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Seems like most people have gone the "Impish" route instead of full Imp, so let's try this one. Fiend is my attempt at a fixed Cultist (and one that's hopefully more interesting). You don't get the snowballing problems from chaining, and the Imps actually don't mind Ruins so much.

Dang, yep, totally forgot about Fortress whoops. I'll add a restriction to prevent gaining more Restored Villages. Sad, but yeah can't have autopiling like that.

Thanks for sharing, fika, and man, it's something I bet just about every fan designer on this forum here has felt at some point. The most important thing is to do what's fun for you.

I tried designing an expansion years ago with a bunch of crappy, untested cards, and eventually realized that I didn't have the patience to make cards that all interact with one another, or come up with unique ideas totally unprompted (and I hardly have the time to properly playtest stuff). Instead, the one-offs (like WDC) where there's a prompt someone else gives me and I can try to solve that puzzle in my own creative way (and if it sucks, oh well, there's another prompt next week) is something that gives me energy, and I can take inspiration from all the other terrific ideas people come up with.

Card design is a process, and something we get better at with time. Go check out DXV's secret histories and the MANY outtakes (not to mention actual published cards that turned out to be duds or broken). If the maker of Dominion sometimes makes bad cards, we all certainly will too! But the key is learning why something doesn't work or is too complicated, and not being afraid to try it in a different way, or scrap an idea altogether and move on.

Any time I'm evaluating other people's cards, my main goals are: what are ways to make this card better and offer small suggestions that can help praise and retain the creator's idea/mechanic/theme while making the card simpler and more playable whenever possible. I never am annoyed by "unrefined" submissions, because honestly that's what pretty much all the cards people submit are (including mine!). The goal is to experiment, try out wacky ideas, learn from others who are tinkering in card design, and most importantly, have fun. Dominion is just a game after all!

But yeah, if there are elements of the design process that aren't fun for you anymore, don't hesitate to make a change and choose a different medium in which to create.

Finally, if you're up for it, definitely keep sharing your card ideas! We're all here for it.


Ever wish your Village came with a Remake stapled to it? Wish granted.

Nice for thinning Coppers and upgrading Estates into $3s, but you can also do fancy things with it in the mid-game. And be careful: the on-gain is mandatory.

*Edit: Added restriction on Remaking copies of itself to prevent Fortress shenanigans (thanks JW for pointing that out!).

WDC #184: Spring is in the Air

Commentary & Results

Thanks everyone for the submissions! Since I started the contest, the weather where I live has gotten gross again (gotta love the American Midwest), so it was nice to be reminded of the warm weather to come with all these pleasantly flavored entries. It was neat to see so many different directions people went mechanically and thematically.

OPs are linked, shortlisted entries are bolded, enjoy!

Farmer by segura
A Gathering card that lets you discard green cards for VP tokens or trash to take the VP on the pile. I don't love that the regular effect doesn't move the game toward an end, most cards that gain tokens at least do something else to move the game forward, providing coin, gaining cards, or trashing cards. The Gathering mechanic cleverly helps mitigate this, though I imagine there will be boards where it's possible to build an engine that can outpace the points that might be gained through trashing Farmers. I do like the flavor of Farmers tending to their crops. 

Rabbit by X-tra
Definitely thematic! It's a one-shot Moat that seeds your next hand with multiples. Obviously you need substantial village support for these to be most helpful (they're  bonkers with Lost Arts and Academy), and like Rats there will be plenty of boards where Rabbits are a trap. Eventually all the Rabbits die though :(, and on boards where they're good, I think they'll empty a LOT faster than Rats will, which could be problematic maybe? Still a fun one nonetheless.

Blossom by AJL828
An Event that can discard differently named Actions from hand to gain copies of them. I like the theme of having to plant them (vs. getting to play them) if you want to get the blossoms. Seems balanced for the reasons you mentioned, and the differently named cause keeps it from piling too quickly. If it seems too strong when play testing, you could easily make it cost $2 and discard/gain just one Action. I like the $4 cost one though.

Small Seed, Plain Plant, Bold Blossom by BryGuy
A Traveller line that sees your seed eventually grow into a beautiful blossom. Small Seed is a Village which I'll admit is an interesting way to start a Traveller line since it encourages you to keep them around instead of exchanging. The upgrade for this one also helps thin Coppers. Plain Plant offers some light sifting and coin, and can return an Estate and itself to the Supply (technically this shouldn't use the exchange language) to get the last one in the line. Bold Blossom is like a bigger Puzzle Box but you get the payload on the Duration turn. Generally the last card in the Traveller line should be something super powerful and worth putting in the work for, but to be honest, Bold Blossom doesn't quite do it for me. Moving the payout to the turn you play it would help, and then it could potentially function exactly like Puzzle Box and not need to be a Duration, but even then, this needs something a bit more to compare to the power level of things like Teacher and Champion.

Spell of the Equinox by NoMoreFun
LOVE the theme of Equinox here and rewarding an equal number of cards played in the "day" and in the Night. Unfortunately, I fear this is way too strong for its cost, for all three things it can gain. It's better at gaining Imps in the early game than Devil's Workshop. It's better at gaining Wisps than Druid with Swamps gift. And it's way better at gaining Wishes than Leprechaun. This can gain all three non-terminally and without penalty, whereas most other Spirit gainers and Wish gainers have much stricter conditions. I still love the idea, but I think it needs to be more challenging to gain all three of these things (perhaps it looks for a precise number of each for each condition similar to Leprechaun). 

Renovate by Augie279
A mass Improve that can Upgrade any number of Actions you have in play, definitely some good spring cleaning vibes. Obviously this is most potent in the endgame by turning a bunch of $4s into Duchies all at once (or King's Courts into Provinces), which adds a swinginess I typically don't care for. There's some utility in the midgame too if you have the right cards in play and in the Supply. The biggest challenge is the cost. Due to its unlimited potential, it has to be expensive, but in many cases, you just won't have enough viable Upgradeable options in play to really justify spending $8. Restricting it to gaining just Actions like Procession and reducing the cost to $4 might be a little more interesting and would eliminate the mass Duchy-gaining problem

Pollinated by Will(ow|iam)
A Trait! It's a pretty simple one that makes copies of that card come with an extra copy like Port. My only issue here is that this enters design space that's sort of already covered by Friendly. That said, I think the non-optional nature of this one will make it play pretty different on some boards. 

Spring by majiponi
A non-terminal draw card that gets +3 Cards and a Buy on every other play. At a glance, I think compares a little too favorably to Ranger, and the similarities make me feel like this one could use some tweaking to differentiate it. I don't mind the idea of using the Journey token, but an every other play draw is something that Ranger has already explored.

Maypole by emtzalex
An Action-Treasure that essentially plays either an Action or a Treasure from your top 4 cards. Option one is sort of like a mini-Golem, and option two is similar to Fortune Hunter. Its dual nature means it can be put to use in either phase and doesn't mind being drawn dead, and it's cool that you reveal first before deciding the option. Sometimes you'll play Actions with it in your Buy phase, always a good time. $4 seems like the right cost, especially considering its flexibility.

Granary by JW
A Village that can discard an Action for a Lost City effect. Simple and will lead to some interesting decisions of when to discard, though the bottom feels a bit tacked on. As it is, I think it's a weak $5, especially compared to something like Capital City or Hunting Lodge. Dropping the VP should allow it to safely cost $4, which feels more compelling.

Resurrection by xyz123
Night Remodel always seemed like something missing from the official Night cards (though DXV tried a few versions). This Resurrection is a really interesting (and thematic) take on the idea, though I'd recommend upping the cost to $5. Remodeling from play lets it work as a Night card, and the from trash piece, while weak at first, will get stronger as the game goes on. This can gain Provinces from the trash, something all other from trash-gainers are careful not to, so consider adding a cost or non-VP card restriction on the from trash option. You can still get Provinces by trashing Golds from play (which is already better than what most Remodel variants can do).

Rainmaker and Rain by czzzz
Make it rain! Excellent call on making Rain a Treasure :). As an Exiler/psuedotrasher, Rainmaker is really slow. I'd definitely recommend adding +1 Action (which the original had), compare with something like Bounty Hunter. It is really cool that the Rains build up in Exile and can then all come out at once. Rain itself seems fine, a one-shot Copper with a nice Duration draw effect, nothing too crazy. I like the ideas here, but Rainmaker really needs something more to make it worth going for. 

Florist and Wild Meadow by RovingBear
A split pile. Florist is a cheap Action that can discard for coin or to put something from the discard into hand. Already there's Harbinger issues here (less useful when discard is empty, which in a lot of games is quite often), and discarding two cards for it feels steep. Wild Meadow is Duchy with a VP bonus if you have Florists in play, a bit boring but seems fine. However the big issue here is that it's very rare that you'll have more than one Florist in play to get the bonus. Moreover, the Meadows might not get uncovered considering you don't exactly want a bunch of Florists. I'd suggest making Florist a cantrip, perhaps with may discard a card for +$1 or put a card from discard into your hand so it's more attractive to pick up in multiples. I do like the theme here and the art especially was nicely chosen. 

Planter by LibraryAdventurer
Taxman without the attack, and then some light sifting and Duration draw on the next turn. The gain and play helps a lot (and it's a fun effect I wish more cards had), but I think Planter is still too slow to justify picking up over other $5 costs on most boards. A more traditional Remodel effect could be worth trying instead, or perhaps make it a Night card.

Vernal Blossoms and Poem Notes by Ethan
Big fan of the flavor here, and I love that keeping your Poet Notes around can help you better enjoy Vernal Blossom's full majesty. As a VP card, Vernal Blossoms works nicely, and the minigame of getting the bonus VP is a compelling one, especially when Villagers are more scarce--when is it worth exchanging them for VP vs. holding onto them for +Actions? And Poem Notes is an excellent Heirloom--it's still just a Copper and there's still the question of keeping it or not (especially if you're planning to trash your Estates), but it also can change up the opening a bit by making you more likely to open double terminal. If there's any concern, it's that Villagers can become extra plentiful on some boards (such as with Recruiter), such that Vernal Blossoms bonus becomes automatic. Aside from that though, I think it's a fantastic entry. 

Spig by arowdok
A Project that grants an extra card each turn, provided you "plant" a Gold. The mechanic is flavorful already and it's fun that it makes it a more of a mini game vs. just giving you the +1 Card unconditionally. $4 is pretty cheap as far as Projects are concerned, but you do have to put in some work to get the benefit. Nice one!

Seed by Violet CLM
The "In games using this" bottom is of course the most interesting idea of the card. Overpay is a unique way to make this work, though I agree that it's much too strong to work on Estates and should probably have a limit, lest the pile run too fast. My bigger issue is that with the card itself being a cantrip and eventual VP token, I see little reason for the card to exist at all. Why not just get the tokens upon overpay instead of getting a cantrip you'll trash immediately anyway? The card should do something more to incentivize keeping them around, otherwise it's sort of just another Great Hall.

Honorable Mentions: Rabbit by X-tra, Spell of the Equinox by NoMoreFun, Resurrection by xyz123, Sprig by arowdok

Runner Up: Blossom by AJL828

WINNER: Vernal Blossoms and Poem Notes by Ethan

Congrats to Ethan and thanks everyone for participating! Now everyone go outside and look at some real blossoms.

Contest closed! Check the OP to ensure I've got your entry and its latest iteration. I'll get results posted in the next day or two.

24 hours

WDC #184: Spring is in the Air

After a long, cold, and dark winter, it's finally starting to warm up, at least where I live. Trees are awakening from their slumber, and flowers emerge from the dead ground. It's a joyous time of year to be outside and I'm here for it.

Our challenge this week is:

Design a card or card-shaped thing that evokes springtime.

Contest Guidelines:
  • Your submission should either mechanically or thematically (or both) have something to do with the season of spring and its many associations.
  • Some ideas of direction include (but are not limited to): new life, birth/rebirth, flowers, seeds, trees, planting, bloom, blossoms, sunshine, rain, showers, festivals, cleaning, outdoors, baby animals, garden, grass, melting, thawing, warmth, spring break, mother's day, tax day, earth day, etc.
  • Your submission may be part of a split pile or involve additional cards.
  • For the purposes of this contest, let's avoid fan mechanics such as Seasons or Freeze.
  • Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgement Details:
  • Entries and revisions must be submitted by 5:00 PM CDT (10:00 PM UTC) on Saturday, April 22. I'll have results posted on or before Monday, April 24.
  • Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and creative mechanical or thematic homage to the season of spring.

Have fun! Looking forward to seeing y'all's designs!


Farmer by segura
Rabbit by X-tra
Blossom by AJL828 
Small Seed, Plain Plant, Bold Blossom by BryGuy
Spell of the Equinox by NoMoreFun 
Renovate by Augie279
Pollinated by Will(ow|iam) 
Spring by majiponi
Maypole by emtzalex
Granary by JW
Resurrection by xyz123
Rainmaker and Rain by czzzz
Florist and Wild Meadow by RovingBear
Planter by LibraryAdventurer
Vernal Blossoms and Poem Notes by Ethan
Spig by arowdok
Seed by Violet CLM

Thanks xyz123 for the win and for the detailed judging! A clever prompt and some terrific entries here.

I'll get the next contest up shortly.


Ah, who doesn't love guests. Exciting when they arrive, and sometimes even more exciting when they leave.


A twist on Mountain Village, Sunken City has higher highs (Lost City+ if you have good cards in your discard) and lower lows (Necropolis if your discard is empty). When you draw it at the start of your turn, you can decide if you want to sink your hand beneath the sea or not (which might help activate your other Sunken Cities).


I have no idea how to make that $4 not so huge...if I add more text it shrinks to normal size, but with this text it just gets huge.  Pretend it's normal.

Try adding a period or space right after the $4. If it's shard of honor's tool, I've run into the same issue occasionally, and the period or space (instead of a line break) usually resolves it.

Would optional one-shots like Mining Village or Engineer qualify?


Everyone wins when we pay it forward. Contribute can go round and round making money for each player until someone decides to keep it for themselves. Be careful in the endgame, the +$3, +Buy is alluring, but each one you spend is a hefty VP swing to your opponent. 8/12 pile.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #180: Pay the Iron Price
« on: February 28, 2023, 04:19:25 pm »

Dominion has Loot, so how about some Loot Crates? Crate lets you play a little Monty Hall game and you can keep playing if you discard Silvers.

Don't like what Loot you got? Furnace lets you trade in your Loots for other Loots.


The legends say she's a sight to behold, but those caught in her stare are turned to stone.

WDC #178: Another Person's Treasure

Commentary & Results

Thanks everyone for the submissions! It was fun to see so many new Treasures, and I enjoyed all the different directions people went with these.

OPs are linked, shortlisted entries are bolded, enjoy!

Coppersmith by Augie279
A twist on an old favorite, Coppersmith indeed should have been a treasure. It's cool to see another Copper doubler, however doubling + mass trashing from play feels too centralizing (and removes Coppersmith's most unique feature, making you consider keeping Coppers around). At least Mint and Counterfeit create more interesting decisions, this is too much of an autobuy.

Jewelry Box by czzzz
A $4 Copper that can topdeck something from your discard pile and can be a Gold if you topdeck a green card. There were a lot of Copper+ treasures this week that conditionally give more money if you discard or topdeck something. My issue with this one is the classic Harbinger problem: in many decks, you often won't have a discard pile to trigger it, and it's just a sad $4 Copper. Making it from hand, or adding a from hand option would help immensely.

Patent by NoMoreFun
It's Treasure Summon without a cost restriction, but with the penalty of opponents getting to play your card before you do. It's a really interesting idea and thematically fun, but I worry the penalty here is just too steep and it will end up with a Contraband vibe, where the negative player interaction outweighs the benefit and players just avoid buying it. I wonder about trying a different penalty like making the card cost $1 less on other players turns or something similar.

Credit by xyz123
A cheap non-terminal Merchant Ship that's also a mini-Capital. I'm glad you updated to this version, the first was indeed too weak. The Duration element combines with Debt in a really neat way, by spreading the benefit over two turns--it really is a Loan you take out but must pay later. I actually think 4 Debt would work just fine, it's already a pretty steep penalty.

Nugget by X-tra
A Gold gainer with +Buy that leaps into play on gain, and plays the Gold (with a modest consulation prize if you play multiple that won't come up that often). At $6, even without the on-gain, this feels too strong. It's a Courtier that always does all four things, and it compares too favorably to other Gold gaining Treasures like Hoard and Treasure Trove, as well as Loots (e.g. Doubloons only gains a Gold once and doesn't give +Buy). With the on-gain, you instantly get $3 and a Buy back which feels wildly generous for an already very generous card. I'll admit, Gold gaining isn't as strong as most people think, and I still think the idea here is neat, but the card's balance could use some tweaking.

Homunculus by LordBaphomet
This is a cool one, a Treasure that can Chameleon two of your leftover Action cards for +$. Turn your dead drawn Smithies into Golds or your Peddlers into Silvers! The only thing I'm unsure of is the price. I could see $4 being a bit too cheap for the ability, though it's pretty board dependent so it's maybe okay? Playing just one Action might remedy this (and make the card simpler to resolve). Really creative!

Dollhouse/Chest of Expensive Clothes by LibraryAdventurer
A Treasure split pile, we had several of these this week. The top card is a Copper that can optionally sift and draw a card, and play itself again if you draw Curses. The bottom is like a bigger Cursed Gold. It's nice that the Chest's Curses make it easier for Dollhouses to trigger, but I feel like this pile has a bit too much going on for my taste. Dollhouse especially feels like it could be simpler.

Auror Gold/The Early Bird by majiponi
Another split pile, Auror Gold is a next-time Duration that plays sort of like Stockpile--a one-shot Gold plus that you can get back if you start your turn with a small hand. It's fun that it interacts nicely with handsize attacks. The Early Bird is a Silver that can be like a Festival (minus the buy) if you have it in your hand at the start of your turn (and also helps get back your Auror Golds). In games without other ways to reduce your starting handsize, I think Auror Golds are going to feel a little bit weak, but the game of getting them all back with Early Birds is fun. Early Bird could be worth trying out as its own pile too. 

Plow by Xen3k
A sifter that can play an Action or Treasure from your top four cards and rearrange or discard the remaining. Maybe I'm missing something, but why is this a choose one? If you choose the discard option, do you not get to reveal and play a card from the four? If this shouldn't be a choose one, I don't see much reason to limit discarding to only 2 cards. Playing an Action or Treasure from your top cards is kinda neat and has Treasure Hunter vibes, though I'll admit it maybe has just a little bit less utility as a Treasure vs. an Action.

Printing Press by Builder_Roberts
It's fun that Figurine has finally broken the Treasures don't have +Cards rule. This one feels similar, but with a push your luck element of how lucky do you feel that your + Cards will be worth more than the +$? I'd consider trying it without the Peddler option for simplicity. I worry a little that this may discourage buying other Actions since you can spam Printing Presses, but you do still need trashing and more payload to really make that work. Looks good.

Hand of Midas by silverspawn
A one-shot that instantly turns one of your played Actions into a Gold that you can immediately play. Compared with something like Improve, this one is non-terminal and gives +$3 and 2 Buys vs Improves +$2, but there's less flexibility since it's always a one-shot, always trashes one of your Actions, and only gains Golds. I think it could get away with not being a one-shot (and perhaps optionally trashing itself or an Action in play), still preserving a similar premise of upgrading itself (or your Actions) into Golds.

Plantation by Aquila
A simple +2 Coffers Treasure that let's you take the Tea Artifact if you have $3 unspent. Tea grants an optional Remodel from hand or discard every turn while you have it. One question, do you get to use Tea the same turn you take it? Hopefully that is the case, and it can work like Enhance (it even costs $3). It's like a deconstructed Butcher in a lot of ways, but with some added player interaction. I think Tea could lose the from discard option and still be plenty strong.

Ledger by faust
This is the best fixed Mandarin I've seen. DXV has said before that it could've cost $2, so it seems right that a Treasure version could cost $3. It's also kinda nice that it can just be a Copper if you want. Simple and far more useful than its terminal counterpart. Excellent entry.

Quill by JW
A Treasure Duration that plays an Action twice next turn, either one from your hand this turn or one from your hand next turn. It seems straightforward and having options is cool. It can't be played on itself which makes things much simpler. It feels like there's maybe a better wording but I can't think of what it would be. Nice one.

Journal by Gubump
An Action-Treasure that's a Peddler if played as an Action and a Bazaar if played as a Treasure. On some boards, you might just mostly just play this as an Action, which is a bit boring, but on boards where this is your only Village, things get a lot more interesting. Being able to dead draw this and another Action and play them both is super cool. As you mentioned, it's a Village that you don't have to play before your terminal, which we don't see very often in Dominion, and this is an elegant rendition of that idea.

Delicate Coin/Crumbling Coin by BryGuy
I'm assuming that Delicate Coin IS in the Supply, right? Otherwise, you can't get any of these! Delicate Coin is a $5 one-shot Gold that exchanges into a Crumbling Coin. Crumbling Coin is a a Silver with a Buy that rewards you with Nice if you buy two cards. The State is unnecessary and could easily be eliminated by making Delicate Coin a Duration for the next turn +Card and then return to the Supply. I don't have much else to say for these, they seem fine, if a little bit convoluted--Crumbling Coin could likely be its own pile for $5.

Pleasure Dome by emtzalex
A Treasure with a Poor House like bonus that scales down the more Actions you have in play. The self-trash into another Action feels a bit odd and unnecessary. At best, this is a Gold for $4 which isn't bad I guess, but I really don't like how much this hates Action cards. Outside of basic decks like Smithy-Money where you can get the exact one Action card you need in play, this just feels too niche otherwise and it's completely worthless in games where you want to build an engine. I think Poor House and Souk's way of generating payload is neat and worth experimenting with further but this implementation of it doesn't feel like it would be a pleasure to play with on most boards.

Atlas by SignError
Sort of a mini-Harem that counts differently named VP cards in hand for $ and counts differently named Treasures for VP. I like alt-VP cards but I worry this one is a little underwhelming on both fronts (especially compared to something like Humble Castle). The top is a Copper or worse much until the endgame, which feels pretty bad. Counting the number of VP cards instead of unique would help a little or just a simple flat +$.  The bottom will be worth 2VP in most games, but getting it to more than that is very board dependent.

Door Knocker by LTaco
Another simple Copper+, this time letting you discard a VP card for a sort of half-Baron. Early game, it's basically a Silver+Buy for $3 so long as you have an Estate around. I'd be curious to see if making the +Buy unconditional instead of the Copper (i.e. +1 Buy, discard a VP card for +$2) would make make it a little more interesting in the mid game and late game. I like it as is too though.

Papyrus Roll by fika monster
A Treasure Duration that can Exile for benefit on your next turn. I'm assuming the +Buy is separate from the +$ from the Exiled card's cost. It's an interesting idea for sure, and the inherent risk of a mandatory Exile from your next hand makes playing this always a bit of a gamble (the from discard option feels a little tacked on and I think makes the card less interesting). However, I agree that in a lot of cases there's usually something you won't mind Exiling, and the sheer amount of money this can generate will more than make up for it. I'd be curious about trying trash instead of Exile, which would make it a next turn Salvager (and maybe then you could keep the from discard), but then this gets less OP in the endgame when it can't freely Exile VP cards for boatloads of cash.

Purse by Udzu
A $2 Copper that also draws a card and can either sift a little or put something back on top. The discard option is Oasis, and the other option makes dead drawn Actions less sad. I like how simple it is, and it seems balanced at $2. My only complaint is that it's not terribly exciting. 

Honorable Mentions: Printing Press by Builder_Roberts, Door Knocker by LTaco, Quill by JW, Journal by Gubump

Runner Up: Ledger by faust

WINNER: Homunculus by LordBaphomet

Congrats to LordBaphomet and thanks everyone for participating!

Contest closed! Check the OP to ensure I've got your entry and its latest iteration. I'll get results posted in the next day or two.

24 hours

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #177: Groundhog Day
« on: February 10, 2023, 11:05:08 pm »
Thanks Kingreaper for a delightfully thematic contest and for introducing "Groundhogosity" to my vocabulary, a word I never knew I needed. Some really fun submissions this week (NoMoreFun's Recur is simply brilliant, and I'm also a fan of JW's Vortex as well).

New contest is up!

WDC #178: Another Person's Treasure

Alrighty folks, we're keeping it real simple this week:

Design a Treasure.

There are currently 51 Kingdom Treasures in Dominion. This may seem like a lot, but for most of Dominion's life, Treasures were actually quite rare, and many were duds (looking at you 1E Prosperity). However in 2022, DXV introduced 25 (!) new Kingdom Treasures, doubling the number of Treasures we have in Dominion (and that's not including Loots).

With so many more powerful, versatile, and fun Treasures, it's exciting to see a shift in the Dominion meta happening and players starting to embrace Treasures more as DXV has graced us with better ones.

Contest Guidelines:
  • Your submission must be a Treasure card (additional types are allowed as well).
  • Acceptable submissions include Kingdom Treasures, Non-Supply Treasures (like Spoils or Diadem), Heirlooms, or Loots. I suppose you could design a new basic Treasure (like Potion or Platinum) but tread lightly here.
  • Your submission may be part of a split pile or involve additional cards.
  • Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgement Details:
  • Entries and revisions must be submitted by 5:00 PM CT (11:00 PM UTC) on Friday, February 17. I'll have results posted on or before Sunday, February 26.
  • Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and creative/appropriate use of the Treasure mechanic.

Have fun! As someone who used to think most Kingdom Treasures weren't worth going for, I've been blown away by all the incredible new ones we got last year. There's way more design space here than any of us realized.

Looking forward to seeing y'all's designs!


Coppersmith by Augie279
Jewelry Box by czzzz
Patent by NoMoreFun
Credit by xyz123
Nugget by X-tra
Homunculus by LordBaphomet
Dollhouse/Chest of Expensive Clothes by LibraryAdventurer
Auror Gold/The Early Bird by majiponi
Plow by Xen3k
Printing Press by Builder_Roberts
Hand of Midas by silverspawn
Plantation by Aquila
Ledger by faust
Quill by JW
Journal by Gubump
Delicate Coin/Crumbling Coin by BryGuy
Pleasure Dome by emtzalex
Atlas by SignError
Door Knocker by LTaco
Papyrus Roll by fika monster
Purse by Udzu

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: February 09, 2023, 09:34:11 pm »

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #177: Groundhog Day
« on: February 03, 2023, 03:55:03 pm »

I'm leaning heavily into the flavor this week haha, let's try this one. Groundhog looks at your opponent's hand to check if he "sees his shadow" or not. If he does, well, that means six more weeks of winter, so he goes back into his hole (via recursive topdecking of course) and Exiles something for good measure. If your opponent's hand is cloudy and Groundhog-shadow-free, he stays out for some good old springtime Peddlerin'. Either outcome is pretty nice for a $3, however not having control over it can make playing this a bit of a gamble. Also, be careful, the Exile from hand is mandatory--winter can be brutal sometimes.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 25, 2023, 10:17:10 am »

Contessa is my replacement for Duchess, a cheap $2 cost that cares about Duchies but is actually fun. It turns Duchies into Moats and lets you play any number of them as Labs if you can line them up. Obviously it's a cantrip that doesn't do anything if you don't have any Duchies in hand, and $5 is a lot to pay for all your Moats, but hey they're worth points too.

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