Powerman defeats Riemann Zeta Jones 3-2
Game 1: Riemann Zeta Jones: 24 points - Powerman: 18 points
I think Powerman has said all that there is to be said about this. I also picked up Duchesses where I could, but never got any use from them.
Game 2: Powerman: 0 points - Riemann Zeta Jones: -5 points
This game reminded me why I don't like Double Ambassador. I bought two, and they came up on turn three as Amb, Amb, Copper, Copper, Copper. From there on, I think I was fighting against the tide.
Game 3: Riemann Zeta Jones: 24 points - Powerman: 19 points
I go for Apprentices, trying to get an effective card-drawing engine that will buy out Provinces before the threat of any funny business like double-Possession kicks in. I pick up some Fool's Gold too for this. Powerman prefers Ghost Ships, but the Apprentices can more than deal with the attack. I get Possessed only once, which is nice, and not having any +buys means that the resulting huge hand he plays can buy only one Province.
Game 4: Powerman: 49 points - Riemann Zeta Jones: 44 points
Seeing Powerman go for JoaT, I guess I'll have an uncontested shot at the Minions. I feel like I have to buy a Duke or Duchy here or there to keep his score in check, and hope that I can buy enough of the Provinces to overtake him. A few turns in, I am certain I am way behind and that my strategy is stupid, but it turns out to be quite close. I don't think my strategy was a good one in hindsight though.
Game 5: Powerman: 48 points - Riemann Zeta Jones: 44 points
Being Player 1 here with Hunting Party and Baron on the board, I try to keep it simple. I do buy a Cellar as well, and I buy Gold much sooner than my opponent, which gives me a better shot at Provinces but causes me to lose the HP split. Lack of Hunting Parties persuades me not to try anything clever with Ironworks or Islands, but he is behind on Provinces so goes for Ironworks-Island. I gamble on the penultimate Province, thinking his deck is full of green and he won't be able to close out the game, but he does.
Thanks to Powerman for an enjoyable series of games.