Dominion > Variants and Fan Cards

Revised versions of published cards

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A Drowned Kernel:
I think SP should still have the self-spy, though. It's the attack that's mostly unnecessary and annoying.

<insert joke here about guide being way too over-powered since scout is already one of the best cards>


--- Quote from: A Drowned Kernel on December 11, 2013, 02:15:17 pm ---I think SP should still have the self-spy, though. It's the attack that's mostly unnecessary and annoying.

--- End quote ---

Yes, I did it this way because that was how the card originally was. If it turns out to be super-weak without the self-Spy, I may add it. Otherwise I'll stick with the simpler version.

Drab Emordnilap:
How about Throne Room and Moneylender that either say may, or have the "(or reveal a hand with no)"?


--- Quote from: Drab Emordnilap on December 11, 2013, 03:02:52 pm ---How about Throne Room and Moneylender that either say may, or have the "(or reveal a hand with no)"?

--- End quote ---

And Mine. People forget about Mine. I'll do those when I get the chance. Odds are I won't change their names, though, since the effect will be almost identical.

EDIT: (Oh, and they will say, "You may." Having to reveal a hand without is wordier and clunkier, and the cards won't mind the tiny buff.


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