Comic requested by Pyan.
You can put tokens on tokens now. There are also Morning, Brunch, Naptime, and Brunch Night phases now. It's easy, though - Morning, Brunch, Action, Naptime, Buy, Night, Cleanup - it's just MBANBNC. New players have no trouble picking it up in playtests, so we're pretty happy with it.
Translation errors in Dutch translations have been slowly increasing with each expansion, with the newest couple of expansions being 100% mistranslated. The Dutch rules of Dominion: Brunchtime are a widely esteemed science-fiction novel that has put DXV and the Dutch translators in a long-running judicial dispute over who has intellectual property over said novel.
Due to all English words being used as card names in Dominion, DXV has invented a large repository of new words, such as 'Chancellscout'.
Each copy of a Dominion base set now contains implantable mantis shrimp eyes so people can identify the colours of some of the many new types from eachother.