Dominion > Dominion General Discussion

kingdom selection methods

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OK, so I wanted to start a thread to talk about the different ways people generate what cards to use!

On Isotropic, the default is to independently and randomly select 10 kingdom cards, then determine whether to use Plat/Col by randomly selecting one and using Plat/Col if it's a Prosperity card.

But that's not really the only way. The rules say that you can select the kingdom cards any way you want, and only say that you should pick Plat/Col and Shelters "based on" the number of Prosperity or Dark Ages cards, which leaves open a pretty wide range to pick.

I used to do pure random, but now I do biased random.

First, I take the top card of the (shuffled) randomizer pile. Then, I set aside cards until I've got two MORE from the same set; those two I keep, the rest I set aside. Then I take the next 7 cards from the randomizer pile. This effectively puts in a small bias towards one set in any particular game, by ensuring that the first 3 cards picked are from the same set, and the rest are random. I shuffle the 10 cards I selected and flip two, if either one is Prosperity then I use Platinum and Colony. (I'll also use the same 2-card selection for Shelters, once I've played enough IRL Dark Ages that I don't feel like including Shelters every game).

So, do any of you out there use other ways of picking a setup? I'm looking to hear some suggestions, and maybe I'll adopt one that I like!

I have this thing where if the board is obvious double Jack, I start over >_>

My wife and I either play full random or we do the Donald X method and pick 2-4 expansions and pick randomly from them.

I usually do pure random or random + veto mode. Once we have 10 cards, we draw one to determine Col/Plat, reshuffle it back in and draw again to determine Shelters.

Once Dominionizer gets updated again, I (electronically) pick three random sets, then pick 10 cards randomly from within those three sets.

I then flip a coin to see if colony/plat goes in, regardless of whether prosperity cards are in the set or not. Most likely, I'll be doing the same with shelters.


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