should quit complaining and quit feeling entitled.
Goddammit I really wish people would stop using this phrase. It really makes me feel entitled to shove a boot up their ass.
That's generally nice that you feel that way and all, but it's a serious issue. The instant gratification, what have you done for me today, you owe me because I say so - it's all ridiculous and condescending.
The world doesn't revolve around you, me, or anyone else here. We are entitled to nothing. RGG doesn't have to release any more games. Donald doesn't have to associate with us. An app doesn't have to be made. They do these things because it brings enjoyment to them, and to us.
There are times and places to be critical. When someone provides you something out of the goodness of their heart, is not one of them. When you have NO insider knowledge of the goings on within a company/production team, is not one of them. Just because the world doesn't meet your wants NOW, is not one of them.
I am excited for, and look forward to, the release of the official app, and know that every day spent not having it, is a day they spent making it worth the wait. Keep up the good work boys.