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Author Topic: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep  (Read 2222 times)

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2024, 07:28:18 pm »

So if I play a Militia on my turn and you discard and react with this, then I play a Fishing Village, do I have to discard a card to that Militia? Or do I discard a card for my Fishing Village? Or do I not discard a card at all?

You would discard a card to the Militia because I play it before you finish resolving Militia, and the effect happens after you play a card.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2024, 02:27:45 am »

2 cost
Action- shapeshifter
+5 cards
Reveal your hand and put a card of each different type onto your deck in any order.

(This has all card types that other cards in the kingdom has)

I may gauge this wrong, but in a high enough concentration this feels much stronger than Smithy in Big Money.
Indeed, it is basically a Courtyard that netdraws one more in BM.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2024, 06:11:18 am »

My Submission:

Bandwagon • $4 • Action - Duration - Reaction - Liaison
+2 Cards
At the start of your next turn, +2 Favors per 2 Bandwagons in play (round down).

When any player gets or spends a Favor, you may play this from your hand.

The next-turn ability counts all Bandwagons in play, regardless of who played them.
The Reaction can be triggered by any player (including the one playing it) either getting a Favor (from a Liaison) or spending a Favor (on the game's Ally). It can be triggered even if the player is getting more than one Favor (including from another Bandwagon) or spending more than one favor (e.g. with Circle of Witches). However, if a Bandwagon's ability triggers and its the only copy in play, the +0 Favors it gets cannot trigger the Reaction (nor can trashing a $0 cost card with Broker).


Thanks to Shard of Honor for his Extended Version of the Dominion Card Image Generator, which I use to mock up my fan cards, and to Violet CLM, who made the original.

fika monster

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2024, 02:01:13 pm »

2 cost
Action- shapeshifter
+5 cards
Reveal your hand and put a card of each different type onto your deck in any order.

(This has all card types that other cards in the kingdom has)

I intended it to be essentially:

If you have 5 different types in your hand, then you have to put 5 cards onto your deck even if some of the cards share types

Can a card with multiple types count as multiple types when put back? Or it can count for only one of it’s multiple types? I presume it’s the latter.
Swedish guy, Furry hipster otter


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2024, 06:25:11 pm »

Contest Closed

I'll get started on judging now, will probably do the second half tomorrow morning.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2024, 09:15:59 am »


Before I start with the judging of each individual card, I will first say a few things on what I was looking for in this contest, besides the usual qualities any card should have. I wanted to challenge you to find and implement new and creative ways to use different mechanics with their associated types and combine them on a single card and have them interact in an interesting way, all while still keeping a clean design and not to have too bulky of a text. To gauge how effectively that was accomplished, I will often employ the technique of trying to alter the card in such a way as to reduce the number of types while keeping the gameplay as close to the original as possible.

I wonder if I should have worded the contest guidelines differently, being more specific on what criteria I would judge on. On the other hand, I feel that often puts too much emphasis on designing a card specifically to appease the tastes of the judge. For me, the main appeal of a contest such as the WDC is that you get a fairly strict constraint in which you have to come up with a clever design. Creativity increases with restrictions after all, and in this case, I feel I trusted the contestants to engage with the challenge I only implicitly set. So perhaps I should have banned some more types and combinations of types, but that would be too much micro-managing. Before posing the contest, I even debated on whether to set the minimum number of types to 5. Maybe you have some thoughts on this.

Anyway, that's enough rambling, on with the judging.

Warrior Monk by JW

A decent card overall. Probably on the weaker side, so it'll have lower priority but you'll get 2 copies eventually.

Versatile Workshop by NoMoreFun

An Armory you can play for free outside your Action Phase. VW has no good reason to be a treasure, unless there is some Buy phase draw. You edited your card during the contest. Before, I would have said that VW has no reason to be a Night card. Each of these assessment arises from the observation, that playing it in either phase was strictly better than the other, if it made any difference at all.

Smuggling Village by Udzu

I like this one. Three options, all worse than $4 on their own, each in their own phase.

Mimic by BryGuy

The top part alone is already pretty strong for a $5 cost. Compare with Kiln, which is terminal, and with Wheelwright, which requires a discard of an expensive card, which in the early- to mid game usually is an Action. The Reaction doesn't work well because after every single Action play you need to prompt/ask “Does anybody want to react Mimic?”. Also, you need a “of it” in your clause.

Feasting Guests by Snorka

Just as with the last contest, I think that Shadow Villages without downside are too strong, or at least trivialize a lot of the deck-building.

Conqueror by Jonatan Djurachkovitch

I really like this one. For one, I think the Duration/Reserve split colours in combination with the card art look really cool. It is probably a fairly strong but overall balanced at $5. At first I thought, the Reserve type could just be replaced with Duration but the choice part felt real awkward that way. Using the Reserve for one and the next time Duration for the other ability makes tracking so much cleaner.

Fountain Gargoyle
by LibraryAdventurer

I don't quite vibe with this one. It looks fine power wise. I worry a bit that in slog games the attack stacking can make an already slow game much slower.

Hitchhiker by Tiago

The base is too close to Stowaway for me. Then the Attack was tacked on without too much consideration. Firstly, it is really awkward that it triggers each turn separately instead of only on your turn. Secondly there are so many cards with 2 or more types now that you basically can't not trigger the attack. Thirdly the stacking is just too much. Having your opponent discard 3 or more cards from a potentially already discard attacked hand is way too much. With that taken into consideration, the card is ludicrously underpriced.

Cult Leader by MochaMako

I like your card. The theme and your chosen types work well together. It's an interesting variation on Mastermind, the main difference being that you can't stack CLs. In return, you get Night and Shadow. I'd say it is appropriately priced.

Blight by 4est

I don't think this is worth putting in your deck unless you can do something fancy with the ruins like advance or swap them. $5 for a terminal junker that junks yourself as well is pretty bad. If there is trashing, your opponent trashes the curses while you keep 3 Ruins. Then you have 3 Junk cards and a $5, 2VP card that you also had to get much earlier than if  you had gained a Duchy instead. Being able to play the Ruins never makes up for the space they take up in your deck.
I suppose with Ways this could be quite fun though.

Castle Lord
by Optimal_Inefficiency

I like the card. Pretty strong but at the price it sits at, I think it is appropriate. It has the common trap of Command cards that all the good 5$ cards in the kingdom are gone and you don't have any more targets, so this is something to watch out for. Since it is a Duration card, it has an interesting dynamic when used as an alt-VP card.

Bargain by binbag420

I think it Bargain is too strong. Haggler needs you to build up an engine first before you can reliably play multiple copies of it. With Bargain, you could just get Smithies and Bargains first and then from there, have an incredibly easy time amassing all your engine components.

Haunted Manor by HorazVitae

I really like your card. Out of all submissions you engaged most with what I was looking for in cards with the given prompt. You found a fun way to put a nerf on a Duchy. Though, are you ever going to pick the Hex option? Since you are drawing it up close to the end of your turn most of the time, getting hit with a discard-Hex could really hurt. I assume when you draw HM at the end of clean-up, the effect triggers as well.
Side note: I would swap the part above the line with the part below the line.

Pillaged Farm
by faust

I like your card. Very straight forwardly powerful effect in exchange for the self-junking. Though on many boards it will be worth too many VP to justify the price of $7. For example, Wizards alone make PF be worth up to 6VP, that is with the Wizard, Liaison, Duration and Attack types from the Wizards pile and Ruin and Curse from base kingdom cards.

Shapeshifter by fika monster

I strongly dislike your card. Firstly, Shapeshifter is an incredibly lazy way to get around the contest prompt. Which would be acceptable and could be interesting if it even worked. Since Shapeshifter assumes the types of all other kingdom cards, it is entirely possible for your card to have only three types (Treasure, Victory and Curse), which disqualifies your card from the contest. This whole thing also throws a wrench in so many different type-based systems it is not even funny and it doesn't take long to find several examples. If a card asks you to take gain a Curse or Ruins, could you take Shapeshifter? If you have a Shadow card, how do you deal with the card backs and do you need a second Shapeshifter pile just for such an occasion? What about Shelter and Heirloom? Spirits? Zombies? Loot?
Ignoring all that your card is busted strong. Since it is a treasure, you can play Shapeshifter non-terminally all you like. A +5 Cards Treasure is a lot. You then only have to discard one Shapeshifter.
You state later in a different post that you believe you should need to discard one card per type revealed. This however is not what it says on your card. The way you have written it, there is no room for interpretation: Top decking one Shapeshifter is enough.

Bandwagon by emtzalex

I like your card. Depending on the Ally, there are some more fun/useful applications (but when has this ever not been the case with Liaisons/Allies). I think, though, that the optimal strategy for many Allies, especially the weaker ones, might be to wait with gaining your own Bandwagon, until your opponent can play two per turn. Alternating one each turn yields no Favors and offsetting them 2 one turn, 0 the next can be more difficult.

Winner: Conqueror by Jonatan Djurachkovitch

2nd Place: Haunted Manor by HorazVitae


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #31 on: August 30, 2024, 09:53:26 am »

it is really awkward that it triggers each turn separately instead of only on your turn

What do you mean by this? Would you have worded it differently?


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #32 on: August 30, 2024, 12:27:07 pm »

it is really awkward that it triggers each turn separately instead of only on your turn

What do you mean by this? Would you have worded it differently?

I meant the difference between the first time [...] each turn, vs. the first time [...] on their turn. There is nothing wrong with the wording per se. This just means, that in the case with Hitchhiker, when you react a card to play it for the first time on another's turn, you have to discard a card as well. Or in the case of multiple Hitchhikers in play, multiple cards, which I was worried about.

Jonatan Djurachkovitch

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #33 on: August 30, 2024, 03:15:39 pm »

Thank you LTaco for judging, and thank you for the win! Next weeks contest will be up soon.

fika monster

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2024, 06:54:59 am »

Im not happy with the design i submitted either, but i wanted to submit something.
I was kinda burned out and overwhelmed by life when submitting it, hence the terrible quality

Have i offended the judge or anyone with the bad design of it? I try to make good and interesting cards, i didnt plan to make a bad card.

I dont want to upset anyone. Would it have been better if i didnt submit anything?
Swedish guy, Furry hipster otter

Jonatan Djurachkovitch

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #228: Feature Creep
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2024, 02:08:09 pm »

Im not happy with the design i submitted either, but i wanted to submit something.
I was kinda burned out and overwhelmed by life when submitting it, hence the terrible quality

Have i offended the judge or anyone with the bad design of it? I try to make good and interesting cards, i didnt plan to make a bad card.

I dont want to upset anyone. Would it have been better if i didnt submit anything?

When you are going through what you are going through now, ultimately it's your choice whether to post or not, but know that it is going to be judged, and that the time and thought you put into the card affects its quality. Still, don't interpret the critique of your card as the critics being offended that you posted it.

I'm glad that you submitted, it was interesting to think about the card. This is a place to throw out wild ideas like this one, just look att all the weird cards that are submitted on this forum! Most cards aren't worth printing.
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