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Especially when people stack these all the time, it really slows the game to play them individually one at a time.

Oh and it's undervalued too.  Like it's better than silver. Probably should cost 3 too.

I would like a more general "play all of these cards with the same name" option. Often I want to play all my Silver or some other treasure for various reasons.
Maybe I want to buy some Grand Markets. Then I would do play-all-of-these on my Gold, Silver and maybe something else.
Another time I have a lot of treasures I am considering if one of my buys should be Farmland and trash a Gold. So play-all on Copper, Silver, but not on Gold.
Another time I'm manipulating which treasures to play because of a Haunted Woods played against me. Well, at least I'll play-all on my Copper while I am considering what next to do.

There could be a play-all-of-these symbol in the corner of a the rightmost card of that name in your hand.

The easiest and most useful would be to have this for Treasures, but it could certainly be useful for Actions and Nights as well. Say begin your turn with play-all on Alchemists. (The play-all shouldn't just be about those you had in your hand when you started, but instead play-all should mean continue to play a card with that name from your hand as long as you can, which would include newly draw ones.) Of course this wouldn't always be the right thing to do, but often, and then you could save time with the feature.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies is online
« on: March 09, 2022, 05:47:29 am »
Rotating the Castles sounds like fun. And I can imagine someone rotating the Ruins, searching desperately for a +Buy.

First I thought it would be hard to rotate the Ruins since the cards are secret. But of course, you put one card at a time on the bottom when rotating, as long as they are the same. More use of remembering the order afterwards!

That way you might end up trying to rotate a pile where all the remaining cards are the same, even though you didn't know. At least you get to know that all of the remaning Ruins were Ruined Village then!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Trivia Question
« on: March 04, 2022, 11:04:32 am »
split / bane / castles
Correct! I don't know if others reacts on this, but I just thought it looked so cryptic when I saw it appear in the wild.

Dominion General Discussion / Trivia Question
« on: March 03, 2022, 03:49:33 pm »
Trivia Question: If you see the text "SP/BA/CA" in Dominion Online, what is that about?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies Preview 4: Recursion
« on: March 03, 2022, 03:55:32 am »
Note to self: Don't play Possession if player to left played Lich last turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies Preview 1: Allies
« on: March 02, 2022, 12:48:13 pm »
$2 would definitely be way too cheap for Royal Seal, since that would make it almost strictly better than Silver (barring things like Feodum and Merchant)

$2 for a card-shaped thing whose effect is strictly better than Silver has been in the game and evidently not broken it since Delve.

Is that really relevant? Delve doesn't make Silver irrelevant, but rather leads to it being used more.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies Preview 3: Choose One
« on: March 02, 2022, 04:26:36 am »
Elder sounds like it will be incredibly strong with some cards.

I think the Elder would like a Trusty Steed.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies Preview 2: Split piles
« on: March 01, 2022, 05:08:00 am »
Woo-hoo, the Chancellor is back, now presumably even more powerful!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Minor note about new printings
« on: November 01, 2020, 03:40:00 pm »
Functional changes:
- Trader's reaction is now a when-gain rather than a when-would-gain; in most situations this isn't different, but it simplifies some confusing situations. This means that now any when-gain abilities of the gained card will still work, even if you exchange it for a Silver.

Also the effect in the new reaction text is that you "exchange" the card for Silver, whereas earlier it was "to instead gain a Silver". (Will buyers of Hinterlands get to know about what "exchange" means?). So it seems like you don't gain that Silver you get, so can't use when-gain abilities on that.

Found Vampire at the Black Market. So nice when you can't Exchange it!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Collecting Ways
« on: April 08, 2020, 05:04:44 am »
Isn't this strictly worse than Way of the Pig, since Pig is always a cantrip instead of a conditional one?

I don't think that should matter, since they don't appear together (if you play the game according to recommendations).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Bonus Previews
« on: March 10, 2020, 01:31:01 pm »
I for one would be glad for an expansion of just landscapes. I certainly think there is potential for more Landmarks - you can make ordinarily unplayable cards a must-buy with one of those in the right circumstances.

I would also like to get even more Landmarks, but I think that an expansion of just landscapes (and other horizontal cards) would be a bad move businesswise. I may be wrong, but I suspect that a non-negligible part of potential buyers would think that they will could manage with just their own printouts for those cards, which probably isn't a big thing with cards that are in your deck.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Bonus Previews
« on: March 09, 2020, 12:59:52 am »
I think Way of the Rat will make sense any time you want to collect many copies of a spammable card, and playing a copy of the spammable card gives you a lesser effect than buying another. As mentioned, Grand Market is the most obvious example of this.

Also Cities, before they have become good.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Previews 5: More Cards
« on: March 06, 2020, 04:14:14 am »
Curses are handed out in turn order, so for B's Black Cat it would be A, then C then D. Then it is again B's turn to play Reactions (maybe they had more than 1 Black Cat, maybe they draw one from the first). When C plays their Black Cat, Curses go to A, then B then D.

Yes, Wayfarer takes into account gains by all players, so handing out Curses/Ruins drop the cost to $0 (until the next gain)

Yes, I also think it is the first Reaction-Attack card.

This can become tricky in that you may have to be strict about reaction order here (not like several people flashing Moats simultaneously). It's even worse: If B doesn't have a Black Cat but C reacts with a Black Cat, then when B gets a Curse B can react with a Sheepdog and draw a Black Cat. But then it's too late to react with that cat!

Edit: Not true, see comment!

Ways work any time you play an Action card.

That is interesting! I've been thinking about Crown and the Ways (which maybe will be answered and exemplified in the rule book, making this very moot), but meanwhile I want to check that I got it right.

Since it works any time you play an Action card it should be possible to use the Way even when you play Crowns during your Buy phase.

If you Turtle a Crown it will be played at the start of your next turn. Then you don't have a chance to declare that you want your Action phase to end before you play it (which you might want). I don't know if there is an official ruling, but a rule clarification in the entry for Prince in the Wiki says that the "start of your turn is considered part of your Action phase".

Oh, now I'm waiting for the Dominion version of this!

Maybe worthy of a new thread, but it'd be good to have a list of cards that the bot is so atrocious with that a board is not even worth playing if they are present.

Counterfeit and Torturer come to mind immediately.

Contraband becomes very good against the bots since they always name Gold (even if you play multiple Contrabands).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 11, 2019, 02:12:58 pm »
Cozener is an exception to that rule, but we’ve done a good job avoiding duplicate names, and I believe we should try to continue doing so.

Oops! When I made that second Cozener I didn't know about the previous one. I had some other idea I didn't like for some reason and was looking in synonym lexicons to find a name. Would absolutely have changed it if someone had mentioned this!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 05, 2019, 04:22:33 pm »
I'm sorry for being late with this. I though I would have time between work and a dinner invitation, which I didn't, but now I'm here.

I probably won't do as thorough write-ups of the cards as some have done. [added: Thorough or not, actually I wrote more than I thought I would.] It's not as if my views on these cards are more insightful than what others have said or are saying anyway. I am the judge though, so it matters what I think! So here are my comments on the 13 submissions are in the order they were given:

Swap (Event with 7 Artifacts) by spineflu

I like the idea of minor startup differences. Sometimes they are not that minor, like if Jade Pendant is the only +Buy in the game, but then there is Swap, which might get used a lot, which can be fun.

This is in top four.

Clown (Action-Attack) by [TP] Inferno

It's inspired by Jester and is said to scale in multiplayer games like that does. I believe this would work fine for 2-Player as well though (like Jester does, incidentally).

Friends (Action-Attack) by majiponi

It's meant only for 4-player games which makes it too restrictive for this challenge.

Unite (Event) by Aquila

I like how it reuses the Flag artifact in a way that will work fine both if Flag Bearer is or isn't in the game. (Even though it would need a reprint of Flag anyway in this imagined multi-player expansion.)

Introducing this new concept of Artifacts being between players might become a problem with some (imagined future) card that does something general with players' Artifacts, but there is nothing like that now at least. (If this card stood on its own not reusing the Flag of course it could use an Artifact that affects you and your neighbour.

I like the Event having that low cost but no extra Buy, which can lead to interesting decisions on when to buy it for your single buy.

Pot Stirrer (Action-Duration) by NoMoreFun

It would be fun to get the positive effect from it! I think it would need an FAQ to make it clear what being affected by an attack means, though. Are you "affected" by a Swamp Hag when it is played if you don't reveal Moat (or have Lighthouse out or ...) or are you not "affected" by Swamp Hag until you buy a card and get a Curse because of that? Also if there are no Curses left?

I think the first interpretation is the easiest, as when an Attack card is played is when the game "decides" who is immune and not, but I think some players would argue that they were not "affected" by someone playing Pirate Ship or Minion and not choosing the attack option, or someone playing Legionary without revealing Gold, etc.

On the other hand I think that some also would argue that they were not affected by a Young Witch if the revealed a Bane card, even if that's "just" part of following the instructions of the attack they were not immune against.

Story cards (Fragasnap)

I really like that idea of having a property that may disqualify one player, and the winner is determined normally from the others! That can be really interesting, and is obviously not good for 2-player games, so extends the game in a direction not taken before, as I wanted to see!

That could have been a simple Landmark that disqualifies for example a player who has fewer Silvers than any other player, or who has more Victory cards than any other player, or who has a higher combined cost of all their Action cards than any other player, just to take three examples which I think could be interesting (even though I haven't though that much about them, and the last one may be a bit tedious to count).

The Story card concept looks interesting, but for me it looks a bit too complicated to be worth it, and as forkofnature (who commented on this) I'm also a VP counter player, so this uncertainness doesn't suit me.

Usurper's Crown (Artifact) by Artless

Here is another option where one player can be disqualified. I would have liked to test this! But I suspect that often it will just stay out of play, because no one dares to take it. Wouldn't getting double the score of other players often be just too hard?

I wonder if it wouldn't be more interesting with a version which you must take when gaining a Province. On some boards I guess it would lead to no one getting Provs, and players going for Duchies early.

Great Wall (Project) by grep

This looks solid. Personally I'm not that found of players being immune to attacks all the time, since I think attacks make the game more fun. (I would prefer it if playing Champion forced everyone else to discard their Champions, so that there was no eternal immunity even then.)

So it won't be a favourite of mine, but I think it's a good one.

Emissary (Action-Command) by Gubump

This is a card I really would like to play with a few times to see it in action. Actually it gets better and better in my mind just thinking about playing with it, when I notice how exciting that seems to be.

It might be slightly weak in what I wrote about exploring areas that would be harder to do for other C(SO)s, but I see that this would be weak in a 2-player game, so suitable for this imagined expansion for practical reasons.

This is in top four.

Agora (Landmark) by popsofctown

I like the idea of it being good to be in the middle! So very multiplayer-y!

I suspect that 2 VP is too little to matter that much, though. When building an engine, each action card you need multiple copies of will open up the possibility for someone to get 2 VP from that pile. That shouldn't be that much of a deterrent to not get as many as you "need" of the card. Compare that with the 2 VP is what you get for each card with Obelisk.

Flight of Fancy (Action) by forkofnature

The 3+ spirit is there as forkofnature writes, but I don't think it adds anything significant that two different players are naming the cards, instead of the same player naming both of them. So not enough multi-player-specific for this challenge for me.

Tithe (Action-Attack) by Something_Smart

I like the general idea of an attack where it's up to the other players to somehow determine who will get the worst of it. That is also really a multi-player idea!

But since this is an attack, what happens if one or several players are immune against the attack, so there is only one player who discards a card? Does the card cost less to all the cards in the empty set? I suspect most of us say yes, at least if we are math/computer people, but I think it ought to be spelled out.

This is in top four.

Redistribute (Event) by anordinaryman

Sometimes catching up effects in games can be irritating in that they prolong games. But since this leads to someone gaining a good card I don't think it will. I wonder how often it would change how you build your deck, using more $3 and $4 cards. I think it can lead to interesting decisions!

This is in top four.

So which one is my favourite? I'll go with the last one: Redistribute
Congratulations, anordinaryman! You get to do challenge #54.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 04, 2019, 09:56:03 am »
24 hour notice! The deadline for submissions is in 24 hours from now.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 27, 2019, 05:38:23 pm »
This brings us to the following top 4:
4) Treasure Cove by segura
3) Travelling Shop by Gubumb
2) Tall Tale Teller by NoMoreFun
1) Cozener by pst

Congratulations, Cozener, you win this weak's challenge and will host challenge 53!!

Whee, thanks! Here is the next one:

Challenge #53: Three is company

Make a card(-shaped object) that would be suitable for an expansion meant specifically for 3- and 4-player games!

Their randomizers wouldn't be used at all in 2-player games. Of course there are already over 400 card(-shaped object)s that are good for these games, but here is the opportunity to use ideas that just wouldn't work or wouldn't work well enough in 2-player games. I will judge if I think I'd like to play with the entries and if I think they are exploring areas that would be harder to do for other card(-shaped objects) (instead of just having a random limitation).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 24, 2019, 03:17:59 am »
With a Cozener you can get access to some services you wouldn't have access to otherwise. Similar to Black Market, but different, in that the Event you bought will still be available for other players to buy.

Cozener, Action, $3
+$2. You may discard one of the Cozen events and draw a new one from the Event deck. (Shuffle discards if the deck is empty.) Play any number of Treasures from your hand. You may buy one of the Cozen events, even if you have Debt tokens.

Setup: Make a deck of unused Events, not following setup instructions. Turn over two initial Cozen events from that deck.

I have now playtested Cozener, and it was fun! Often several tokens came into play, sometimes in an asymmetric way because we hurried to remove access to a token moving event to the other player.

During playtest I changed it to the quoted version (and I have edited the original post).

There are two major changes:

You get to exchange one Cozen event before you play Treasures

There are situations where you may want to play Treasures first, for example a Venture to know if you can afford an expensive Event before you decide if you want to discard it. But more often you want to know what you want to buy before you play your Treasures, so it just seemed natural to do it in this order instead.

Now you can buy a Cozen event even if you are in Debt

As with BM not being able to pay off Debt can be irritating, and since many events have Debt costs it's so easy to get into Debt during your Action phase if you are playing multiple Cozeners so I wanted to do something about it. I considered letting Cozener actually have an extra Buy Phase instead of doing this the BM way, but I'm happy I thought of this solution instead, which sometimes has interesting consequences.

And two minor:
  • Now it doesn't explicitly say that you should use all unused Events for the deck, but is less specific (like Black Market):
    I still recommend putting all your unused Events there.
  • Discard instead of putting cards at bottom:
    This is just a practical change – when playing with a full Cozen deck we were never close to using all of it anyway. So by not having to put cards at the bottom of that deck we could just put new Cozen cards over the discarded ones and didn't need to keep track of their order.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 20, 2019, 07:15:20 am »
Design a card whose effect differs per game.

With a Cozener you can get access to some services you wouldn't have access to otherwise. Similar to Black Market, but different, in that the Event you bought will still be available for other players to buy.

Cozener, Action, $3
+$2. You may discard one of the Cozen events and draw a new one from the Event deck. (Shuffle discards if the deck is empty.) Play any number of Treasures from your hand. You may buy one of the Cozen events, even if you have Debt tokens.

Setup: Make a deck of unused Events, not following setup instructions. Turn over two initial Cozen events from that deck.

There are 34 official Events, so the typical Event deck would have 32 to 34 cards (if playing with all the cards). The only official Event with a setup instruction (that will be ignored) is Tax. It's possible some future Event card will be meaningless if its setup isn't done. Then so be it.

Some events are extra good when you get to buy them during your Action phase, like Alms. I like that the Event you bought will still be available afterwards. (Of course you can play a second Cozener to switch it out.)

Changes Nov 24:
  • Now you get to turn up a new Cozen event before you play Treasures
  • Now you can buy a Cozen event even if you are in debt
  • Don't explicitly say that you should use all unused Events for the deck, but be less specific (like Black Market)
  • Discard instead of putting cards at bottom.
The previous version is here.

Recently Road Network and Ambassador in a 3-player game. So nice to return Estates to the supply!

Thanks for your reply.
In principle, I agree with you but : (i) I have most expansions, and lugging all of them to my friends' house is not practical;

So bring fewer cards but enough for an evening of fun. That is not the important thing. The important thing is that you don't get your friends to think that this game is about playing certain fixed kingdoms.

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