After 2 days, 8 hours and 51 minutes spent perusing and (sometimes) posting (a mere 0.242 posts per day) I have decided to write my nice little introduction to the forum community. My board game history begins at a young age playing classics such as monopoly and risk with my family. These games then developed into more sophisticated games such as hearts and spades as time went on. (you can argue about those games being more sophisticated later if you would like). Then came that fateful day when I spent the night with my sister and her husband and they brought out Dominion. Now, they only had Intrigue and Base, but it was enough for me to realize how great a game Dominion is. Still, I had not yet been exposed to the wonderful world that was isotropic dominion (RIP). That experience, however, was enough to convince me to purchase my own cards, and soon I had Seaside and Intrigue. Continuing on, I brought those sets with me to school, and found that one of my friends happened to know (and love) the game of Dominion. It was he who introduced me to Isotropic dominion (RIP). It was in those glory days of Iso (RIP) that I came to truly love the game. I loved the perfect combination of skill and luck. I came to appreciate the simple elegance of that isotropic (RIP) interface. Yet still I had not discovered this forum. The casual game every now and then turned into several games, which turned into 1708 games on Iso (RIP) retiring with a respectable rating of 28. I then took a break from Dominion and spent some time mourning our loss. I spent the rest of that summer without too much Dominion, as I had not yet bought the sets. I caved in the late summer, bought the sets, and have been playing consistently since then. I thought I played a lot back in the Iso (RIP) days, but little did I know that I would get to #18 (not counting bots) on the Isotropish leaderboard in the games played category. While I have been slowing down on how many games I play recently (I peaked probably early-mid September) I have picked in my forum activity. With that in mind, mail-mi and sudgy, ask away if I have checked the forum games.
(and I also studied math for my undergraduate degree. One reason for my name. I used to be 3.1415.... on iso (RIP) but changed to 2.71828..... because e is not as well known in popular culture as pi.)