I prefer the Innocent Child variant that lets the Innocent Child PM the mod whenever he wants the mod to confirm his Innocence. It's not too powerful and is far more interesting.
I did see that variant, pops. If you find it makes for a more interesting role, I'm all for it. Thanks.
I had a Mafia Driver, your version brings up some questions:
Can mafia kill other mafia?
O is Mafia. O Kills Voltglass, but Voltglass and O were driven.
It's questions like that that make me want to not use Bus Drivers in my first game.
But if I were modding and the question came up, I think I'd rule as follows:
- Mafia can inadvertently kill other mafia. So if O (Mafia) kills Voltgloss (Town), and Robz (Bus Driver) drives Voltgloss and Galzria (Mafia), then O will inadvertently kill Galzria.
- BUT, mafia can't inadvertently kill
themselves, based on the overarching rule that a role can't target themselves under any circumstances. So if O kills Voltgloss, and Robz drives Voltgloss and O, O doesn't inadvertently kill himself. He just gets a "no result."
That's my gut reaction, anyway.
To be honest I'm probably going to sit out until we get to games with crazy roles for everyone. I much prefer messing with people and trying to work things out than writing essays about how X's essay about how suspicious Y is of Z make him suspicious and actually Z isn't suspicious becuase he wrote a good essay about Y's suspicions of himself because of how he wanted to get the game moving by casting random suspicion just to provoke a reaction which backfired.
Fair enough, TINAS. I can see the appeal of a crazy-roles game, I just don't feel comfortable modding one until I have at least one "normal" game under my belt. One question: for crazy-roles games, which works better - semi-open or closed? In a closed game I can see players
making up roles for them to have, which definitely fits under the "crazy" category, but also seems really daunting.