
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 3

Culture: 11 (+2)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 7
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 1

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: William the Conqueror (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Robin Hood (I)
1 CA: Rich Land (II)
1 CA: Journalism (II)
1 CA: Journalism (II)
2 CA: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (II)
2 CA: Ideal Building Site (II)
2 CA: Engineering Genius (II)
2 CA: Justice System (II)
3 CA: Opera (II)
3 CA: Organized Religion (II)
3 CA: Scientific Method (II)
3 CA: Bountiful Harvest (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 42

Current Events: I: 1
Future Events: I: 5
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 38
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 12, 2013, 09:02:27 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 12, 2013, 09:10:52 pm
Event - New Deposits (I): Each player's mines produce immediately; ignore corruption

Qvist gets 5 resources
Kuildeous gets 4 resources*
Galzria gets 3 resources
Kirian gets 6* resources

*I'm still not 100% certain if bonuses like ITA should give a resource from this, or similarly Windsor Castle. Going to ask Watno if he knows.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 12, 2013, 09:27:58 pm
Wow, what should I do now with all these ressources?

Upgrade Mine (12-3 = 9 Ressources)
Take Journalism
Play Journalism (6-6 = 0 Science)
Build Journalism (9-8 = 1 Ressource)

Draw 3 Cards
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 12, 2013, 09:53:44 pm
Event deck reshuffled, you've been told what you seeded. Also Qvist's event was age I, just so you know.

Qvist scores 4 culture, 4 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 6 resources (6-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

William the Conqueror discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age II
Turn: 10

Culture: 17 (+4)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 12
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 1
Military Cards: I: 4, II: 3

Culture: 52 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 9
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 3

Culture: 20 (+6)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 14
Food: 6
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 1
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 3

Culture: 16 (+4)
Science: 4 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 7
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Robin Hood (I) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Rich Land (II)
1 CA: Journalism (II)
1 CA: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (II)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (II)
2 CA: Engineering Genius (II)
2 CA: Justice System (II)
2 CA: Opera (II)
2 CA: Organized Religion (II)
3 CA: Scientific Method (II)
3 CA: Bountiful Harvest (II)
3 CA: Riflemen (II)
3 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 40

Current Events: I: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 35
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 13, 2013, 12:35:44 am
Play Age II event.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 13, 2013, 08:22:14 am
2 culture.

Event - Raiders (I): 2 weakest civilizations each lose a total of 2 resources/food

Kuildeous and Kirian, please lose 2 food, 2 resources, or one of each. Kuildeous also needs to send discards.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 13, 2013, 09:00:47 am
I'll lose 2 Resources.

Sending discards.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 13, 2013, 09:12:27 am
Played Age II event.

Discover Iron (-5 Sci)
Upgrade Mine (-3 Res)
Upgrade Mine (-3 Res)
Take Journalism

Upgrade Warrior (-1 Res)

Looks like I'll have some corruption, but so be it.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 13, 2013, 09:14:05 am
Need to wait for Kirian.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 13, 2013, 10:09:18 am
Discard 2 Resources

It returns two blues, so it's not too terrible.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 13, 2013, 10:27:58 am
Yeah, when I suffer corruption even after I lose to the raiders, I clearly have bigger problems than losing blue tokens to the bank.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 13, 2013, 10:30:30 am
Yeah, when I suffer corruption even after I lose to the raiders, I clearly have bigger problems than losing blue tokens to the bank.

Indeed.  I'm quite amused in one of my other games, where I'm sitting on 25 resources and not nearly enough to spend them on.  Corruption for several turns now.  (The Economic Progress event came up just after I hit 13 in my mines.)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 13, 2013, 05:49:00 pm
I had an Advanced game recently where due to various limiting factors, I missed out on any good age II culture buildings and ended the game with 20 resources left, and kinda sat there with nothing to do. I still won (Advanced game rewards you big for playing to the impacts, which is something I really miss in the full game).

Processing remainder of Kuildeous' turn now.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 13, 2013, 05:50:05 pm
Robin Hood discarded (:(), card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age II
Turn: 10

Culture: 23 (+4)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 8
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 4

Culture: 52 (+8)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 9
Food: 1
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 3

Culture: 20 (+6)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 12
Food: 6
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 1
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 3

Culture: 16 (+4)
Science: 4 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 7
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Rich Land (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (II)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (II)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (II)
1 CA: Justice System (II)
2 CA: Opera (II)
2 CA: Organized Religion (II)
2 CA: Scientific Method (II)
2 CA: Bountiful Harvest (II)
3 CA: Riflemen (II)
3 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
3 CA: William Pitt the Younger (II)
3 CA: Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 38

Current Events: I: 6
Future Events: II: 1
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 32
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 13, 2013, 06:33:19 pm
I had an Advanced game recently where due to various limiting factors, I missed out on any good age II culture buildings and ended the game with 20 resources left, and kinda sat there with nothing to do. I still won (Advanced game rewards you big for playing to the impacts, which is something I really miss in the full game).

Oh, I can't complain at all about where I'm sitting.  20 culture per turn thanks to Shakespeare... with only Age I libraries and theaters.  Then again, I think my 20/turn is about to be smacked down by the Bach player, who's currently at 18/turn.

I would feel bad for Kuildeous in that game if he weren't getting ready to Napoleon my ass in our tourney game. :p
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 13, 2013, 06:41:00 pm
Seed Event (Tables, I PM'd you yesterday sometime I believe)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 13, 2013, 06:44:16 pm
I had an Advanced game recently where due to various limiting factors, I missed out on any good age II culture buildings and ended the game with 20 resources left, and kinda sat there with nothing to do. I still won (Advanced game rewards you big for playing to the impacts, which is something I really miss in the full game).

Oh, I can't complain at all about where I'm sitting.  20 culture per turn thanks to Shakespeare... with only Age I libraries and theaters.  Then again, I think my 20/turn is about to be smacked down by the Bach player, who's currently at 18/turn.

I would feel bad for Kuildeous in that game if he weren't getting ready to Napoleon my ass in our tourney game. :p

Yeah, my Bach Engine can still grow by 7 Culture somewhat easily. If I could get an Age III Government it might be more...

Interestingly, it's the first game where I've developed every Age II technology (sans Special Techs) - So my Civ board looks all nice an full on Row II... And dreadfully empty Row III!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 13, 2013, 06:46:29 pm
I had an Advanced game recently where due to various limiting factors, I missed out on any good age II culture buildings and ended the game with 20 resources left, and kinda sat there with nothing to do. I still won (Advanced game rewards you big for playing to the impacts, which is something I really miss in the full game).

Oh, I can't complain at all about where I'm sitting.  20 culture per turn thanks to Shakespeare... with only Age I libraries and theaters.  Then again, I think my 20/turn is about to be smacked down by the Bach player, who's currently at 18/turn.

I would feel bad for Kuildeous in that game if he weren't getting ready to Napoleon my ass in our tourney game. :p

Yeah, my Bach Engine can still grow by 7 Culture somewhat easily. If I could get an Age III Government it might be more...

Interestingly, it's the first game where I've developed every Age II technology (sans Special Techs) - So my Civ board looks all nice an full on Row II... And dreadfully empty Row III!

Oh, that's you!  Heh.

Also, darn you for grabbing Space Flight.  That's going to be huge for you with all those Age II techs and the IIIs in your hand.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 13, 2013, 06:47:04 pm
Galzria scores 2 culture

Event - Foray (I): 2 strongest civilizations each produce a total of 3 resources/food

That would be Galzria and Qvist. What do you want?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 13, 2013, 07:05:16 pm
1 food and 2 ressources, please
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 13, 2013, 07:10:26 pm
2 Food, 1 Resource:

Seed Event

Increase Population
Build Irrigation
Upgrade Philosophy to Alchemy
Upgrade Philosophy to Alchemy

That should put me well, well short of corruption (I think I only have 1 Resource outstanding at the end of the turn?)

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 13, 2013, 07:36:57 pm
No resources (9 start, +1 (10) from Foray, -4 (6) from irrigation, -6 (0) from two Alchemies)

Galzria scores 8 culture, 4 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Rich Land discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age II
Turn: 10

Culture: 23 (+4)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 8
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 4

Culture: 62 (+8)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 5

Culture: 20 (+6)
Science: 6 (+2)
Strength: 6
Resources: 12
Food: 6
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 1
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 3

Culture: 16 (+4)
Science: 4 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 9
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (II)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (II)
1 CA: Justice System (II)
1 CA: Opera (II)
2 CA: Organized Religion (II)
2 CA: Scientific Method (II)
2 CA: Bountiful Harvest (II)
2 CA: Riflemen (II)
3 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
3 CA: William Pitt the Younger (II)
3 CA: Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory (II)
3 CA: Justice System (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 37

Current Events: I: 5
Future Events: II: 2
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 29
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 13, 2013, 07:48:29 pm
Pass PA

Discover Alchemy (6-4 = 2 Sci)
Upgrade Philosophy -> Alchemy (12-3 = 9 Res)
Upgrade Philosophy -> Alchemy (9-3 = 6 Res)
Increase Population (6-4 = 2 Food)

Build Knights (6-3 = 3 Res)

If I'm counting right, that leaves me with 0 Corruption, yes?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 13, 2013, 07:53:16 pm
No Corruption indeed.

Kirian scores 6 culture, 4 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 7 resources (7-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age II
Turn: 10

Culture: 23 (+4)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 8
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 4

Culture: 62 (+8)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 5

Culture: 26 (+6)
Science: 10 (+4)
Strength: 10
Resources: 10
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 1
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 16 (+4)
Science: 4 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 9
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (II)
1 CA: Justice System (II)
1 CA: Opera (II)
1 CA: Organized Religion (II)
2 CA: Scientific Method (II)
2 CA: Bountiful Harvest (II)
2 CA: Riflemen (II)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
3 CA: William Pitt the Younger (II)
3 CA: Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory (II)
3 CA: Justice System (II)
3 CA: Benjamin Franklin (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 36

Current Events: I: 5
Future Events: II: 2
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 27
Link to the spreadsheet (

Ah, Franklin. I feel like if he gets taken and played, he could have a big impact on the game, given he gives you a big effect and everyone else a small good effect.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 13, 2013, 07:56:37 pm
Tables hints. :P

Wow, not bad though. 2 Science per turn, with 3 back each Tech card discovered (with 1 to everybody else). Very nice.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 13, 2013, 07:58:05 pm
I think you forgot to subtract the 4 Sci I used to discover Alchemy.

Tables hints. :P

Wow, not bad though. 2 Science per turn, with 3 back each Tech card discovered (with 1 to everybody else). Very nice.

Indeed... that's almost certainly 5 Sci per turn (with 1 to everyone else) and sometimes 8 Sci per turn (with 2 to everyone else).  That's at least equivalent to having an Age III lab.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 13, 2013, 08:05:07 pm
Not saying he's necessarily good, just that he's going to change the game, a lot more techs could end up played by everyone.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 13, 2013, 09:37:41 pm
Take Organized Religion
Play Organized Religion (4-4 = 0 Science)
Upgrade Religion (9-4 = 5 Ressources)
Increase Population (4-4 = 0 Food)

Build Knight (5-3 = 2 Ressources)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 14, 2013, 08:04:21 am
Qvist scores 4 culture, 4 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 6 resources (6-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Ideal Building Site discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age II
Turn: 11

Culture: 23 (+4)
Science: 2 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 8
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 4

Culture: 62 (+8)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 5

Culture: 26 (+6)
Science: 6 (+4)
Strength: 10
Resources: 10
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 1
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 20 (+4)
Science: 4 (+4)
Strength: 11
Resources: 8
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: II: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Justice System (II)
1 CA: Opera (II)
1 CA: Scientific Method (II)
1 CA: Bountiful Harvest (II)
2 CA: Riflemen (II)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
2 CA: William Pitt the Younger (II)
2 CA: Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory (II)
3 CA: Justice System (II)
3 CA: Benjamin Franklin (II)
3 CA: Mineral Deposits (II)
3 CA: Wave of Nationalism (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 34

Current Events: I: 5
Future Events: II: 2
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 25
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 14, 2013, 08:08:50 am
Play Age II Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 14, 2013, 08:13:03 am
Kuildeous scores 2 culture.

Territory - Weathly Territory (I): Permanent: +2 blue tokens. One time: 5 resources
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 14, 2013, 08:48:42 am
Bid 4

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 14, 2013, 10:57:06 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 14, 2013, 10:57:22 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 14, 2013, 12:51:38 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 14, 2013, 01:49:36 pm
Pay with 1 Swordsman.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 14, 2013, 02:00:13 pm
Play Age II Event (+5 Res, 13 Total)

Use Bacon to convert 2 Resources (-2 Res, 11 Total; +2 Food, 6 Total)
Increase population (-4 Food, 2 Total)
Upgrade Mine (-3 Res, 8 Total)
Upgrade Mine (-3 Res, 5 Total)
Take Bountiful Harvest
Build Swordsman (-3 Res, 2 Total)

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 14, 2013, 05:01:53 pm
Kuildeous scores 4 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (3-2 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Engineering Genius discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age II
Turn: 11

Culture: 29 (+4)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 12
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 4

Culture: 62 (+8)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 3
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 5

Culture: 26 (+6)
Science: 6 (+4)
Strength: 10
Resources: 10
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 1
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 20 (+4)
Science: 4 (+4)
Strength: 11
Resources: 8
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: II: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Justice System (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Opera (II)
1 CA: Scientific Method (II)
1 CA: Riflemen (II)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
2 CA: William Pitt the Younger (II)
2 CA: Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory (II)
2 CA: Justice System (II)
2 CA: Benjamin Franklin (II)
3 CA: Mineral Deposits (II)
3 CA: Wave of Nationalism (II)
3 CA: Cannon (II)
3 CA: Architecture (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 32

Current Events: I: 3
Future Events: II: 3
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 22
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 14, 2013, 05:37:32 pm
Pass PA

Take Rifleman
Play Bountiful Harvest
Take Justice System
Increase Population

Build Warrior
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 14, 2013, 05:42:13 pm
Galzria scores 8 culture, 4 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age II
Turn: 11

Culture: 29 (+4)
Science: 4 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 12
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 4

Culture: 70 (+8)
Science: 12 (+4)
Strength: 8
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 4

Culture: 26 (+6)
Science: 6 (+4)
Strength: 10
Resources: 10
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 1
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 20 (+4)
Science: 4 (+4)
Strength: 11
Resources: 8
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: II: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Opera (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Scientific Method (II)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
1 CA: William Pitt the Younger (II)
1 CA: Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory (II)
2 CA: Justice System (II)
2 CA: Benjamin Franklin (II)
2 CA: Mineral Deposits (II)
2 CA: Wave of Nationalism (II)
3 CA: Cannon (II)
3 CA: Architecture (II)
3 CA: Coal (II)
3 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 30

Current Events: I: 3
Future Events: II: 3
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 20
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 14, 2013, 07:39:08 pm
I seem to be missing my T10 military draw (which should only be one card, as I used an MA).
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 14, 2013, 08:38:03 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 14, 2013, 08:42:09 pm
Event - Reign of Terror (I): Weakest civilization loses 1 population

Kuildeous loses 1 pop.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 14, 2013, 10:06:36 pm
Take Franklin (2 CA)
Elect Franklin
Discover Code of Laws (-6 Sci, then +3 Sci, everyone else +1 Sci)
Take: Opera

I can't see any way to avoid at least some corruption this turn, but I believe that I'm at 2, rather than 4, thanks to food consumption.  Am I right?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 14, 2013, 10:33:09 pm
Yes, you have 10 Tokens left at the start of the turn. You spend 0, and create "5" - but one is put back due to consumption. This leaves you with 6, or 1 corruption. After you pay you'll have 7 Tokens in your supply to start next turn.

You'll have 14 Resources and 6 Food.

(Tables, feel free to correct this)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 15, 2013, 07:00:40 am
He produces one more than that (from ITA) but otherwise yes.

Kirian scores 6 culture, 6 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 5 resources (7-2 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age II
Turn: 11

Culture: 29 (+4)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 12
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 4

Culture: 70 (+8)
Science: 13 (+4)
Strength: 8
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 1, II: 4

Culture: 34 (+6)
Science: 9 (+6)
Strength: 10
Resources: 15
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 20 (+4)
Science: 5 (+4)
Strength: 11
Resources: 8
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: II: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Scientific Method (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
1 CA: William Pitt the Younger (II)
1 CA: Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory (II)
1 CA: Justice System (II)
2 CA: Mineral Deposits (II)
2 CA: Wave of Nationalism (II)
2 CA: Cannon (II)
2 CA: Architecture (II)
3 CA: Coal (II)
3 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
3 CA: Architecture (II)
3 CA: Karl Marx (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 28

Current Events: I: 3
Future Events: II: 4
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 19
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 15, 2013, 07:08:40 am
Assasinate Walther von der Vogelweide
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 15, 2013, 10:46:41 am
Assasinate Walther von der Vogelweide

There it is.  That said, 11 vs 8... hrm...
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 15, 2013, 11:17:32 am
Hmm... 28 more Cards?

Nah, Play Defense (+2), Sacrifice Warrior.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 15, 2013, 11:21:44 am
Aggression fails. Qvist has spent 1 MA so far.

Remember to send your discard.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 15, 2013, 11:44:30 am
Tables, am I going crazy?

In the #278 update, I had 3 Resources. In #279 I increased population and built a warrior (only spending done). In the update in post #280 (and current on the spreadsheet), it shows me as having produced 3 Resources to put me at 3 total.

Shouldn't I have 4 total?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 15, 2013, 11:59:36 am
Build Journalism
Take William Pitt the Younger
Take Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 15, 2013, 12:10:21 pm
Tables, am I going crazy?


Shouldn't I have 4 total?

Also yes.

Processing Qvists turn now.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 15, 2013, 12:12:17 pm
Tables, am I going crazy?


Shouldn't I have 4 total?

Also yes.

Fair enough. ;D
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 15, 2013, 12:16:21 pm
Qvist scores 6 culture, 6 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 6 resources (6-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Scientific Method discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age II
Turn: 12

Culture: 29 (+4)
Science: 5 (+2)
Strength: 7
Resources: 12
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: I: 3, II: 4

Culture: 70 (+8)
Science: 13 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 4
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 2
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 34 (+6)
Science: 9 (+6)
Strength: 10
Resources: 15
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 26 (+6)
Science: 11 (+6)
Strength: 11
Resources: 6
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 1
Military Cards: II: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Justice System (II)
1 CA: Mineral Deposits (II)
1 CA: Wave of Nationalism (II)
1 CA: Cannon (II)
2 CA: Architecture (II)
2 CA: Coal (II)
2 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
2 CA: Architecture (II)
3 CA: Karl Marx (II)
3 CA: Team Sports (II)
3 CA: Republic (II)
3 CA: Catedral Metropolitana (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 25

Current Events: I: 3
Future Events: II: 4
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 17
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 15, 2013, 01:39:59 pm
Play Age I Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 15, 2013, 02:08:41 pm
Territory - Fertile Territory (I): Permanent: +3 yellow tokens. One time: 3 food

Is it just me, or does Kuildeous always manage to draw the territories? You know the drill.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 15, 2013, 02:14:39 pm
Bid 4
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 15, 2013, 02:28:54 pm
Oh ye Territory, how I would love thee.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 15, 2013, 04:56:00 pm
Pass, alas.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 15, 2013, 06:59:41 pm
Meh, I just discarded a Colonization card. Now 5 is too much for me. Pass
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 15, 2013, 07:08:46 pm
Kuildeous wins for 4

Since there's only one unit for him to sacrifice (Swordsmen) and that brings him up to 4... Kuildeous sacrifices a swordsman (+Cartography)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 16, 2013, 01:40:49 am
Played Age I Event.

Convert 2 Resources to Food
Increase population (-3 Food)
[color = red]Build Swordsman (-2 Res)
Build Swordsman (-2 Res)[/color]
Increase population (-3 Food)
Take Constitutional Monarch (2 CA)

I believe that does avoid corruption for now. If it doesn’t, then meh. Let it happen.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 16, 2013, 04:21:35 am
You can't take Constitutional Monarchy, you're at your hand limit. Everything else done but you can change it back.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 16, 2013, 09:45:18 am
Bah, that's right. I was flummoxed by that earlier, and I forgot.

Play Bountiful Harvest
Increase Population
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 16, 2013, 10:17:59 am
Kuildeous scores 4 culture, 2 science, and produces 1 (3-2 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Efficient Upgrade discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age II
Turn: 12

Culture: 34 (+4)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 9
Resources: 15
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 5

Culture: 70 (+8)
Science: 13 (+4)
Strength: 7
Resources: 4
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 2, II: 2
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 34 (+6)
Science: 9 (+6)
Strength: 10
Resources: 15
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 26 (+6)
Science: 11 (+6)
Strength: 11
Resources: 6
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 1
Military Cards: II: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Justice System (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Mineral Deposits (II)
1 CA: Wave of Nationalism (II)
1 CA: Cannon (II)
1 CA: Architecture (II)
2 CA: Coal (II)
2 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
2 CA: Architecture (II)
2 CA: Karl Marx (II)
3 CA: Team Sports (II)
3 CA: Republic (II)
3 CA: Catedral Metropolitana (II)
3 CA: Calvarymen (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 24

Current Events: I: 1
Future Events: I: 1, II: 4
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 14
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 16, 2013, 10:39:52 am
Pass PA (discards coming)

Discover Monarchy
Disband Bronze
Take Coal (2 CA)
Take Mineral Deposits

Build Warrior
Adapt Conquistadors
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 16, 2013, 10:56:07 am
Your Conquistadors adapt successfully.

Galzria scores 8 culture, 4 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 2 resources (2-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Justice System discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age II
Turn: 12

Culture: 34 (+4)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 9
Resources: 15
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 5

Culture: 78 (+8)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 11
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 4
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 34 (+6)
Science: 9 (+6)
Strength: 10
Resources: 15
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 26 (+6)
Science: 11 (+6)
Strength: 11
Resources: 6
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 1
Military Cards: II: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Wave of Nationalism (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Cannon (II)
1 CA: Architecture (II)
1 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
1 CA: Architecture (II)
2 CA: Karl Marx (II)
2 CA: Team Sports (II)
2 CA: Republic (II)
2 CA: Catedral Metropolitana (II)
3 CA: Calvarymen (II)
3 CA: Patriotism (II)
3 CA: Cotton Gin (II)
3 CA: Calvarymen (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 21

Current Events: I: 1
Future Events: I: 1, II: 4
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 12
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 16, 2013, 03:44:28 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 16, 2013, 03:47:52 pm
Event - Rebellion (I): Each player loses 2 civil actions per discontent worker (on their next turn)

Nobody is affected.

Event deck reshuffled.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 16, 2013, 03:52:47 pm
Event deck reminders have been sent out. There are 5 age II cards and one age I card.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 16, 2013, 04:11:02 pm
Well that was exciting!!  Also I'm going to be so corrupt this turn :(

Take:  Catedral Metropolitana (3 CA :()
Take: Architecture
Increase Population

I believe that leaves me with 1 discontent worker hanging out on the happiness track, and 4 corruption. :(
But hey, next turn should be fun!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 16, 2013, 04:13:47 pm
My Catedral! Nooo!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 16, 2013, 04:29:50 pm
Which Architecture do you want?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 16, 2013, 04:30:52 pm
Which Architecture do you want?

They both cost 1 CA, and neither would otherwise be cleared this round, so it shouldn't matter, right?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 16, 2013, 04:32:20 pm
It does, because it affects which will disappear first out of it and Constitutional Monarchy
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 16, 2013, 04:34:09 pm
Aw, hell.  Take the one closer to being discarded, then.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 16, 2013, 04:43:08 pm
Kirian scores 6 culture, 6 science, and produces 1 (4-3 consumption) food and 3 resources (7-4 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Wave of Nationalism discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age II
Turn: 12

Culture: 34 (+4)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 9
Resources: 15
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 5

Culture: 78 (+8)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 11
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 4
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 42 (+6)
Science: 15 (+6)
Strength: 10
Resources: 18
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 2

Culture: 26 (+6)
Science: 11 (+6)
Strength: 11
Resources: 6
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 1
Military Cards: II: 5

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Cannon (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II)
1 CA: Architecture (II)
1 CA: Karl Marx (II)
1 CA: Team Sports (II)
2 CA: Republic (II)
2 CA: Calvarymen (II)
2 CA: Patriotism (II)
2 CA: Cotton Gin (II)
3 CA: Calvarymen (II)
3 CA: Navigation (II)
3 CA: Coal (II)
3 CA: Selective Breeding (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 18

Current Events: I: 1, II: 5
Future Events: None
Next event: Age I
Military cards remaining: 12
Link to the spreadsheet (

I was beginning to think Catedral Metropolitana was looking pretty absurd... I think that might be because I typo'd a 2 for science instead of 1... ah well. It's not broken unless someone taking it as soon as it appears for huge CA is still increasing their chance of winning more often than not ;D.

Also which do people think would be better for leader and wonder effect recording: The current system of recording their bonuses on the leader itself, or actually physically changing any rows affected. For example, should I put Walther von der Vogelweide's culture on the leader, or change the cards with a note showing it's +1/+2 from him?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 18, 2013, 05:09:33 pm
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 18, 2013, 05:11:28 pm
Territory - Developed Territory (I): Permanent: +1 blue & +1 yellow. One time: 3 science

Qvist is first to bid.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 18, 2013, 05:12:22 pm
Bid 3
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 19, 2013, 07:59:53 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 20, 2013, 11:39:01 am
Whoops. Thought this was the last Territory still.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 20, 2013, 12:13:54 pm
Man... we're really going to let him take this for just a warrior and a card?  Alas.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 20, 2013, 07:05:37 pm
Cool. Pay with a Warrior and a Colonisation card like Kirian suggested.
Move comes in a second.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 20, 2013, 07:12:34 pm
Take Cannon
Play Cannon (14-7 = 7 Science)
Increase Population (4-4 = 0 Food)
Play William Pitt the Younger

Build Cannon (6-5 = 1 Ressource)
Play Mobile Artillery
Draw 1 Card
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 20, 2013, 08:34:43 pm
Qvist scores 6 culture, 6 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food, 6 resources (6-0 corruption) and one civil action. He then draws 1 military cards.

Card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age II
Turn: 13

Culture: 34 (+4)
Science: 7 (+2)
Strength: 9
Resources: 15
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 5

Culture: 78 (+8)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 11
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 4
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 42 (+6)
Science: 15 (+6)
Strength: 10
Resources: 18
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 34 (+6)
Science: 13 (+6)
Strength: 14
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: II: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Constitutional Monarchy (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Architecture (II)
1 CA: Karl Marx (II)
1 CA: Team Sports (II)
1 CA: Republic (II)
2 CA: Calvarymen (II)
2 CA: Patriotism (II)
2 CA: Cotton Gin (II)
2 CA: Calvarymen (II)
3 CA: Navigation (II)
3 CA: Coal (II)
3 CA: Selective Breeding (II)
3 CA: Herschell's Observatory (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 17

Current Events: II: 5
Future Events: II: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 9
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 20, 2013, 11:45:07 pm
Seed event.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 20, 2013, 11:49:44 pm
Event - Iconoclasm (II): Discard all leaders that are not from the current age

Roger Bacon dies.
Walther von der Vogelweide dies.

I'm sure nobody is really fussed about this.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 20, 2013, 11:53:43 pm
I bet Galzria is.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 20, 2013, 11:57:31 pm
Cost me a couple of culture per turn. I'll figure it out. He didn't have too long to live now anyway.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 21, 2013, 01:33:39 pm
Played Event

Discover Journalism (-6 Sci)
Build Journalism (-8 Res)
Take Republic
Take Karl Marx

Embrace my corruption.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 21, 2013, 01:49:43 pm
Seed Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 21, 2013, 02:32:10 pm
You have 21 blue tokens, you're gonna have to try harder if you want corruption.

Kuildeous scores 6 culture, 4 science, and produces 1 (3-2 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Constitutional Monarchy discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age II
Turn: 13

Culture: 36 (+6)
Science: 1 (+4)
Strength: 9
Resources: 16
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 5

Culture: 78 (+4)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 11
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 4
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 42 (+6)
Science: 15 (+6)
Strength: 10
Resources: 18
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 34 (+6)
Science: 13 (+6)
Strength: 14
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: II: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Architecture (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Team Sports (II)
1 CA: Calvarymen (II)
1 CA: Patriotism (II)
1 CA: Cotton Gin (II)
2 CA: Calvarymen (II)
2 CA: Navigation (II)
2 CA: Coal (II)
2 CA: Selective Breeding (II)
3 CA: Herschell's Observatory (II)
3 CA: Thomas Jefferson (II)
3 CA: Republic (II)
3 CA: Opera (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 14

Current Events: II: 4
Future Events: II: 2
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 6
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 21, 2013, 02:32:51 pm
Territory - Fertile Territory (II): Permanent: +4 yellow tokens. One time: 5 food

Galzria is up first.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 21, 2013, 02:39:00 pm
You have 21 blue tokens, you're gonna have to try harder if you want corruption.

Like I said in another thread, I always feel like Leonard from Memento when I play these games. I don't know what I did in previous turns.

I could have counted up the blue tokens, but with only 4 CAs, there wasn't going to be anything I was going to do about it anyway, so I just assumed corruption. Yay! I did something right…somehow.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 21, 2013, 04:15:06 pm
Oh that's worth at least 1
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 21, 2013, 04:23:56 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 21, 2013, 08:52:34 pm
Bid 2
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 22, 2013, 04:51:55 am
Bid 3
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 22, 2013, 09:02:42 am
Bid 4

Also, my Science did not update.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 22, 2013, 09:47:47 am
Man, I do love me some Yellow pips. But I think I'll have to Pass. Sacrificing and trying to rebuild when you've only got Bronze just isn't feasible.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 22, 2013, 10:32:37 am
Hm.  OK, Bid 5 then.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 22, 2013, 10:41:32 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 22, 2013, 11:55:09 am
Bid 4

Also, my Science did not update.

Neither did your culture, done now (was so focused on checking corruption I forgot I guess :P). Bidding is back to you.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 23, 2013, 01:57:47 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 23, 2013, 02:06:49 am
Kirian sends 5.

Increase Population
Discover Riflemen
Play Mineral Deposits I
Play Mineral Deposits II
Take Patriotism

Upgrade Warrior -> Rifleman
Build Rifleman
Adapt Classic Army

Should leave me well and clear of corruption. 1 Resource and 0 Food pre production, correct?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 23, 2013, 06:32:16 am
Correct. I'll leave the remaining updating until Kirian pays
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 23, 2013, 11:06:25 am
Pay with one warrior, one knight, and the army bonus.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 23, 2013, 11:36:17 am
All right, fun time...

Pass PA

Discover Constitutional Monarchy
Discover Architecture
Build Wonder
Yay Architecture
Increase Population
Increase Population
Take Cavalrymen
Take Navigation

Build Warrior
Build Knights

If I've counted correctly, that uses exactly all of my resources and food.  Franklin nets me the science to get the second research. I should have 2 MA left to draw cards.  Everyone else gets 2 Sci.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 23, 2013, 01:18:36 pm
Galzria scores 4 culture, 4 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 2 resources (2-0 corruption). He then draws 1 military cards.

Architecture discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age II
Turn: 13

Culture: 42 (+6)
Science: 5 (+4)
Strength: 9
Resources: 16
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 5

Culture: 84 (+4)
Science: 7 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3

Culture: 42 (+6)
Science: 15 (+6)
Strength: 5
Resources: 18
Food: 8
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 34 (+6)
Science: 13 (+6)
Strength: 14
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: II: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Team Sports (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Calvarymen (II)
1 CA: Cotton Gin (II)
1 CA: Calvarymen (II)
1 CA: Navigation (II)
2 CA: Coal (II)
2 CA: Selective Breeding (II)
2 CA: Herschell's Observatory (II)
2 CA: Thomas Jefferson (II)
3 CA: Republic (II)
3 CA: Opera (II)
3 CA: Cannon (II)
3 CA: Work of Art (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 12

Current Events: II: 3
Future Events: II: 3
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 5
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 23, 2013, 01:25:03 pm
Kirian: Which Cavalrymen do you take?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 23, 2013, 03:16:54 pm
The one farther away from dropping off.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 23, 2013, 03:55:41 pm
Kirian scores 7 culture, 8 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 7 resources (7-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Team Sports discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age II
Turn: 13

Culture: 42 (+6)
Science: 7 (+4)
Strength: 9
Resources: 16
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 5

Culture: 84 (+4)
Science: 9 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3

Culture: 49 (+7)
Science: 11 (+8)
Strength: 10
Resources: 7
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 34 (+6)
Science: 15 (+6)
Strength: 14
Resources: 7
Food: 2
Civil Cards: I: 1
Military Cards: II: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Calvarymen (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Cotton Gin (II)
1 CA: Coal (II)
1 CA: Selective Breeding (II)
1 CA: Herschell's Observatory (II)
2 CA: Thomas Jefferson (II)
2 CA: Republic (II)
2 CA: Opera (II)
2 CA: Cannon (II)
3 CA: Work of Art (II)
3 CA: Strategy (II)
3 CA: Cannon (II)
3 CA: Calvarymen (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 9

Current Events: II: 3
Future Events: II: 3
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 3
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 23, 2013, 05:50:35 pm
I Spy Kirian
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 23, 2013, 06:02:03 pm
Nonono, it's "I spy with my little Eye, something beginning with K"

But anyway: Aggression - Spy (II): 1 MA. If victorious: Rival: Loses up to 5 science. Aggressor: Scores same amount of science
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 23, 2013, 07:02:58 pm
One measly strength point...

It's your lucky day, Qvist.  Concede.

Not certain what you're going to do with that science, though.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 23, 2013, 07:08:20 pm
One measly strength point...

It's your lucky day, Qvist.  Concede.

Not certain what you're going to do with that science, though.

Take it away from you. Haha. Muaaaahaaaa. Haaaaahhaaaaaa.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 23, 2013, 07:17:39 pm
Take Republic (2 CAs left)
Play Republic (20-14 = 6 Science, 4 CAs left)
Take Selective Breeding
Take Coal (2 CAs left)
Use WPtY to get an additional CA
Take Strategy

Build Cannon (7-5 = 2 Ressources)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 23, 2013, 07:27:22 pm
Qvist scores 6 culture, 6 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food, 6 resources (6-0 corruption) and one civil action. He then draws 1 military cards.

Cavalrymen discarded, card row refreshed (5 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age II
Turn: 14

Culture: 42 (+6)
Science: 7 (+4)
Strength: 9
Resources: 16
Food: 3
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 5

Culture: 84 (+4)
Science: 9 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3

Culture: 49 (+7)
Science: 6 (+8)
Strength: 10
Resources: 7
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 40 (+6)
Science: 12 (+6)
Strength: 22
Resources: 8
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Cotton Gin (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Herschell's Observatory (II)
1 CA: Thomas Jefferson (II)
1 CA: Opera (II)
1 CA: Cannon (II)
2 CA: Work of Art (II)
2 CA: Cannon (II)
2 CA: Calvarymen (II)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
3 CA: Revolutionary Idea (II)
3 CA: Scientific Method (II)
3 CA: Journalism (II)
3 CA: Breakthrough (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 4

Current Events: II: 3
Future Events: II: 3
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 2
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 24, 2013, 10:24:29 pm
Seed Age II event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 24, 2013, 11:08:49 pm
Territory - Developed Territory (II): Permanent: +2 blue & +2 yellow. One time: 5 science
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 25, 2013, 12:20:01 am
Bid 4
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 25, 2013, 12:41:50 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 25, 2013, 01:45:06 am
No way.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 25, 2013, 07:59:18 am
This is tough. I really like to have this. But 4 is a strong opening bid for a guy with only 9 strength.
So, I pass.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 25, 2013, 08:16:18 am
Could wait for Kuildeous, but the cheapest only thing he can sacrifice is a swordsman, which gives him the 4 strength he bid.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 25, 2013, 11:27:08 am
Played Age II Event

Play Karl Marx
Take Cavalrymen (2 CA)
Discover Cavalrymen (-6 Sci)
Build Cavalrymen (-4 Res)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 25, 2013, 02:29:20 pm
You've actually managed to get corruption. Want to do anything?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 25, 2013, 03:14:01 pm
I do, but not if I want to perform this action. So, let it be.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 25, 2013, 03:21:37 pm
Kuildeous scores 6 culture, 4 science, and produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 7 resources (9-2 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Military deck is reshuffled.

Cotton Gin discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age II
Turn: 14

Culture: 50 (+6)
Science: 10 (+4)
Strength: 17
Resources: 19
Food: 5
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 2
Military Cards: I: 2, II: 5

Culture: 84 (+4)
Science: 9 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 3
Food: 2
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3

Culture: 49 (+7)
Science: 6 (+8)
Strength: 10
Resources: 7
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 40 (+6)
Science: 12 (+6)
Strength: 22
Resources: 8
Food: 4
Civil Cards: I: 1, II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Herschell's Observatory (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Thomas Jefferson (II)
1 CA: Opera (II)
1 CA: Cannon (II)
1 CA: Work of Art (II)
2 CA: Cannon (II)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
2 CA: Revolutionary Idea (II)
2 CA: Scientific Method (II)
3 CA: Journalism (II)
3 CA: Breakthrough (II)
3 CA: Elizabeth I (II)
3 CA: Riflemen (II)
Civil Cards remaining: 2

Current Events: II: 2
Future Events: II: 4
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 23
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 25, 2013, 03:34:53 pm
Seed Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 25, 2013, 03:52:41 pm
Territory - Strategic Territory (II): Permanent: +4 strength. One time: 5 military cards

Galzria to bid first.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 25, 2013, 03:57:29 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 25, 2013, 03:58:59 pm
Bid 1
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 25, 2013, 04:38:47 pm
Bid 3
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 25, 2013, 11:13:12 pm
Bid 4
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 25, 2013, 11:37:08 pm
Too rich for me.  Pass.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 26, 2013, 04:12:54 am
Meh, it's a shame. Pass
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 26, 2013, 09:30:40 am
Pay with Swordsman again.

I think that is my number 1 export.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on March 26, 2013, 10:39:33 am
Take Jefferson
Elect Jefferson
Take Opera
Discover Opera
Take Work of Art
Discard Revolutionary Idea

Should add 4 pips to my mat, leaving me with 10 in my bank after production, correct?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 26, 2013, 10:47:27 am
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 26, 2013, 10:54:31 am
Galzria scores 4 culture, 4 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Herschell's Observatory discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Age II ends

Discards two age I bonus cards
Discards Mineral Deposits (I)
Cost to increase population increases (Monte Albán)
Loses two yellow tokens

Loses two yellow tokens

Loses two yellow tokens

Discards Swordsman
Loses two yellow tokens

Age III starts.

Card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age III
Turn: 14

Culture: 50 (+6)
Science: 10 (+4)
Strength: 16
Resources: 19
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 10

Culture: 88 (+4)
Science: 6 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 6
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 4
Military Cards: II: 5

Culture: 49 (+7)
Science: 6 (+8)
Strength: 10
Resources: 7
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 4

Culture: 40 (+6)
Science: 12 (+6)
Strength: 22
Resources: 8
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Cannon (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Cannon (II)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
1 CA: Scientific Method (II)
1 CA: Journalism (II)
2 CA: Breakthrough (II)
2 CA: Elizabeth I (II)
2 CA: Riflemen (II)
2 CA: Frugality (II)
3 CA: Selective Breeding (II)
3 CA: Credit Cards (III)
3 CA: Modern Infantry (III)
3 CA: Work of Art (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 52

Current Events: II: 1
Future Events: II: 5
Next event: Age
Military cards remaining: 45
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 26, 2013, 11:01:12 am

Kuildeous & Qvist: Open Borders agreement ends.

Event - Economic Progress (II): Each player's mines and farms produce immediately; do not ignore consumption & corruption

Kuildeous produces 2 (3-1 consumption) food and 5 resources (9-4 corruption).
Galzria produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 1 resources (3-2 corruption).
Kirian produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 5 resources (7-2 corruption).
Qvist produces 1 (4-3 consumption) food and 4 resources (6-2 corruption).
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 26, 2013, 11:04:22 am
Everyone has been sent what they seeded in the event deck.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 26, 2013, 11:26:52 am
Oh, Economic Progress is a nice surprise.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 26, 2013, 11:43:36 am
Increase Population (6 - 4 = 2 Food)
Discover Navigation (6 - 6 + 3 = 3 Sci, all others gain 1 Sci)
Disband Drama
Build Temple (12-1 = 11 Res)
Take Modern Infantry (3 CA)

Build Knights (11-3 = 8 Res)

...of course, Economic Progress isn't so hot when you don't have the people to build much.  In fact, I believe this is the point where I choose not to produce the extra 1 Resource in order to avoid 2 Corruption.

I guess not needing the extra CAs means being able to take useful cards for 3 CA though.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 26, 2013, 01:50:02 pm
Unfortunately, you don't have a Bronze mine to stop producing (ITA is not a bronze mine), which is all you're allowed to prevent producing. Does this affect your turn or is that okay?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 26, 2013, 02:46:42 pm
Alas, no; no workers or wonders available to build!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 26, 2013, 02:52:26 pm
Kirian scores 7 culture, 10 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 5 resources (7-2 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Cannon discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age III
Turn: 14

Culture: 50 (+6)
Science: 11 (+4)
Strength: 16
Resources: 24
Food: 7
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 10

Culture: 88 (+4)
Science: 7 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 7
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 4
Military Cards: II: 5

Culture: 58 (+7)
Science: 13 (+10)
Strength: 14
Resources: 13
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 3

Culture: 40 (+6)
Science: 13 (+6)
Strength: 22
Resources: 12
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Cannon (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
1 CA: Scientific Method (II)
1 CA: Journalism (II)
1 CA: Breakthrough (II)
2 CA: Elizabeth I (II)
2 CA: Riflemen (II)
2 CA: Frugality (II)
2 CA: Selective Breeding (II)
3 CA: Credit Cards (III)
3 CA: Modern Infantry (III)
3 CA: Work of Art (III)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 51

Current Events: II: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 42
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 26, 2013, 07:51:54 pm
Wait, how do I still have an unused worker?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 26, 2013, 09:13:28 pm
Hmm... I'm looking at an old version, you had 1 unused worker before this turn. You then increased pop, disbanded a Drama, and built a Temple and a Knights... that leaves you with 1 still.

Does this affect what you'd have done?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 26, 2013, 09:16:08 pm
Yes, it does... I'd have built another temple or warrior!  Probably the warrior, as it would have avoided the corruption.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 26, 2013, 09:44:00 pm
I think that's fine. I'll redo your military cards (it was start of the age, so no information given away). You were out of CAs anyway.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 26, 2013, 09:47:50 pm
Sounds good. Also, Modern Infantry should probably be in my hand and not in the card row.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 26, 2013, 10:15:36 pm
Oh, uh... wow, that was quite impressively mindless of me.

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age III
Turn: 14

Culture: 50 (+6)
Science: 11 (+4)
Strength: 16
Resources: 24
Food: 7
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 10

Culture: 88 (+4)
Science: 7 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 7
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 4
Military Cards: II: 5

Culture: 58 (+7)
Science: 13 (+10)
Strength: 17
Resources: 13
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 2, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 2

Culture: 40 (+6)
Science: 13 (+6)
Strength: 22
Resources: 12
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Cannon (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (II)
1 CA: Scientific Method (II)
1 CA: Journalism (II)
1 CA: Breakthrough (II)
2 CA: Elizabeth I (II)
2 CA: Riflemen (II)
2 CA: Frugality (II)
2 CA: Selective Breeding (II)
3 CA: Credit Cards (III)
3 CA: Work of Art (III)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
3 CA: Chuck Norris (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 50

Current Events: II: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 43
Link to the spreadsheet (

Watno... why Chuck Norris? This was meant to be a serious game, and you just throw a leader called Chuck Norris in. Sigh.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 26, 2013, 11:19:36 pm
Can I get a clarification on Credit Cards?  What is meant by "in the supply"?  Is that supposed to mean "for each empty space in your blue bank" or is it something else?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 27, 2013, 12:00:20 am
Every blue token not in your blue bank (slightly different to empty spaces - you can have more blue tokens than spaces for example). I'll change the wording.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 27, 2013, 08:02:12 pm
I Spy Kirian (again) sorry
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on March 27, 2013, 08:22:31 pm
Not this time, sorry.

+4 Defense

Total strength = 24 (with Lighthouse)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 27, 2013, 08:33:16 pm
1MA used. Qvist's turn.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 28, 2013, 04:49:11 am
Increase Population (5-4 = 1 Ressources)
Play Selective Breeding (13-5 = 8 Science)
Play Coal (8-7 = 1 Science)
Upgrade Farm (12-4 = 8 Ressources)
Upgrade Mine (8-3 = 5 Ressources)
Upgrade Mine (5-3 = 2 Ressources)
Take Efficient Upgrade
Save the extra CA for later

Draw 2 cards
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 28, 2013, 08:51:34 am
Play Age II Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 28, 2013, 03:54:37 pm
Qvist, it cost you 5 food to increase your population: Is that okay?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on March 28, 2013, 06:19:29 pm
Qvist, it cost you 5 food to increase your population: Is that okay?

Yep. Do it so.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 28, 2013, 06:47:28 pm
Qvist scores 6 culture, 6 science, and produces 3 (6-3 consumption) food, 8 resources (8-0 corruption) and one civil action. He then draws 2 military cards.

Cannon discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age III
Turn: 14

Culture: 50 (+6)
Science: 11 (+4)
Strength: 16
Resources: 24
Food: 7
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 10

Culture: 88 (+4)
Science: 7 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 7
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 4
Military Cards: II: 5

Culture: 58 (+7)
Science: 13 (+10)
Strength: 17
Resources: 13
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 2, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 2

Culture: 46 (+6)
Science: 7 (+6)
Strength: 22
Resources: 10
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 2

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Scientific Method (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Journalism (II)
1 CA: Breakthrough (II)
1 CA: Elizabeth I (II)
1 CA: Riflemen (II)
2 CA: Frugality (II)
2 CA: Selective Breeding (II)
2 CA: Credit Cards (III)
2 CA: Work of Art (III)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
3 CA: Chuck Norris (III)
3 CA: Reality TV (III)
3 CA: Rockets (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 48

Current Events: II: 6
Future Events: None
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 41
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on March 28, 2013, 10:55:16 pm
Play Age II Event

I wanna!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on March 29, 2013, 06:21:40 am
Ah sorry, yes.

Event - Popularization of Science (II): Each civilization scores culture = to its science rating

Kuildeous scores 4 culture
Galzria scores 4 culture
Kirian scores 10 culture
Qvist scores 6 culture
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 02, 2013, 11:27:56 am
Bump for Kuildeous
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 02, 2013, 11:48:21 am
Wha? My turn? Oops, I guess it is.

Played Event

Increase  population (-4 Food)
Take Selective Breeding (2 CA)
Take Breakthrough
Build Swordsman (-2 Res)

Bask in that horrible, horrible corruption. I'm so glad food is handled first.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 02, 2013, 11:58:39 am
Kuildeous scores 6 culture, 4 science, and produces 1 (3-2 consumption) food and 5 resources (9-4 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Scientific Method discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age III
Turn: 15

Culture: 62 (+6)
Science: 15 (+4)
Strength: 21
Resources: 27
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 4
Military Cards: II: 4, III: 3

Culture: 92 (+4)
Science: 7 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 7
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 4
Military Cards: II: 5

Culture: 68 (+7)
Science: 13 (+10)
Strength: 17
Resources: 13
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 2, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 2

Culture: 52 (+6)
Science: 7 (+6)
Strength: 22
Resources: 10
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 2

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Journalism (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Elizabeth I (II)
1 CA: Riflemen (II)
1 CA: Frugality (II)
1 CA: Credit Cards (III)
2 CA: Work of Art (III)
2 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
2 CA: Chuck Norris (III)
2 CA: Reality TV (III)
3 CA: Rockets (III)
3 CA: Multimedia (III)
3 CA: Bountiful Harvest (III)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 45

Current Events: II: 5
Future Events: II: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 38
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 03, 2013, 02:09:05 pm
Offer Pact "Promise of Military Protection (II): A: Produces +1 culture. B: Gets +5 strength and produces -1 culture" with Kirian. I'm A, Kirian is B
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 03, 2013, 03:37:48 pm
And here I assumed you would attack before I had the chance to build up.

No thanks.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 03, 2013, 03:42:59 pm
Offer Pact

Increase Population
Build Drama
Discover Justice System
Play Work of Art (II)
Take Work of Art (III) (2 CA)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 03, 2013, 04:23:37 pm
Play Age III Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 03, 2013, 04:39:24 pm
Galz, that leaves you with an uprising, do you really want to do that?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 03, 2013, 04:57:53 pm
Umm, does it increase my minimum happy to 4? Really? :( i thought the Drama would take care of it...
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 03, 2013, 04:58:39 pm
If that's indeed true, I'll need to rethink, cause that sucks and there's no easy fix.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 03, 2013, 05:00:39 pm
I'm not actually entirely sure how you got 2 happy faces down at once. I might need to check this.

Edit: Oh I see. You were at minimum before. End of age took you to one under, then you increased population - which means you needed a second one.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 03, 2013, 05:04:55 pm
Alright, well, I'm at lunch, so I'll look it over when I get the chance. Not seeing a physical board or similar implementation has left me scrambling.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 03, 2013, 05:09:01 pm
The only option I can see is to disband something.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 03, 2013, 05:16:20 pm
The only option I can see is to disband something.

Offhand, that sounds right. But I'm not sure what without looking. I'm already struggling with Resources, and... Will this cause me famine as well or no (down the line I suppose. If memory sevres I'll have 2 food left over? What's my consumption going to be?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 03, 2013, 05:25:05 pm
Consumption is 2, you have two Irrigation (2x2). You can disband without famine issue. Uh except the moment you increase population, your consumption increases to 3.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 03, 2013, 05:28:01 pm
Consumption is 2, you have two Irrigation (2x2). You can disband without famine issue. Uh except the moment you increase population, your consumption increases to 3.

That's what I thought.

Ok. At 7% battery. Gonna finish lunch and then look it over when I get back.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 03, 2013, 05:31:29 pm
I suspect you're either going to have to disband a mine or a lab.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 04, 2013, 12:58:59 am
Offer Pact

Disband Irrigation
Build Drama
Discover Justice System
Take Frugality
Take Work of Art (2 CA)

Alright. Where does this leave me? I didn't increase population, so my consumption should stay at 2 (covered), and my minimum happy shouldn't go up to 4 either, so 3 Drama should cover it.

That leaves me... 13 tokens in my blue bank? Oh, +3 from JS, so even after production I should be fine (3 Resources? Laaame).
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 04, 2013, 09:20:37 am
Galzria scores 6 culture, 4 science, and produces 0 (2-2 consumption) food and 3 resources (3-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Journalism discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age III
Turn: 15

Culture: 62 (+6)
Science: 15 (+4)
Strength: 21
Resources: 27
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 4
Military Cards: II: 4, III: 3

Culture: 98 (+6)
Science: 4 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 5
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 4, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 4, III: 3

Culture: 68 (+7)
Science: 13 (+10)
Strength: 17
Resources: 13
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 2, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 2

Culture: 52 (+6)
Science: 7 (+6)
Strength: 22
Resources: 10
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 2

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Elizabeth I (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Riflemen (II)
1 CA: Credit Cards (III)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
1 CA: Chuck Norris (III)
2 CA: Reality TV (III)
2 CA: Rockets (III)
2 CA: Multimedia (III)
2 CA: Bountiful Harvest (III)
3 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
3 CA: Efficient Upgrade (III)
3 CA: Multimedia (III)
3 CA: Tanks (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 42

Current Events: II: 5
Future Events: II: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 35
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 04, 2013, 09:41:21 am
Play Age III Event (as previously noted)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 04, 2013, 10:20:23 am
Territory - Wealthy Territory (II): Permanent: +3 blue tokens. One time: 8 resources

Kirian first
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 04, 2013, 10:27:55 am
Bid 5
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 05, 2013, 04:27:34 am
Bid 6
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 05, 2013, 01:26:47 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 05, 2013, 01:38:07 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 05, 2013, 03:36:46 pm
Bid 7
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 06, 2013, 12:05:26 pm
Really? You can have it.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 06, 2013, 02:45:39 pm
Pay with 1 Knight, 1 +2 Card, +3 Bonus

Actual moves coming shortly.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 06, 2013, 04:25:20 pm
Played Event

Increase Population (4-4 = 0 Food)
Discover Modern Infantry (13 -8 + 3 = 8 Sci left)
Build Religion (21 - 1 = 20 Res)

Disband Warrior

Discover Opera (8 - 7 + 3 = 4 Sci left)
Build Opera (20 - 7 = 13 Res left)
Take Bountiful Harvest

Upgrade Warrior x 2 to Modern Infantry x 2 (13 - 10 Res = 3 Res)


Correct me if I'm wrong, I believe this leaves me with:
20 Str
12 Sci rating
12 Culture rating
5 Happy faces
No corruption etc.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 06, 2013, 05:49:03 pm
All correct.

Kirian scores 12 culture, 12 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 7 resources (7-0 corruption). He then draws 1 military cards.

Elizabeth I discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age III
Turn: 15

Culture: 62 (+6)
Science: 17 (+4)
Strength: 21
Resources: 27
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 4
Military Cards: II: 4, III: 3

Culture: 98 (+6)
Science: 6 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 5
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 4, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 4, III: 3

Culture: 83 (+12)
Science: 4 (+12)
Strength: 20
Resources: 10
Food: 2
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 2

Culture: 52 (+6)
Science: 9 (+6)
Strength: 22
Resources: 10
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 2
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 2

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Riflemen (II) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Credit Cards (III)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
1 CA: Chuck Norris (III)
1 CA: Reality TV (III)
2 CA: Rockets (III)
2 CA: Multimedia (III)
2 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (III)
3 CA: Multimedia (III)
3 CA: Tanks (III)
3 CA: Rockets (III)
3 CA: Rockets (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 40

Current Events: II: 4
Future Events: II: 1, III: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 34
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 06, 2013, 07:46:42 pm
End Pact with Kirian

Take Multimedia for 2 CA
Play it (9-9 = 0 Science)
Play Efficient Upgrade on Library
Upgrade Library (10-3 = 7 Ressources)
Upgrade Mine (7-3 = 4 Ressources)
Upgrade Farm (4-4 = 0 Ressources)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 06, 2013, 07:58:19 pm
Qvist scores 8 culture, 8 science, and produces 4 (7-3 consumption) food, 9 resources (9-0 corruption) and one civil action. He then draws 2 military cards.

Riflemen discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age III
Turn: 16

Culture: 62 (+6)
Science: 17 (+4)
Strength: 21
Resources: 27
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 4
Military Cards: II: 4, III: 3

Culture: 98 (+6)
Science: 6 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 5
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 4, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 4, III: 3

Culture: 83 (+12)
Science: 4 (+12)
Strength: 20
Resources: 10
Food: 2
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 2

Culture: 60 (+8)
Science: 8 (+8)
Strength: 22
Resources: 9
Food: 7
Civil Cards: II: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Credit Cards (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
1 CA: Chuck Norris (III)
1 CA: Reality TV (III)
1 CA: Rockets (III)
2 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (III)
2 CA: Multimedia (III)
2 CA: Tanks (III)
3 CA: Rockets (III)
3 CA: Rockets (III)
3 CA: Professional Sports (III)
3 CA: Air Forces (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 38

Current Events: II: 4
Future Events: II: 1, III: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 32
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 06, 2013, 08:07:50 pm
Pass PA

Working on turn now.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 06, 2013, 08:09:41 pm
Am I correct in believing that if I increase population twice (via Frugality), my consumption goes up to 3? And it would cost me 9 Food to increase twice, leaving me with 0 in the bank, and an income of only 2?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 06, 2013, 08:13:03 pm
If you increase population ONCE your consumption goes up to 3. Either way two increases costs 9 food.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 06, 2013, 08:14:20 pm
If you increase population ONCE your consumption goes up to 3. Either way two increases costs 9 food.

Yes. Hmm...
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 06, 2013, 08:15:24 pm
No Corruption, even if I spend nothing?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 06, 2013, 08:16:21 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 06, 2013, 08:25:07 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 06, 2013, 08:37:08 pm
I just processed your turn before realising it's not even your turn. D'oh.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 06, 2013, 08:46:32 pm
............. >.>

No idea how I managed that. Whooops.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 06, 2013, 09:00:51 pm
I should stop just blindly going along with these things :P.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 07, 2013, 11:21:08 pm
Galzria is just really, really eager.

I find the mutually assured destruction situation here very interesting.  22, 22, 21, 20(23) for military is as close as I've ever seen it this late in the game.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 07, 2013, 11:24:49 pm
Also... shouldn't I have 16 Sci?  I should have produced some at the end of my turn...
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 08, 2013, 09:30:01 am
Seed event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 08, 2013, 05:20:38 pm
Age III event, so 3 culture scored.

Territory - Historic Territory (II): Permanent: +2 happy face. One time: 11 culture
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 09, 2013, 03:47:34 pm
Bid 4
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 09, 2013, 04:05:36 pm
Bid 5
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 09, 2013, 04:05:44 pm
Bid 8
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 09, 2013, 04:06:27 pm
Bid 5

Pfffft. Who's eager now?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 09, 2013, 04:07:15 pm
Kirian is just really, really eager.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 09, 2013, 04:08:40 pm
Bid 5

Pfffft. Who's eager now?

Lol.  Alas, I can't safely go to 9.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 09, 2013, 04:19:31 pm
Is that a pass?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 09, 2013, 04:20:55 pm
Is that a pass?

Yes, Pass
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 09, 2013, 04:33:10 pm
Bid 8

Are you insane? Although, this is really tempting and I don't want to let it give Galzria. But it's Kuildeous' turn and this means I potentially would have to deal with Aggressions. Uh, this is tough... Let me think...
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 09, 2013, 04:36:29 pm
This sucks. Pass
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 09, 2013, 04:43:51 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 09, 2013, 04:46:34 pm
Pay with 1 Rifleman, Age II and Age III bonus cards.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 09, 2013, 04:55:42 pm

Seeded Age III event

Take Reality TV (3 CA)
Play Breakthrough on Republic (-10 net Sci)
Build Wonder (-3 Res)
Build Wonder (-5 Res)
Build Wonder (-5 Res)

That’ll help my corruption issues. Turn my population into mindless zombies for a while so they can’t steal from me.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 09, 2013, 05:04:43 pm
4 Corruption still, that okay?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 09, 2013, 05:16:44 pm
At least it's not 6.

I feel like I've been pedaling futilely, though I'm in a decent third place right now, so it can't have been that bad.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 09, 2013, 05:26:27 pm
I'll take that as a yes.

Kuildeous scores 6 culture, 4 science, and produces 1 (3-2 consumption) food and 5 resources (9-4 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Credit Cards discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age III
Turn: 16

Culture: 71 (+6)
Science: 11 (+4)
Strength: 21
Resources: 23
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 4

Culture: 109 (+6)
Science: 6 (+4)
Strength: 10
Resources: 5
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 4, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 2

Culture: 83 (+12)
Science: 16 (+12)
Strength: 20
Resources: 10
Food: 2
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 2

Culture: 60 (+8)
Science: 8 (+8)
Strength: 22
Resources: 9
Food: 7
Civil Cards: II: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Chuck Norris (III)
1 CA: Rockets (III)
1 CA: Ideal Building Site (III)
1 CA: Efficient Upgrade (III)
2 CA: Multimedia (III)
2 CA: Tanks (III)
2 CA: Rockets (III)
2 CA: Rockets (III)
3 CA: Professional Sports (III)
3 CA: Air Forces (III)
3 CA: Mineral Deposits (III)
3 CA: Computers (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 36

Current Events: II: 3
Future Events: II: 1, III: 2
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 29
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 09, 2013, 05:29:34 pm
Hey look! It's my turn now!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 09, 2013, 05:30:30 pm
Pass PA
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 09, 2013, 05:39:05 pm
Pass PA

Play Patriotism
Take Efficient Upgrade
Take Ideal Building Site
Take Multimedia (2)

Build Riflemen
Discard Air Forces
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 09, 2013, 05:45:14 pm
You have a CA left. Want to use it?

Also, which Ideal Building Site?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 09, 2013, 05:46:14 pm
Also you hit your hand limit and can't take all of those cards.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 09, 2013, 05:48:07 pm
You have a CA left. Want to use it?

Also, which Ideal Building Site?

I suppose I do, don't I? I thought I only had 5.

Hmm... Well, I'm at my hand limit, correct? So I cannot take a second IBS (For the record: The one I take is the one that makes the game end sooner, while I'm still ahead (hopefully). :P ).

In that case... Play WoA (II)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 09, 2013, 05:51:10 pm
Actually, I may have exceeded my hand-limit before anyway, so I think I HAVE to play a card. :P

I should be left with:

Ideal Building Site (III)
Work of Art (III)
Efficient Upgrade (III)
Frugality (II)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 09, 2013, 05:54:48 pm
Galzria scores 6 culture, 4 science, and produces 0 (2-2 consumption) food and 4 resources (4-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Ideal Building Site discarded, card row refreshed (5 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age III
Turn: 16

Culture: 71 (+6)
Science: 11 (+4)
Strength: 21
Resources: 23
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 4

Culture: 119 (+6)
Science: 10 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 7
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 2, III: 4
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 83 (+12)
Science: 16 (+12)
Strength: 20
Resources: 10
Food: 2
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 2

Culture: 60 (+8)
Science: 8 (+8)
Strength: 22
Resources: 9
Food: 7
Civil Cards: II: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Chuck Norris (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Rockets (III)
1 CA: Tanks (III)
1 CA: Rockets (III)
1 CA: Rockets (III)
2 CA: Professional Sports (III)
2 CA: Mineral Deposits (III)
2 CA: Computers (III)
2 CA: Military Build-Up (III)
3 CA: Air Forces (III)
3 CA: Human Genome Project (III)
3 CA: Communism (III)
3 CA: Saint Nectarius Kephalas (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 31

Current Events: II: 3
Future Events: II: 1, III: 2
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 26
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 09, 2013, 07:43:14 pm
Pass PA

Take Rockets
(The one closest to being discarded)
Play Bountiful Harvest
Increase Population
Build Iron
(10 - 5 = 5 Res)
Upgrade Drama to Opera (5 - 3 = 2 Res)
Take Military Build-Up (2 CA)

No MA used
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 09, 2013, 08:19:24 pm
Kirian scores 13 culture, 12 science, and produces 1 (4-3 consumption) food and 8 resources (8-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Chuck Norris discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age III
Turn: 16

Culture: 71 (+6)
Science: 11 (+4)
Strength: 21
Resources: 23
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 4

Culture: 119 (+6)
Science: 10 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 7
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 2, III: 4
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 96 (+13)
Science: 28 (+12)
Strength: 20
Resources: 10
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 2
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 60 (+8)
Science: 8 (+8)
Strength: 22
Resources: 9
Food: 7
Civil Cards: II: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 3

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Tanks (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Rockets (III)
1 CA: Rockets (III)
1 CA: Professional Sports (III)
1 CA: Mineral Deposits (III)
2 CA: Computers (III)
2 CA: Air Forces (III)
2 CA: Human Genome Project (III)
2 CA: Communism (III)
3 CA: Saint Nectarius Kephalas (III)
3 CA: Richard Nixon (III)
3 CA: Computers (III)
3 CA: Military Theory (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 28

Current Events: II: 3
Future Events: II: 1, III: 2
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 23
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 10, 2013, 09:39:45 am
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 10, 2013, 09:41:50 am
Event - Refugees (II): Weakest civilization loses 3 culture and 1 pop; strongest gains 3 culture and 1 pop

Kirian loses 3 culture and 1 pop - Kirian, please disband something.
Qvist gains 3 culture and 1 pop
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 10, 2013, 09:46:41 am
Civil Cards remaining: 28

Is this correct? Because the next age is still Age II there?  :P
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 10, 2013, 09:47:28 am

Disband Alchemy

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 10, 2013, 09:48:12 am
Civil Cards remaining: 28

Is this correct? Because the next age is still Age II there?  :P

Events do weird things.  Most of the Age II events happen in Age III.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 10, 2013, 09:51:02 am
Sorry, I misread the line. I thought it said: "Next age: Age II" while it was "Next event: Age II"
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 10, 2013, 09:58:14 am
1: Increase Population (7-5 = 2 Food)
2: Take Mineral Deposits
3+4: Take Air Forces
Return 3 CAs from William Pitt: Take Richard Nixon
5: Play Strategy (8-8 = 0 Science)
6: Build Wonder (9-2 = 7 Ressources)
7: Play Richard Nixon

No Corruption ?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 10, 2013, 10:05:47 am
Qvist scores 8 culture, 8 science, and produces 4 (7-3 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Tanks discarded, card row refreshed (4 cards)

Current Player: Kuideous
It is currently age III
Turn: 17

Culture: 71 (+6)
Science: 11 (+4)
Strength: 21
Resources: 23
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 3
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 4

Culture: 119 (+6)
Science: 10 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 7
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 2, III: 4
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 93 (+13)
Science: 28 (+10)
Strength: 20
Resources: 10
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 2
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 74 (+8)
Science: 8 (+8)
Strength: 28
Resources: 17
Food: 6
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Rockets (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Rockets (III)
1 CA: Professional Sports (III)
1 CA: Computers (III)
1 CA: Human Genome Project (III)
2 CA: Communism (III)
2 CA: Saint Nectarius Kephalas (III)
2 CA: Computers (III)
2 CA: Military Theory (III)
3 CA: Fundamentalism (III)
3 CA: Oil (III)
3 CA: Satellites (III)
3 CA: Mechanized Agriculture (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 24

Current Events: II: 3
Future Events: II: 1, III: 3
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 20
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 10, 2013, 10:33:09 am
Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 10, 2013, 10:37:49 am
Event - Crime Wave (II): 2 weakest civilizations lose 3 culture and 1 blue token

Kuildeous and Kirian lose the above.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 10, 2013, 10:44:59 am
Played Age III event

Discover Selective Breeding (-5 Sci)
Upgrade Farm (-4 Res, +2 Str)
Upgrade Farm (-4 Res, +2 Str)
Discover Organized Religion (-4 Sci)
Increase Population (-5 Food)
Build Organized Religion (-7 Res)
Upgrade Temple (-4 Res)

I think I'm still safe from corruption, even with the crime wave, but I'll accept it if it still happens. No time to calculate it ahead of time, but I know these are the steps I wish to take.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 10, 2013, 10:46:28 am
Man, these events are beating me up!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 10, 2013, 10:48:09 am
Man, these events are beating me up!

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 10, 2013, 10:53:16 am
Yes, no corruption (just).

Kuildeous scores 7 culture, 4 science, and produces 5 (7-2 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Rockets discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age III
Turn: 17

Culture: 78 (+7)
Science: 6 (+4)
Strength: 25
Resources: 13
Food: 5
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 4

Culture: 119 (+6)
Science: 10 (+4)
Strength: 22
Resources: 7
Food: 6
Civil Cards: II: 2, III: 4
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 90 (+13)
Science: 28 (+10)
Strength: 20
Resources: 10
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 2
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 74 (+8)
Science: 8 (+8)
Strength: 28
Resources: 17
Food: 6
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Rockets (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Professional Sports (III)
1 CA: Computers (III)
1 CA: Human Genome Project (III)
1 CA: Communism (III)
2 CA: Saint Nectarius Kephalas (III)
2 CA: Computers (III)
2 CA: Military Theory (III)
2 CA: Fundamentalism (III)
3 CA: Oil (III)
3 CA: Satellites (III)
3 CA: Mechanized Agriculture (III)
3 CA: Engineering (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 24

Current Events: II: 1
Future Events: II: 1, III: 4
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 17
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 10, 2013, 11:03:38 am
Pass PA

Discover Multimedia
Play Frugality
Play IBS, Building Multimedia
Play Efficient Upgrade (Drama -> Opera)
Take Computers (1 CA)
Play Work of Art

Discard Nectarius
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 10, 2013, 07:31:47 pm
Galzria scores 10 culture, 7 science, and produces -1 (2-3 consumption) food and 4 resources (4-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Rockets discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age III
Turn: 17

Culture: 78 (+7)
Science: 6 (+4)
Strength: 25
Resources: 13
Food: 5
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 4

Culture: 132 (+10)
Science: 8 (+7)
Strength: 22
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 6

Culture: 90 (+13)
Science: 28 (+10)
Strength: 20
Resources: 10
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 2
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 74 (+8)
Science: 8 (+8)
Strength: 28
Resources: 17
Food: 6
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Professional Sports (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Human Genome Project (III)
1 CA: Communism (III)
1 CA: Computers (III)
1 CA: Military Theory (III)
2 CA: Fundamentalism (III)
2 CA: Oil (III)
2 CA: Satellites (III)
2 CA: Mechanized Agriculture (III)
3 CA: Engineering (III)
3 CA: Military Theory (III)
3 CA: Donald X. Vaccarinio (III)
3 CA: Steve Jobs (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 21

Current Events: II: 1
Future Events: II: 1, III: 4
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 14
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 10, 2013, 07:33:42 pm
As you just updated this Tables and the chat at BGO doesn't alert anyone, can you or anyone else answer me this:

Assume, I have only one spot open in my Population Track. Inhabited Territory (I) gives me +1 Pop and +2 Yellow Tokens.
I would need to have at least sacrifice a Unit and then gain again +1 Population what leaves me again with 1 open spot, but then I get 2 Yellow Tokens.
Do I lose the one extra token that doesn't fit?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 10, 2013, 07:36:12 pm
As you just updated this Tables and the chat at BGO doesn't alert anyone, can you or anyone else answer me this:

Assume, I have only one spot open in my Population Track. Inhabited Territory (I) gives me +1 Pop and +2 Yellow Tokens.
I would need to have at least sacrifice a Unit and then gain again +1 Population what leaves me again with 1 open spot, but then I get 2 Yellow Tokens.
Do I lose the one extra token that doesn't fit?

I believe the answer is no, it just doesn't show up.

That just happened to me in the peace game--I increased my population and no yellows disappeared.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 10, 2013, 07:36:20 pm
Your yellow bank continues indefinitely to the right with extra tokens. They're all considered to be in the 2F/0 consumption section.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 10, 2013, 07:38:11 pm
Yep. I've had upwards of 6-7 Yellow tokens at the "2" cost range, which let me tell you, suuuuuucks, as you're not consuming ANYTHING.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 10, 2013, 07:39:01 pm
Seed Age III Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 10, 2013, 07:39:40 pm
Thanks and sorry for interrupting.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 10, 2013, 07:57:40 pm
Territory - Inhabited Territory (II): Permanent: +3 yellow tokens. One time: Increase 2 population

Anyone want to try and reach the 0 consumption space on their board with this (not that it's actually possible... although actually people can come close if the throw their entire military at it)?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 10, 2013, 08:01:37 pm
Bid 7
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 10, 2013, 08:02:03 pm
And I'm in a car for the next ~3 hours, so... I won't be posting until then, sorry.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 10, 2013, 08:02:18 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 10, 2013, 08:04:37 pm
Ugh, I looked at the wrong hand. If I'm allowed to change, I like to Bid 9
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 11, 2013, 03:24:06 am
I don't see an issue with it.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 11, 2013, 08:35:02 am
Bid 10
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 11, 2013, 11:14:44 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 11, 2013, 11:57:38 am
Ay yi yi

Bid 12
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 11, 2013, 01:38:56 pm
oh my! Pass
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 11, 2013, 02:18:10 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 11, 2013, 03:17:50 pm
Pay with Mod Inf, Knight, +3 (Nav) (makes me weakest military)

Rest coming in a moment
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 11, 2013, 03:28:48 pm
Take Military Theory
Play Military Build-Up (+9 Res for Mil)
Discover Military Theory (28 - 12 + 3 = 19 Sci left)
Discover Rockets (19 - 10 + 3 = 12 Sci left)

Build Rockets (10(+9) - 7 = 10(+2) Res)
Build Rockets (10(+2) - 7 = 5 Res)
Adopt Entrenchments (+9 Str)
Disband Knights

Build Iron (5 - 5 = 0 Res)
Take Fundamentalism (2 CA)

And draw 3 cards.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 11, 2013, 03:35:49 pm
(I was going to have to disband some units anyway to make everything work this turn; I figured I'd get some use out of them first since the chance came up at just the right time.)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 11, 2013, 04:05:17 pm
Kirian scores 13 culture, 10 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 10 resources (10-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Professional Sports discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age III
Turn: 17

Culture: 78 (+7)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 25
Resources: 13
Food: 5
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 4

Culture: 132 (+10)
Science: 10 (+7)
Strength: 22
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 6

Culture: 106 (+13)
Science: 22 (+10)
Strength: 21
Resources: 10
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 5

Culture: 74 (+8)
Science: 10 (+8)
Strength: 28
Resources: 17
Food: 6
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Human Genome Project (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Communism (III)
1 CA: Computers (III)
1 CA: Oil (III)
1 CA: Satellites (III)
2 CA: Mechanized Agriculture (III)
2 CA: Engineering (III)
2 CA: Military Theory (III)
2 CA: Donald X. Vaccarinio (III)
3 CA: Steve Jobs (III)
3 CA: Mechanized Agriculture (III)
3 CA: Engineering Genius (III)
3 CA: Democracy (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 18

Current Events: II: 1, III: 5
Future Events: None
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 11
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 11, 2013, 04:09:40 pm
My Strength should be 5 + 10 + 9 + 5 + 2 = 31.  I think you didn't carry a one...
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 11, 2013, 04:32:49 pm
Whoops, your Rockets weren't counting.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 11, 2013, 05:49:42 pm
Offer Pact to Kuildeous: Military Pact (III): A & B both get +4 strength; ends if one attacks the other
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 12, 2013, 08:06:26 am
Richard Nixon and Karl Marx in a military alliance? Nothing bad could happen here.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 12, 2013, 04:18:22 pm
Richard Nixon and Karl Marx in a military alliance? Nothing bad could happen here.



Take Engineering (2 CA)
Play Engineering (10 - 9 = 1 Science)
Build Wonder (17-10 = 7 Ressources)
Build Organized Religion (7-5 = 2 Ressources)
Take Military Theory

Build Knights (2-1 = 1 Ressource)
Draw 3 Cards

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 12, 2013, 05:09:52 pm
Qvist scores 11 culture, 11 science, and produces 4 (7-3 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Human Genome Project discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age III
Turn: 18

Culture: 78 (+7)
Science: 8 (+4)
Strength: 29
Resources: 13
Food: 5
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: II: 3, III: 4

Culture: 132 (+10)
Science: 10 (+7)
Strength: 22
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 6

Culture: 106 (+13)
Science: 22 (+10)
Strength: 31
Resources: 10
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 5

Culture: 85 (+11)
Science: 12 (+11)
Strength: 34
Resources: 10
Food: 10
Civil Cards: III: 3
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Communism (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Computers (III)
1 CA: Oil (III)
1 CA: Satellites (III)
1 CA: Mechanized Agriculture (III)
2 CA: Donald X. Vaccarinio (III)
2 CA: Steve Jobs (III)
2 CA: Mechanized Agriculture (III)
2 CA: Engineering Genius (III)
3 CA: Democracy (III)
3 CA: Patriotism (III)
3 CA: Democracy (III)
3 CA: Modern Infantry (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 15

Current Events: II: 1, III: 5
Future Events: None
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 8
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 12, 2013, 05:10:50 pm
There is only one I in Vaccarino.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 12, 2013, 05:12:16 pm
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 14, 2013, 08:18:37 pm
Play Age III event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 14, 2013, 08:39:20 pm
Event - Emigration (II): Each civilization loses half of its uncontent workers, rounded up (return to yellow bank)

Nothing happens.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 14, 2013, 08:53:57 pm
Seeded event

Take Mechanized Agriculture (1 CA)
Increase Population (-5 Food)
Discover Mechanized Agriculture (-7 Sci)
Upgrade farm (-2 Res)
Upgrade farm (-2 Res)
Build Journalism (-8 Res)
Take Satellites

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 14, 2013, 08:57:39 pm
Event - Emigration (II): Each civilization loses half of its uncontent workers, rounded up (return to yellow bank)

Nothing happens.

That was anticlimactic.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 14, 2013, 08:59:24 pm
I suppose I could have hoped it came out when Age IV begins. That could have been mildly amusing, but I'd rather have the 3 Culture.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 14, 2013, 10:22:01 pm
Kuildeous scores 9 culture, 6 science, and produces 9 (11-2 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Communism discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age III
Turn: 18

Culture: 90 (+9)
Science: 7 (+6)
Strength: 31
Resources: 12
Food: 9
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 132 (+10)
Science: 10 (+7)
Strength: 22
Resources: 4
Food: 4
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 6

Culture: 106 (+13)
Science: 22 (+10)
Strength: 31
Resources: 10
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 5

Culture: 85 (+11)
Science: 12 (+11)
Strength: 34
Resources: 10
Food: 10
Civil Cards: III: 3
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Computers (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Oil (III)
1 CA: Donald X. Vaccarino (III)
1 CA: Steve Jobs (III)
1 CA: Mechanized Agriculture (III)
2 CA: Engineering Genius (III)
2 CA: Democracy (III)
2 CA: Patriotism (III)
2 CA: Democracy (III)
3 CA: Modern Infantry (III)
3 CA: Air Forces (III)
3 CA: Norman Borlaug (III)
3 CA: Professional Sports (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 12

Current Events: II: 1, III: 5
Future Events: III: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 5
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 14, 2013, 11:04:50 pm
Pass PA

Destroy Donald X.
(sorry mate)
Take Steve Jobs
Play Steve Jobs
Upgrade Drama -> Opera
Take Democracy (2)
Take Mechanized Agriculture

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 14, 2013, 11:23:54 pm
Destroy Donald X.[/b] (sorry mate)

Poor Donald, we hardly knew you.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 15, 2013, 08:30:57 am
Galzria scores 14 culture, 7 science, and produces -1 (2-3 consumption) food and 2 resources (2-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Computers discarded, card row refreshed (5 cards)

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age III
Turn: 18

Culture: 90 (+9)
Science: 7 (+6)
Strength: 31
Resources: 12
Food: 9
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 146 (+14)
Science: 17 (+7)
Strength: 22
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 3
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 106 (+13)
Science: 22 (+10)
Strength: 31
Resources: 10
Food: 5
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 5

Culture: 85 (+11)
Science: 12 (+11)
Strength: 34
Resources: 10
Food: 10
Civil Cards: III: 3
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Oil (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (III)
1 CA: Patriotism (III)
1 CA: Democracy (III)
1 CA: Modern Infantry (III)
2 CA: Air Forces (III)
2 CA: Norman Borlaug (III)
2 CA: Professional Sports (III)
2 CA: Revolutionary Idea (III)
3 CA: Movies (III)
3 CA: Olympic Games (III)
3 CA: Movies (III)
3 CA: Tanks (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 7

Current Events: II: 1, III: 5
Future Events: III: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 2
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 15, 2013, 09:03:41 am
Declare War Over Culture on Galzria  (3 MA, this was inevitable, right?)

Take Air Forces (2 CA)
Discover Air Forces (22 - 11 + 3 = 14 Sci)
Increase Population (5 - 4 = 1 Food)
Discover Cavalrymen (14 - 6 + 3 = 11 Sci)

Build Air Forces (10 - 7 = 3 Res)

And I'm out of things I want to do.  That puts me at 45 Str, right?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 15, 2013, 09:41:27 am
Kirian scores 13 culture, 10 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 10 resources (10-0 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards. Military deck reshuffled

Oil discarded, card row refreshed (2 cards)

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age III
Turn: 18

Culture: 90 (+9)
Science: 9 (+6)
Strength: 31
Resources: 12
Food: 9
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 146 (+14)
Science: 19 (+7)
Strength: 22
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 3
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 119 (+13)
Science: 21 (+10)
Strength: 45
Resources: 13
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 7

Culture: 85 (+11)
Science: 14 (+11)
Strength: 34
Resources: 10
Food: 10
Civil Cards: III: 3
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Engineering Genius (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Patriotism (III)
1 CA: Democracy (III)
1 CA: Modern Infantry (III)
1 CA: Norman Borlaug (III)
2 CA: Professional Sports (III)
2 CA: Revolutionary Idea (III)
2 CA: Movies (III)
2 CA: Olympic Games (III)
3 CA: Movies (III)
3 CA: Tanks (III)
3 CA: Oil (III)
3 CA: Engineering (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 5

Current Events: II: 1, III: 5
Future Events: III: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 11
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 15, 2013, 10:12:55 am
I attack Galzria and play Plunder (III): 2 MP. If victorious: Rival: Loses 8 resources/food. Aggressor: Produces same amount
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 15, 2013, 10:32:25 am
Serves you right for being competent and stuff, Galz.

I'm going to look pretty silly if I don't play an attack on my turn. I mean, all the cool kids are doing it.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 15, 2013, 10:43:34 am
Serves you right for being competent and stuff, Galz.

I'm going to look pretty silly if I don't play an attack on my turn. I mean, all the cool kids are doing it.

Well, having a commanding lead for most of the game, then leaving oneself with a weak military and no resources... is kinda asking to be hit.  I'm surprised neither of you had done so yet (I wasn't in position to, quite yet).  I mean, he's been leading since turn (I had to look this up) 2.  Literally the whole game.

Also, I'm triply surprised Galzria didn't knock Air Forces out of the card row.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 16, 2013, 01:23:03 am
Unless Qvist takes 5 cards here... There will be 2 more rounds.

I could Kingmake Kirian by sacrificing here... And if I don't I face Famine over future turns.

Blargh. Getting stuck on Bronze truly sucked.


Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 16, 2013, 01:28:38 am
Screw it.

Sacrifice everything.

I think I'll still end higher this way. If I don't, I'll get slammed by Famine, and still have to face this war. And I'll have no real way to fix my issues for the following round. At least this way I can still make Culture over the last two rounds.

Of course, this all assumes that I don't get hit by anything else too terrible.  :-[
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 16, 2013, 01:29:04 am
Still, congratulations to Kirian.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 09:04:44 am
Oh my. Didn't see that coming.

Galzria defends (41 vs. 34).

Qvist I need two discards.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 16, 2013, 09:22:32 am
Oh my. Didn't see that coming.

As he noted, it's either that or famine.

That said, looking at things, I'm trying to figure out how he's gotten all this stuff built with only 2 Bronze miners.  Did you disband 2 of them at some point?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 09:34:38 am
He had 3 mines for a bit, he's been using a lot of actions cards, and he had a leader giving 2 extra resources per turn for most of age II and half of age III.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 16, 2013, 09:40:44 am
Oh, I think I missed where Jefferson produced resources.  Apparently I can't read.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 16, 2013, 10:58:36 am
Screw it.

Sacrifice everything.

You're so mean to me. Not only in Ground Floor, now here too. Ok, in Ground Floor it wasn't your fault. But here it is. Let's see what I do here because I expected to get the ressources.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 16, 2013, 11:06:54 am
Take Professional Sports
Take Olympic Games
Build 4 stages of Olympic Games (-10 Ressources)

Draw 3 cards
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 12:53:03 pm
Two corruption, okay?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 16, 2013, 12:59:16 pm
Two corruption, okay?

Ah, I guess I forgot to substract the Ressource markers on the Wonder itself. But I can't see anything better, so that's ok, yeah.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 01:15:48 pm
Qvist scores 11 culture, 11 science, and produces 4 (7-3 consumption) food and 7 resources (9-2 corruption). He then draws 3 military cards.

Engineering Genius discarded, card row refreshed (3 cards)

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age III
Turn: 19

Culture: 90 (+9)
Science: 9 (+6)
Strength: 31
Resources: 12
Food: 9
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: II: 2, III: 5

Culture: 146 (+14)
Science: 19 (+7)
Strength: 3
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: II: 1, III: 3
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 119 (+13)
Science: 21 (+10)
Strength: 45
Resources: 13
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: II: 1, III: 7

Culture: 96 (+11)
Science: 25 (+11)
Strength: 34
Resources: 7
Food: 15
Civil Cards: III: 4
Military Cards: III: 7

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Patriotism (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Democracy (III)
1 CA: Modern Infantry (III)
1 CA: Norman Borlaug (III)
1 CA: Revolutionary Idea (III)
2 CA: Movies (III)
2 CA: Movies (III)
2 CA: Tanks (III)
2 CA: Oil (III)
3 CA: Engineering (III)
3 CA: Efficient Upgrade (III)
3 CA: Civil Service (III)
3 CA: Endowment for the Arts (III)
Civil Cards remaining: 1

Current Events: II: 1, III: 5
Future Events: III: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 8
Link to the spreadsheet (

Note: There was a mistake in the count of remaining civil cards. I doubt it would have affected anything if the number difference were known in advance (it might affect Kuildeous' next turn, but he wouldn't have had any idea of card count before it).
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 16, 2013, 01:20:38 pm
I concede defeat.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 16, 2013, 01:21:37 pm

I concede defeat.

Oh wait, he hasn't attacked yet?

Well, let's just say my gates are always open. Come on in! (Aren't I a nice guy?)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 16, 2013, 01:56:33 pm
Sure, I'll play Spy on Galzria. I wish I had something cooler, like War over Culture, but, alas.

Take Norman Borlaug.
Elect Norman Borlaug.
Increase population (-5 Food)
Take Endowment for the Arts (3 CA)
Build Mechanized Agriculture (-8 Res)

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 02:41:30 pm
The attack succeeds.

Kuildeous, that leaves you with 2 Corruption, is that okay?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 16, 2013, 02:55:57 pm
Does it? Let me evaluate real quick.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 02:58:50 pm
The spreadsheet is updated showing everything after corruption.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 16, 2013, 03:04:05 pm
That's okay, I recall roughly where I was. Considering what I'm trying to do, I'll have to let the corruption happen. Thanks.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 03:24:29 pm
Kuildeous scores 12 culture, 6 science, and produces 17 (19-2 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption). He then draws 2 military cards.

Patriotism discarded, card row refreshed (1 card)

Age III ends

Consumption decreases (Monte Alban)
Loses two yellow tokens

Discards Coal
Loses two yellow tokens

Discards Bonus (II)
Loses two yellow tokens

Loses two yellow tokens

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age IV
Turn: 19

Culture: 102 (+12)
Science: 20 (+6)
Strength: 21
Resources: 11
Food: 21
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: III: 6

Culture: 146 (+14)
Science: 14 (+7)
Strength: 3
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 3
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 119 (+13)
Science: 21 (+10)
Strength: 45
Resources: 13
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 96 (+11)
Science: 25 (+11)
Strength: 34
Resources: 7
Food: 15
Civil Cards: III: 4
Military Cards: III: 7

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Democracy (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Modern Infantry (III)
1 CA: Revolutionary Idea (III)
1 CA: Movies (III)
1 CA: Movies (III)
2 CA: Tanks (III)
2 CA: Oil (III)
2 CA: Engineering (III)
2 CA: Efficient Upgrade (III)
3 CA: Civil Service (III)
3 CA: Mineral Deposits (III)
3 CA:
3 CA:
Civil Cards remaining: 0

Current Events: II: 1, III: 5
Future Events: III: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 0
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 16, 2013, 03:27:56 pm
Minor point (since there's no culture involved), but I believe Ben Franklin dies.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 03:28:24 pm
No idea how I missed that, I checked the other three leaders...
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 16, 2013, 03:36:54 pm
Offer Peace Treaty to Qvist:

When that gets declined...:

Take Mineral Deposits (3)
Take Efficient Upgrade (2)
Take Revolutionary Idea

Get Ass kicked by Kirian.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 16, 2013, 03:40:40 pm
Huh, didn't consider that Age IV would change the cost of workers back to normal. As written, that makes sense. I suppose it should have followed the Age III penalty, but it shouldn't matter much on my turn.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 16, 2013, 10:51:13 pm
Offer Peace Treaty to Qvist:

Actually I think I have to accept. No, wait. This is the last turn, right?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 11:28:28 pm
This is not the last turn.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 16, 2013, 11:31:14 pm
Oh yeah. I just noticed that on my own. I somehow confused it.
Then I decline, of course.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 16, 2013, 11:39:17 pm
Galzria scores 14 culture, 7 science, and produces 0 (2-2 consumption) food and 2 resources (2-0 corruption).

Democracy discarded, card row updated.

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age IV
Turn: 19

Culture: 102 (+12)
Science: 20 (+6)
Strength: 21
Resources: 11
Food: 21
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: III: 6

Culture: 160 (+14)
Science: 21 (+7)
Strength: 3
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 6
Military Cards: III: 4

Culture: 119 (+13)
Science: 21 (+8)
Strength: 45
Resources: 13
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 96 (+11)
Science: 25 (+11)
Strength: 34
Resources: 7
Food: 15
Civil Cards: III: 4
Military Cards: III: 7

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Modern Infantry (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Movies (III)
1 CA: Movies (III)
1 CA: Tanks (III)
1 CA: Oil (III)
2 CA: Engineering (III)
2 CA: Civil Service (III)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
Civil Cards remaining: 0

Current Events: II: 1, III: 5
Future Events: III: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 0
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 17, 2013, 12:35:08 am
OK, I can't believe I'm going to do this, but after careful thought I believe it's my best option even in a worst-case scenario.  Maybe one of you will prove me wrong.

Sacrifice Everything

Galzria has nothing to sacrifice; that puts me at 83 Str total, for 80 Culture swing both ways.  There's one for the record books.

Increase Population (3 - 3 = 0 Food -- sacrificing 4 units puts me at 13 in my yellow bank, for a next-worker cost of 3.)
Discover Fundamentalism (21 - 19 = 2 Sci)
Disband Alchemy
Build Religion (13 - 1 = 12 Res)
Take Civil Service (2 CA)
Take Tanks

Build Mod Infantry (12 - 7 = 5 Res)

Fundamentalists with 4 Stone-Age churches producing Science.  Something is wrong here.

This should put me at:
214 (+15) Culture, 10 (+8) Sci, 17 Str, 15 Res, 2 Food, and no corruption.  Correct?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 17, 2013, 12:42:11 am
You need to take your PA after war resolves.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 17, 2013, 12:45:42 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 17, 2013, 12:56:42 am
Oh, sorry... I will Pass PA because of that.  I don't have enough cards in hand to need to discard, though I draw 3 still I believe.

I'll explain my other option for the turn after we're done... because it was about as cool and annoying.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 17, 2013, 01:01:51 am
I was expecting war chains, honestly.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 17, 2013, 01:12:00 am
I was expecting war chains, honestly.

Honestly, I assumed anyone else I would declare war on would simply bow out rather than face a maxed army (yes, it was a possibility) and hand me 30 more culture.  Attacking Galzria again would have certainly caused him to bow out.  And attacking you, Qvist, would only have net me about 10-15 Culture depending on whether you went all-out... you could easily get to 49 Str.

All the worst-case scenarios of the two of you having wars and agressions still boiled down to this being likely the best option for getting another 38 culture.

(Yes, I could have gotten to 61 Str if I hadn't done all the sacrificing.  I nearly did that instead.)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 17, 2013, 01:24:16 am
Man, 2 nations with open borders, a big army waiting for a war or at least an Aggression. But my Government doesn't give me the opportunity. Grr.

Play Event
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 17, 2013, 09:01:11 am
Kirian scores 15 culture, 8 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 10 resources (10-0 corruption).

Modern Infantry discarded, card row updated.

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age IV
Turn: 19

Culture: 102 (+12)
Science: 20 (+6)
Strength: 21
Resources: 11
Food: 21
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: III: 6

Culture: 80 (+14)
Science: 21 (+7)
Strength: 3
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 6
Military Cards: III: 4

Culture: 214 (+15)
Science: 10 (+8)
Strength: 17
Resources: 17
Food: 2
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 96 (+11)
Science: 25 (+11)
Strength: 34
Resources: 7
Food: 15
Civil Cards: III: 4
Military Cards: III: 7

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Movies (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Movies (III)
1 CA: Oil (III)
1 CA: Engineering (III)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
Civil Cards remaining: 0

Current Events: II: 1, III: 5
Future Events: III: 1
Next event: Age II
Military cards remaining: 0
Link to the spreadsheet (
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 17, 2013, 09:03:10 am
Ah, whoops, I didn't update the current events, so next event is an age III one. Still want to play that event Qvist?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 17, 2013, 07:04:39 pm
Ah, whoops, I didn't update the current events, so next event is an age III one. Still want to play that event Qvist?

Yeah, go ahead.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 17, 2013, 07:14:23 pm
Event - Impact of Wonders (III): Each civilization scores culture for its wonders: 5 for age A, 4 for age I, 3 for age II, 2 for age III

Kuildeous scores 9 culture
Galzria scores 0 culture
Kirian scores 8 culture
Qvist scores 8 culture
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 17, 2013, 09:07:40 pm
Play Professional Sports (25-7 = 18 Science)
Build Professional Sports Arena (7-5 = 2 Ressources)
Play Military Theory (18-12 = 6 Science)
Increase Population (15-7 = 8 Food)
Play Mineral Deposits (2+4 = 6 Ressources)
Build Professional Sports Arena (6-5 = 1 Ressource)
Increase Population (8-7 = 1 Food)

Draw 3 cards
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 17, 2013, 09:09:06 pm
In considered taking a Scout from the row.  :P
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 17, 2013, 09:17:30 pm
Draw no cards (age IV).

Qvist scores 11 culture, 11 science, and produces 3 (7-4 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption).

Movies discarded, card row got scouted.

Current Player: Kuildeous
It is currently age IV
Turn: Final

Culture: 111 (+12)
Science: 20 (+6)
Strength: 21
Resources: 11
Food: 21
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: III: 6

Culture: 80 (+14)
Science: 21 (+7)
Strength: 3
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 6
Military Cards: III: 4

Culture: 222 (+15)
Science: 10 (+8)
Strength: 17
Resources: 17
Food: 2
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 115 (+11)
Science: 17 (+11)
Strength: 42
Resources: 10
Food: 4
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: III: 6

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Movies (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Oil (III)
1 CA: Engineering (III)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
Civil Cards remaining: 0

Current Events: III: 4
Future Events: III: 2
Next event: Age III
Military cards remaining: 0
Link to the spreadsheet (
It is now the final turn. Units may not be sacrified
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 17, 2013, 09:18:25 pm
In considered taking a Scout from the row.  :P

Don't be silly: "While this is on the card row, no Scout may be taken." It's right there, on one of the scouts. This is a serious game, Qvist, please take these things seriously.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 18, 2013, 08:44:58 am
Play Raid on Galzria

If successful, destroy his two Operas for 9 Resources.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 18, 2013, 10:34:36 am
I'll go ahead and continue my turn. It is unlikely that Galzria has three defense cards in his hand, but I'll revise my plan in case he does and wishes to thwart me.

Played Raid

Play Endowment for the Arts for 6 Culture
Increase population (-5 Food)
Increase population (-6 Food)
Build Mechanized Agriculture (-8 Res)
Build Mechanized Agriculture (-8 Res)
Build Wonder for 14 Culture (-3 Res)
Discover Satellites (-8 Sci)

Despite all this, I think I may have avoided corruption, but if I'm wrong, allow corruption to happen. We have reality TV. Judge Judy will sort it all out.

Also, I should be getting +3 Food from my leader, I believe.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 18, 2013, 11:51:27 am
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 18, 2013, 01:13:54 pm
Kuildeous scores 14 culture, 4 science, and produces 26 (29-3 consumption) food and 7 resources (9-2 corruption).

Current Player: Galzria
It is currently age IV
Turn: Final

Culture: 143 (+14)
Science: 16 (+4)
Strength: 23
Resources: 8
Food: 40
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: III: 5

Culture: 80 (+7)
Science: 21 (+7)
Strength: 3
Resources: 4
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 6
Military Cards: III: 4

Culture: 222 (+15)
Science: 10 (+8)
Strength: 17
Resources: 17
Food: 2
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 115 (+11)
Science: 17 (+11)
Strength: 42
Resources: 10
Food: 4
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: III: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Oil (III) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Engineering (III)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
Civil Cards remaining: 0

Current Events: III: 4
Future Events: III: 2
Next event: Age III
Military cards remaining: 0
Link to the spreadsheet (
It is now the final turn. Units may not be sacrified

(Note: Because it's the final turn and we don't have any weird impacts, I'm not going to check if you're okay with corruption)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 19, 2013, 09:52:44 am
(Note: Because it's the final turn and we don't have any weird impacts, I'm not going to check if you're okay with corruption)

Dude... info leak!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 09:53:42 am
I don't even remember most of the impacts that have been played :P. I'm referring to Impact of Politicians in the spanish version.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 19, 2013, 09:55:06 am
I don't even remember most of the impacts that have been played :P. I'm referring to Impact of Politicians in the spanish version.

Oh.  I thought that was from the base game.  Never mind then! :)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 19, 2013, 10:43:30 am
Pass PA

Discover Democracy
Play Rev. Idea
Play Mineral Deposits
Play Efficient Upgrade, Drama -> Opera
Disband Bronze
Disband Bronze
Build Drama
Build Religion
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 10:48:37 am
Are you sure you want to disband? You have two unused workers
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 19, 2013, 10:50:44 am
Are you sure you want to disband? You have two unused workers

Oh, right. Well not like I'll use those resources for anything else, but I guess not. Just build with the unused, and pick up the last two cards on row instead.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 19, 2013, 10:53:55 am
Oh, right. Well not like I'll use those resources for anything else...

Impact of Industry?  If someone seeded it.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 10:58:55 am
Galzria scores 14 culture, 7 science, and produces 0 (2-2 consumption) food and 2 resources (2-0 corruption).

Card row is empty.

Current Player: Kirian
It is currently age IV
Turn: Final

Culture: 143 (+14)
Science: 16 (+4)
Strength: 23
Resources: 8
Food: 40
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: III: 5

Culture: 94 (+14)
Science: 13 (+7)
Strength: 3
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 4
Military Cards: III: 4

Culture: 222 (+15)
Science: 10 (+8)
Strength: 17
Resources: 17
Food: 2
Civil Cards: III: 2
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 115 (+11)
Science: 17 (+11)
Strength: 42
Resources: 10
Food: 4
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: III: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Scout (IV) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
Civil Cards remaining: 0

Current Events: III: 4
Future Events: III: 2
Next event: Age III
Military cards remaining: 0
Link to the spreadsheet (
It is now the final turn. Units may not be sacrified
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 19, 2013, 11:09:59 am
Also, Impact of Population gives good motivation to not disband units.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 11:21:50 am
Impact of Population doesn't care if the workers are used or unused though.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 19, 2013, 11:23:09 am
PA: Armed Intervention on Galzria

Pretty sure it succeeds, but whether or not it does, it doesn't matter for anything else I do.

Discover Civil Service  Where's Impact of Government when you need it?
Disband Mine
Disband Mine
Build Opera (17 - 7 = 10 Res)
Build Opera (10 - 7 = 3 Res)
Take Scout (the fourth one, 1 CA)
Take Scout (the eighth one, 2 CA)


I just noticed Kuildeous has 40 Food.  Feast time!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 19, 2013, 11:30:01 am
Rats! Rats! Rats!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 11:32:17 am
No, Scout! Scout! Scout!
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 11:33:14 am
Kirian scores 21 culture, 8 science, and produces 2 (4-2 consumption) food and 6 resources (6-0 corruption).

Current Player: Qvist
It is currently age IV
Turn: Final

Culture: 143 (+14)
Science: 16 (+4)
Strength: 23
Resources: 8
Food: 40
Civil Cards: None
Military Cards: III: 5

Culture: 87 (+14)
Science: 13 (+7)
Strength: 3
Resources: 2
Food: 3
Civil Cards: III: 4
Military Cards: III: 4

Culture: 250 (+21)
Science: 8 (+8)
Strength: 17
Resources: 9
Food: 4
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: III: 7

Culture: 115 (+11)
Science: 17 (+11)
Strength: 42
Resources: 10
Food: 4
Civil Cards: III: 1
Military Cards: III: 4

Card Row (Check spreadsheet ( for more details)
1 CA: Scout (IV) (removed at end of turn)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
1 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
2 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
3 CA: Scout (IV)
Civil Cards remaining: 0

Current Events: III: 4
Future Events: III: 2
Next event: Age III
Military cards remaining: 0
Link to the spreadsheet (
It is now the final turn. Units may not be sacrified
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 19, 2013, 11:33:50 am
Go tell Joe to stop being a pansy and give up his population so I can take my turn.

Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 11:35:10 am
He's just gotten in, so I expect he'll do it soon.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 19, 2013, 11:48:15 am
My civilization is the fattest and has reality TV.

Kind of hits too closely to home, really.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 11:50:54 am
You forgot to mention the spy satellites and preference for warfare.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 19, 2013, 01:25:47 pm
Man, getting no Aggression in the end game really sucks.

Build Professional Sports (10-5 = 5 Ressources)
Build Wonder (5-5 = 0 Ressources) (33 Culture if I counted correctly)
Build free Warrior I have no-one left, so I procastinate
Play Air Forces
Take Scout
Play Scout
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 01:32:45 pm
I'd ask if you're passing your PA, but you have no PAs you can take, so whatever.

Qvist scores 11 culture, 11 science, and produces 3 (7-4 consumption) food and 9 resources (9-0 corruption).

Doing final scoring now.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 01:34:36 pm
Event - Impact of Government (III): Each civilization scores 2 culture per civil action and 1 culture per military action

Kuildeous scores 17 culture (7CA/3MA)
Galzria scores 20 culture (8CA/4MA)
Kirian scores 24 culture (8CA/8MA)
Qvist scores 19 culture (7CA/5MA)

Kuildeous: 160 culture
Galzria: 107 culture
Kirian: 274 culture
Qvist: 178 culture

I've never seen such a diverse Impact of Governments...
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 19, 2013, 01:36:13 pm
Vying for second. First loser, here I come.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 01:38:42 pm
Event - Impact of Population (III): Each civilization scores 2 culture per content worker above 10

Kuildeous scores 18 culture (19 content workers)
Galzria scores 0 culture (9 content workers)
Kirian scores 8 culture (14 content workers)
Qvist scores 22 culture (21 content workers)

Kuildeous: 178 culture
Galzria: 107 culture
Kirian: 282 culture
Qvist: 200 culture

First time I've seen the 'above 10' clause have an effect, as well.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 01:43:32 pm
Event - Impact of Progress (III): Each civilization scores 2 culture per level of government and special technologies

Kuildeous scores 12 culture (II govt., I Military, III Colonisation)
Galzria scores 12 culture (III govt., I Military, II Civil)
Kirian scores 26 culture (III govt., II Colonisation, II Construction, III Civil, III Military)
Qvist scores 16 culture (II govt., III Military, III Construction)

Kuildeous: 190 culture
Galzria: 119 culture
Kirian: 308 culture
Qvist: 216 culture
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 01:45:39 pm
Event - Impact of Happiness (III): Each civilization scores 2 culture per happy face (max 16) and loses 2 per discontent worker

Kuildeous scores 14 culture (7 happy faces)
Galzria scores 12 culture (6 happy faces)
Kirian scores 16 culture (8 happy faces)
Qvist scores 16 culture (17 happy faces, lol)

Kuildeous: 204 culture
Galzria: 131 culture
Kirian: 326 culture
Qvist: 232 culture
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 01:48:14 pm
Event - Impact of Agriculture (III): Each civilization scores culture = farms' food production

Kuildeous scores 29 culture
Galzria scores 2 culture
Kirian scores 4 culture
Qvist scores 7 culture

Did anyone NOT realise Kuildeous had seeded this :P?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 01:52:41 pm
Event - Impact of Architecture (III): Each civilization scores culture = level of urban buildings

Kuildeous scores 8 culture (2xOrganised Religion II, 2xJournalism II)
Galzria scores 8 culture (2xAlchemy I, 1xMultimedia III, 1xDrama I, 1xOpera II)
Kirian scores 8 culture (4xOpera II)
Qvist scores 20 culture (2xOrganised Religion II, 1xAlchemy I, 2xMultimedia III, 3xProfessional Sports III)

Final Scores:

4th: Galzria: 141 culture

3rd: Kuildeous: 241 culture

2nd: Qvist: 259 culture

1st: Kirian: 338 culture
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 19, 2013, 01:54:52 pm
gg everyone

If I would have drawn a War in the end I might have had a chance at winning, but it was still a clear winner.
That was a fun game. Thx Tables for organizing this.

Btw. it's a shame that Impact of Agriculture has no maximum, but Impact of Hapiness has. 34 Culture would have been great.  :P
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 19, 2013, 01:55:37 pm
Look, you won by 79, so that 80 culture war was just what you needed.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 02:03:42 pm
Good game everyone!

Here's the master spreadsheet:

A few things I think we all observed with the various leaders and Wonders:

I broke Catedral Metropolitana by giving it that 2 science instead of 1. Without that I think it'd be okay, but with it, insane.

Franklin also was probably too strong. I think probably remove his 2 science per turn would be a nice way to balance him. Possibly even change his text to: "Technologies cost you 3 science less. Technologies cost other players 1 science less."

Also, Galzria, want me to dig up your entire list of military draws in age III?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 19, 2013, 02:06:52 pm
I know I drew a lot of Defense cards in a game where I didn't really needed them.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kuildeous on April 19, 2013, 02:24:29 pm
I do think Reality TV was underpowered. The only reason I went for it was because I could double-dip with Impact of Happiness. If it wasn't for that, I think that wonder would have vanished unloved.

I didn't realize how close I was to getting 45+ culture if I took Credit Cards instead until Tables pointed it out to me. I'm not sure if it was overpowered or just synergized really well with all the colonies I had.

Marx was pretty neat. I had to take into account that my military would drop by 10 when I replaced him. No regrets in taking Marx.

I'm not sure about Monte Alban. I took it with the intention of using the population and military discounts to build a mighty army. When that didn't pan out, I started regretting my decision because I knew that Age III would be more expensive for me, and I didn't feel like I got the most out of Age I. As it turned out, I had leaders the encouraged food production, so the downside to Monte Alban did not hurt me any. In any case, increasing my Culture Indicator was nice.

I don't think I got the most out of Roger Bacon. I think I used his ability twice, but the versatility he offered was pretty nice.

Winsor Castle was a pretty nice wonder. Simple, but it gave a little bit of everything. It was like Market: It wasn't overpowering, but it provided a nice benefit.

Borlaug made for a nice Age III leader. When played by someone not as food-obsessed as I was, he would normally only provide 2-3 Culture per turn, which is consistent with someone like Gandhi.

My own experience with the wonders. I only used one of my creations, and that's only because  of happenstance.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 19, 2013, 02:25:15 pm
My draws... My goodness... Ugh.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 03:07:33 pm
Galzria's military cards at the start of age III:
Aggression - Sabotage (II): 1 MA per age of rival's wonder under construction. If victorious: Rival: Discards wonder under construction. Aggressor: Scores 3 culture per age of wonder discarded
Tactics - Defensive Army (II): 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery. 6 (3) Strength
Pact - Promise of Military Protection (II): A: Produces +1 culture. B: Gets +5 strength and produces -1 culture
Bonus - Defense / Colonization (II): +4 strength as defence or +2 strength as colonization
War - War over Resources (II): 2 MP. Loser: Loses resources/food = strength advantage of winner. Winner: Produces same amount.

Turn 15:
Bonus - Defense / Colonization (III): +6 strength as defence or +3 strength as colonization
Aggression - Armed Intervention (III): 2 MP. If victorious: Rival: Loses 7 culture. Aggressor: Scores 7 Culture
Aggression - Raid (III): 3 MA. If victorious: Rival: Loses up to 3 urban building of same type & level. Aggressor: Produces resources = 1/2 cost rounded down

Turn 16:
Aggression - Armed Intervention (III): 2 MP. If victorious: Rival: Loses 7 culture. Aggressor: Scores 7 Culture
War - War over Culture (III): 3 MA. Loser: Loses culture = strength advantage of winner. Winner: Produce same amount.
War - War over Culture (III): 3 MA. Loser: Loses culture = strength advantage of winner. Winner: Produce same amount.

Turn 17:
War - War over Culture (III): 3 MA. Loser: Loses culture = strength advantage of winner. Winner: Produce same amount.
Aggression - Armed Intervention (III): 2 MP. If victorious: Rival: Loses 7 culture. Aggressor: Scores 7 Culture
Tactics - Shock Troops (III): 1 Infantry, 3 Cavalry. 11 (6) Strength

Turn 18:
Aggression - Plunder (III): 2 MP. If victorious: Rival: Loses 8 resources/food. Aggressor: Produces same amount
Pact - Peace Treaty (III): A & B both produce +1 culture; cannot attack each other
Event - Impact of Competition (III): Each civilization scores culture = level of military units and arenas

The part I find most hilarious is the Peace Treaty.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 19, 2013, 04:59:11 pm
Look, you won by 79, so that 80 culture war was just what you needed.

I know.  If I hadn't sacrificed anything, I wouldn't have been nearly all the way ahead.

For the record, the other option I didn't go with was to sacrifice nothing, taking just 42, then build my military up to 60 (I had Modern Army in hand just waiting to be worth 26 Strength).  And then use my other War Over Culture, probably on Qvist; he would have been the biggest threat at that point, and I think both Kuildeous and Galzria would have taken the resign option rather than give me 35 or 55 Culture.  But a war on Qvist wouldn't have netted me more than 15 more Culture (no sacrifices).  Instead I dumped everything, knowing that if Qvist had a war to play on me, I'd only be giving him about 15 Culture (and losing 6 culture from buildings).  My worst-case scenario was for Qvist to play a Plunder/Raid on me, and then Kuildeous play a war--I could deflect an aggression from Kuildeous, but a Plunder would have left me with no ability to build up for a war.

In the end, I figured I'd take the risk.

Btw. it's a shame that Impact of Agriculture has no maximum, but Impact of Hapiness has. 34 Culture would have been great.  :P

That actually doesn't make much sense; none of the other Impacts are capped, why that one?

Galzria's military cards...
[all the wars and aggressions]

Oh my goodness, that's terrible.


On wonders and things:

I do think both the Catedral and Franklin were overpowered.

For Franklin, compare Isaac Newton:  He gives a max of 3 Sci rating in Age II, 5 in Age III, and no CAs needed to discover techs.  Now, no CAs to discover techs is nice, but you don't have the extra 3-6 Sci per turn to get them, which means a lower return.  That said, I think he needs more than just the tech discount--perhaps 1 Culture instead of 2 Sci?

I don't think the "costs less to play techs" is a good change though; a couple of times, I was limited by not having the Sci to pay in advance.  I think that change would make him more powerful.

For the Catedral, yeah, 1 Sci would not have been broken.  2 Sci was.

Croesus gave me a huge, huge boost at the start of the game; I think he was OP as well.  Consider that I passed on all the Age I leaders because of the ability to rapidly play yellow cards.  "Once per turn" would probably help with that.

I would have loved to see the Mausoleum finished and used; Croesus, Nebuchadnezzar, Pliny, or Darius could all have been game-changers even in Age III.

Lighthouse seemed OK; I'm not sure if "only applies when defending" should be upgraded to "does not apply when attacking."

I agree that Reality TV was underpowered.  Probably so was Human Genome, Cotton Gin (compare Transcontinental Railroad), Gutenberg Bible (only applying to libraries makes it tough), Macbeth (pacts are... not very exciting), Goethe (sure, 6 culture, if you can get two of Library, Arena, Theater, and build them), Elizabeth (I made her thematic (think destroying the Armada) but not very powerful.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 19, 2013, 05:17:41 pm
Nah, I don't resign from games, no matter how ridiculous things get.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Qvist on April 19, 2013, 05:31:26 pm
Btw. it's a shame that Impact of Agriculture has no maximum, but Impact of Hapiness has. 34 Culture would have been great.  :P

That actually doesn't make much sense; none of the other Impacts are capped, why that one?

Exactly that's what I was wondering. Why is Impact of Happiness capped?
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 19, 2013, 05:50:40 pm
For Franklin, compare Isaac Newton:  He gives a max of 3 Sci rating in Age II, 5 in Age III, and no CAs needed to discover techs.  Now, no CAs to discover techs is nice, but you don't have the extra 3-6 Sci per turn to get them, which means a lower return.  That said, I think he needs more than just the tech discount--perhaps 1 Culture instead of 2 Sci?

I don't think the "costs less to play techs" is a good change though; a couple of times, I was limited by not having the Sci to pay in advance.  I think that change would make him more powerful.

Newton can never give more than 3 Sci, because he gives extra science equal to the age of your best lab/library. There's also the matter of having to work for the bonus, he gives you more of something you're good at, not just more science. Costing less is actually only a minor boost compared to getting it after, it's more for neatness. And well everyone else is getting the same thing, 1 less to play techs. I think that on it's own, without any science rating boost, would be balanced.

Croesus gave me a huge, huge boost at the start of the game; I think he was OP as well.  Consider that I passed on all the Age I leaders because of the ability to rapidly play yellow cards.  "Once per turn" would probably help with that.

Yeah, I definitely underestimated Croesus. He basically adds an extra CA onto every action, which means you can spam action cards to help you build up easily. Looking back, you played 6 action cards in Age I, which lasted 6 turns. So I actually wonder if once per turn would be penalty enough. I wonder if he might work better as, say, you get 1 CA per turn, which can only be used for taking action cards (as opposed to using them).

I would have loved to see the Mausoleum finished and used; Croesus, Nebuchadnezzar, Pliny, or Darius could all have been game-changers even in Age III.

Lighthouse seemed OK; I'm not sure if "only applies when defending" should be upgraded to "does not apply when attacking."

It got to near the end of Age I and Galz was saying how he couldn't finish his Wonder, which was something that wasn't quite true I believe, although it would have been tough/required some luck. It definitely had some interesting combos.

The Lighthouse, I can see the argument for that. It would be very similar to Biskupin at that point - giving 1 more strength and being easier to build, but not giving a yellow token.

I agree that Reality TV was underpowered.  Probably so was Human Genome, Cotton Gin (compare Transcontinental Railroad), Gutenberg Bible (only applying to libraries makes it tough), Macbeth (pacts are... not very exciting), Goethe (sure, 6 culture, if you can get two of Library, Arena, Theater, and build them), Elizabeth (I made her thematic (think destroying the Armada) but not very powerful.

HGP I think is fine. Perhaps too expensive, but Labs are cheap, and Farms are cheaper AND have good combos (impacts wise, notably, but also Borlaug) AND aren't limited by your building limit.
Cotton Gin I agree. I think you could probably throw 2 culture onto that, change it the best farm, and it's still be pretty situational.
Gutenberg Bible, I had the same thought about. I think it's actually an okayish wonder if it comes out at the right time - when there's a good chance you'll miss Alchemy in particular. It makes going for Journalism look very attractive in age II. It also combos well with construction techs. 5 cost Journalisms? But really, I think probably 1 less resource per age would be better.
MacBeth I think is fine. The big thing with him I think isn't the pact stuff, it's 1 MA at a time when 1 MA is really nice. The pact bonus is just gravy, especially if you manage to draw Trade Routes.
Goethe I also think is fine. He compares favourably to Shakespeare - yes, Shakespeare isn't great, but he's an Age II culture focused leader, and I think that he's fine for what he does. 6 culture per turn is nothing to sneeze at. 12 culture per turn is alarming, even if somewhat difficult to achieve.
Elizabeth, I realised the fun thing with how she's worded means you can sacrifice your Cannons for +6 strength, which is quite cool. I do agree she's not that great though. I might suggest changing her to "Your artillery units have +1 strength. When defending, your artillery units instead have +3 strength". That +1 strength would then apply always - during strength comparisons, and when colonising.

I think Impact of Happiness is capped so you can look at your Happiness Track. Also I think Happiness is so cheap to raise endgame compared to other things that if you knew it was coming, you'd be at an unfair advantage. Like, Engineering Team Sports - 5 resources for 8 culture, up to 4 times? Throw in St. P's Basilica and you have something absurd. No Impact can (I think) come anywhere close to that level of increases.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 28, 2013, 04:59:26 pm
So.  Who's up for another round of this, with some fixed cards?

I should probably be able to host if Tables is willing to give a copy of his spreadsheet... I don't know if copying it over myself keeps all the formulas and stuff, which seem to be extensive.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 28, 2013, 05:29:32 pm
I would be interested in playing myself, if you were to host. You should be able to copy the sheet from the file menu. From there you just need to reset stuff and whatnot, should be alright.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 28, 2013, 10:10:25 pm
I would be interested in playing myself, if you were to host. You should be able to copy the sheet from the file menu. From there you just need to reset stuff and whatnot, should be alright.

Sure, but most of the spreadsheet consists of "importrange" and "continue" functions.  I'm not sure what's going on there, if you're doing the calculations yourself, etc.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Tables on April 28, 2013, 10:21:37 pm
Oh, you're looking at the public one, that's why. - here's the master. Let me know if you have any questions (don't worry, the error messages are normal, I just ignore them in age IV)
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Galzria on April 28, 2013, 10:23:32 pm
(don't worry, the error messages are normal, I just ignore them)

Boy, story of my life.
Title: Re: Through the Ages V - When creativity strikes
Post by: Kirian on April 30, 2013, 02:24:12 am
I think either way I'll have to wait until after at least the Swiss portion of Gokodom is finished.  Too much fiddliness in that spreadsheet, and too much to do by hand.