I'm working on a cheap card that's sort of a self-trashing Festival without the +Buy. The actual card is more complex, but the gist of it is:
Types: Action
Cost: $2
+2 Actions. +$2. Trash this.
It can cheaply kick-start your early economy. Later on you could use them as inexpensive extra villages to keep your engine going. Is it too good for $2, or not good enough? You decide!
For kick-starting, it is the same as Silver, and the difference between $2 and $3 is not significant usually. Of course, in some cases you would like the Silver to go away, but usually not, or not as fast. It will also provide great advantage to 5/2 openings in the cases that those are already great. In contrast, when 5/2 is really bad, this costing $2 will make it better.
It also compares quite unfavourably with Fishing Village, but granted, FV is possibly the best village in the game.
It is odd that you removed the +Buy, since it will self-synergize in some sense. It will make the pile easy to piledrive, but not much easier than Hamlet. And it may be a nice usage in some cases.
So, to your actual question, for me it feels that it is not powerful enough to be better than Silver in most cases. I would add a +Buy. It will still be niche, but then it will have an extra use like buying a pseudo Necropolis (since +$2 and +Buy give you a replacement) and some times you want a Necropolis.