Dominion > Game Reports

44-point swing on final turn ftw


Zombie Gandhi:
I was losing 16 to 44 with 2 piles empty and 1 pile with 1 card in it. Luckily, I had a ton of Cities and a Diadem and a Princess. I ended up with 36$ and 9 buys (plus everything was on sale owing to the Princess). I bought 4 colonies, 4 estates, and the last hamlet to end the game. Final score: 60 to 44

The other player had gone hard for tournaments and had bought TS, Followers and Bag of Gold. This is the only time I have found Diadem more than marginally useful. I think I had +9 actions to convert to $ from all the Cities. I admit I was totally outplayed in this game, but I just rolled the dice with Cities and it worked.

Did he buy the last tournament to end on piles?

Zombie Gandhi:
I emptied the 3rd pile on my last turn. The 3 empty piles were City, Tournament, and Hamlet.

Why would he buy a tournament on his last turn


You probably still would have been able to win by discarding cards for buys with hamlet but still.


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