Why did you let Salt the Earth trash any Victory card? Wouldn't it be simpler to just say Province?
"Wouldn't it be simpler" just wasn't an issue there; it's a simple Event. If we'd never trashed anything but Province I might have changed it, but of course it didn't go that way. There was no pull in that direction to start with, because obv. giving you more options would make the Event less narrow.
What's your retrospective on Procession? I really wish it got errata'd harder in 2019, because it's still one of my least favorite cards in the game. (Also I think you did a great job on Improve; it's all the fun parts of Procession without the rules/tracking issues.)
Well Procession is a lot of fun. If I could change Throne Room / Feast from day one I would; that would kill e.g. Procession / Horse, but that would be fine, there are all the other fun things in the game. But people cling to these things so you can Procession a Horse. Procession often has a tracking issue, even with "non-Duration"; trashing a card that gives +$2, you have to remember the +$. These days I prefer e.g. Vault to be more like e.g. Mill - if the amount is fixed, you can tilt the card to indicate whether you got it or not. No amount of tilting tells you what Vault did for you. But, Vault doesn't ruin games, and normal non-Duration use of Procession doesn't either.
What's your retrospective on Knights being 10 different cards? And if you were to do them today, would you do them like the split piles in Empires?
The whole premise was to have it be 10 unique cards. If I were doing them today I would keep that part! I still like it. The Knights are wordier than I like, the attack is stronger than I like, and there are a few to tweak otherwise.
When Adventures gets reprinted, will Storyteller get changed to +Cards, and will Quest get changed to prevent cheating with 2 Curses? On discord you didn't include them in the list of text changes.
Neither of those things changed when new images were finalized in January. I forgot about Storyteller, and I don't know that Quest ever came up. In a tournament, have the judge make sure there are two Curses; in a friendly game, they'll always show you the Curses. In the world of making sure the cards keep you honest, it's super minor.
With Boons/Hexes, were there thoughts about having multiple copies of the same card in the deck? I think a good solution to "hexes/attacks are inevitably more complex" is to have multiple copies of Plague/Poverty etc. and just abandon Delusion/Bad Omens etc..
No the premise was to have a variety of effects. If I had only had 6 effects worth doing and had somehow thought, let's do this mechanic anyway, I would have just had 6 cards, not duplicates. But I wanted 12. I think the solution to the Hexes was to not do them; attacks are just too complex in general. The Boons I am happy with though I might tweak a couple and then would do fewer Fate cards as previously discussed.
From a complexity standpoint, would you rather have an expansion full of Aqueducts and Ironmongers, or an expansion full of Wayfarers and Vampires? With your current large-font policy, I think you'd pick the second expansion, even though I think the first expansion is much simpler.
This is a question about font size? I'm not sure I understand it. Complexity is not just about font size, as if that needed saying. Vampire is the card I hold up as an example of Nocturne being too complex; to fully understand the card you need to read 18 cards. And one of the few things I'd change about Menagerie is only doing one of the alternate costs, probably Animal Fair (with 3-4 cards doing that same thing) (as always I would get to test the cards and have not put in that work, I don't know how it goes). The alternate costs were cool but are confusing, and I can address that at least some by not doing four different alternate costs at once, saving others for another day. Ironmonger and Aqueduct meanwhile do not have these issues, as you already know.
I of course don't need to make either expansion you propose. And alternate costs aside, Menagerie is full of sweetly simple cards.