The top I can see swinging without alt-VP is 44:
Council room -> hand of 8 ventures, hit 2 ventures followed by Igg (gain C), plat, gold, bank, hop x4
Cash total: 10 (ventures) + 1 (C) + 1 (Igg) + 5 (P) + 3 (G) + 14 (Bank) = 34 coin - buy two colonies
Card count (Cr, Vent, Igg, C, P, G, B, HoP) - gain 4 prov
Total VP = 20 (col) + 24 (prov) = 44 VP
An alternate solution for 36 VP
Play Squire (+1 coin/2 buys)
Venture x4 (hit Pstone, Plat, HoP x2)
Assuming a bloated enough deck (say one filled with ruins, and green) this means we can easily get to 33 coin for buying 3 colonies.
The HoPs can both be turned into duchies
You could also replace on of the HoPs with an Igg and then you could get a province with the sole HoP.
A novel solution to the original puzzle:
Mine Igg -> Igg (opponent gains a curse), Plat, Plat, HoP
Buy colony
HoP gains a tunnel or island