This one's just for fun. And not so much a puzzle as a challenge/quiz of sorts. A break from my usual style
You have some amount of $ to spend during your buy phase this turn. You play
a single card, and the amount of $ increases by X. For a given card, define its
maximum buying value to be the maximum X it can possibly achieve as the single card played. From memory, give a list of the 10 Dominion cards with the largest maximum buying value, in order.
These are all very important.
- Don't look anything up! Use your brain and scratch paper if you need it.
- Don't count money obtained by playing a different card, or money obtained in indirect ways. This is strictly about the amount of $ given directly by playing that card. (For example, under my definition, Haggler, Black Market, Merchant Ship, Cutpurse count for 2; Talisman, Venture, Counterfeit, Quarry, Ironworks, Bridge, Pawn count for 1; and Procession, King's Court, Golem, Horn of Plenty, Coppersmith, Counting House, Adventurer, University, Princess count for 0).
- Must be a legal game. Can be 6 player, involve any legal Kingdom. Black Market can have all non-Kingdom cards, as the rules state (unlike Isotropic). However, Treasure piles are the standard 60, 40, 30.
- Your list may not have ties, even though the actual answer may in fact have tied values. This is because I couldn't think of a simple scoring system that doesn't encourage having lots of things being tied. If you know something is a tie, you can just break it arbitrarily (it won't affect your score).
For each card which is indeed in the top 10, you get a number of points equal to 10 minus the minimal distance between your guessed ranking, and from the actual rank interval. The maximum score is 100.
E.g. Say you put card X at rank 5. Then, for that card:
- If its actual rank was 4, you would get 9 points.
- If its actual rank was 8, you would get 7 points.
- If it were actually tied for 7-10, then you would get 8 points.
- If it were actually tied for 3-5, you would get 10 points.
- If its actual rank were 11, you would get 0!
Here is what I believe is the actual ranking, using cards up to Dark Ages:
1-2. Pirate Ship, Band of Misfits (infinite)
3-5. Vault, Secret Chamber, Store Room (around $600)
6. Diadem (around $325)
7. Bank (around $280)
8. Philosopher's Stone (around $120)
9. Copper (around $100)
10. Forager ($23, I think)
Harsh! You got 0 points for listing:
11. Trade Route ($14, I think)
Black Market with Trade Route/Young Witch. Tunnel bane, 9 other Kingdom VP cards. Estate, Duchy, Province, Colony.
12. Salvager ($11)
13-14. Death Cart, Platinum: $5
Honorable mention: Poor House, Harvest, Tribute, Baron, Fool's Gold ($4)
Dishonorable mention: Poor House (around -$250?)
1-2. Pirate Ship, Band of Misfits
Thanks to Rogue/Graverobber. Pre-Dark Ages, could reach $263, or $234 in a 2 Player game. See topic 2107.
3-5. Vault, Secret Chamber, Store Room (around $600)
Size of largest possible deck is around 600. 6 player game. Include a Black Market deck with all cards not in the Kingdom, including Young Witch and Tournament. Let Rats, Hermit, Urchin, Marauder, a Prosperity card, and a Potion-cost card be piles, with VP Kingdom cards for the rest. Ambassador/Masquerade shennanigans to get opponent's starting hands. Native Village to draw, on the final turn.
6. Diadem (around $325)
Have a chain of Throne Rooms above a chain of Processions, and a parallel chain of King's Courts. Tributes are played by King's Courts, Fortresses by Procession, and fill in rest of chain with arbitrary Villages. Some Black Market trickery to get a Village bane, with Tournament (bringing Trusty Steed) and all remaining net-action cards in the Black Market deck (including Crossroads, Hermit bringing Madman, Dame Molly, etc). Have Necropolis, of course. Pre-Dark Ages was closer to $270, I think (narrowly beating Pirate Ship and Bank? Not sure). I believe including Graverobber/Rogue so that we can get back King's Courts/Tributes/Processions is not going to help, but haven't done the analysis seriously.
7. Bank (around $280)
Have a bunch of Kingdom Treasures including Philosopher's Stone, and a Black Market giving Spoils, Diadem, etc. Use a Native Village from the Black Market deck to draw the hand.
8. Philosopher's Stone (around $120)
Again, the size of largest possible deck is around 600.
9. Copper ($99, maybe a bit more)
Coppersmith! Plus King's Court, Band of Misfits, Procession, Graverobber, Rogue, Throne Room... see It's possible you can do better than this, but I doubt it beats Philosopher's Stone.
10. Forager ($23, I think)
Black Market with all the Kingdom Treasures, and something for Spoils, Potion, Platinum.
How'd you do? Harder than you thought? Anyone get 100?!
Top 3 scores so far- O (96)
- Schneau (85)
- qmech (84)
Average score so far: 67.111 (9 entries)