Dominion > Variants and Fan Cards

Revised versions of published cards

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Since I mocked these up for my own IRL set, I thought I might as well post them here. Just a few Dominion Time Machine changes.

Chancellor is added as a 27th card in the Base Set.
Statue replaces Harem in Intrigue.

Scrying Pool doesn't need fixing. I rather like annoying people by playing several in a row.


--- Quote from: werothegreat on December 11, 2013, 01:35:21 pm ---Scrying Pool doesn't need fixing. I rather like annoying people by playing several in a row.

--- End quote ---

That's cool, man. I'm not trying to force people to adopt these. They're just here in case you want them.

I'm with you on removing the Spy from Scry (or at the very least, the spy on other's decks). Spying could be dropped from Duchess, too.

DXV even said he would change SP to not have the spying if he had to go back and change something (Not looking it up, I'm lazy).  And if you remove that bit from Duchess, it's literally just a terminal silver...  I kinda like it on Duchess, especially because while it seems pretty good for you, it also helps out your opponent.


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