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Author Topic: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity  (Read 100921 times)

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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #275 on: September 08, 2013, 10:45:56 am »

Here are the ones I like:
Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Card. +1 Action. Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Treasure. Discard the rest. Trash the Treausre; gain a Treasure costing up to $3 more than it, putting it on top of your deck. Each other player may gain a Copper, putting it into his hand.
Kudos for teaching me a new word. I hadn't heard of an Usurer before. It takes a lot of words, but I like the look of the effect and the "benefit" for other players. Doubly so, I love the flavor. A Usurer (olden "Loan Shark") gives other players bad money that they can use immediately and you benefit. Great stuff there.
With a quick test, this card is terrible. It is a cantrip that Mines a random Treasure from your deck and lets each other player gain a Copper to hand. At a cost of $6, there is simply far, far too much opportunity cost there, and even were it a bit cheaper, the card is still swingy in that it can end up trashing Golds into Golds.
I'd put it at $4 and maybe it'd be good but then it might also be too much like an inverse Taxman. I guess between that and Mine we have enough cards that upgrade Treasures.
Good:  Nice fit for Platinum games, where you can really breathe life into your early Silvers.  I wondered about the need for the +1 Card, but I suppose it causes you to scoop up your upgraded Treasures as you play multiple Usurers.
Bad:  Maybe too fast?  I wonder how a Usurer rush would compare with Rebuild.  I guess Rebuild depletes the Duchy pile, which is a huge strategical difference.
I was testing in a Province game (since that will be the majority of games with it) and it was far, far too slow. Maybe dropping to $4 is too extreme considering Platinum.

Charity (A)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
Worth $4. +1 Buy.

While this is in play, when you buy a card, each other player gains a card costing at most $2 less than it.
The gain should be optional otherwise I'd usually use it to buy 2 Silvers, but I like the look of this one. Each other player gaining a Gold for your Province is pretty bad, so the cost of the gain might need to be altered. Thematically, you give stuff to every player and everyone benefits. I like it. I worry that other players wouldn't buy it though to avoid giving other players good cards.
This is really swingy. Also it compares poorly to Bank. I'd push it down to $6.
As others have said the gain really should be optional, otherwise you pick up a ton of $3 and $4 components and snowball the hell out of your engine. Even if the gain were optional, it's still a little iffy to me, because endgame VP-buying is suddenly so awful. If they gain the next lowest VP card, which they can (almost) always do, Colony = 4VP, Prov = 3VP...I really want this card to work, but I'm not sure it's doable. Maybe if you make the gain exactly less than $2, but then it might be too strong in endgame.
Great point on VP gaining. I'm not sure if it would be better to not allow gaining Victory cards like Haggler.

Types: Action
Cost: $7
+1 Action. Reveal cards from the top you your deck until you reveal an Action card, a Treasure card and a Victory card. If you do reveal a card of each of these types, put an Action card, a Treasure card and a Victory card from among the revealed cards into you hand. Discard the other revealed cards.
Super Laboratory: Great idea at $7. At a cost of $7 and only being able to draw one other Action, it might not be too overpowered for megaturns. Fiddly when in multiples, too. It is dead if you have no Action\Treasure\Victory cards left in your deck which sucks for a $7 Action. No idea about the flavor here though. Who's wedding are we celebrating and why should it be a big deal to me? With the name "Royal Wedding," the implications of the size of the royal line would become hilarious.
I think this is really strong, and it is pretty easy to keep them firing off properly since, being so expensive, it is easy to control the rate at which you're buying them.
Concept: Big non-terminal draw that hits a rainbow of types.
Prosperity fit: Expensive, big effect.
Comments: Rules question -- what if you reveal a hybrid?  I expect that it would count as both types, so if you reveal a Copper and a Nobles, that's all you get for drawing.  But maybe you reveal Nobles, Nobles, Estate, Harem, you should be able to choose two Nobles and Harem (with Harem being your treasure and each Nobles filling in a different slot).  So Wedding+hybrid cards is a double-edged sword.  Overall, fairly interesting.
I think that interaction with hybrids is unusual, but more an exploit than ordinary. There are so few hybrid cards anyway that with a footnote in the instructions it won't be much to worry about.

Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $3
+$3. Reveal 3 cards from your hand. The player to your left selects one of them. Discard it or put it on top of your deck.

When another player plays an Attack, you may set this aside from your hand. If you do, +1 Card, +1 VP, and at the start of your next turn, discard this.
+$3 is a lot on a $3 card, but you are forced to get rid of a card that you don't get to choose. You'd have to get a lot of building done before that Action could be at all useful-- it might be too weak, but that Reaction looks nice. I worry it would disincentize Attacks too much. Flavorwise, I think it's funny that it doesn't at all stop attacks, just makes them sting less.
Quick tests against Militia and Witch show that it is easy to use its Reaction in response to Militia, a little harder with Witch, but it loses badly against either without a lot of work, so it doesn't kill strong Attacks at least.
Good:  The reaction is interesting.
Bad:  The terminal gold on a $3 card seems too strong.  Also, there are lots of choices being made here.  Choose three cards to reveal, then the opponent selects one, then you have to decide to topdeck or discard.  I say just force the last step to be "discard", and then the first two decisions will be easier too.  Or am I missing something?
I found the three steps were pretty easy to remember because of other "reveal cards, pick a card, get rid of it" cards like Envoy and Advisor and for the most part easy to resolve since the player of it has been staring at his hand and putting the card on top of the deck or not is such a no-brainer.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+3 VP. Each other player gains a card costing up to $5.
This is adorable. Everyone can gain Duchies to nullify the positive effect for the player or can gain good cards to try to get better returns for them later. I love the way it sounds, but it is probably underpowered right now. It likely can only be effectively used in the latter portion of the game in order to require other players to gain Duchies with it, but then the Duchies are simply canceling out any effect Philanthropist would have for you. The theme is pretty good too, like Charity, but a person.
Probably underpowered.
Furthermore, I would imagine a lot of players wouldn't want to play it since they don't want to give other players powerful cards, similarly to Charity, but I like it a lot better than Charity.
Really though, this thing is weird. In testing it, of course one doesn't buy it until later in the game. This is much different than Monument (which you buy at the start so that the Victory tokens can build up), instead you only want to start playing Philanthropist once players have to start buying Duchies. Ideally, you can play Philanthropist after the Duchy pile has emptied because then the players can only gain decent cards that they may not get to see while you're accumulating free Duchies, though you probably will have played Philanthropist a couple of times, forcing everyone else to quickly empty the Duchy pile for you.
Philanthropist is a really interesting card and the most unique card submitted, I feel. It really provides a fascinating new way to build a VP-chip deck while still moving the game forward. That being said, I foresee some possible issues with the card. First, the bonus to your opponents is huge. I'm not saying that the card is unbalanced, but from what I've read, people generally don't like to give their opponent gifts, and this gift is huge. Second, this could still devolve into a VP-gaining stalemate with both (or all) players going for a Philanthropist deck and trying to keep the game from ending. Goons helps to give you the ability to end the game on your VP-chip megaturn while you're ahead. Philanthropist doesn't. Overall, though, an awesome idea.

Edging out Philanthropist is Indulgence. The name is the only thing I don't love about this card. Well, that and the fact that it executes similarly to Contraband. However, I think that changing anything about the card to differentiate it would be a mistake. It's a brilliant idea that I think will really work.
I am significantly more excited by Philanthropist for being such a unique card and easily one of the most unique submitted. I love Philanthropist because it feels the least like any other Dominion card. I do agree with all your worries except about the stalemate. The gain is mandatory, so the game is always proceeding to its end, even if only on base cards.
I'm sure this one will need some balancing, but it's so unique and wonderfully simple that I think it's worth the effort.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Play up to 2 Treasures from your hand. Draw until you have 4 cards in hand.
While I'm not a huge fan of mixing Treasures into the buy phase, this is an obvious rule that has never really been broken in Dominion (Black Market being a promo only kind of counts). This is pretty interesting and I do like Draw until X cards. A neat little self-limiting Laboratory variant that encourages a deck with a careful balance of Treasures and Villas. I don't like the name very much though: It probably ought to refer to some sort of illicit market in honor of Black Market. Fence maybe?
What's more, Prosperity is really the only place this card can make sense since this is the only expansion that has different Treasures that you'd really like to play in the Action phase.
Not to mention all the cool combos you can get out of it. Like...
Now I want to see a Villa/Counterfeit Combo.

Silk Merchant
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. You may trash two cards from your hand. If you do, +1 VP per token on the Trade Route mat.

Setup: Put a token on each Victory card Supply pile. When a card is gained from that pile, move the token to the Trade Route mat.

Clarification: The Trade Route mat and tokens referred to by Silk Merchant are the same as those referred to by Trade Route.  If both Trade Route and Silk Merchant are in the kingdom and/or Black Market deck, use only one token on each victory card pile.
I love that this uses the same mat as Trade Route, though I believe the wording will need some fiddling to avoid there being two tokens on each Victory Supply pile. The card itself is certainly weak unless you're using its trashing (which you'll only be using once it gives at least +2VP I think). The card references Silk Road and Spice Merchant, right? I like the reuse there too, though Spice Merchant was already a pretty weak card, thematically.
As I mentioned previously, I like the idea.  Linking the VP tokens to trashing seems potentially problematic to me though, at least when the Trade Route Mat gets full enough.  With a bit of alt VP, it can easily reach 6, and I'm afraid it would then encourage the players to simply cannibalize their decks. Keep a Pawn (for the nonterminal buy) and Silk Merchant, and then just buy and trash two Coppers each turn for a Province worth of points.
Agreed. Perhaps if least one of the cards trashed had to be a non-Treasure it would work? You could still build a "Golden deck," but you would have to be grinding up Supply piles other than the large Copper and Silver piles.

Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Worth $2. +1 Buy. When you play this, the player to your left names a card in the Supply costing between $3 and $6. If you buy that card this turn, +2VP.
I've found that I don't like this one as much as I had hoped I would, though I do like it. The name's religious connotations are okay, though without an image, I definitely think of this kind of indulgence.
I don't think [Indulgence]'s really that strong.  Yeah OK, buy a Thief or a Scout for 2VP.  But how many times are you willing to do that?  Probably not a lot, at least until the late game.  And then there's the opportunity cost of what you could have bought instead of that weak action.  I still think that dropping the +Buy would be a good change to make.  But the main concept is interesting and there should be many easy tweaks that would bring it in line.
Also remember that whenever you have an Indulgence, you necessarily have $2. If you have $3 more, a Duchy is better than that Chancellor+2VP if you aren't going to see the card again (besides edge cases where that Coppersmith might push your Vineyard up or something) and in many cases, even if you do see that Baron you won't play it so it may as well have been a Victory card. And I like a lot of these cards: I buy Workshop on more boards than I should, so Ironworks+2VP would look pretty nice, but once I have time to get $5 cards like Indulgence in my deck, I already have Lookout and another is unnecessary.
Dropping Indulgence to a cost of $4 so one can open with it and producing only $1 would help differentiate it from Contraband and would make it more practical, but then I actually worry about +2VP being too strong. If Donald X. came up and asked me if I would rather have Contraband or Indulgence in Prosperity, I would pick Indulgence, but because Contraband already is in the game and Prosperity has so many Treasures even without it, I'm not as excited by this as I could be.
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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #276 on: September 08, 2013, 05:26:23 pm »

This might have already been answered, but when do you expect results to go up? I presume it won't be immediately after the deadline, since you'll also have Hinterlands cards to post and the next contest to do, as well as adding any potential last minute votes?
...spin-offs are still better for all of the previously cited reasons.
But not strictly better, because the spinoff can have a different cost than the expansion.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #277 on: September 08, 2013, 07:41:15 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Card. +1 Action. Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Treasure. Discard the rest. Trash the Treausre; gain a Treasure costing up to $3 more than it, putting it on top of your deck. Each other player may gain a Copper, putting it into his hand.
Kudos for teaching me a new word. I hadn't heard of an Usurer before. It takes a lot of words, but I like the look of the effect and the "benefit" for other players. Doubly so, I love the flavor. A Usurer (olden "Loan Shark") gives other players bad money that they can use immediately and you benefit. Great stuff there.
With a quick test, this card is terrible. It is a cantrip that Mines a random Treasure from your deck and lets each other player gain a Copper to hand. At a cost of $6, there is simply far, far too much opportunity cost there, and even were it a bit cheaper, the card is still swingy in that it can end up trashing Golds into Golds.
I'd put it at $4 and maybe it'd be good but then it might also be too much like an inverse Taxman. I guess between that and Mine we have enough cards that upgrade Treasures.
Good:  Nice fit for Platinum games, where you can really breathe life into your early Silvers.  I wondered about the need for the +1 Card, but I suppose it causes you to scoop up your upgraded Treasures as you play multiple Usurers.
Bad:  Maybe too fast?  I wonder how a Usurer rush would compare with Rebuild.  I guess Rebuild depletes the Duchy pile, which is a huge strategical difference.
I was testing in a Province game (since that will be the majority of games with it) and it was far, far too slow. Maybe dropping to $4 is too extreme considering Platinum.

$4?  Really? Is it because of the optional Copper gain?  Otherwise, I don't see how this is possibly worse than Mine.  You don't get to choose which treasure is upgraded, but I doubt this matters until you've already accumulated quite a few Golds.  And even then, at least it puts the Gold right on top of your deck, so it is still a net plus.  This is maybe a tad more important in a Platinum game, where one could choose to upgrade Gold to Platinum with Mine.  Also, if you have fancy Kingdom treasures, Spoils, or Diadem you might want to avoid trashing them.  The only other advantage I can see for Mine is that it adds $1 of value to the current hand, but Usurer nonterminally draws a card, which in most decks will usually be worth at least $1.  It also topdecks the new Treasure, which is a boon for your next turn in most any deck that would reasonably want either Mine or Usurer.  Now, it is true that Mine is often too slow as well, but I would imagine a $5 Usurer would fare no worse.
Well you *do* need a signature...


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #278 on: September 08, 2013, 11:55:46 pm »

FWIW my submission here has had lukewarm reception and only minor discussion.
Hang on, how did we submit the same card?


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #279 on: September 09, 2013, 07:37:32 am »

Some other comments:

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+$3. You may trash this. If you do, the first time you buy a Victory card this turn, +3 VP.

While this is in play, when you buy a Victory card, +1 VP.
There are a few cards here that give VP for gaining Victory cards. I'm not a fan since the Victory point tokens exist to provide points without Victory cards, I thought. Regardless, it makes them feel moderately similar to Goons, but worse (though I like the VP pinata from Artist).

Types: Action
Cost: $7
Gain two action cards costing less than this and a Gold.
I actually kind of agree with Dsell here: $7 cards are the big cards: simple but big. Cathedral gets pretty close here feeling like a huge Workshop. Nice one.

Crown (A)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $8*
Worth $1. When you play this, gain 2 Treasure cards.

During your turn, this costs $1 less per 2 VP chips you have.
When you gain this, +2 VP.
Everything else is broken, but I like the degrading cost of this one.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Buy. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put the revealed Treasure cards into your hand. Discard the rest. Each other player may discard a Treasure. If he does, he draws a card.
Aqueduct (A)
Types: Action
Cost: $7
+2 Buys. +$2. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put the revealed Treasure cards into your hand and discard the rest.
I think it's funny how similar these two are. Either way, when playing a Big Money strategy (picking up two Prospectors\Aqueduct (A)s) it doesn't really care that it doesn't draw the other Actions or Victory cards since it can't do anything with them anyway, so they're effectively +4 Cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $6
Trash any number of cards from your hand. For each card you trash, +1 Card and +$1.
Clearing House
Types: Action
Cost: $6
+2 Cards. +1 Action. You may trash any number of Treasure cards from your hand. +1 Card per card trashed in this way.
Super trashers. Forge already covers that in Prosperity I think, but I wanted to point out that both of these provide pretty big bonuses with really strong trashing: To the point that I'd think these are better than Forge. Remake, Steward, and Chapel require players to sacrifice turns in order to trash, Doctor is chance based, and Counterfeit, Junk Dealer, Moneylender, and the like are comparatively slow, and Mercenery requires a lot of work to get to it. Hunter and Clearing House both trash practically for free.

Aqueduct (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action. +$2. Discard a card. If you do, +1 Card.

While this is in play, Attack cards you play have no effect on other players.
I like this in play effect, buy I don't think this card really needs it.

Crown (B)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
Worth $4.

When you gain this, each other player gets +2 VP.
I like the idea of giving other players Victory point tokens.

Standard Bearer
Types: Action
Cost: $7
Trash this card. Put your deck (not including your discard pile) into your hand.
This is hilarious.

Charity (B)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Worth $1. When you play this, choose one: Each player gains a Copper; or each player gains a Silver. Either way, put the card you gained into your hand.
I wanted to point out that I don't like this one and wouldn't even if it could only gain Silvers because it forces a Treasure flood on every player without bound and without having to Attack to do so. Yes, I dislike Governor for forcing a Silver flood too.

Types: Treasure
Cost: $6
Worth $0. When you play this, if you have no other Treasures in play, +2 VP. You may trash this immediately. If you do, +$2.
Shout-out to whoever made this. I think the +VP is too strong, but the ability to trash them to get the +VP from more than one is clever.

$4?  Really? ...  Now, it is true that Mine is often too slow as well, but I would imagine a $5 Usurer would fare no worse.
At a cost of $5, Usurer is a weak card and it discourages the use of alternate Treasures. At a cost of $4, Usurer gives other players a strong benefit while improving the player's deck (bumping up early hands is decent with the controllable Copper flood [Coppers have been okay since Hinterlands] and you can pretty easily turn $7 into $8 through gaining a card that isn't bad at the end of the game). Furthermore, anyone gaining Coppers has more targets for their own Usurers, making it more interesting at $4 since the opportunity cost is lower. Possibly shouldn't put the Treasure on top of the deck since Taxman already does that.
This is probably just a showing of my design philosophy: I'll undercost something before overcosting it since I've always found it easier to visualize pushing a card's price up than down after testing. It would quite likely end up proving too strong or even degenerate for $4.
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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #280 on: September 09, 2013, 10:22:25 am »

I know it's late, but now I have some time, so let's go ! (one of those cards is mine, and I already voted)
I didn't vote for all the cards I said good over, though, I'm sorry !

Types: Treasure
Cost: $6
Worth $2. When you play this, you may trash up to 2 cards from your hand and play area. If you trashed at least one Action card, +$2 and +1 VP.

Terrible at beginning. I find the "Action for VP" boring, because it's only one VP at a time. "trashing for money" is still interesting though.

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+$3. You may trash this. If you do, the first time you buy a Victory card this turn, +3 VP.
While this is in play, when you buy a Victory card, +1 VP.

Okay, VPing while greening, or bursting ! Just classical ! Could be nice, "rising the value of victory cards by 1", but only in close games !

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Card. +1 Action. Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Treasure. Discard the rest. Trash the Treasure; gain a Treasure costing up to $3 more than it, putting it on top of your deck. Each other player may gain a Copper, putting it into his hand.
Money money money !!! It leaves you with money on deck, it's a cantrip miner... I find it belongs to Prosperity, but swingy. Okay, Loan from prosperity is also swingy, too.

Treasure Chest
Types: Treasure
Cost: $4
Worth $1. When you play this, discard the top card of your deck. If it is a Treasure, gain a Silver
Too swingy and too poor to be interesting

Strong Room
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+4 Cards. +1 Action. You may return up to 4 VP tokens. Discard 4 cards, minus 1 card per VP token returned.
In games using this, at the beginning of each turn of the player who went first, each player gets +1 VP.
I personally love this mechanical ! But it kinda warps the game !

Types: Action
Cost: $7
+1 Card. +2 Actions. Treasure cards other than Copper produce an extra $1 this turn.
Hmm... with at least 2 treasures other than copper in action phase, it's a better Bazar, and it's at least a village ! Seems nice ! Though I don't like the name because it reminds me of the last "evolution" of City (village evolves into city, which evolves into metropolis, just like Pokemons ^^)

Stock Exchange
Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
Worth $2.
While this is in play, when you buy a Victory card, you may buy any number of VP tokens for $1 per token
I produce $40 due to my KC-(insert good drawer here)-Bridge engine !!! So I'll buy an estate and 40 VPs ! LOL !
Bad : Changes too much the aim of Dominion ! To me, VP tokens shouldn't be a goal for themselves !
Good : If you have extra $ to spend over a Victory card, or if you are afraid of buying that Colony/Province, just take a Duchy instead !

Types: Treasure
Cost: $4
Worth $3.
While this is in play, when you buy a Treasure card gain 2 Coppers, when you buy a Victory card gain a Curse.
Uninteresting Quarry-like, only it boosts Gardens...

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. +$1. You may discard a Province or Colony. If you do, +1 VP. You may return 3 VP to the supply. If you do, gain a Province.
Infinite VPS !!!! No, sorry, I already lost a challenge because of this idea !

Gilded Statue
Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
Worth $2. When you play this, you may discard a Treasure. If you do, gain a Gold.
When you gain this, gain an Action card costing up to $4.
So you have $3 minus $1, minus another $1 (because you will typically discard copper) for a gold ? Interesting, but not as much as Hoard, which costs less.

Railway Town
Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Card. +2 Actions. +$1. If you have played railway town at least twice this turn, +1 Buy. If you have played it at least three times this turn, +1 VP. If you have played it at least four times this turn, +$1. If you have played it at least five times this turn, +1 Card.
Sorry but I hate the idea of "If you played at least n / n+1 / n+2 ... times this turn". Only the first time (Crossroads + Fool's Gold) is enough.

Charity (A)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
Worth $4. +1 Buy.
While this is in play, when you buy a card, each other player gains a card costing at most $2 less than it.
Could be a nice attack.
A bit strange, maybe overpriced at $7 and with the +buy, but I like it.

Types: Action
Cost: $7
+1 Action. Reveal cards from the top you your deck until you reveal an Action card, a Treasure card and a Victory card. If you do reveal a card of each of these types, put an Action card, a Treasure card and a Victory card from among the revealed cards into you hand. Discard the other revealed cards.
I don't like this mechanical of "until an Action, Treasure, Victory and then choose one Action, Treasure, Victory", neither do I like the one of Smelter below.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Buy. +$1.
While this is in play, during the Buy phase, Colonies cost $2 less, but not less than $0. While this is in play, when you buy a Platinum, +2 VP.
Setup: Add Colony and Platinum to the Supply.
I dislike the idea of being forced to play with Platinum and Colony, and I find it not interesting enough : what if in late game you miss $9 with this ? You have at least province ! Yes, but you can't buy Platinum too ! And it's not interesting enough to me.

Crown (A)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $8*
Worth $1. When you play this, gain 2 Treasure cards.
During your turn, this costs $1 less per 2 VP chips you have.
When you gain this, +2 VP.
I play crown, I gain two other crowns, which make me win the crown split and then the platinum split... another game-warper, which I don't like !

Types: Action
Cost: $7
Gain two action cards costing less than this and a Gold.
Kinda simple ! I like this !

King's Greed
Types: Action
Cost: $10
Put your deck into your discard pile. Look through your discard pile and set aside up to 3 Action cards from it. Play them in any order.
No, sorry, I don't feel ready to pay $10 for an action.

Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $3
+$3. Reveal 3 cards from your hand. The player to your left selects one of them. Discard it or put it on top of your deck.
When another player plays an Attack, you may set this aside from your hand. If you do, +1 Card, +1 VP, and at the start of your next turn, discard this.
Too complicated. But risky, and I love it. But it doesn't belong to Prosperity to me.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Buy. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put the revealed Treasure cards into your hand. Discard the rest. Each other player may discard a Treasure. If he does, he draws a card.
Even less interesting than Scout !!!
In fact, it's like a "Smithy you play dead with a +buy" but you have to hope you're full of treasures ! And it's swingy too... so it's gonna be without me !

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+2 VP. Gain a Gold. !

Types: Action
Cost: $6
Trash any number of cards from your hand. For each card you trash, +1 Card and +$1.
Weak if you trash one card at a time, and good luck to trash several at a time. Because yougget them only once you reach $6...
Types: Action
Cost: $5
Draw until you have 6 cards in hand.
While this is in play, when you play a Silver, you may trash that Silver. If you do, +1 VP.
I prefer watchtower !

Types: Action
Cost: $7
Discard up to 3 cards from your hand. +1 VP per card discarded.
Infinite VP powaaa ! See above !

Aqueduct (A)
Types: Action
Cost: $7
+2 Buys. +$2. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put the revealed Treasure cards into your hand and discard the rest.
Hunter is baaaack !

Types: Treasure – Reaction
Cost: $5
Worth $2
When you gain a Victory card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, +2 VP.
Nice enough...

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+3 VP. Each other player gains a card costing up to $5.
3 VP for $4 is too much, even with the counterpart ! It makes the game uninteresing !

Clearing House
Types: Action
Cost: $6
+2 Cards. +1 Action. You may trash any number of Treasure cards from your hand. +1 Card per card trashed in this way.
I wanted a "laboratory+" for $6. I think this one is good enough, but I wonder if it can give a serious lead to the 1st player to reach $6.

Types: Action
Cost: $7
+$4. !

Types: Treasure
Cost: $4
Worth $1. Rarity cards cost $6 less this turn, but not less than $0.
Setup: Add an extra Kingdom card pile costing $5 or more to the Supply. Cards from that pile are Rarity cards and cost $5 more.
I don't like adding piles to the Kingdom ! And what if the pile added isn't interesting ?

Types: Action
Cost: $2
Trash this and any number of Treasures from your hand. +1 VP for each Treasure trashed this way.
I dislike the idea of "Trash this and any number of cards from hand", sorry ! And neither $2 nor one-shots belong to Prosperity to me !

Types: Treasure
Cost: $6
Worth $1. When you play this, gain a Treasure card costing less than this, putting it into your hand.
Either there are good treasures at $5 (Counterfeit/Good venture), or this is a good remplacing-card for Swindler, just like Farmland !

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Play up to 2 Treasures from your hand. Draw until you have 4 cards in hand.
I prefer "set aside and then play" and I hate the idea of "non-terminal cards that draw until you have X", and I already hated it before I nearly won a challenge in the previous contest

Golden Touch
Types: Action
Cost: $5
Trash the top card of your deck. Gain a Gold, putting it on top of your deck.
Midas disapproves the swingyness of this card.

Aqueduct (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action. +$2. Discard a card. If you do, +1 Card.
While this is in play, Attack cards you play have no effect on other players.
I like this "stronger Oasis". I don't know whether the penalty is good, though.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Buy.
While this is in play, Treasure cards costs $3 less, but not less than $0.
An even worse quarry, which is too expensive to be fair, to me.

Crown (B)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
Worth $4.
When you gain this, each other player gets +2 VP.
Hmmm.... boring !

Standard Bearer
Types: Action
Cost: $7
Trash this card. Put your deck (not including your discard pile) into your hand.
*tries not to laugh* No !

Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
When you play this, reveal your hand. This is worth $1 per Victory card revealed.
Once per turn, while this is in play, when you buy a Victory card, +1 Buy and +$1.
A VP-gainer, classical and could be infinite ! I dislike this !

Charity (B)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Worth $1. When you play this, choose one: Each player gains a Copper; or each player gains a Silver. Either way, put the card you gained into your hand.
Is it an attack ?
I would prefer "only a silver for yourself only", that could be interesting but I don't know why I already thought to it but didn't post it.

Types: Treasure
Cost: $6
Worth $0. When you play this, if you have no other Treasures in play, +2 VP. You may trash this immediately. If you do, +$2.
A treasure that encourages you to flee from other treasures ? No, sorry ! Not in Prosperity (and maybe not elsewhere too)

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+3 Cards. +1 Action. Each other player draws a card, then reveals and discards one or more cards. He gets +1 VP per Action or Treasure card he discards.
I hate the idea of "each other player draws and discards" without it being an attack, but it's risky. Is it gonna win ? I don't know, but it's not "conventionnal" enough so I didn't vote it (like other cards above)

Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Worth $2.
While this is in play, when you buy a card that is not a Victory card, you may gain a copy of it, putting it on top of your deck. If you do, trash this.
Two platinums, two grand markets, two KCs... if good cards over $5, okay. But otherwise ?

Queen's Palace
Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
You may choose a Treasure card in your hand. Play it three times.
Girl powaaa !!! Can be very boring with Platinum !

Hedge Fund
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action.
You may return a VP token. If you do, +3 Cards, +1 Buy, and each other player gets +1 VP.
Setup: Each player gets +2 VP.
Hmmm... unlike Strong room, you are forced to use VPs to make it interesting ! I dislike this. It would change the game into a "VP ping-pong" and you would be poor if no VPs.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $7
Each other player reveals the top 3 cards of his deck, trashes a revealed Treasure that you choose, and discards the rest. You may gain any or all of the trashed cards. +1 VP per card you gain this way.
Thief++ just like Expand and KC are Remodel++ and TR++, with one VP.
I hate Thief, so i hate thies... sorry, this !

Witch's Trove
Types: Treasure
Cost: $6
Worth $2. When you play this, reveal you hand and discard all revealed Curses. +$3 for each Curse discarded. You may gain a Curse.
You are not allowed to gain a challenge if you submit a cards which allows you to gain a curse !

Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
Worth $4. +1 Buy. When you play this, trash all Treasures you have in play. +1 VP for each card trashed.
Treasure Kamikaze ! I dislike this !

Types: Treasure
Cost: $6
Worth $2. +1 Buy. If you have 4 or more differently named Treasures in play, +$2.
Why not Cornucopia ?

Types: Treasure
Cost: $10*
Worth $4.
Unless in play, this costs $2 less per card costing $6 or more you have in play, but not less than $0.
I dislike the idea of "cards costing $6 or more in play". And what does "unless in play" mean ? It means "either in your hand, in the supply or in an opponent's deck" ?

Silk Merchant
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. You may trash two cards from your hand. If you do, +1 VP per token on the Trade Route mat.
Setup: Put a token on each Victory card Supply pile. When a card is gained from that pile, move the token to the Trade Route mat.
Clarification: The Trade Route mat and tokens referred to by Silk Merchant are the same as those referred to by Trade Route.  If both Trade Route and Silk Merchant are in the kingdom and/or Black Market deck, use only one token on each victory card pile.

First time a card in a challenge refer to an existing mat, right ?
Too bad you have to trash your cards late enough to get benefit of this !

Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Worth $2. +1 Buy. When you play this, the player to your left names a card in the Supply costing between $3 and $6. If you buy that card this turn, +2VP.
Original VP gainer. I like this, but will you buy that coppersmith for 2 VPs, or that Moneylender or Trading post if you already have several of them in your deck ?

Types: Action
Cost: $6
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal an Action card, a Treasure card, and a Victory card. Trash an Action card, a Treasure card, and a Victory card from the revealed cards. If you do, gain 3 Golds.
Not to me ! See above !

Types: Treasure – Attack
Cost: $5
Worth $2. When you play this, each other player may trash a Treasure or Action card from his hand. If he does not, he gains 2 Coppers, putting one into his hand.
Interaction too weird !

okay, next time I'll talk about the cards first and submit then !
It took me 45 minutes... it's looong ! I understand why I was lazy to do so in the first contest !
Chocolate is like victory points in Dominion. Both taste good but they'll hurt you if you eat too much of it instead of something else in your early days.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #281 on: September 09, 2013, 11:40:41 am »

Results are up on page 1. If I have misattributed your card to someone else, or misattributed someone else's card to you, please post here and I'll update the post!

Congrats to SirPeebles and his card Indulgence! Thanks to everybody for participating.

I'll be back to post more later once I've actually gotten some work done today.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #282 on: September 09, 2013, 01:01:59 pm »

Results are up on page 1. If I have misattributed your card to someone else, or misattributed someone else's card to you, please post here and I'll update the post!

Congrats to SirPeebles and his card Indulgence! Thanks to everybody for participating.

I'll be back to post more later once I've actually gotten some work done today.
Little nitpick, my name isn't mali-mi.
I currently imagine mail-mi wearing a dark trenchcoat and a bowler hat, hunched over a bit, toothpick in his mouth, holding a gun in his pocket.  One bead of sweat trickling down his nose.

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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #283 on: September 09, 2013, 01:20:24 pm »

Congrats to SirPeebles! Indulgence is certainly an interesting concept. I'd be interested to hear what you thought of the discussion about it.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #284 on: September 09, 2013, 01:24:57 pm »

Hey, joint 4th, sweet! I did expect to see Indulgence win, I think it needs some tweaking, but it's a novel idea and could be an exciting card.

I've been thinking about my submission (Philanthopist - and yes I legitimately did butcher pronouncing it in my video, although after messing up twice I did just exaggerate a bit), and I agree that it's too weak. I have some ideas for it for next time, mainly - non-terminal and giving +4 VPs are the changes I'm first considering, Cantrip is another possibility.
...spin-offs are still better for all of the previously cited reasons.
But not strictly better, because the spinoff can have a different cost than the expansion.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #285 on: September 09, 2013, 01:36:42 pm »

My card was Rosary:

Types: Treasure – Attack
Cost: $5
Worth $2. When you play this, each other player may trash a Treasure or Action card from his hand. If he does not, he gains 2 Coppers, putting one into his hand.

The goal of this card was to make a working Treasure-Attack and a Copper junker, both concepts that are inherently problematic.

The issue with Treasure-Attack is that the attack really has to be weak because Treasures are spammable.  Rosary is a weak attack because, at least in the early game, it actually benefits opponents a lot by letting them trash Copper.  Even if they don't, the junking benefits them by giving them a Copper in hand.

The issue with Copper junking is that the pile of Coppers is big and it doesn't scale down with number of players like Curses do.  That means that players can end up completely swamped in junk with no way out.  Rosary tries to address the issue by countering itself via the trashing it provides others.

The result is an attack that is weak enough that it could probably cost $4.  However, I think that there are enough cases where it is decently strong that it should remain $5.  The best use case I can think of is when there is already strong trashing on the board.  If your opponent has already cleared out his starting Copper, Rosary junks fairly quickly.  While they can take advantage of other Rosary plays to trash the Copper you give them, the result is akin to a Cutpurse attack.  I think Rosary could be a fairly potent attack in niche cases.

As for the name, I think "Rosary" is a good name for a Treasure, and it has a connection with Bishop and Chapel, which also have to do with trashing.

In the end, I did not vote for my own because there were other entries that I simply liked better.  Congrats to SirPeebles for his landslide victory. :)

(Note to self: "Landslide" would be a good name for a Victory card just for the pun.)


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #286 on: September 09, 2013, 01:44:28 pm »

My card was Rosary:

Types: Treasure – Attack
Cost: $5
Worth $2. When you play this, each other player may trash a Treasure or Action card from his hand. If he does not, he gains 2 Coppers, putting one into his hand.

I like the idea, but this card just feels too weak on the large majority of boards. Both "attack" options can help your opponent, and I feel like most of the time one of the two options will help them more than hurt. Trashing Coppers early and getting an extra Copper in the hand late can really benefit an opponent to the point of almost never having this card seem worthwhile, especially at the competitive $5 price.

I actually like the idea of Treasure-Attacks and Copper junkers, but this one just helps your opponents too much.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #287 on: September 09, 2013, 01:46:39 pm »

Results are up on page 1. If I have misattributed your card to someone else, or misattributed someone else's card to you, please post here and I'll update the post!

Congrats to SirPeebles and his card Indulgence! Thanks to everybody for participating.

I'll be back to post more later once I've actually gotten some work done today.
Little nitpick, my name isn't mali-mi.

Sorry! The lowercase 'L's and 'I's look almost identical to me (in usernames on this forum). Fixed.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2013, 01:50:59 pm by LastFootnote »


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #288 on: September 09, 2013, 02:10:44 pm »

My card was Rosary:

Types: Treasure – Attack
Cost: $5
Worth $2. When you play this, each other player may trash a Treasure or Action card from his hand. If he does not, he gains 2 Coppers, putting one into his hand.

I like the idea, but this card just feels too weak on the large majority of boards. Both "attack" options can help your opponent, and I feel like most of the time one of the two options will help them more than hurt. Trashing Coppers early and getting an extra Copper in the hand late can really benefit an opponent to the point of almost never having this card seem worthwhile, especially at the competitive $5 price.

I actually like the idea of Treasure-Attacks and Copper junkers, but this one just helps your opponents too much.

But again, the proper use case is when the board already has heavy trashing.  If your opponent is already killing all their Coppers with Chapel, distributing 2 Copper can really slow them down.  I know it's typically weak, and maybe not even so strong in the best case.  It was designed to be that way.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #289 on: September 09, 2013, 02:26:53 pm »

Congrats to Sir Peebles! I like the card more now that it was explained to me in the discussion; it's a good win.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #290 on: September 09, 2013, 02:31:03 pm »

Congrats to Sir Peebles! I like the card more now that it was explained to me in the discussion; it's a good win.

And poor Drab Emordnilap..
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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #291 on: September 09, 2013, 02:46:28 pm »

Congrats to Sir Peebles! I like the card more now that it was explained to me in the discussion; it's a good win.

And poor Drab Emordnilap..

I only got one vote, myself, and considering you could make that step by simply voting for yourself, 1 and 0 is almost no difference. Also, the contest still has some rounds left for all of us low-tiers to bring up something cool. I'm positive about this :)


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #292 on: September 09, 2013, 03:36:25 pm »

now that this is over, can we talk about which card we entered?


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #293 on: September 09, 2013, 03:39:14 pm »

Wow, only 3 votes for Artist (including mine) ? Maybe I deserved it...
It's gonna be a very looong contest, like the previous one.
Fortunately, I voted for the two first ones !
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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #294 on: September 09, 2013, 03:46:19 pm »

now that this is over, can we talk about which card we entered?

Hells yeah! Knock yourself out.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #295 on: September 09, 2013, 03:46:46 pm »

I'm sorry Drab Emordnilap I was going to vote for Workhouse but I got too lazy to vote.

Anyways, I made Charity (B). Quick idea, sounded cute, didn't expect it to win. In retrospect the Copper gaining is a bit strong, even though it junks you up too, and the Silver gaining penalty is kinda ambivalent because it's still a $5 Gold for you. I mean, is Embassy a $6 cost without Silver gaining? I'd guess yes, but you still want Embassy because it's so darn good.

Symmetric treasure gaining is neat, that's all. It's purposefully limited to Copper + Silver, because I think getting Gold or Plat is too strong for the person who plays Charity; they get the first play of the card. Without the Copper/Silver choice it's boring, but with it it's still not super interesting.
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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #296 on: September 09, 2013, 03:48:18 pm »

I made Crown A. Attack me! Give me your hate!!
I have been forced to accept that lackluster play is a town tell for you.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #297 on: September 09, 2013, 03:52:25 pm »

Some of you may notice that I also reworded Indulgence again after thinking about it for a while. "Name a card" in Dominion has always been free and unfettered by constraints like "must be in the Supply", "must cost between $3 and $6", and "must be a real Dominion card". Thankfully, there's precedent for the actual wording we want, which is "choose". So now it has the player to your left choose a card in the Supply costing between $3 and $6.

Also, I specified that you get the VP "when" you gain a copy of the chosen card, rather than "if". This means that if you buy multiple copies, you get 2 VP each time. Was this the intent, SirPeebles? If not, we may need a more tortured wording, since "if" could be interpreted either way.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #298 on: September 09, 2013, 03:52:49 pm »

I made Crown A. Attack me! Give me your hate!!

Don't do it! Hate only increases his power!


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #1: Prosperity
« Reply #299 on: September 09, 2013, 03:55:35 pm »

Congratulations to SirPeebles for the first win!

I'm the only one here that had to compete with a pretty much better version of my card (Prospector over Aqueduct A). I'm happy that at least prospector did well. In fact, I didn't vote for my own card because of its existence.

Well this was a good learning experience for me anyway. You haven't seen the last of me.
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