The fourth contest is to design a card that would fit well in Seaside.
Submission Rules
Submit no more than one card per challenge.
You are not obligated to submit a card for every challenge.
Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card. Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
Unlike the previous set design contest, the name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline. If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety. That is, don't tell me "Oh, can you make that +2 Cards say +3 Cards instead?" Just resubmit the full card.
Only submit cards that are your own design.
You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!
For this Treasure Chest set, you may not submit cards that combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:
Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside slot.
Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity slot.
Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.
Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.
I will be putting some constraints on the set as a whole.
The raw number of cards (including randomizers) must not exceed 150.
Challenge #4 : Seaside
Design a Kingdom card that would fit into the Seaside expansion. Ideally such a card will have one or more of the following qualities:
Does something on a future turn (Duration cards are included here).
Interacts with the top of your deck or the tops of your opponent's decks.
Interacts in some other way with future or past turns (e.g. Embargo or Smugglers).
But don't let these guidelines constrain you! Just design the card you think would fit best into the set.
The deadline for this week's challenge is Monday, September 30, 2013 at 8am CDT.
If you have any questions, please post them here or send me a private message and I will endeavor to answer them in a timely manner. Good luck!