Remake a Feodum (Gain 3 silvers, tally 3), Gain a Storeroom Catacombs from Remake (tally: 4) than Trash it with WT to gain a Feodum (tally: 7) which you also trash to gain 3 silvers (Tally: 10).
Do this with other Feodum too. (tally: 20).
In meantime, reveal a Market Square once on any trash, for 21.
Nice! I think you miscounted though -- each one gains you 6 silver, 1 Catacomb, and 1 feodum for a tally of 8, not 10 (and a grand total of 17).
But going off this idea, if you use Governor instead of Remake to get started, you can get your opponent involved too.
You trash feodum -> gain border village -> gain/trash catacomb -> gain/trash feodum. (gaining BV, Cat, 6 silver, Feodum), and discard 2 MS.
Opponent goes feodum -> catacomb -> feodum (gaining 6 silver, Cat, Feodum), discarding 3 MS
I think that's 22 total.