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Author Topic: Iso issue with Masq + Possession (possibly already documented?)  (Read 1261 times)

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Brando Commando

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Unfortunately, the log doesn't represent the issue, but I'll try to walk you through it:

I'm playing as MeOhMy against MrEevee. Possession and Masquerade are both in the kingdom, and he has two Masquerades in his deck. On my turn 16, I play Possession. Here's the long, though you won't see the problem:

Some of the following might be inaccurate as to the actual cards used -- it was happening fast and I didn't want to stop to document the details, but here's the nature of the problem:

As I play MrEevee's hand, I get to a point where I can play two Masquerades. I use MrEevee's first Masq. to pass myself an estate; playing as myself I pass MrEevee a copper.  I play the second Masq. and pass the copper back to myself but I find that AS MYSELF I cannot pass MrEevee that same estate (just passed to me) because the list of cards I have to choose from (for passing) doesn't represent the cards in my hand (although the icons do seem to, IIRC).

The problem here, at the very least, is that the icons for cards in hand and the list for choosing a card to pass did not match -- I may be confused as to whether it was the icons or the list that did not accurately represent my current hand.

Let me know if a) this isn't clear b) it's already well documented and c) whether I'm wasting my time because problems are no longer being fixed on Iso.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 10:28:44 am by Brando Commando »


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Re: Iso issue with Masq + Possession (possibly already documented?)
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 04:10:14 pm »

I had a similar issue with Vault and Possession. While possessing my opponent I played Vault, and then when the option came to discard two from my own hand I did it, but the change in my hand did not appear in the card graphics. Later in the turn it led to me doing the same thing again even though now I had only 4 cards in my hand and didn't want to discard any of them.
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