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Where's the official app?
« on: April 25, 2012, 01:21:05 pm »

Okay, I know this has been talked about to death, but its been a while since I've seen any news whatsoever.

Donald X. posted in January saying that the Isotropic tournament would get to finish and urging people to hurry up with whatever unofficial things they were doing, which seemed to imply the game would be released imminently.

Previous discussions/news also talked about time frames like "early 2012" and "Q1 2012."

We're now entering mid-2012.  I've been patiently saving up my hard-earned cash (RGG, Mr. Lincoln says "Hello!").  When can I have my official game?


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 01:21:57 pm »

I'm sure this forum will be one of the first places to know when anybody does.


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 01:31:11 pm »

Well, we're supposed to have a qualifier for the US championships hosted on that new official server. Those championships aren't too far away...
I'd be pretty surprised if it's not out by the end of May, even though we've been hearing 'really soon' for like half a year now.


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 04:34:20 pm »

The official developers work on Valve time, or at least Blizzard time.  The last time I actually saw an actual date posted by someone official (don't remember if it was Donald or Jay), I believe the indication was "sometime around September."

September 2011, to be specific.

Given the serious time slip on this, I wonder sometimes if the person they've hired is actually working.  I certainly can't believe there's more than one person working on it, at least not full time.
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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2012, 06:04:28 pm »

"scope creep"

Its amazing how much faster one guy is doing it on his own time vs a project from a big company.

I would be shocked if it's out before gencon...



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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2012, 06:20:28 pm »

The official developers work on Valve time, or at least Blizzard time.
Valve Time is not really a bad thing, especially if you are producing Valve-quality material.

Besides, you can't have it both ways.  You can't preemptively complain about how new stuff is going to suck and how the old stuff is better, and also complain that the new stuff is taking too long to get here, keeping you stuck on the old stuff.  If it's going to be good, it's going to take longer.  In the meantime, we get to enjoy Isotropic, which is what most of want anyway, isn't it?

Donald X.

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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2012, 07:02:34 pm »

The people actually making the online version never announced a date, so they have not failed to make a date either. And you (excluding a subset of insiders reading this) don't know when they started, so you have no idea how fast they are working. Look at that.

It's fine to complain that you wish they'd announce something, or that you wish you didn't have specific expectations due to someone other than them making an insufficiently informed guess. Neither of those things will generate an announcement or fulfill those expectations though.


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2012, 07:16:58 pm »

Donald I have no problem with the obvious frustration in your response, and I agree that people should quit complaining and quit feeling entitled. However, I think a better use of your time would be to actually tell us something - anything - about what we can expect and when. That goes for the new basic cards "expansion" as well. If you have no update for us, then (most of us) will just keep on patiently waiting.

Donald X.

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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2012, 07:38:50 pm »

However, I think a better use of your time would be to actually tell us something - anything - about what we can expect and when.
The people making the online version wish to control that flow of information. Since I am working with them I would like a friendly relationship with them, so I am respecting that!

So, no, not a better use of my time.


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2012, 09:54:20 pm »

Donald I have no problem with the obvious frustration in your response, and I agree that people should quit complaining and quit feeling entitled. However, I think a better use of your time would be to actually tell us something - anything - about what we can expect and when. That goes for the new basic cards "expansion" as well. If you have no update for us, then (most of us) will just keep on patiently waiting.
Wow, I didn't actually read him as being frustrated there, and uh, that's not really his place. I mean, if there were some design-related issue, then yeah, I'd be going for him telling us about it. Or maybe if there were a rules issue, since he's basically the de facto rules judge for the game, then I'd be ok with asking him for something like this here (actually, even then, you hurry a decision -> you get a bad decision).
I mean, his alternative is to not talk to us at all. Which might indeed be a better use of his time. But I, for one, would not like this change.


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2012, 10:08:54 pm »

The people making the online version
So more than one person IS working on the game!!!  Information!  ;D

Thanks Donald, I really don't know why people are getting frustrated with you, you're just doing as the developers have asked.
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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2012, 10:12:00 pm »

Well, not much to do but wait.

Wait and complain, that is. Everyone official is being all secretive, apparently even official-ish announcements that we'd had in the past were meaningless... bleh.

Well, the game's great, and announcements about expansions and things seem reasonable, it's just the digital version which is shrouded in mystery and guarded by the secret service. Ah well. It'll be here when it gets here, and hopefully it'll be good when it does.

I don't think people are frustrated with Donald - are they? I'd be more frustrated with the devs or whoever is in charge of their PR. 


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2012, 10:47:06 pm »

should quit complaining and quit feeling entitled.
Goddammit I really wish people would stop using this phrase. It really makes me feel entitled to shove a boot up their ass.


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2012, 10:53:12 pm »

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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2012, 10:56:19 pm »

i must admit i am a little curious about what the official version will look like. 

but i am also curious as to why people get themselves so worked up over a product that will (likely) require them to pay when they are currently able to use a quality product for free.  and with the game creator's blessing to boot.
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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2012, 11:00:50 pm »


If no one complained about things, then there wouldn't be an incentive to do things well, would there?


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2012, 11:02:05 pm »

Maybe he's complaining about all of our complaining so that we increase the quality of said complaining.


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2012, 11:11:07 pm »

should quit complaining and quit feeling entitled.
Goddammit I really wish people would stop using this phrase. It really makes me feel entitled to shove a boot up their ass.

That's generally nice that you feel that way and all, but it's a serious issue. The instant gratification, what have you done for me today, you owe me because I say so - it's all ridiculous and condescending.

The world doesn't revolve around you, me, or anyone else here. We are entitled to nothing. RGG doesn't have to release any more games. Donald doesn't have to associate with us. An app doesn't have to be made. They do these things because it brings enjoyment to them, and to us.

There are times and places to be critical. When someone provides you something out of the goodness of their heart, is not one of them. When you have NO insider knowledge of the goings on within a company/production team, is not one of them. Just because the world doesn't meet your wants NOW, is not one of them.

I am excited for, and look forward to, the release of the official app, and know that every day spent not having it, is a day they spent making it worth the wait. Keep up the good work boys.

Quote from: Voltgloss
Derphammering is when quickhammers go derp.

Faust has also been incredibly stubborn this game. In other news, it's hot in the summer, and water falls from the sky when it rains.

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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2012, 11:13:54 pm »

There are times and places to be critical. When someone provides you something out of the goodness of their heart, is not one of them.

Uh, hello?

RGG makes a profit
Donald X. makes a profit

Now I'm sure that the folks at RGG and Donald X. enjoy playing and making board games of all shapes and sizes, but saying that they're doing it "out of the goodness of their heart" is blatantly false.

That's generally nice that you feel that way and all, but it's a serious issue. The instant gratification, what have you done for me today, you owe me because I say so - it's all ridiculous and condescending.

Way to misrepresent barsooma's stance. I know he's quite abrasive, but strawmen like this is exactly why no one takes him seriously.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 11:17:17 pm by dondon151 »


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2012, 11:15:23 pm »

However, I think a better use of your time would be to actually tell us something - anything - about what we can expect and when.
The people making the online version wish to control that flow of information. Since I am working with them I would like a friendly relationship with them, so I am respecting that!

So, no, not a better use of my time.

Not to be overly antagonistic, but "flow" requires that *some* information is actually moving in a specific direction.. which is by definition not the case here. There has been *no* information from the "people" making the online version. I mean no disrespect to you (as the issue definitely isn't within your control), however the marketing department for the 'official' online version of Dominion is seriously dropping the ball here.. and no, I'm not talking about entitlement, or instant gratification, or complaining. Rather, there's an entire forum of avid online Dominion players here, otherwise known as prime targets for viral marketing and 'hype'. As this thread can attest, video gamers are *very* used to the "another two weeks" phrase. Development taking longer than predicted/expected is the norm.. but *zero* information from the developers of a product isn't.. and I'm really scratching my head as to the why.

Edit: I mean, I'm guessing quite a few folks have gone and spent money on any of the various Dominion (or knock-off) 'apps' available for sale already. That's possibly lost revenue for the 'official' game already.. but if players had a better sense of just what features the official online version might have, it could crowd the third-party apps out even *before* the official version is ready.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 11:19:05 pm by Toskk »


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2012, 11:15:35 pm »

should quit complaining and quit feeling entitled.
Goddammit I really wish people would stop using this phrase. It really makes me feel entitled to shove a boot up their ass.

That's generally nice that you feel that way and all, but it's a serious issue. The instant gratification, what have you done for me today, you owe me because I say so - it's all ridiculous and condescending.

The world doesn't revolve around you, me, or anyone else here. We are entitled to nothing. RGG doesn't have to release any more games. Donald doesn't have to associate with us. An app doesn't have to be made. They do these things because it brings enjoyment to them, and to us.

There are times and places to be critical. When someone provides you something out of the goodness of their heart, is not one of them. When you have NO insider knowledge of the goings on within a company/production team, is not one of them. Just because the world doesn't meet your wants NOW, is not one of them.

I am excited for, and look forward to, the release of the official app, and know that every day spent not having it, is a day they spent making it worth the wait. Keep up the good work boys.


It's nothing but a cheap rhetorical trick to marginalize complaints by linking them with a political hot-button which has been programmed into us by our corporate overlord media.


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2012, 11:15:59 pm »

There are times and places to be critical. When someone provides you something out of the goodness of their heart, is not one of them.

Uh, hello?

RGG makes a profit
Donald X. makes a profit

Now I'm sure that the folks at RGG and Donald X. enjoy playing and making board games of all shapes and sizes, but saying that they're doing it "out of the goodness of their heart" is blatantly false.

"goodness of their hearts" wa reference to the recent complaining about Iso and DougZ.
Quote from: Voltgloss
Derphammering is when quickhammers go derp.

Faust has also been incredibly stubborn this game. In other news, it's hot in the summer, and water falls from the sky when it rains.

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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2012, 11:19:45 pm »

"goodness of their hearts" wa reference to the recent complaining about Iso and DougZ.

Take a minute to review your post. Where did it make any reference to Iso and DougZ? You brought up exactly 2 entities - RGG and Donald X. - in the paragraph preceding the quoted statement; how was I supposed to infer that this was a reference to Iso and DougZ?

I think we've established a clear difference in a certain other thread between being critical and being malicious. The only thing preventing people from presenting their honest opinions is the censure that they receive for being ostensibly untactful. But seriously - something's quite not right here regarding the release of the official app, and it should be known, preferably in a nice, civilized manner.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 11:24:18 pm by dondon151 »


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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2012, 11:28:07 pm »

"goodness of their hearts" wa reference to the recent complaining about Iso and DougZ.

Take a minute to review your post. Where did it make any reference to Iso and DougZ? You brought up exactly 2 entities - RGG and Donald X. - in the paragraph preceding the quoted statement; how was I supposed to infer that this was a reference to Iso and DougZ?

I think we've established a clear difference in a certain other thread between being critical and being malicious. The only thing preventing people from presenting their honest opinions is the censure that they receive for being ostensibly untactful. But seriously - something's quite not right here regarding the release of the official app, and it should be known, preferably in a nice, civilized manner.

Sorry, the post was in response to  baroosma, who it seems ha taken up the mantle of complaining about everything he can think of. There was no direct reference in my post to the previous thread, although the point is still relevant. I don't, at glance, take you to feel this way about all the same issues baroosma does.

However, to your point about making a profit: I agree. I said there is a time and place. Complain about the card game itself if you like. It's a released product that you've paid for. Complain about the app after you have it - I take no issue. But unless you have, and have paid for it already? They owe you nothing.
Quote from: Voltgloss
Derphammering is when quickhammers go derp.

Faust has also been incredibly stubborn this game. In other news, it's hot in the summer, and water falls from the sky when it rains.

Mafia Record:
TOWN Wins: M3, M5, M6, M11, M17, M28, M32, M105, M108, M114, M118, M120, M122, DM1, DoM1, OZ2, RM45, RM47, RM48, RM49, RM55
TOWN Losses: M4, M7, M8, M9, M13, M14, M18, M31, M110, M111, M113, M117, M125, RM3, RM4, RM54
SCUM Wins: M2, M19, M23, M100, DM3, RM1, RM2, RM48, RM50
SCUM Losses: M15 (SK), M102 (Tr), OZ1, RM55

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Re: Where's the official app?
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2012, 11:32:42 pm »

However, I think a better use of your time would be to actually tell us something - anything - about what we can expect and when.
The people making the online version wish to control that flow of information. Since I am working with them I would like a friendly relationship with them, so I am respecting that!

So, no, not a better use of my time.

Okay. I just meant if you did have information to pass on, that we're all anxious to get it. But as I said, if there's nothing new to report then we'll just keep on looking forward to the release. I hope you take the general anticipation as the sincere compliment it is, and ignore those whose eagerness doesn't come across politely.
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